Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1986)
Battalion Classifieds FOR fl€NT 3 Bdrm/2 Bath 4-Plexes with washer/dryer & all kitchen ap- pliances. NearTAMU. From $350/mo. Call for appt. 846-1712/696-4384/693-0982 168tfn , k!g(^!T7pIexew!!os<^T!rTnton^Two l "ancnn^^T)ecP rooms, with washer and dryer connections. Fire place, ceiling fans, and fenced yards. 846-2471, 846-8730, 693-1627. University Rentals, P.O. Drawer CT, College Station, 77840. 163tfn Nice 2 bedroom/2 bath. Washer/Dryer connection. \ $300. sumtner rate. Will pre-lease for fall. Associated ’ Brokers. 693-5544. 168t7/24 Page 4/The Battalion/Friday, July 11, 1986 Waldo I MET A 6/RL NAMED RAYNA, AND SHE MADE A FOOL OUT OF ME. YOU JUST CAN'T FIND TRUE LOVE.' IT'S RIGHT there in THAT CAGE. REALLY? WHERE IS IT? WHAT'S IT LIKE 7 . by Kevin Thomas Room in lovely home, near campus. Private entrance, bath. 846-0919, after 6:00. 170t7/l 1 H€IP UJflNT€D EASY SALES — Selling ads in the Five outstanding young Texans Convention Program. Sell by phone or in person. Work own hours. High Commission plus Bonus. Call Paul. 775-7885. 17D7/1 1 SEE NEW YORK!! Energetic mother’s helper with good sense of humor wanted for New York City envi rons. 19 4- years, must drive, non-smoker. Start in Au gust/September for a year. Experience desirable and references necessary. Write/Call: June Blanc, 1 Heights Cross Rd., Chappaqua, N.Y. 10514. (914) 238-3G397/11 GOVERNMENT JOBS. $ 16,040-$59,230/yr. Now hir ing. Call 805-687-6000 ext. R-9531 for current federal list. 167t8/14 FOR SRL6 Honda Aero 125 Scooter. Mint condition, red. Call 693-7612. 170t7/l 1! Harsh Reality by Gish 83 Honda Moped - Blue. Good running condition. $350. Negotiable. 846-0860. 173t7/22 ARC: Boxer pups Fawn, Brindle. Guard dog potential. $100,693-5607. 17St7/16 SHOE by Jeff MacNelly Trek 850 Mountain Bike, 18 Speed. $500. Call Paul. 764-9437. 174t7/14 ROOM/V\RT€ LUflNT€D Nice, furnished duplex. $120/mo. Summer only. Back-' yard, w/d. 693-3138, after 5. 170t7/l 1 LOST AND FOUND Gold I.D. Bracelet in Room 303, Read Bldg. Great sen timental value!! Reward offered!!!!!!! 693-1299.7H7/11 BUSIN6SS OPPURTUNITV $ $ $ MONEY $ $ $ If you’re interested in making money-Call 696-5937. Anytime!!!!! I70t7/16 S€RVK€S ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset Typing, Editing, and Library Research Assistance. Call for details. 779-8376. 167t9/3 WORD PROCESSING. All kinds. Experienced. De pendable. Reasonable Rates. AUTOMATED CLERI CAL SERVICES. 693-1070. 168t7/31 Up to $15 hour processing mail. Weekly check guar anteed. Details write: BDL, 12610 Central, Suite 97- ST, Chino, California. 91710. 165t7/ll Typing - Experienced, Fast, Accurate and Reasonable. Call Cindy 693-2271 or Candy 693-8537. 168t7/18 Word Processing: Proposals, dissertations, thesis, manuscripts, reports, newsletters, term papers, re sumes, letters. 764-6614. 169t7/18 TYPING: Accurate & Fast, call after 1:00, anytime weekends. 776-4013. 172t8/2 Expert Typing, Word Processing, Resumes, Accurate, Fast. