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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1986)
J - ; Battalion Classifieds FOR R€NT Open July 4th Low Summer Rates Low Fall Rates 2 Blocks from campus Church across the street • 2 blocks from stores • 2 blocks from nite life on University Pool/Jacuzzi Party Room Game Room w/Pool Table Basketball Goals On Premise Security On Premise Maintenance Hours: 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 401 Stasney, College Station 696-3455 DOMINIK DUPLEXES 2 and 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large fenced yard, w/d connections. Furnished 3 bedroom HOUSE on shuttle. Washer/Dryer, Large Yard. $550. 846-2014 3 Bdrm/2 Bath 4-Plexes with washer/dryer & all kitchen ap- pliances. NearTAMU. From $350/mo. Call for appt. 846-1712/696-4384/693-0982 168tf n Room with bath, near campus. Phone-696-7450170t7/9 llut*v duplexes close to Hilton. Two and three bed rooms. with washer and drvei connec tions. Fire place, ceilint* Ians, and Icnced yards. 846-2471. 846-8730. 09.">-1027. I niversitN Rentals, P.O. Drawer CT, College Station. 77840. lO.Stl'n IN ice 2 bedroom/2 bath. Washer/Dryer connection. $300. summer rate. Will pre-lease for fall. Associated Brokers. 693-5544. 168t7/24 Room in lovely home, near campus. Private entrance, bath. 846-0919, after 6:00. 170t7/l 1 ROOMMRT6 UJANT6D Nice, furnished duplex. $ 120/mo. Summer only. Back yard, w/d. 693-3138, after 5. 170t7/l 1 LOST AND FOUND Gold I.D. Bracelet in Room 303, Read Bldg. Great sen timental value!! Reward offered!!!!!!! 693-1299.71 t7/l 1 FOR SAl€ Honda Aen 693-7612. 125 Scooter. Mint condition, red. Call 170t7/11 CHECK THE CIASSIFIEDS For All Your Needs Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 H€IP UUANT€D Little Caesar’s Pizza Now accepting applica tions for new location East 29th Street & Briarcrest. 776-7171. 171t7/8 EASY SALES — Selling ads in the five outstanding young Texans Convention Program. Sell by phone or in person. Work own hours. High Commission plus Bonus. Call Paul. 775-7885. 171t7/l 1 Housekeeper. M-F,, 3-8 p.m. Light housekeeping, -aL ter-school child care. Own transportation. References required. 846-4355. 167t7/8 Swimming Instructor to teach children ages 2 & 4 in mv pool. References required, own transportation. 846-4355. 167t7/8 babysitter. $2/hr., own transportation. References re- juired. 846-4355. 167t7/8 SCHULMAN THEATRES 2.50 ADMISSION 1. Any Show Before 3PM 2. Tuesday - All Seats 3. Mon-Wed - Local Students With Current ID’s. GOVERNMENT JOBS. S16,(J40-$59.230/yr. Now hir ing. Call 805-687-6000 ext. R-9531 for current federal list. 167t8/14 BE A BLESSING!! BE A VOLUNTEER I’.E. TEA CHER AT WORD Of FAITH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (Grades 1-12). CALL 778-0982 or 779-5710. Ask for Patricia. 168t7/9 BUSINESS OPPURTUNITV $ $ $ MONEY $ $ $ If you’re interested in making money-Call 696-5937. Anytime!!!!! I70t7/16 S€RVIC€S ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes: Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset t yping, Word Processing. Accurate. Fast. Reasonable Rates. Sharon 776-1451.845-8800. 168t7/9 WORD PROCESSING. All kinds. Experienced. De pendable. Reasonable Rates. AUTOMATED CLERI CAL SERVICES. 693-1070. 168t7/31 ‘DENOTES DOLBY STEREO j PLAZA 3 226 Southwest Pkwy 693-2457 I THE KARATE KID PG 2:40 7:20 1 5:00 9:40 | *T0P GUN pg 2:45 7:25 I 5:05 9;45 1 ’RUTHLESS PEOPLE R 2:30 7:30 | 4:50 9:50 fl MANOR EAST 3 Manor East Mall 823-8300| •BACK TO SCHOOL PG-13 2:30 7:25 1 4:50 9:45 1 LABYRITH PG 2:40 7:20 I 5:00 9:40 1 THE GREAT MOUSE DETECTIVE G 2:10 7:15 1 3:50 9:00 1 5:30 SCHULMAN 6 2002 E. 29th 775-2463 AMERICAN ANTHEM PG-13 2:20 7:25 4:40 9:50 TRIP TO BOUNTIFUL PG-13 2:35 7:20 4:55 9:45 COBRA r 2:30 7:35 4:50 9:55 RAW DEAL R 2:25 7:10 4:45 9:35 POLTERGIEST II PG-13 2:40 7:30 5:00 9:55 •UNDER THE CHERRY MOON PG-13 2:15 7:15 4:45 9:40 Tvping. Editing, and Library Research Assistance. Call for details. 