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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1986)
Page 10/The Battalion/Wednesday, August 20,1986 NOW Thru August 29 Everything in stock must go. Price reduced 30, 40 even 50% off to clear remaining inventory 9.9% Financing Availiable on all New Boats Save 30,40 and 50% off all Boating Accessories Stop by and see our tables of closeout specials, odd lots, one only display merchandise. Save up to 75% on all list prices r ^' T A W-Sr' 40 to 50% Off All Ski and Skiing Equipment, Check for Super Buys Special Clear The Deck Sale Store Hours Mon-Fri 8-6 p.m. Sat 9-6 p.m. Bryan Marine 1008 W. 25th, Bryan 822-0875 Come help us Clear the Deck En joy Free Cokes & Coffee Receive a Free Bryan Marine Cap With Any $25.00 Purchase Welcome Back Aggies Wickes Lumber 11 * x 7’ Loft Package Complete with plant and assembly instructions We Cut Lumber - Doesn’t Cost Much -Saves You Time Pine Boards Full 1 Thick • Smooth on ell sktee • Easily painted or stained 1 x 12-4 $3." 1x12-6 $5- 1x12-6 $6* Heavy Shelving Boards 2x12-4’ $2* 2x12-6’ $5.« 2x12-6’ $6." Prefinished Shelves • Attractive laminated finish • Your choice of oak or walnut #8”, 10”, 12” widths Priced from $2. 69 8x24 \ Bookcase Shelves • Ready to Assemble • Unfinished for paint or stain ell V.” Deep 30” Wide $16*48’ $19*60’ High 4 Shelf High 5 Shelf 12’ x 8’ Loft Package $86 Complete w/ Free Plans Hollow Cinder Blocks $1. 16 ea. 8x8x16 Brass Shelving Clips • Ts-L’s-Xs • Bright Brass • Fits 3/4" Shelf Boards • Shelf units can be as sembled and disas* sembled in minutes .490 ea. Light Bulbs 3/$1 40-60-75-100 watt ii € an A A A A A A Multiple Outlet Strip Receptacle • 6 ground outlets • Circuit overload protection Spray Paint • Dries quickly • Several Colors • Non-Toxic ,99C ea. WE CUT KEYS W WICKES LUMBER 101 West Loop (just South of AAM on 693-1300 Store Hours Monday-Friday 8-6 Saturday 8-4 Battalion Classified 845-2611 Sleep-wake cycle fixed genetically, crab study shows WOODS HOLE. Mast (AP) — The sleep-wake cycles found in both humans and animals are apparently fixed genetically at 24 hours — not set bv the rhvthm of sunrise and sunset after birth, according to a new studv with horseshoe crab*. Scientists found that the tiny crabs must experience both light and darkness to develop these «>-called circadian rhythms. But once they did. the cycle was approximately 24 hours king no matter what the length of the "dav” and ''night'' to which the crabs were exposed in the laboratory. Robert Barkm of Syracuse Uni versity and the Marine BiologKal laboratory in Woods Hole said Tuesdas that his experiment is the first one to show that individual ani mals raised from birth in varying pe riods of light and darkness would all devekip circadian rhythms fixed at about *24 hours in length. drab* raised ironi birth in con stant light or constant darkness had no circadian rhythms, the scientists found. ’■'I he one thing we can attribute to the environment is the ttiEger,’* he said. Cette in the brain, however, have already set the length of the re sulting rhythms at approximately 24 hours, he said. Barkiw. who described his find ings at the Marine Biok>gi<al Labo- ntory’s (ieneral Scientific Meetings, believes the same thing is true in higher animals, including humans. “I would be astounded if you raised any animal in consunt conditions and found a circadian rhythm,” he said. Studv of the origin and nature of circadian rhvthms is important. Bar- k»w said, because almost all bodily processes that can be measured — body temperature, bkiud sugar lev els and even such things as pressure within the eye — vary regularly over a 24-hour period “To find a puefess that does not have a 24-hour modulation would be a surprise." he said, let lag — in which the body is unable to quickly adjust to changes in sleep-wake cy cles — is one obvious sign of the reg ularity of these 24-hour cycles. Bar- ktw said For their research. Barkm and his colleagues had to raise young horse shoe crabs from birth in chambers where light and darkness were con trolled. They collected horseshoe crab eggs from nests on Cape Cod beaches last year, fertilt/ed the eggs in the laboratory, and alkmed the crabs to be born in light-tight cham bers. The vrar-old crabs are now only about a quarter o! an inch across, but Barlow, using sophisticated elec tronic equipment, can measure changes in sensitivity to determine how they experience circadian i hvthms. ‘Firecam’ Aerial infrared camera aids in fighting wildfires in Alaska ANCHORAGE. Alaska (AP) — A customized aerial camera th* uses infrared film to see through smoke is being used bv Alaska firefighters to determine when — or if — wild- tires should be brought under con trol. Alaska is so vast and so sparsely settled that roughls 50 percent of its 270 million fire-prone acres are in the unprotected, or “let burn" cat egory. according to Elmer Hurd, as sistant state forester for fire manage ment . “We can't afford to fight all the fires." Hurd said. “And some fires are good. So we've come up with a formula for tire pi meet ion catego ries.” That formula is based on the threat the fires pose to people or property. The more dangerous the lire, the quicker and more massive the response. If a fire were burning, for exam- file. in an uninhabited area of bot tomland spruce, officials mif^ht sim ply watch the blaze and let it burn. 1 hat’s especially the case if it were charring a fragile area, like tundra, where building a road might perma nently mar the permafrost. But it the fire were advancing on a village or threatening a histone site or critical area where wildlife collect, then the interagency federal-state group would mobilize Enter TROLL, or the state’s I hernial Recorded Observation and Loran I.m atmg System. It’s a newly designed infrared c amera and mapping system that lets foresters peek through heavy smoke to pinpoint hot spots and chart fire perimeters. An infrared camera mounted in the bellv of a Korean War vintage airplane is connec ted to a computer, I \ monitor and video recorder in the cockpit. The video package also is linked to navigational aids on the ground that pk>t the fire’s position on a map. Ron Hanks, the forestry division’s c hiel pilot, said. “We can achieve ac curacy within 50 feet.” Hanks, ai 34, is only three years older than the sturdy but nimble T- 28 he flies oul of Anchorage’s Mer rill Field The stale is making the system available to other government agen cies as a fire management tool, he said. We need room! And chances are. your room needs our carpet Choose from a large selection of affordable carpet, in a mountain of colors and styles including quality Cabin Crafts •Carpets Bnng room measurements and save now. Cabin Crafts Carpets, one of the nicest things tor your home Dorm Rugs — Remnants Roll Balances 2840 Pinfeather in Bryan V|ViCARPET WAREHOUSE STORE! (Next to The Cowboy) 822*6619