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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1986)
Wednesday, February 12, 1986/The Battalion/Page 3 State and Local boys sing to sold-out show Choir gives inspiring performance yMARY McWhorter Staff Writer opt little I t to find 23 little boys squinting rthe harsh white lights of Rud- :r| Auditorium. Dressed in white ■ swith blue handkerchiefs, navy 1 pants and shiny black shoes, the | na Choir Boys gave an inspiring rmance of old classics and relatively new music as well. After the conductor, Peter Mars- lliili walked on stage, took a bow, ™d out the chair under black raid piano, flipped back his long, tuxedo tails, sat down, gave a ull on his pants legs and ed his music, (all this with the ish of a grand symphony con- ■or), the boys opened with their number, four pieces from Cone Ye Sons of Art” by Henry iir ell, a 17th century composer. \ iventy-three foreheads crinkled 23 eyebrows alternately raised e boys labored to deliver their Twenty-three foreheads crinkled and 23 eyebrows al ternately raised as the boys labored to deliver their song. They used their voices like instruments, emitting finely-tuned, harmonized notes. song. They used their voices like in struments, emitting finely-tuned, harmonized notes. But perhaps the most amazing as pect of the choir was the young boys’ deep concentration. All eyes were trained on the conductor during a song with only a few grins of satisfac tion displayed at the end of the num ber to remind you of the boys’ youthfulness and naivete. The choir bowed after every piece. Even then the conductor would lead the choir as to the proper time to take a bow. He would signal the boys by bow ing first himself, and since his back was to the audience while sitting at the piano, he would actually be bow ing to the back of the stage. The boys could then all bow in unison. The boys are selected to perform with the choir by examination at the age of nine. Usually two choirs of 24 choristers each are on tour at the same time and they are accompanied by a choirmaster, a tutor and a nurse. School time lost on tour is made up for by an intensive pro gram of teaching at a private school. The most rousing round of ap plause of the evening followed “Ave Maria” by 19th century composer, Zoltan Kodaly. The choir punched out this number, which gave them an excellent opportunity to demon strate their range and volume. The program also included an 18th century operetta (a mini opera in one act) that was acted out by the members of the choir. Joseph Haydn’s comedy “Der Apotheker” came complete with period costumes including one chorister who was dressed like a miniature Mozart. The female lead was also played by a boy, dressed in a blue dress and wig, who gave an incredible perfor mance. If it weren’t for the obvious fact that the character was a boy, one would swear that it was a female who was doing the singing. If one were listening to a record, it would be im- possibe to tell the difference. The operetta concluded with a clever number that started with a solo and kept adding voices until one had a duet, a trio and a then a quartet. The second half of the show in cluded “Two Nocturnes” by W.A. Mozart, “Elfin Choir” from “A Mid summer Nights Dream” by Mendels- sohn-Bartholdy and selections from “Jungbrunnen” by Johannes Brahms. The evening ended with three encores, including “The Vienna Waltz” and “Deep in the Heart if Texas.” Texas Sequescentennial Why is Texas Different? Wednesday, Feb. 12 7 PM 203 HECC Everyone welcome! Sponsored by TAMU History Club m 4 c 0 L 0 R R D 0 SPRING BRE R K 4 FULL DR VS! Student rep. at: 260-4271 TflmmflRon resort ks :x-President Carter i/isits Mexico City Associated Press MEXICO CITY — Former sident Jimmy Carter, on the t leg of a five-nation tour, ar- UIIUM ed Tuesday afternoon after ploymcil eaking out against continued (1 antidei S. aid for Contra rebels fight- poor, rt: ? in Nicaragua. |, |jf e (if In a brief statement to report- mmoralk s u P on ainv J al L f rom f 1 Salva * . r, Carter said he was here as a ivate citizen and as a professor Atlanta’s Emory University. IS Uil: He announced the Carter