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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1986)
Battalion Classifieds Page 4/The BattalionATuesday, July 1, 1986 FOB fl€NT ALL BILLS PAID! AS LOW AS $235 •Extra large pool •Tennis Court •Sauna •Balconies & Patios Open Daily Mon-Fri 9-7 ►All Electric kitchen ►Individual A/C & Heat ►On Ground Mgmnt. & Security ►24 Hr. Emergencey Maintenance 1601 Holleman College Station, Texas Open Sat. 10-5 Sun. 1-5 Wm. J. Garrett ’47 Preleasing Summer/Fall & Spring 409/693-6716 it " Open July 4th Low Summer Rates Low Fall Rates 2 Blocks from campus Church across the street • 2 blocks from stores • 2 blocks from nite life on University Pool/Jacuzzi Party Room Game Room w/Pool Table Hours: 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Basketball Goals On Premise Security On Premise Maintenance 401 Stasney, College Station 696-3455 3 Bdrm/2 Bath 4-Plexes with washer/dryer & all kitchen ap- pliances. Near TAMU. From $350/mo. Call for appt. 846-1712/696-4384/693-0982 168tfn UJ0NT€D Nice 2 bedmoin/2 hath. Washer/Dryer connection $300. summer rate. Will pre-lease for fall. Associaec Brokers. 693-5544. 167t7/24 Nice 2 bedroom/2 bath. Washer/Dryer connection. $300. summer rate. Will pre-lease for fall. Associated Brokers. 693-5544. 168t7/24 Huge duplexes close to Hilton. I wo and three Bed rooms. with washei and divci connections. Fire plate (filing (aiis. and fenced valds. 816-2471. 816-8730 093-1027. 1 nlvetsitN Rentals. I».(). Drawei Cl .College Station. 77840. 103tln HELP UUflNTeD Interviewers for in-person research (Bryan-College Station). No sales. Part-time. To $25/hr. Call Collect (713) 783-9109. 9a.m.-5p.m. M.T.W. 168t7/2 BE A BLESSING!! BE A VOLUNTEER P.E. TEA CHER AT WORD OF FAITH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (Grades 1-12). CALL 778-0982 or 779-5710. Ask for Patricia. 168t7/9 Housekeeper. M-F, 3-8 p.m. Light housekeeping, af ter-school child care. Own transportation. References required. 846-4355. 167t7/8 Swimming Instructor to teach children ages 2 & 4 in my pool. References required, own transportation. 846-4355. 167t7/8 Babysitter. $2/hr., own transportation. References re quired. 846-4355. 167t7/8 GOVERNMENTJOBS. $ 16,040-$59,230/yr. Now hir ing. Call 805-687-6000 ext. R-9531 for current federal list. 167t8/14 • Private Club hiring Bus persons, part-time, evening; Apply in person. 2-5 p.m., M-F. E.O.E. Contact Guido. 3000 Briarcrest, Suite 600. 167t7/l Part time receptionist for optome- tric office. Responsible student wanted for evening and Saturday hours. Fill out application at 1010A Post Oak Mall (Next to Royal Opti cal). Dr. Kathryn Yorke; 764-0669. 168t7/2 SERVICES WORD PROCESSING. All kinds. Experienced. De pendable. Reasonable Rates. AUTOMATED CLERI CAL SERVICES. 693-1070. 168t7/31 Typing, Word Processing. Accurate. Fast. Reasonable Rates. Sharon 776-1451.845-8800. 168t7/9 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 iset RESEARCH ASSISTANCE. NEED HEL1> FINDING INFO FOR 1 HAT SPECIAL PROJECT? We provide technical assistance for: Topic selection. Term papers. Reasonable rates, good terms, minimum turn around time. Call Brad at 846-4208. 8-12 a.m. 165t7/2 Typing. Editing, and Library Research Assistance. Call for details. 779-8376. 167t9/3 TYPING: Accurate & Fast, call after 1:00, anytime weekends. 776-4013. 167t7/3 Typing, Word Processing Ser\ ice. 696-4446. I65t7/2 Typing - Experienced, Fast, Accurate and Reasonable. Call Cindy 693-2271 or Candy 693-8537. 168t7/18 Typing. Wot cl Pi occssingTor Thesis. Dissertation. Re- pm is. Reasonable Rates. 693-1598. I0H7/1 I Expel I Typing. Word Pioeessing. Resumes. Accurate. Fasi. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 159i8/27 L’p to $15 hour processing mail. Weekly check guar- anteed. Details write: BDL, 12610 Central, Suite 97- S'F, Chino, California. 