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 159t8/27 Man gets 20 years in rape case DALLAS (AP) — A man con victed of kidnapping and raping his ex-girlfriend was sentenced Thurs day to two 10-year prison sentences, while four co-defendants received probated sentences. David Lloyd Guppies, 31, was or dered to prison for his convictions on charges of aggravated kidnap ping and aggravated sexual assault. Duncanville police arrested six men on Feb. 16 after receiving a phone call from a 20-year-old man who said he and his girlfriend had been abducted at knifepoint. Investigators said the woman, who was bound to a wooden chop ping table with a coat hanger during her ordeal, freed herself moments before police arrived at the home in the suburb south of Dallas. During two days of testimony, the woman testified the attack took place after she went to the home of Guppies, her former boyfriend, to pick up her clothing. The woman said her current boyf riend, to whom she is now married, was tied up and forced to watch the attack. Johnny Ray Austin Jr., Joel A. Cruz and James Allen Schultz, all 19, each received 10-year probated sen tences for their second-degree sex ual assault and third-degree kidnap ping convictions. Richard Edwin DeLoach, 18, was sentenced to a six-year probated term. He was acquitted of a kidnap ping charge but was convicted of sec ond-degree sexual assault. Nelson W. Lancione, 18, who tes tified he was at the house less than an hour and did not participate in the assault, was acquitted of a charge of aggravated sexual assault. Guppies was allowed to address the jury during closing arguments in the punishment phase of the trial and apologized to the panel and the other defendants for his “lack of good judgment.” “I am not a successful person,” Guppies told the jury. “I’m no pillar of the community. But ladies and gentlemen, I’m not a monster.” Typing, Word Processing for Thesis, Dissertation, Re- poi ts. Reasonable Rates. 693-1598. 161 t7/l 1 Calf Battalion Classified 845-2611 Battalion Advertising — let it work for your business. Call 845-2611 Today. What is the PUF/AUF? PUF (continued from pagel) ering eliminating tax-exempt bonds —A&M issued a $50 mil lion variable rate note against the Available University Fund, to take advantage of the issue’s tax exempt status, Vilagura says. The government has not since done away with tax-exempt bonds, however. Valigura believes that A&M’s new construction funding is se cure through at least the next three to Five years. But, he estimates, the school eventually will have to reduce its bond issues to $10 million to $15 million a year and find alternative funding sources. University officials are aware they can’t continue to issue bonds faster than the PUF’s growth rate, Valigura says. By Olivier Uyttebrouck Staff Writer The Permanent University Fund The Permanent University Fund consists of 2 million acres of land in west Texas together with a portfolio of investments purchased by reve nues from those lands. The present value of the PUF stands at slightly more than $2.5 bil lion and has grown by more than $1 billion since 1980. The PUF was established by the Texas Gonstitution in 1876. One million acres of what was thought to be nearly worthless land was set aside, the revenues from which were to be used to construct buildings at the fledgling University of Texas. Seven years later the legislature added another 1 million acres to the PUF. The legislature awarded Texas A&M a one-third share of the PUF in 1931. Because of recent declining oil and gas prices, PUF growth has slowed dramatically since its peak growth year in 1981. Below are some growth figures of the PUF since that year: • 1981 — $260 million (peak growth year) • 1983 —$179 million • 1986 — $1 10 million (estimate) • 1987 — $85 million to $90 mil lion (estimate) The Available University Fund The Texas constitution prohibits UT and A&M from drawing money