Cen- uoixle: r in Georgia was planning (! | ier [I* inference in April about the fo gn debt and its long-range im- ict on the hemisphere. He said trip was “designed so I can irn more about the circum- : wap't .can fflfl iter was I xleam rat thef ilack fa rite dentical ut certaii to mm® is it leril. stances of the countries that I have visited.” Carter was scheduled to visit the Chamber of Deputies and meet with President Miguel de la Madrid Wednesday. The former president, who leaves Thursday, also visited Ven ezuela, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. At an airport press conference earlier Tuesday in El Salvador, Carter said he was not in favor of more aid money for the Contras fighting the leftist Sandinista gov ernment in Nicaragua. “I have not supported contin ued aid to the Contras,” Carter said at a news conference before leaving El Salvador. County seeking to ensure integrity in government Associated Press CONROE — Montgomery County commissioners, spurred by citizen anger at elected officials ac cused of wrongdoing, say they are considering forming a “public integ rity unit” to ensure honesty in gov ernment. Furor surrounding last week’s ar rest of Commissioner Weldon Locke on a bribery charge and the resigna tion of Justice of tne Peace Gary Col lier brought a packed house to the commissioners court meeting Mon- - day. Locke, 43, is accused of operating a bogus invoice scheme that cheated the county out of more than $25,000. No charges have been filed against Collier, who authorities say participated in the alleged scheme with Locke. Montgomery County Jud^e Jim mie Edwards said he is considering the creation of a public integrity unit “to ensure correct and honest opera tion of county government.” Meanwhile, prosecutors have withdrawn a civil lawsuit aimed at re moving Locke from office since State District Judge P.K. Reiter de layed ruling on suspending Locke until Feb. 25. — Insurance agent Lynn Tipton, 60, told the commissioners he would re activate a county taxpayers’ group to fight future road bonds. South Montgomery County resi dent Clyde B. Tiroux, 67, addressed the court and said, “the last alleged incident of misconduct has been devastating.” Reciprocal STUDENT EXCHANGE Study Abroad for One Year University of Stirling, Scotland Eberhard-Karls University, Germany Institute Tecnologico Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey, Mexico Come to an informational meeting on February 13 7:00-8:30 p.m. Room 604 AB Rudder Application deadline March 26 For more information: Study Abroad Program 101 Academic Bldg. 845-0544 es icrsons = or seen- ion, Con- snippy here but . In ft resorted : ‘offbud- lis yr ar ’ s ellingoff the pur- i seek to imposing ;ral aise ref even br ifference ah; ters inviP? omisin? was pas- nin-Rud- the grad- leficitsbr ned: lOllld ether - lers |iniq lieo ; cans me, jt of e™ - ^finila- ,nd deep isters re- qualities, idy P a y a •d of per ro to pay ’than for cc writer lew Shipment of Diamonds direct from New York Never a sale Just the best prices! Wa have just received a new shipment at high quality loose diamonds. We can sell loose diamonds to you for less because we buy direct! Here is a partial listing of obr stones and great prices. We have many more in stock. CHIMNEY HILL BOWLING CENTER 40 LANES League & Open Bowling Family Entertainment Bar & Snack Bar 701 University Dr E 260-9184 Compare Our At Price 4.36 carats 28,500.00 $15,957.00 3.00 carats 29,000.00 14,925.00 2.16 carats 7,500.00 5,225.00 2.04 carats 12,700.00 7,980.00 2.04 carats 13,500.00 6,665.00 2.02 carats 12,500.00 7,850.00 1.86 carats 10,900.00 5,225.00 1.76 carats 4,500.00 2.875.00 1.57 carats 5,500.00 3,575.00 1.55 carats 6,900.00 3,875.00 1.54 carats 6,500.00 3,675.00 1.41 carats 6,500.00 3,475.00 1.33 carats 6,200.00 3,495.00 1.42 carats 6,100.00Sold 3.295.00 1.24 carats 3,300.00 1,775.00 1.10 carats 4,500.00 2,395.00 1.04 carats 4,700.00 2,825.00 1.09 carats 4,700.00 2,825.00 1.08 carats 3,900.00 2,795.00 1.07 carats 3,300.00 1,695.00 1.03 carats 3,700.00 1,950.00 1.03 carats 6,500.00 3,235.00 1.02 carats 4,90.00 2,695.00 1.01 carats 3,700.00 1,950.00 1.01 carats 3,500.00 1,850.00 