Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1986)
I Battalion Classifieds WANTED Needed: Access to 1956 Chevy Pick-Up, for photo- graphs. Cathy, 696-3268. 95t2/l7 CASH for gold, silver, old coins, diamonds Full Jewelry Repair Large Stock of Diamonds Gold Chains TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University Dr. 846-8916 3202-A Texas Ave. (across from El Chico,Bryan) 779-7662 HELP WANTED Part time help wanted. Apply at Piper’s Gulf Service, Texas Ave. at University. 3t2/24 Cough Study Males and Females 18 years of age or older to partici pate in a clinical trial to determine the effectiveness of a over-the-counter cough reducing medication. Monitary incentive: $100. For more information call 776-0411. STUDY Recent injury to wrist, knee or ankle? Severe enough pain to remain on study up to 10 days and 5 visits? STUDY II Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint? One-dose (4 hours) in-house study. STUDY III Recent untreated in jury to muscle or bone. Study of 2 day duration with only 2 visits required. Volunteers interested in participating in investigative drug studies will be paid for their time and cooperation. G&S Studies, inc. 846-5933 77 Piano Player? a i Show, sell, an our Keyboards play Part time KEyboARd Apply Now! SERVICES Gay Women’s Rap Group A social, non-political, & informal support group meets Thursdays. For information on this and other G.S.S. activities, call GAYLINE, 775-1797 Sun.-Fri., 6-10:30. 90,2/2 Word Processing: Proposals, dissertations, theses, manuscripts, reports, newsletters, term papers, re sumes, letters, 764-6614. 94t2/25 Word processing. Papers, reports, dissertations, technical typing, etc. 846-200, MC/VISA. 88t2/17 SUMMER WORK Ten TAMU students will be selected for SW summer internship program. Students can expect excellent experi ence, $396./wk. ave. Full time pos- itons only. Send name, major, phone to: Summer Work, Box 1203, College Station, TX. 77840. 9513/13 DRIVER’S NEEDED Must have own car & be 18 years old. Apply in person at Mario & Son’s, 405 University at Northgate. 846-0379. SERVICES SKI WINTER PARK, Colorado. Furnished condomi nium, reasonable rates. Call 1-800-824-8449, ask for “The Texan” condo. 92t2/21 TYPING - WORD PROCESSING 6 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE We understand form and style. Personalized services AUTOMATED CLERICALSERVICES 110 Lincoln, C.S. 693-1070 95t5/8 WORDS...TO GO. Professional word processing at reasonable prices. 774-4120 after 5:30. 90t2/28 Typing/Proofreading/Mailing Services. Jane Kalinec, 1 t ’?2-74 CPS, 4010 Stillmeadow, 822-7488. 78t3/14 COLLEGE PRESS SERVICE ON-LINE. Get the latest in national college news from the courts, the state legis latures, Washington, D.C. and campuses around the country on CPS On-Line. Get it now on any campus terminal. Just log into the VM System and type CPS at the prompt. 95t2/14 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, re sumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755 rtn Expert typing, word processing, resumes. Guaranteed error free! PERFECT PRINT, 822-1430. 92t3/14 Defensive Driving. Insurance discount, ticket deferral. 8-5, Mon.-Fri., 693-1322. UnionTech. 92t5/28 Handy man position. Experience a must, transporta tion necessary. 20 + hours, 1 week + Saturdays. Beal Realty, 823-5469. 95t2/14 Drain-Doctor. 696-8169. 25% Aggie Discount. 7912/18 SPRING BREAK on the beach at South Padre Island, Daytona Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Walton Beach or Mustang Island/Port Aransas from only $89; and skiing at Steamboat or Vail from only $86! Deluxe lodging, parties, goodie bags, more... Hurry, call Sun- chase Tours for more information and reservations toll free 1-800-321-5911 TODAY! When your Spring Break counts.. .count oh Sunchase. 79t3/4 Now hiring part time & full time cashiers. Apply in person between 1 - 3, M - F. Farm Patch 3519 S. College Ave. 779-7209 FOR RENT 3 bedroom, 2 1 /2 bath, Woodbrook Condominium. Fire place, w/d, on shuttle bus, pool/ht. 693-3710. 94t2/26 Move your mobile home to the country. Free shaded lot if you will help with feeding horses. Arena available. 