91710.’ 165t7/l I Typing Research papers, reports. Education units, etc. Near campus. 696-0914. 166t7/3 E.N. RUTHERFORD Pianist-Teacher Private Lessons by appointment 822-2242 Studio: 500 25th. 167t7/; FOR SRL6 Panasonic Computer. Sr. Partner IBM companoie. 256K. 2 disk drives, printer, software included. 693- 8228. 168t7/3 IN THE CASH for gold, silver, old coins, diamonds Full Jewelry Repair Large Stock of Diamonds Gold Chains TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University Dr. 846-8916 3202-A Texas Ave. (across from El Chico, Bryan) 779-7662 WISE if MOVE Regular Haircuts $5 MSC Barbershop Lower Lever MSC 846-0629 Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. M-F What’s up Tuesday GREENPEACE COALITION: will meet at 7 p.m. in 604 AB Rudder. For more information call Gilbert, 845-9093. STUDENT GOVERNMENT: applications for External Com munications and Public Relations will be available through the summer months. Please come by 221 Pavilion from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to pick up applications. For more informa tion call 845-3051. Wednesday A&M CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: will present “The Ulti mate Cost of Freedom” at 7:30 p.m. in 102 Blocker. SAILING CLUB: will meet at 7 p.m. in 302 Rudder. For more information call T im, 696-8642. Thursday BRAZOS DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB: meets every Thurs day at 7 p.m. at the College Station Community Center. Beginners are welcome. Saturday SAILING CLUB: will sponsor a weekend outing on Lake Somerville at Overlook Park all day Saturday until noon Sunday. For more information call Tim, 696-8642. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no less than three days prior to de sired publication date. HL&P hearing asking for hike opens at PUC AUSTIN (AP) — Houston Light ing Sc Power Co.’s rate hike hearing began Monday at the Public Utility Commission, but the case apparently is over for most of HL&P’s custom ers. The Houston City Council last week approved a $159 million in crease that the company said it would not appeal. Without an ap peal, the PUC has no authority over HL&rP rates in Houston. HL&P, which also serves many oilier Houston-area cities, initially asked for a $347 million increase. T he PUC.’ hearing, expected to last several weeks, is for rates to be charged in unincorporated areas and in cities that set rates that HL&P wants to challenge. Hugh Rice Kelly, HL&P general counsel, told PL'C examiners Mon- dav that the company wants the commission to enact the Houston- approved rates for all HL&P cus tomers. Fiftv-one percent of HL&P’s cus tomers live in Houston. The rates approved bv the city of Houston and approximately 30 other cities include an overall 1.2 percent decrease in residential rates. However, some residential cus tomers will see an increase. The price for 1,000 kilowatt hours would go down f rom the current $80.37 to 379.95. Decreases will be seen in all residential bills of 1,000 kwh or less. Customers who use more electric- itv will see increases. For example, the price of 1,500 kwh would go up from the current SI 22.76 to S 123.37. 27 People who want to lose weight last!!! 100% Guar anteed! Call 260-3769, NOW!!!!!! 165t7/2 The Battalion 845-2611 Adult magazines Religious groups claim victory oversales in franchise stores DALLAS (AP) — In Tyler, Texas, the sight of a bare-breasted woman in an ad for “Obsession” perfume was enough to zap Texas Monthly magazine temporarily from the shelves of local 7-Eleven stores. At the University of Wisconsin at Madison, feminists raised a ruckus over girlie magazines on sale in the two student unions. Across the country, chain stores like Revco, 7-Eleven and Thrifty have dropped f rom their merchan dise