779-8376. 167t9/3 Word Processing: Proposals, dissertations, thesis, manuscripts, reports, newsletters, term papers, re sumes, letters. 764-6614. 169t7/18 •• - ■:*.. • THEATRE GUIDE Pfitf.ihform^tion 846 6 714 'P. Typing - Experienced, Fast, Accurate and Reasonable. Call Cindy 693-2271 or Candy 693-8537. 168t7/18 L'p to $15 hour processing mail. Weekly check guar anteed. Details write: BDL, 12610 Central, Suite 97- S l , Chino, California. 91710. 165t7/l 1 Kxpetl Typing. Word Processing. Resumes. Accurate Fast. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. I59i8/2) | \ ping. Wottl Pi otessing lot 1 Itesis. Dissetlation. Re pot Is. Reasonable Rates. 6‘.I3-1598. 16lt7/I I Page 4/The Battalion/Tuesday, July 8, 1986 World and Nation Anti-apartheid activist’s bans lifted JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) — The government said Mon day it lifted all restrictions against anti-apartheid activist Winnie Man dela, but the press was warned to be careful about quoting her under na tional emergency regulations. The restrictions on Mandela for the past 20 years governed where she could live and visit and to whom she could speak. Her husband Nel son, an African National Congress leader, has been in jail since 1964 serving a life term for plotting sab otage. Mandela had openly defied many of the restraints. She has had a series of scuffles with security police since January after she ignored her ban ishment to the rural town of Brand- fort and moved to Soweto, Johan nesburg’s black township. Mandela’s name was missing Fri day from a Government Gazette list ing of banned people, who may not be quoted by the news media or meet with more than two people at a time. Police Capt. Henry Beck, a spokesman for the Minister of Law and Order, confirmed that the re strictions had been lifted, but added that he “would suggest legal advice be obtained before doing so (quoting her) as this is a complicated matter.” Under the emergency regula tions, no one may he quoted saying anything considered subversive or furthering the aims of the African National Congress, the main black guerrilla organization fighting to overthrow the government and end apartheid. Ninety-seven people remain on the list of banned people. The Bureau of Information said in its daily briefing in Pretoria that police found the bodies of five black people in a partly-burned house Kwazekele, a black Port Elizabeili township. Police reported that a 58-yeai white man was shot to death in (hi Port Elizabeth black township ol Zwide after dropping off blacl workers, the 141st person reported killed in political violence since tht emergency was declared June 12. R r< Also Monday, about 10,000 blacl gold and diamond miners were on strike or staging slowdowns to pro test the detention of union leaden under the emergency declaration. National Action Party claims election fraud in Chihuahua voting CHIHUAHUA, Mexico (AP) — The opposition National Action Party claimed Monday that massive fraud took place in the Chihuahua gubernatorial elections and said it would demand the vote be nullified. The governing Institutional Revo lutionary Party claimed sweeping victories in the elections Sunday here and in three other of Mexico’s 31 states, despite a lack of official re sults. Official results in Mexico usually are not available until a week after the vote, when state electoral com missions certify them. Citizens voted for mayors of all 67 municipalities in Chihuahua state and for 14 legis lators. Francisco Barrio, gubernatorial candidate for National Action, known by its Spanish initials as PAN, said, “We received low blows in the first round. WeTl fight with differ ent weapons in the second round.” Barrio, the 35-year-old former mayor of Ciudad Juarez, across the