846-9476. 92t2/14 $10.-$360. weekly/up mailing circulars! No quotas! Sin cerely interested rush self-addressed envelope: Suc cess, P.O. Box 470 CDR, Woodstock, IL 60098. 92t3/7 CASA 6el sol Special Spring Rates 2 Blocks from Campus Church across the street*2 blocks from stores»2 blocks from nite life on University Pool Basketball Goals Jacuzzi On Premise Security Large Party Room On Premise Maintenance Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:30 not open Sat, or Sun. 401 Stasney College Station 696-3455 House sitter needed for cabin at Lake Sommerville, March 15th thru 30th. Call 1-535-7328. 92t2/14 COUNSELOR positions available in residential wilder- camp near Dallas, Texas. BA/BS required. $13,500. starting salary; excellent benefits, career lad der. Girls camp, 214-549-2381. 89t2/18 FOR SALE SKI PURGATORY COLORADO SPRING BREAK AGGIE TRIP FULL PACKAGE WITH AAA 5 STAR RATED LODGING 260-4271 Q6tP/' Schwinn high Sierra 23” all terrain bicycle, 6 months old, $299. neg. 764-6426. 95t2/14 IBM-XT Compatible computer w/software, $950. 764- 6426. 95t2/14 ‘65 Mustang, 289, 4 speed, a/c, excellent condition. $4000. 693-2177. 3t2/13 TI Portable PC: 20 meg disk, color monitor, 3-planes, graphics, 256k, much software, must sell. $2450. 696- 2593. 92t2/17 Formal Gowns, Like New. Nadine & Gunne Sax, sizes 9 - 11, $25. - $100. Kim, 690-0040. 91t2/13 Regent ’82 14x56, 2Bdrm/lBath, set up deck, ex tras. $10,000. 696-3356 after 6:00 p.m. 88t2/21 Dodge Aries ’84 two door, automatic transmission, cruise, air, great Condition, one owner. Call 696-0747. 87t2/14 '80 Celica GT, 5-speed, silver metallic, air, super stereo, 56,000 miles, excellent condition. $5,200. 690-9540. 89t2/18 Part-time laboratory dishwasher, part-time laboratory technician for private analytical soils laboratory. 690- 2280. 94t2/14 don’t read this our readers are curious people. tell them about yourself. advertise in at ease 845-2611 MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION All Aggies, all Maggies. We are now offering a 20% discount off on any order from our menu with I.D. card. Also a daily lunch special for $2.49. No discount on daily special. 2 Enchiladas Tostado de Guacamole Beef taco & beans Hrs. Weekdays: 11 am till 2 pm 5 pm till 10 pm Sat & Sun 10 am till 10 pm El Toro Restaurant 500 Sims Bryan Breakfast Birthday Special!,50% Off Every Breakfast! To celebrate our first year of serving fresh hot made-to-order breakfasts. Breakfast Omelets with Home Fries & Toast or Old-Fashioned Biscuits 1. Ham & Cheese $1.89 2. Ham, Cheese & Mushrooms . .$1.89 3. Ham, Cheese, Green Pepper, Onions $1.89 4. Mushrooms, Green Pepper, Onions $1.89 Scrambled Egg Platter $1.39 with/Home Fries & Toast or Old-Fashioned Biscuits French Toast $1.29 Old-Fashioned Biscuits & Sausage Gravy 99C Breakfast Sandwich 89C (on white or wheat toast or Old-Fashioned Biscuits) Sausage 49C Bacon 35C Orange Juice 45C Home Fries -. 49C Toast 49C 50% Off All Breakfast Items Offer expires February 28. 1986. Page 6/The Battalion/Thursday, February 13, 1986 Scooters legally are motorcycles Motorcycle license required of owners By MIKE SULLIVAN Reporter Texas A&M students who own scooters often aren’t aware that their vehicles are considered to be motor cycles in the eyes of the law, said Joe Fisher, owner of University Cycles. Any two-wheeled vehicle powered by an engine larger than 50 cubic centimeters and able to attain speeds greater than 30 mph is considered a motorcycle. Fisher said students may think their scooters are mopeds, but mopeds differ from scooters in power and appearance. Mopeds nave engines smaller than 50cc’s and tend to look like bi cycles with motors. Scooters typically have engines larger than 50cc’s, don’t look any thing like bicycles and require a mo torcycle license to be legally oper ated. “You can’t fly airplanes,” Fisher said, “and you can’t drive motorcy cles with a car license.” He said students often think an operator’s license and insurance are all they legally need to drive their scooters. To qualify for a moped license an applicant must pass only a written test. Motorcycle licenses require both a written examination and a driving test. Fisher said neither license is diffi cult to obtain but the penalty for not having one can be a ticket. Some students don’t understand that their car insurance doesn’t cover their two-wheeled vehicles, Fisher said. Sub-lease single bdrm. apt. All bills pd. On shuttle bus route. Very spacious with walk-in closets. Viking Apts. Rent $300./mo. for one semester only. Call Derek at 778-0169. 