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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1986)
r 4 I mCROFILlCFWTER P.O. BOX 12188 Dallas, tx 75225-0188 25 killed by Beirut car bomb BL1RLT. Lebanon (AP) — A car bomb exploded with terrify ing effect in Mortem west Beirut Tuesday, tolling 25 people and wounding 170, police said, as a mass f uneral was being held for victims of an even deadlier car bomb in the Christian sector No one claimed responsibility for either explosion On Monday, the detonation of a white Mercedes-Benz sedan packed with a quarter-ton of ex plosives killed 32 people and wounded 140 in east Beirut's Em Rummaneh residential district. At 11 a m on Tuesday, a gray Volkswagen Golf laden with 165 pounds of explosives, the charge oobtered by mortar rounds to in tensify the force of the blast, erupted 20 yards fronr^ Barbir Hospital The Barbir area, whtfh takes its name from the 220-bed hospi tal. was jammed with vegetable vendors, taxicabs and pedestri ans. The blast hurled bodies into the air and devastated 20 shops on the ground floor of a 13-story business building, in front of which the car bomb was parked. More than 30 cars were set ab laze. Broken glass and twisted metal littered the streets, which were awash with water from Tire engine hoses Smoke billowed from burning stores and cars. Barbir Hospital. 300 vards west of the Green Line that divides the capital into sectarian halves, had been hit frequently in shelling duels between Moslem and Chris tian militia gunners during Leb anon’s 11-year-old civil war. Peo ple inside the hospital thought it was being shelled again. Svnan and Lebanese troops and Shwte Moslem Amal mili tiamen quickly cordoned off the site, firing submachine guns into the air to clear a path for ambu lances and fire engines The Syrians have an estimated 500 soldiers in west Beirut, help ing the Lebanese army enforce a month-old security plan aimed at ending the chaotic reign of feud- in^ militias The two car bomb explosions in two davs raised fears of retalia tory attacks like the three car bomb blasts within four davs that rocked Beirut's Moslem and Christian sectors in August 1985, killing 66 people and wounding 301. At the tune of the Barbir car bomb explosion, the 32 victims of Em Rummaneh were being bur ied in a mass grave. The Vosce of the Mountain ra dio station of Druse chief Walid Jumbiatt accused the Lebanese army's Christian-officered intelli gence department of engineering the Barbir bombing But it cited no evidence to back up the charge Barbir Hospital. Makassed Moslem Hospital and the medical center of the American Univer sity of Beirut appealed urgently for blood donors Escape of shuttle crew called possible SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) — Some of Challenger's astronauts may have lived until their cabin hit the ocean, but experts said Tuesday it was unlikely they could have par achuted to safety even if they had an escape system. T doubt very senouslv that a. bail out system would have had any chance of working," said Tommy W. Holloway, chief of the flight direc tors office at the Johnson Space Sys tem. A report released Monday by NASA said some of the space shut tle's seven astronauts may nave been alive and perhaps even conscious while their cabin fell from a height of 12 miles on Jan. 28. The report, by astronaut-phvsi- cian Joseph Kerwin. said an exami nation of recovered wreckage and bodily remains suggested the astro nauts survived the explosion that separated their crew compartment from the rest of the shuttle At the tune of the blast, he said, the crew endured *bout two seconds of 12 to 20 times the force of gravity. “Analysis indicates that th«e acce lerations are survivabfe. and that the probability of major injury to the crew members is low," Kerwm's re port said Kerwin said the intact cabin fell for 2 minutes. 45 seconds and then shattered when it smashed into the ocean at 207 mph He said the ex plosion was at 45,000 feet and the cabin was thrown upward an addi tional 20.000 f eet During at least part of the fall, said Kerwin. some of the crew mem bers were alert enough to turn on emergence air packs. Three of four recovered air packs had been acti vated. he said, and gauges on two of them showed that three-fourths to seven-eighths of the five minutes of air had been expended in what Ker win called “normal breathing/* NASA offered no explanation for the difference between the amount of air gone and the amount of tune k took for the compartment to hit the water In order for any of the seven crew members to have used a bail-out sys tem. Holloway and others said they would have to have been alert, but most experts believe this is unlikely because the cabin probably lost pres sure. Kerwin said a loss of pressure would quickly have brought unconsciousness He said investigators were unable to determine conclusively if pressure was lost. . "If the cabin did not depressu rize." said former shuttle com mander Robert Overmeyer, “they rode that way (alive and conscious) all the way to the water." In addition to the need for the as tronauts to be alert to use an escape system, "you would need to have a stable vehicle and I can’t imagine See Shuttle, page 5 Protest Jenny Stark. 