Playboy, Penthouse and other adult magazines that have been mainstays for years. “T he phenomenon we are cur- rently observing’ ... is a trend in the last several years of the country mov ing to the right,” said David Leibo- witz, an analyst and senior vice presi dent of American Securities in New York. “It's a sign of the times and is not something I expect to last an ex tended period,” he said. But religious groups the Mis- sissippi-based National Federation for Decency believe the dropping of adult magazines from store racks marks a return to moral stability. Now thev’ve set their sights on the Circle K Corp., a convenience store chain second in size only to Dallas- based Southland Corp.’s 7-Eleven convenience stores. Since April, when Southland an nounced it was removing issues of Penthouse, Playboy and forum from the 4,500 7-Elevens it owns and encouraging its 3,600 franchise- run 7-Elevens to do the same, bun dles of letters have been arriving each week at the Phoenix, Ariz., of fice of Circle K senior Vice President Rav Cox. But Cox said Circle K, which op erates 3,435 outlets in 25 states, has no plans to follow Southland’s lead and halt sales of the seven adult magazines it stocks. They are Pent house, Playboy, Playgii I, Oui, Gene sis, Gallei v and Forum. Another chain, the Lawson Co., which operates almost 700 conve nience stoics in Ohio, Michigan, In diana and Pennsylvania, said a re cent poll of its customers indicated 55 percent favored continued sales of adult magazines, with 35 percent opposed and 10 percent who didn’t care. T he company pulled the mag azines for the three-week balloting and said it would resume sales after “re-evaluating our merchandizing strategies.” But Circle K and Lawson seem to l>e in the minority. Revco D.S. Inc. — the nation’s largest drug store chain — Rite Aid Discount Pharmacies, People’s Drug Stores, Dart Drug Corp., Thrifty Drug & Discount Stores and Gray Drug Fair all followed 7-Eleven’s lead. But Wildmon says he isn’t naive enough to expect to banish adult magazines from retail outlets — he just wants to make them as hard to get as they used to be. “T he difference between now and then is it was not socially acceptable. It was under the counter, it was in the sleazy shops, you got it from a sleazy person,” he said in a tele phone interview from his Tupelo, Miss., headquarters. M. CHARLES GANDY and EUGENED. (SONNY)LYLES, JR. are pleased to announce the formation of their partnership for the practice of law under the firm name of GANDY & LYLES Suite 301 Commerce National Bank Building 2405 Texas Avenue South College Station, Texas 77840 WYLBUR LEAVE YOU CLUELESS? HELPDESK NO HELP? Do your computer workers associate JCLand j magnetic tapes with the latest punk roc group? Maybe you need to call MASTER CRAFTSMON Our consultants can give you competenlj help in SAS. FORTRAN or dBASE!I.F«| research projects or just debugging program call us at 846-2778. 10% Student Discount Discount is on all parts & labor on Nissan Products only. We will also offer 10% dis count on labor only on all non-Nissan products. Student I.D. must be presented at time workorder is written up. We now have rental units available for service customers 1214 Tx. Ave. 775-1500 Kaepa Remember... If you buy them anywhere else... You’ll pay too much SHOE FIT CO. Styling for Men & Women Haircuts $8 With this coLipon (regularly $ 10) Perms $35 Open M-F 9-5, Sat. 10-2 Walk-ins Welcome Located in the Lower Level Memorial Student Center 846-0636 CSIS© ★ ^ Taco Bell celebrates America's Birthday with a * 4r ¥ * .;> with this coupon All Burritos 1/2 Price Quantities Unlimited Not good with any other offer. Valid July 1-6, 1986 11am -11pm only at TACO 'BELL Bryan/College Station * * (409) 696-6633 July 1, 1986 The Advantage is yours with a Battalion Classified, Call 845-2611