Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1986)
CCothing, fumisflings, and imports for [adies andgentfemen, incfuding: ^sportswear ^couture ^accessories (‘PoCo luggage, handbags, belts, etc.) Plus Polo's handsome new ‘Tapestry luggage and handbags, •impressivegift items +04 Slal+m 146-0/06 +* 693-3004 rnM+**+A: fO.-OO AMU 600 - jr<itm+Jmy Page 8/The Battalion/Thursday, February 13, 1986 A&M professor to be on national TV Anthropologist will appear on childrens' science series Paul Mitchell-Sebastian S2 Off Haircut Owly $3 Off HAiRcur/BlowdRy $10 Off Perms, Hiqkliqhrs RcceIve 72 oz. Don SuLUvan rinse FREE wirh PURCHASE of J2 oz. Don SuLUvan shAMpoo. The OtNer Eclips Hair DEsiqN 696-8700 Shiloh PUce -Must Present Ad For Discounts -Expires February 18, 1986 Solely owned & independent By RUTH COCHRAN Reporter Dr. Vaughn Bryant, professor of anthropology and biology, will be displaying his expertise on national television in the fall. Bryant, who studies coprolites or fossilized human excrement, is filming a segment this week about nutritious eating for “3-2-1 CON TACT,” a daily science and technol ogy series for eight to 12 year olds airing on PBS. Sometime in the fall, the series will feature one week of programs focusing on eating. Bryant will be 01702301 showcased in one of the half-hour segments. “They want to emphasize the topic of food — to make children more aware of what they eat,” Bry ant said. Bryant said he thought he was chosen to film the segment because his unusual occupation would catch the attention of children. “They’re using the novelty of studying crap,” Bryant said, “to get across the importance of nutrition.” A crew from Children’s Tele vision Workshop, creator of “3-2-1 CONTACT” and “Sesame Street,” arrived Sunday in San Antonio to meet with Bryant and drive to Del Rio for filming in a nearby canyon. The producers plan to re-create a discovery of coprolites by Bryant. Bryant said they will visit several la trine sites in the canyon that are 10,000 years old. “We have to set the archaeological background,” Bryant said, “to get a better understanding of who these people were.” After setting the background, Bryant said the focus would switch to prehistoric man’s diet. “The people in these sites go back almost 10,000 years,” Bryant said. “They lived in an environment which is very similar to ours.” Because the environment has not changed much, Bryant said he will examine the types of plants prehisto ric man ate including cactus, persim mon and agave, which is similar in appearance to an artichoke. Bryant said he also will tell what kinds of animals were on prehistoric man’s daily menu. Mice and lizards were a regular part of his diet be cause they were so easy to catch, but rabbits and deer were rarely eaten. While at the latrine sites, the pro ducers plan to film Bryant examin ing coprolite samples for size, shape, color, texture and outer coating. The inspection is to make the dis tinction between human and non human feces. The crew will then film Bryant in the Texas A&M University Anthro pological Research Laboratories running coprolite analysis tests. “What we’ll be doing,” Bryant said, “is taking them to the lab and showing them how we test these co prolites.” Bryant said he will explain how the tests prove that the coprolites are of human origin and how scientists know what prehistoric man ate. The tests will also show when they ate and how they prepared their food. The producers especially want to show the seeds, hairs, feathers, in sects and pollen grains found in co prolites. These items cannot be di gested by humans so they are fossilized records of prehistoric man’s diet. After chemical analysis, compo nents of the coprolite samples will be examined under a scanning electron microscope. Bryant said examination with an electron microscope will show how scientists are able to identify pollen, hair, seeds and plant crystals. Photo by JOHN M A&M professor Dr. Vaughn Bryant jokes with Mary Lopeza Todd Rolle, hosts of television’s “3-2-1 Contact.” Producers plan to recreate a pre historic diet. Bryant will be filmed in an A&M dining room or cafeteria eating a lunch prepared with prehis toric recipes. Bryant said he will be eating steamed cactus pads, aga maybe some Sotof (similar: ish bayonet) on the side. He will probably pass on theti lizards. Siamese twins tested for separation surgery Buy and Sell Through Classified Ads Call 845-2611 Associated Press EL PASO — Twin baby girls, born attached from chest to belly, re mained in an intensive care nursery Wednesday while doctors tried to determine if it is possible to separate them, a hospital spokesman said. Spokesman Gary Conwell said a sonogram performed on the day-old Siamese twins, born at Providence Memorial Hospital, indicated they share a portion of their hearts. Doctors are conducting other tests, including CAT scans and in jecting a dye into one of the twins to see how much is transmitted to the other, Conwell said. The tests are to determine the degree to which the babies share internal organs. “(Doctors) were pretty much aware of it prior to deliv ery, though they didn’t know how they were attached. ” — Gabe Silva, Providence Memorial Hqspital spokes man. “They think there’s some sharing of the heart at the atrium chamber,” Conwell said. The girls were born weighing about 6 pounds each at 7:37 a.m. MST Tuesday. They were stable and their mother was in “excellent” con dition, Conwell said. The parents, an El Paso couple, have requested that their names not be released. The twins were born by Caesa rean section and it was the second pregnancy for the mother, who al ready has a young daughter, the spokesman said. The father is “ad justing well,” he said. It is possible to determine if a pre gnant woman is carrying Siamese twins by doing an ultrasound exam 14 to 17 weeks after concept* hospital spokesman GabeSil' “They (doctors) wereprett aware of it prior to delivery, they didn’t know how they tached," Silva said. When tests are completed, will decide if surgery is psi if it can l>e done at Provident local facility can’t handle tk tion, it could be performed jor medical center elsevvhert state, Conwell said. During a three-hour open volving a team of 20 docti nurses, Siamese twins wot rated at Providence 10 dan their birth March 20,19 let us entertain you. ROB MARE EMILIO DEMI TUDD LOWE WINNINGHAM ESTEVEZ MOORE NELSO Sx Elmo’s Fire pKKXs NED TANEN™, BERNARD SCHWARTZ "'"KJOEL SCHUMACHER & CARL KURLANDER “iOELSCHU^CHER o-P-Q JK. RESTRICTED UNDER 17 REQUIRES ACCOMPANYING PARENT OR ADULT GUARDIAN ■•T65 COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES. INC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Friday & Saturday, Feb. 14 & 15, 1986 7:BO & 9:45 p.m. Rudder Theatre S2.00 M yccpys cinema/ Friday & Saturday Feb. 14 St 15, 1986 Midnight Rudder Theatre $1.50 SCHEDULE CHAHGE NOTICE: ROCKY IV HAS BEEN MOVED FROM APRIL 11 <Sf 12, 1986 to April 18, 1986. WATCH THE BATT FOR DETAILS LATER.