directly from the PUF. Instead, rev enues generated by PUF invest ments create what is called the Avail able University Fund. UT and Texas A&M may issue tax-exempt bonds, backed by the AUF, to fund construction projects, major renovation of buildings and the purchase of capital equipment such as computers, laboratory equip ment and library materials. Below are a few of A&M’s annual bond issues since 1976. Before then, A&M issued $5 million in bonds a year, its bonding capacity at that time. • 1976 — $6 million • 1979 — $10 million • 1981 — $20 million • 1983 — $44 million • 1985 —$35 million PIZZA DELIVERS 846-3768 Campus, N. & E. of Campus, Westwood, La Bruisa, Spring Loop 696-0234 South of Campus, S.W. Parkway, Hwy 30, Raintree, Em. Forest, Southwood Valley BUY 1 PIZZA AT REGULAR PRICE AND GET 1 OF EQUAL LESSER VALUE NO COUPON NECESSARY void w/ any other coupon offer, 31 Aug 86 NEWSPAPER FOR SALE Circulation 4500 409-364-2312 The haircut you want is the haircut you get. At Supercuts, w^ve been trained to cut hair perfectly So no matter how you like your hair cut, you're going to get the cut you like. Every time. We guarantee it, or your money back. That statement of confidence has helped make us America's most popular haircutters. Which only goes to prove that when you give people exactly what they want, they just keep coming back tor more. And a Supercut is always $8.* 11 icu biditfi f itri ii ui la* limit:i me .Ajpcrculr We re changing the way America cuts its hair. Skagg’s Shopping Center 846-0084 ’Shampoo and bow dry «v»laO*« M M $19t3 EM BA COWflCO c M Milk chee mg bask Uni< feat nigh Goo M poin Iron poin port doir time Mill awa; bigg gam natl tern agat the ‘i ‘2.50 DISCOUNT SPECIALS 1. TUE.-FMLY. NITE ALL SEAT: 2. M-W LOCALS STUDENT W/ CURRENT ID 3. 1st SHOW EVERY DAY • BEGINNING FRIDAY JULY 18th. SCHULMAN THEATRES AND KKYS 105 WILL PRESENT AT LEAST ONE MOVIE EACH WEEK FOR ADMISSION OF ONLY $1.00 AT THE SCHULMAN 6 THEATRE, 2002 E. 29th. STAY TUNED TO KKYS 105 FOR MORE DETAILS ’g 2002 E. 29th SCHULMAN 6 775-2463 MON.-SUN 2:15 4:45 7:15 9:40 from warnlr^rcm. Tjfljp MON.-SUN 2:25 4:45 7:10 9:35 8paceG\mp PG MON.-SUN 2:35 4:55 7:20 9:45 A TRIP TO BOUNTIFULpg Manor East Mall IWANOft EAST 3 MON.-SUN 2:40 5:00 7:30 9.55 ROBIN WILLIAMS • PETER OTO&E CLUB PARADISE PG-13 AXHNtR BROS J MON. SUM ?:30 4:50 7:35 9:55 SYLVESTER STALLONE IN COBRA MON.-SUN 2:20 4:40 7:25 9:50 AMERICAN ANTHEMpqi MON.-SUN 2:30 4:50 7:25 9:45 fpr; , OFUon A/C 6/Rf S RHerisr I 1 -*■’ ^ < l%6 Dm fVarcs (ayniMi M RiAu fb/r«i MON.-SUN 2:10 3:50 5:30 7:15 9: l&riEp? PICTURE ""‘-'TW ei/CAT MOJSE DETECTIVE Mkkey Moum, Donald Dixie & Goofy in a clastic Disney cartoon. nni DOLBY STtRtOl pirn Rec ver: for sior in i ball con tur it ai ( yea Doi div gat: the MON.-SUN 2:40 5:00 7:20 9:40 Where everything seems possible and nothing is what it seems. S r. COMING JULY 25th JACK NICHOLSON & MERYL STREEP '(fwi rtf' lAeYRjmn B j tryjcrrurh of fleroon AijocuHa li . ***** w LACtRlftm Our act en r 1986 uiiynnth tntnpnL _ (g) A THI $T‘.a RlLCASt 1986 Tri-SUr Pictures Inc All RiqfHA Hnervfd j HEARTBURN 226 Southwest Parkway PLAZA 3 MON.-SUN 2:40 5:00 2:20 9:40 RALPH MACCHIO PAT M O R I TA KarateKMir Part XI TpHCWAI ttMMCI StftttSTEO 5^1 ■MU'M -1 tnaMunm. 693-2457 MON.-SUN 2:30 4:50 7:30 9:50 DANNY DEVITO BETTE MIDLER JUDGE REINHOLD HELEN SLATER MON.-SUN 2:45 5:05 7:25 9:45 UPTHERE WITH THE BEST OF THE BEST. TOIV) ORLJISiE RUTHLESS PEOPLE □□C DOLBY STEREO | | mne 1 h3Y JTEREO j ,