95t2/26 Liability insurance is the most ba sic coverage for any type of motor vehicle, and for motorcycles and mopeds it costs about $50 per year. Without liability insurance, a driver involved in an accident with another person could be sued di rectly by the other party. Mopeds and motorcycles are be coming more popular each year, Fisher said. University Police Maj. Linda Lively said 1,900 motorcycle parking permits were issued this year. With an increase in motorcycles and mopeds comes an increase in the potential for motor vehicle/pe destrian accidents. At A&M, about one accident in volving motorcycles or mopeds oc curs each week. University Police Chief Elmer Schneider said 17 inju ries have resulted from accidents this year. Fortunately, Schneider said, most of the injuries wern’t serious because they occurred at low speeds. Lively said part of the problem is students who illegally ride their mopeds, and occasionally motorcy cles, through campus. She said stu dents have been allowed to park their mopeds in bicycle racks on campus, but they are supposed to walk or peddle their mopeds to the racks in the inner campus area. “We gave them some latitude, but it didn’t work,” Lively said. She said the regulation will be changed next year. Then mopeds, like scooters, will be considered mo torcycles and won’t be allowed to be g arked in bike racks but will have to e parked in the areas designated for motorcycles. Fisher said most motorcycle and moped accidents could be avoided if drivers would learn to drive defensi vely and be aware of their environ ments. “Using the superior brakes and agility (of motorcycles and mopeds) a driver can easily avoid an acci dent,” Fisher said. He said many drivers listen to a personal stereo headset while they drive, insulating their senses from the environment and making them selves extremely vulnerable. Motorcycle and moped drivers must be especially aware of their sur roundings because many times auto mobile drivers don’t give them the What’s up SPIRIT AWARD Thursday APPLICATIONS: Buck Weirus Award applications arc available in the Former Stude lobby, 110 Y'MCA, the student activities office, theStuij Government office and the MSG. Applications shoi returned by Feb. 29. PARKS AND RECREATION: registration tor pre-i softball tournament will run through Wednesday, Feu will be double elimination. Play starts Feb. 24. Entni« $55. For more information call 764-3773. PARKS AND RECREATION: reg istration for College tion’s first soccer invitational w ill run through Wednaj Format will be round-robin with play being on Feb. Entry fee is $75. For more information call /64-3773 PARKS AND RECREATION: will offer aduit leagues. Registration will run starts March 3 and will consist through Feb. 21. Sea of 10 games plus play Emrv fee is $250. For more information call 764-3/i3, r d. HC PIP TAMU TENNIS CLUB: will hold a spring tournaraes! Feb. 22*23 for all divisions. Entries close today. For information call 260-1 182 or 260-5370. MSC CEPHEID VARIABLE: will show the movie “ADj and His Dog” starring Don Johnson at 7:30 p.m. and* p.m. in Rudder Theater. TAMU PARACHUTE CLUB: will 1 mid a recruitment rail ing at 8:30 p.m. in 701 Rudder. Demonstrationjumpii be given at 10:45 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. on to the DrillFa For more informaton call Mark, o96~7220. AGGIE RED CROSS CLUB: the club picture will be taka 6:15 p.m. in the MSC Lounge. For more informations Minda, 260-2808. POLITICAL FORUM: will hold a publicity workshop); Student Programs Office. For more informationtailAitBrjW 260-4487. ORGANIZATION OF JAPANESE STUDENTS: willliw mandatory meeting u> <lix( uss plans !