16. a high-school student from Hous ton, "dies” from nuclear contamination as, from left. Jimi Clark, Charles Perez. Angelica Flores and Photo b% Anthony S. Casper Bob Hensc hen look on. The skit was part of a dis armament protest held Tuesday at Rudder Foun tain. (See story, page 3). Hobby says tax hike needed to lessen projected deficit DALLAS (AP) — Patching up a projected $3 billion gap in the state oudget will require raising tax reve nues. Lt. Gov. Bill Hobbv reiterated to a group of executives Tuesday as he kicked off a statewide swing to popularize his proposal. . Hobby dismissed budget cutting without more taxes as a “Band-Aid'' approach and not a real solution. Tsing a pointer and a senes of overhead projector charts, the lieu tenant governor showed a group of about 250 executives meeting in downtown Dallas his solution to the state's financial crunch, which was precipitated bv the ailing energy in dustry. “The onlv rational way to solve this problem is to do it with some very significant budget cuts and some significant revenue raises,” he said. . The legislature meets Aug. 6 in a special session to consider the defi cit. Hobby's plan involves a $2.25 bil lion tax bill and $650 million in bud get cuts, including rolling back a promised 3 percent raise for state employees The state no longer can rely on the tax revenue mainstays of oil and gas. Hobbv said. “What we need to do is restruc ture the tax base to reflect the reali ties of the economy,” he said About $2.25 billion could be t amed by raising the state sales tax rom 4.125 percent to 5 percent and expanding it to cover many services not now covered. Hobby said. However, food and medicine still would be exempt, he said Hobby's tour, which targets state business executives, will continue with stops in Lubbock, Amarillo, El Paso, Midland and San Antonio. Executives at Tuesday’s meeting in Dallas said they preferred a sales tax increase to cutting funding for such vital services as education, highways and the state’s prisons. And Dallas lawyer Tom Timmons said he thinks most people will agree to the tax increase, faced with the al ternative. Hobby admits that selling a tax in crease in an election year is a tough 10b, but said the reaction so Tar has oeen unexpectedly positive (.omptroller Bob Bullock, who es timates the shortfall rowM be as large as $3.5 billion, said in Austin on Tuesday that state officials should not wait for new economic forecasts before offering solutions to the financial problems. Hospital devoted solely to AIDS planned HOUSTON (AP) — The nation's first hos pital dedicated solely to research and treat ment of AIDS became a reality Tuesday, and officials said the (acilitv s almost limitlcsN opportunities should advance the search for a drug to combat the dreaded disease. Officials of American Medical Interna tional Inc. signed a working agreement Tues day with the University of Texas to create the hospital, to be known as the Institute for Im munological Disorders "What we re embarking on here is an excit ing journey into the unknown," said Roger Bulgffr, president of the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. The 150-bed Citizens General Hospital is being converted from a general care facility to a research and treatment center for Ac quired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, better known as AIDS. “A year from now. I'd like to be in a posi tion of developing an anti-viral drug," said Peter Mansell, medical director of the new center. “Then Td like to start looking at syn thesizing drugs. The opportunities this fa cility offers for advancement in AIDS re search. diagnosis and treatment are almost limitless " Under the agreement. American Medical International is providing the hospital, man agement and staff of 100 to 150 people, while the University of Texas System supplies fac ulty staffing and direction for the medical and research activities. * t AIDS cripples the body's disease-fighting immune system, leaving its victims vulnerable to life-threatening infections and certain can cers. AIDS is caused by a virus believed to be passed through the blood and semen, but not through casual contact. Groups at highest risk for getting AIDS are male homosexuals, in travenous drug users and recipients of con taminated blood products. As of July 21, 1986. AIDS had struck 22.815 in the United Slates and killed 12.530 of them, according to the National Onters for Disease Control in Atlanta The number of victims is expected to dou ble again by the end of next vear. Mansell said. “T 1 eating AIDS is like trying to fill up a bucket with a hole in it," he said “Until we can plug up the hole, it’s not going to work." Mansell, who will direct an initial research team of seven, is professor of medicine in the Department of Clinical Immunology and Bi ological Therapy at the University of Texas Cancer Center. He also has worked at an AIDS Treatment and Evaluation Unit at Houston's M.D. Anderson Hospital, which this week treated its 1,000th AIDS patient, he *aid. In San Francisco, where in 1983 the city’s Department of Public Health opened the first ward exclusively for AIDS patients at San Francisco General Hospital, spokesman Paul Varnes said the opening of a new center cer tainly would help. “It will open more opportunities to treat AIDS patients ...” he said “Occasionally a drug comes up for expenmentatioa that is not available to the public and is used in AIDS patients.” But Benjamin Schatz. director of the AIDS Civil Rights Project of the National Gay Righu Advocates, had mixed feelings about the Houston center "It