1.01 carats 3,300.00 1,750.00 1.00 carats 4,100.00 2,075.00 1.00 carats 3,400.00Sold 1,850.00 1.00 carats 3,500.00 1,995.00 1.00 carats 4,000.00 2,095.00 .97 carats 3,500.00 1,975.00 .96 carats 3,400.00 1,950.00 .83 pts 2,400.00 1395.00 .82 pts 2,500.00 1,225.00 .81 pts 2,300.00 1,195.00 .81 pts 1,800.00Sold 995.00 .80 pts 2,900.00Sold 1,600.00 .79 pts 2,100.00 1,175.00 .76 pts 2,200.00 1,125.00 .75 pts 1,800.00 925.00 .71 pts 2,700.00 1,395.00 .70 pts 2,000.00 995.00 .66 pts 1,900.00 975.00 .65 pts 1,500.00 855.00 .65 pts 1,600.00 815.00 .63 pts 1,500.00 825.00 .63 pts 1,475.00 760.00 .62 pts 1,900.00 975.00 .62 pts 1,900.00 975.00 .62 pts 1,500.00 750.00 .61 pts 1,500.00 775.00 .60 pts 1,500.00 750.00 .60 pts 1,500.00 750.00 .59 pts 1,900.00 930.00 .58 pts 1,550.00 745.00 .58 pts 1,700.00 850.00 .57 pts 1,400.00 750.00 .55 pts 1,675.00 865.00 .55 pts 1,300.00 685.00 r HEAHT mm Compare Our At Price .54 pts 1,300.00 695.00 .53 pts 1,690.00 845.00 .52 pts 1,700.00 795.00 .52 pts 1,700.00 820.00 .51 pts 1,300.00 695.00 .51 pts 1,300.00 650.00 .50 pts 1,500.00 770.00 .49 pts 1,600.00 795.00 .48 pts 1,600.00 735.00 .47 pts 1,700.00 695.00 .46 pts 1,150.00 595.00 .46 pts 1,100.00 585.00 .46 pts 1,100.00 585.00 .45 pts 1,100.00 520.00 .44 pts 1,100.00 660.00 .42 pts 600.00 300.00 .27 pts 550.00 270.00 .26 pts 525.00 265.00 .25 pts 495.00 235.00 .23 pts 470.00 230.00 .22 pts 350.00 190.00 .22 pts 435.00 225.00 .21 pts 415.00 215.00 .21 pts 395.00 195.00 .20 pts 380.00 175.00 .20 pts 380.00 205.00 .19 pts 295.00 165.00 .18 pts 285.00 135.00 .17 pts 235.00 125.00 .16 pts 225.00 118.00 .15 pts 195.00 111.00 .14 pts 175.00 95.00 .13 pts 165.00 88.00 .12 pts 160.00 82.00 .10 pts 125.00 63.00 .08 pts 95.00 41.00 .07 pts 75.00 38.00 .06 pts 70.00 33.00 .05 pts 60.00 29.95 MARQUISE I 6.14 caratsSold(price on request, no phone calls please) 2.45 carats ; 17,500.00 $8,975.00 1.52 carats ; 5,500.00 2,750.00 1.46 carats ; 6,000.00 3,750.00 1.10 carats ; 6,500.00 3,195.00 .85 pts 4,200.00Sold 2,275.00 .55 pts 1,700.00 895.00 .40 pts 695.00 325.00 .39 pts 895.00 465.00 .37 pts 895.00Sold 450.00 .35 pts 845.00 425.00 .33 pts 695.00 395.00 .30 pts 650.00 365.00 .27 pts 625.00 335.00 .18 pts 375.00 195.00 Compare At .10 pts 185.00 Our Price 90.00 Compare Our At Price .83 pts 3,500.00 $1,735.00 .78 pts 3,400.00 1,650.00 .71 pts 2,900.00 1,495.00 .71 pts 2,900.00 1,495.00 .63 pts 1,400.00 895.00 .45 pts 775.00 425.00 .44 pts 785.00 335.00 .38 pts 675.00 285.00 .32 pts 480.00 240.00 .30 pts 425.00 225.00 .28 pts 420.00 210.00 .27 pts 395.00 200.00 .25 pts 375.00 195.00 MODIFIED RADIANT Compare Our At Price 3.01 carats 22,000.00Sold $11,350.00 2.01 carats 7,700.00 4,175.00 1.47 carats 6,200.00 3,300.00 1.03 carats 5,000.00 2,600.00 .93 pts 3,750.00 1,945.00 .42 pts 1,900.00 975.00 .35 pts 1,250.00 635.00 EMERALD Compare Our At Price 3.14 carats 19,500.00 $11,225.00 2.00 carats 14,000.OOSold 6,900 1.04 carats 3,700.00 1,925.00 1 PEAR ■ Compare Our At Price 1.99 carats 12,500.00 $7,125.00 1.59 carats 6,200.00 3,175.00 1.17 carats 4,800.00 2,350.00 78 pts 2900.00 1750.00 .62 pts 2,700 1,750.00 .54 pts 2,300 1,395.00 .47 pts 1,900 , 1,195.00 .46 pts 1,250 1,050.00 ORA ORA Basket Sense will be in the MSC February 12 & 13 from 9-5 with Valentine Gifts for your special someone. Order Your TAMu Commemorative Dinner Plate i Maroon & white, approximately 10” in diameter. $14 95 plus 2.50 shipping, handling and tax 20% of 14 95 will go to the TAMU General Scholarship Fund Send check or VISA/MASTERCARD number to: Texas Collections P.O. Box 9834 College Station, TX 77840 AGGIE CINEMA and THE AGRICULTURE AND LIBERAL ARTS PROJECT present FRIENDLY PERSUASION starring Gary Cooper Wed., Feb. 12 7:30 PM $1.50 Gold Coin Jewelry, Diamond Jewelry, 14K Gold Chains, Silver Beads, Silver Chains. We also have Jewelry set with Opals, Sapphires, Emeralds, Rubies, Blue Topaz and Amethyst. Bryan Store Hours: ■ Z>V *Cr/ l ^ - F *1 ^ *£"1 zjli B College Station Store Hours: Mon,Fri. 9:30-5 I ^ " II ^ A '" Mon.-Fri. 9-5:30 Sat. 9.-30-3 sat. 9-3 mm Next to Cenare Since 1958. One of Texas’ Oldest Rare Coin Dealers Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 >. *