<h internationalk 'Y and have a pizza party after the meeting at8p.rn.iiij Rudder. r r art CYCLING TEAM: will discuss training races, jersey,ii races at 8:30 p.m. in 607 Rudder. For more inform;* call 693-3236. SIGMA DELTA PI: will show the movie “Martin Fierrc 7:30 p.m. in 106 Academic. For more informationcali- exanaer 764-6829. FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES: will meet side 145 MSC at 7:45 p.m. foi rides t<> go Tul!ei'skatinjiP0( more information call Jenda, 260-0846. COLLEGIATE FFA: will have a fajita feed at? p.m.atPs Pavilion. Tickets can he purchased for $4 in 104 So For more information call Carol, 696-6586. DANCE ARTS SOCIETY: will have body conditioning Vj£u '/U.0 NOW p.m.; beg. tap at 8 p.m.; and inter ./advanced tap at sp in 268 East Kvle. A INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATION a council meeting to approve the constitution at 7 pit 301 Rudder. For more information call Miguel, 696-9^ DEL RIO HOMETOWN CLUB: will have a generality at 7 p.m. in 505A-B Rudder. For more information Kathy, 846-4749. HILLEL FOUNDATION: will hold an o f >en house study ning at 6:30 p.m. at 800 Jersey. ,1 Friday MSC HOSPITALITY; the Miss I ’AMU Scholarship Pag# will sponsor a contestant kissing booth benelitineii American Heart Association at 7 p.m. in Post Oak Mai MSC VARIETY SHOW: applications are available in: MSC and are due in the Variety Show cubicle Fridavi more information call Staci, 846-6348. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY: will leave for the spring? treat on the Guadalupe River at 5:30 p.m. in die is Presbyterian Church’s back parking lot. MSC TRAVEL: applications for an overseas loan can picked up in the Student Programs Office at thetraydoi tele. The deadline is Friday. For more informationt Paul, 845-1515. CAP AND GOWN SENIOR HONOR SOCIETY: junior terested in membership can pk k up informationsheetsi the library. Student Programs Office, and the tivities office. They are due in 110 YMCA Bldg, by5p? Friday. Requirements are a 3.25 GPR with 75 hours.ft more information call Melanie, 260-0612. LUTHERAN COLLEGIANS: will supply rides to thep: gressive dinner at 6 p.m. from Sbisa and Contmomt more information calf Shatma, 693-5804. CHI ALPHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: will Ut worship service and an ugly stick contest at 7 D.m.inS 1 Rudder. For more information call Bryan, 84 5-8400. ASSOCIATED BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS: sumes are due by 4 p.m. Friday in the ConstructionScies Department of the Langford Architecture Bldg. Fw«i information call 260-0313 or 268*0502. •far I same consideration they give other cars, he said. Fisher said about 90 percent of the wrecked motorcycles that come to his shop for repair were wrecked by someone other than the owner. “A guy who wouldn’t think of loaning you his car, his stereo, his girlfriend or his motorcycle, will loan you his scooter in a flash,” Fisher said. Most people think riding a moped or scooter is just like riding a bicycle :/ with a motor and assumediai one knows how, Fishersaid. He said people whoonlyoff 1 ally ride motorcycles or mopw to panic in situations quick maneuvers. ^ Fisher said many inexperfa] well as experienced drived trouble driving under weM tions. An oily film covers the* of most roads when it start$t , | making two-wheeled trad treinely dangerous, hesaid. A Valentine’s Day Treat SEAFOOD . . . and just the right atmosphere for that very special occasion. Seapotb X COLLEGE STATION HILTON and Conference Center 801 University Drive East • 693-7500 SUMMER CAMP JOB! | Camp Wood Lake, opera Heart of Texas Girl ScoulCo^] Kay Hutton, Camp Directoi INTERVIEWING SUM FEBRUARY 16th, 3 Iff) Ramada Inn, college Station call 696-4242 after 2 pm on February 16 forappt. SEE ME ON CAMPUS Monday, February 17,191 Camp Day, 9am-4pm Memorial Student center OR—Call or Write: Heart of Texas Girl Scout Coi| 700 East Baker Brownwood, Texas 76801 (915)646-1616,643-2608 Equal Employment Opportunl