is important for AIDS to get more at tention,” he said. “But there wouldn't be a need for facilities of this nature if the federal government was taking care of the problems instead of relying on the private sector ." The first AIDS patients will be accepted Sept. 2. with about 30 patients anticipated af ter three months and then a gradual filling of the beds, officials said. Ortega: U.S. policy to bring new Vietnam UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Ni caraguan President Daniel Ortega said T uesdav that President Rea gan's policies will lead “to another Vietnam in Central America " “President Reagan must recognize that the state terrorism he is practic ing against the people of Nicaragua is immoral,” Ortega told the Security Council, meeting at Nicargua's re quest. “President Reagan must recognize that through that route he is pro moting another Vietnam in Central America where he will send Ameri can youth to die." he said. Ortega asked the United States to abide by a World Court decision which declared U.S. support for the Contra rebels in violation of interna tional law He asked the Security Council to support the World Court's decision U.S. Ambassador Vernon Walters attacked Onega’s government, say ing Nicaragua had misused the World Court Walters said that in us decision, the court "has fundamentally mis- percetved the situation in Central America. It is simpiv wrong on many of the facts." He said the cause of the conflict in Nicaragua was that the Sandimstas betrayed the revolution which over threw Anastasto Somoza in 1979. “While they were promising plu ralism they were laying the ground work for a one-party state." Walters said White proclaiming commitment to a mixed economy, he said, thev se cretly expressed determination to crush the private sector In his speech. Ortega said, “We do not want confrontation. We have not come to the council to cast insults against the U.S. government, but to seek peace and respect for interna tional law.” The World Court ruled June 27 that the United States should stop supporting the Contras and should pay reparations to Nicaragua The U.S government rejected the ruling, saying the court has no juris diction over the Omral American dispute See Policies, page 5 Shiite message to be given Jenco to meet with pope ROME (AP) — The Rev Law rence Martin Janco, wearing a “Free the Hostages ' pm on has lapel, said Tuesdav he was given a message for Pope John Paul II by the Shiite Moslem extremists who held him captive for nearly 19 months. Jenco. who was released last Saturdav, was flown here in a U.S. Air Force jet from Frank furt, West Germany, with 12 members of his family Reporters at Ciampino Airport asked whether the Roman Catho lic priest. 51, would speak to the pope about the three other Americans held with him in Leb anon. “1 am sure that is one of the items I will speak to him about," he said “Before I left Lebanon , . mv captors asked me to speak to him " Jenco. who has a history of heart problems, appeared weary and spoke in a soft voice He added that it would be up to the popr *© decide whether to disclose the contents of the kid nappers message U.S. Embassy officials said the priest was to have a private audience with John Paul at noon Wednesday. “It's just nice to be present in the H<4v City." said Jenco, who was director of Catholic Relief Services in lebanon when he was kidnapped Jan. 8, 1985. I he agency served both Christians and Moslems. Terrs Waite, a special envoy of Archbishop of Canterbury Rob ert Rune le. also was on the plane Jenco is scheduled to fly to Lon don on this evening to meet with the Anglican spiritual leader, who has sent Waite on several missions to Lebanon seeking the release of Western hostages On hand at Ciampino as a wel coming paitv were L .S. Amnama- dor Maxwell R-bb: ‘be -ctmg U S charge d affaires to the Vati can Petei Murphv, and the Rev Michael Sincernv, head of the Servites of Mana religious order to which Jenco belongs. Jenco, a native of Joliet, III., underwent two days of checkups at the U.S. military hospital in W iesbaden, near Frankfurt, after his release from captivity. In a 10-minute statement at U.S. Air Force's Rhein-Mam base before departing for Rome, Jenco addressed remarks to cap- tors he knew as Haj. Said and Ahab. “After going through hours of diverse physical examinations, your concern for mv health was well founded." he said “Thanks again for that caring concern.” The captors said they released Jenco because of his health Jenco spoke of his relief in de livering a videotape made by hos tage David Jacobsen of Hunting- ton Beacb, Calif., to The SeeJenco, page 5 Candidates for governor to debate AUSTIN (AP) — A debate be tween Gov. Mark White and Repub lican challenger Bill Clements wdl be televised statewide on Oct. 6, offi cials said The one-hour debate, starting at 7 C m., will be co-produced by the rague of Women Voters and KPRC-TV of Houston After the announcement Tues day, White said he is looking for ward to the confrontation. “This is a critical juncture in the history of Texas." he said. “I believe the people of Texas deserve to be fully exposed to the ideas and issues in this campaign, and this debate will offer such an opponunity Clements also said he is looking forward to the debate “The differences between us are clear." he said. “This televised de bate ... is one forum where all Tex ans will again see those differences."