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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1986)
Friday, August 1, 1986/The Battalion/Page 3 he Vj lot ilia lei idj *0 mpl it toi South African police begin to lift bans fi s in mi K>.i ik JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) — Regional police commanders have begun lifting bans on meetings and public gatherings that some courts declared they did not have the right to impose under the state of emergency. Anti-apartheid groups said Thursday they will continue their challenges in provincial courts. Several students in the black high schools of Soweto, which are pa trolled by soldiers, said they had been attacked by dogs. Under the nationwide state of emergency im posed June 12, the details and cir- ten« tlie r- * s in' I iter | cumstances of such events cannot be reported. Thousands of youngsters have boycotted schools this week in the huge black township outside Johan nesburg to protest the military pres ence. The activities of security forces cannot be reported without official permission. In Tembisa, another large black township, the mayor resigned Thursday. Tembisa has been in tur moil for two weeks over the evictions of at least 300 families in a rent dis pute and the stationing of security forces there. Annica van Gylswyck, a Swede who works with the anti-apartheid group Black Sash, was released Thursday evening after about three weeks of detention. Brig. Chris Swart, divisional po lice commissioner of western Cape E rovince, said Wednesday night that e had canceled orders prohibiting 119 groups from holding meetings, issuing publications or making post ers in six magisterial districts. He said restrictions also were lifted on funerals for victims of unrest. On Thursday, the Johannesburg area’s police commander ended a ban on outdoor funerals in the black township of Alexandra. Swart’s orders also barred news media from quoting the groups, which included the United Demo cratic Front, the country’s largest anti-apartheid coalition, and the Congress of South African Trade Unions, the largest labor federation. A UDF official, who spoke on con dition of anonymity, described Swart’s move as “a great victory” but said the coalition still would chal lenge the orders today in Cape Town supreme court. Computer chip 'dumping' to end U.S., Japan reach trade terms WASHINGTON (AP) — Japan has agreed to stop selling computer chips at bargain basement prices in the United States and to grant U.S. semiconductor manufacturers a larger share of their own market, the Reagan administration said Thurs day. The five-year accord, in one of the stickiest of all trade disputes be tween the two nations, could in crease sales of import-besieged U.S. semiconductor manufacturers by $2 billion, U.S. Trade Representative Clayton Yeutter said at a news brief ing. In exchange for the Japanese con cessions, the United States agreed to dismiss a series of unfair trading complaints accusing Japan of “dumping” the electronic devices in this country at prices below what it costs to make them. Officials said the agreement, fol lowing months of negotiations and several missed U.S.-imposed dead lines, came one minute before mid night Wednesday, just as the Com merce Department was preparing to 1 go ahead with hefty penalty duties on the Japanese products. Commerce Secretary Malcolm Baldrige said the United States would resurrect those cases should it detect new evidence of Japanese dumping. “We were getting our lunch eaten here by dumping,” Baldrige said. “A lot of Americans have been put out of jobs by dumping practices ini tiated by the Japanese.” Semiconductors — or chips — are the tiny electrical circuits, usually made of silicon, that store informa tion and perform a variety of other tasks in computers and a wide array of other electronic devices. World semiconductor sales soared to $25 billion last year, with Japan and the United States each account ing for roughly $10 billion of that market. The U.S. semiconductor industry claims that competition from low- cost Japanese computer chips has driven entire American companies out of business and resulted in the loss of some 50,000jobs. The pact covers all semiconductor trade with Japan for the next five years, including any new genera tions of so-called “super” memory chips manufactured by Japanese companies, Baldrige added. Lawyer to handle hometown rape case SAN ANGELO (AP) — A law yer will return to her hometown as special prosecutor in the sexual assault case of a Mexican who was abducted at gunpoint from a jail in his own country and returned to Texas to stand trial. Assistant Harris County Dis trict Attorney Trish Saum will prosecute Refugio G. Gonzalez, who is charged in a 1985 rape of a Terlingua woman. “If this case doesn’t get me into Texas Monthly, nothing else will,” Saum told the Odessa American. Non-deadly AIDS virus discovered WASHINGTON (AP) — Can cer researchers have created a non-deadly version of the AIDS virus, raising hopes the mutant can be used to develop a treat ment or vaccine for the always-fa- tal disease, a new report said Thursday. The laboratory-altered version wouldn’t destroy the genuine AIDS virus that has killed more than 12,000 Americans but could compete with it in a victim’s body, suggests the report by National Cancer Institute researchers in the edition of the journal Science to be published today. Thus, if an AIDS victim were given the altered version, it would go after the same immune-system cells the AIDS virus attacks, with out killing the cells. USX rejects steelworkers’ contract offer PITTSBURGH (AP) — About 42,000 USX Corp. steel workers prepared to strike for the First time in 27 years Thursday as the company rejected an llth-hour offer by the United Steelworkers union to extend contract talks stalled since Tuesday. The strike deadline was mid night EDT Thursday. “It’s going to be a long strike,” said Ron Weisen, president of USW Local 1397. “(USX Chair man David) Roderick is out to de stroy us. We definitely will de stroy him.” Trading quiet on stock market front NEW YORK (AP) — The stock market closed out its worst month of the year with a small decline in quiet trading Thursday. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials dropped 4.08 to 1,775.31, finishing July with a loss of 117.41 points. Volume on the New York Stock Exchange slowed to 112.66 million shares from 146.69 mil lion Wednesday. In Thursday’s session, analysts said investors were relieved over the government’s quarterly bor rowing plans announced late Wednesday. The Treasury said it would auction $28 billion in bonds and notes next week. Commercial shuttle payloads may be barred in future flights WASHINGTON (AP) — A Cab inet group is recommending that the space agency be barred from accept ing commercial and foreign pay- loads when shuttle launches are re sumed, a presidential spokesman said Thursday. If President Reagan accepts that option offered by the Economic Pol icy Council, it could lessen the need for construction of a fourth orbiter, estimated to cost around $2.5 billion, to replace the shuttle Challenger that exploded Jan. 28. At the White House, spokesman Larry Speakes said most members of the Cabinet council favored the idea of taking NASA out of the private satellite launching business. “The issue was particularly timely in anticipation — in light of the shut tle situation and the backlog of scien tific and military missions . . . that need to be flown,” he said. “And the council was looking for ways to launch commercial satellites to take up the backlog.” In other developments Thursday involving the space program: • Congressional investigators dis closed that Morton Thiokol Corp. skipped three of seven mandatory safety inspections of the solid rocket motor whose explosion destroyed Challenger. • The Air Force unveiled a five- year program to emphasize the use of unmanned rockets to launch sa tellites to overcome the loss of Chal lenger. Interstate banking pushed to help relieve Texas banks AUSTIN (AP) — State Treasurer Ann Richards and Banking Com missioner James Sexton recom mended Thursday that the Aug. 6 special legislative session consider an interstate banking bill, with proper safeguards for Texas banks. “Current opinion holds that inter state (banking) would be a partial so lution to Texas banking problems,” Richards said. “I think interstate banking can be part of the solution but I do not con sider it a panacea,” she said. “Interstate banking will not take bad loans our bank books nor will it heal out economy.” Sexton said, “Why not do it now,” to a joint meeting of the Senate Eco nomic Development Committee and the House Financial Institutions Committee. “Texas banks need the capacity to go outside and get some capital,” he said. “We would take un necessary chances by waiting (until the 1987 Legislature).” The joint committee met Thurs day to decide whether to ask Gov. Mark White to put interstate bank ing on the special session agenda. So far, White has called the session only to consider cuts in state spending. Sexton said the special session also should consider a proposed constitu tional change on drive-in banking facilities. Attorney General Jim Mat tox has ruled unconstitutional a 1985 law that allows drive-in, walk-in facilities up to 20,000 feet from the original bank building. Newspaper says White will seek tax increase AUSTIN (AP) — Gov. Mark White is expected to recommend a tax increase next week when the Legislature convenes to deal with the $3.5 billion state budget deficit, a newspaper reported on Thursday. The Austin American-Statesman, quoting unnamed sources, said White was expected to recommend a tax increase in a plan to help erase the deficit. “It will include taxes. My under standing is it’s going to take care of the whole problem,” the newspaper quoted one source as saying. White’s proclamation calling the special session that opens Wednes day was limited to spending cuts, but- a governor always has the option of expanding the topics lawmakers can consider in such a session. The governor’s press secretary, Ann Arnold, disputed the newspa per’s report. “The sources that (it) refers to are dealing strictly in unsubstantiated speculation,” Arnold said. Texas A&M system officials said as many as 20,000 students would be turned away from the system’s four schools if 34 percent cuts must be made. Larry Temple, chairman of the College and University System Coor dinating Board, said 23,500 faculty and staff positions would be lost if severe cuts are made in higher edu cation spending. Temple said he told White that a proposed 34 percent cut in state spending also would eliminate $115 million in appropriations for re search at state universities. Temple said such sharp reduc tions could “erase the progress Texas colleges and universities have made over the past decade. It would remove this state from the mains tream of higher education in the na tion.” ii THE MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE! Have you ever thought what it is like to grow up without a formal education? Show that you care about others with whom this world we share. Attend a talk by the phitanthropist/educationist, Dr. Rakesh Popli on “A Strategy for Teaching the Underprivileged” on Tuesday, August the 5th, 1986 from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at 410 Rudder Dr. Popli is at present actively involved in popularizing science and education in some of the more remote corners of India and is here to share his experience with us. 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