border from El Paso, said opposition leaders would meet Tuesday to de termine what actions will be taken to protest voting irregularities. The elections, he charged at a news conference, “were an insult to the people of Chihuahua.” An umbrella organization known as the Democratic Electoral Movement called a public rally for today in Chihuahua to decide if it will take action against the alleged vote fraud. The movement had pledged to “paralyze the state” if vote-rigging occurred. But Fernando Baeza, candidate of the dominant party, known in Span ish as PRI, told supporters at party headquarters Monday, “We’re at the entrance of a new phase in the his tory of Chihuahua. We’re in the presence of a PRI that is fortified in action and essence that believes in it self. Barrio and other PAN officials claimed that among the violations found were dozens of ballot boxes already full, the expulsion of PAN representatives as poll watchers, names of PAN supporters not ap pearing on the voting lists, voting slowdowns in PAN strongholds and a false circular put out early Sunday carrying the PAN logo and urging people not to vote. “We have to contest the elections,” Barrio said. We’re interested in the way the elections were carried out.” World Briefs Officials search Kraft plant for bacteria GLENVIEW, Ill. (AP) — Offi cials searching for the source of bacteria found in ice cream bars that may have sickened more than 170 people in seven states began dismantling a Kraft Inc. plant in Virginia on Monday. “We’re going to keep at it until we find the source,” said Kraft spokesman Paul Johnson from Glenview company headquarters. Although people in seven states reported flu-like symptoms after eating Polar B’ar ice cream bars, none of them have tested positivly for listeriosis, a serious disease caused by the bacteria found in bars at the plant. Action refused on ‘dangerous’ drug WASHINGTON (AP) — The Health and Human Services De partment refused Monday to take emergency action against a widely prescribed arthritis drug sus pected of causing deaths among the elderly, saying studies did not support allegations of unreason able risk. HHS Secretary Otis R. Bowen denied a petition that asked him to declare the arthritis drug Eel- dene an “imminent hazard” to health in people aged 60 and over. The Public Citizen Health Re search Group asked Bowen and the FDA to ban the use of Pel- dene by people over age 59, con tending the drug posed deangers among the elderly. The organization’s contentions were disputed by Pfizer Inc., manufacturer of the drug, which said Feldene has been reviewed and approved by 106 countries. Dow Jones average suffers record loss NEW YORK (AP) — The stock market took a steep drop Mon day, sending the Dow Jones aver age to a record point loss in sell ing touched off by economic worries. The Dow Jones average fell 61.87 to 1,839.00, exceeding its previous record point loss of 45.75 points on June 9 of this year. Monday’s drop of 3.25 percent was barely one-fourth the size of the 12.9 percent loss the average suffered on Oct. 28, 1929. N grar dom Leaj will phy: Pete I Play said beca rizec barg agre the prot play coni said. H Iron Con M put perl worl mor 7,00 Goo J< in tl lighi can val. gold Unit T the ! ond Chr tion Jumbo Jack lumbo Jack 99C plus tax Our famous JUMBO JACK is a large, juicy 100% all-beef patty topped with fresh lettuce, tomato and pickles, served on a delicious sesame seed bun. Now’s the time to try a JUMBO JACK. Valid at: JACK IN THE BOX 1504 Texas Ave. College Station Valid: July 7 - July 31, 1986 Present coupon when ordering There’s No Comparison. L=„dACKinitCBOtii STRETCH Your Dollars! WATCH FOR BARGAINS IN THE BATTALION!! Boi like anc yea mis \ fen the sha wh< I in ii loid crit wisi A dor No. sur: s h boy ject tes saic fou Wa not pea Sin To, agi roi roi; 12t saic yea Sui the Lei are for yea off qu<