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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1986)
Page 6/The Battalion/Monday, January 20, 1986 Battalion Classifieds Anti-abortionists, politicians protest Associated Press WANTED STUDY Recent injury to wrist, knee or ankle? Severe enough pain to remain on study up to 10 days and 5 visits? STUDY I Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint? One-dose (4 hours) in-house study. STUDY Recent untreated in jury to muscle or bone. Study of 2 day duration with only 2 visits required. Volunteers interested in participating in investigative drug studies will be paid for their time and cooperation. G&S Studies, inc. 846-5933 77 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Cough Study Males and Females 18 years of age or older to partici pate in a clinical trial to determine the effectiveness of a over-the-counter cough reducing medication. Monitary incentive: $100. For more information call 776-0411. DALLAS — Throngs of anti abortionists, accompanied by candi dates plugging their political cam paigns, took advantage of a spring like Sunday to chant slogans and march on a hospital that performs abortions. About 2,000 people gathered on a baseball diamond in a central Dallas park to commemorate Sanctity of Life Day proclaimed by President Reagan and to observe the anniver sary of the 1973 Supreme Court de cision that legalized abortions. “Do you want a governor who says the killing of an un born child is a matter of choice? Then Mark White must go. Bill Price, president for the Texas Coalition for Life. matter of choice?” Price askedp testers. “Then Mark White mustj Price criticized state Alton General Jim Mattox, saying htl rasses centers that counsel wot who may be facing an unwantedil gnancy. Little Children” while gathered out side yellow cords that roped off the hospital’s grounds. Dallas police had to turn away some protesters as they began marching up one of the hospi tal’s driveways. The demonstration ended with a march to Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, during which protesters car ried 1,300 plywood crosses. Bill Price, president for the Texas Coali tion for Life, said the crosses symbol ized abortions performed at the hos pital since 1973. Protesters chanted “Abortion is Murder” and sang “Jesus Loves The During the rally, Price told the protesters that they are “winning ground” in the abortion controversy. “We’re winning the war of public opinion and we’re going to turn this thing around,” he said. Price quoted the vice president of Planned Parenthood in New York as saying anti-abortionists’ “skills have increased,” “have become more so phisticated” and “are rapidly recruit ing additional followers, particularly the young.” The rally was one of several held across the nation marking the Jan. 22, 1973, Roe vs. Wade decision that legalized abortions, including a rally in Fort Worth Sunday that drew about 300 people. Other rallies were held in Austin and Beaumont Satur day. Officials at Presbyterian Hos would not comment on Sum demonstration. Attorney General candidates Walsh and 199th District Ci Judge John Roach of CollinCtn both pledged to try to chaneei pledged abortion laws. Other politicians present indt Sen. John Leedom, R-Dallas, k C Bill Cerverha, R-Richardson, Price told protesters that if they are “tired of the legislative door be ing slammed” on them, top-ranking Democratic officials would have to be voted out of office. Do you want a governor who says the killing of an unborn child is a HOWDb AC ... , r ,Jin FRANK V representative candidate Q * fslDrtT c Repp and ruth congressional; trict senatorial candidate JohnC ter. Gubernatorial candidates 1 Loef fler and Kent Hance wen shows, although Loefflerdi letter pledging his support. Hansen, faculty to discuss core curriculum By SONDRA PICKARD Staff Writer HELP WANTED ENGINEERING STUDENT ALERT!!! Engineering students who entered in ’84 or ’85 and have not been admitted to the degree - granting se quence will have the last letter of their departmental designation changed to an “L” beginning in Spring ’86. This means that they are in the lower division and may not register for sophomore level engineering courses. Questions about this change should be referred to your departmental advisor. 77t1 . 20 A part timejob that meets your schedule and your expectations! $3.75/hour plus bonus. Must be: On your own; -18-24 - have earned less than $1800. in the last 6 months. Houston Chronicle looking for early morning paper delivery route people. $400-$700. monthly. Call Julian at 693-2323 or Andy at 693-7815. The Texas A&M Faculty Senate will hear a guest presentation from Dr. Arthur G. Hansen, chancellor of the Texas A&M University System, and will discuss proposed changes and recommendations on the core curriculum today at 3:15 p.m. in 601 Rudder. Hansen will discuss possible ways for faculty to provide input to the search committee for the new chan cellor and also will speak on the core curriculum proposal. The Senate will hear and discuss proposed changes in the core curric ulum and may possibly vote on spe cific modifications. However, Dr. Jaan Laane, Senate speaker, says no final vote will be taken at the meet ing. He says he hopes the Senate will, achieve a final vote on the curric ulum by April. Under the proposal, which has been researched for nearly two years, each student also would be re quired to take, in addition to state and University requirements, six hours in speech and writing, math ematics/logic, cultural heritage and social science. The proposal also rec ommends the student take eight hours of science. Also, a student entering the Uni versity will be required to complete one computer course, unless the stu dent has completed at least one course before entering the Univer sity or can demonstrate proficiency on an examination. It also proposes a student be re quired to take two semesters of a for eign language unless the student has had two years of foreign language in high school or can demonstrate pro ficiency of a second language. In other business, the University Curriculum Committee will recom mend approval of a course descrip tion change for Physical Education 199 and the Graduate Council will recommend approval of three new graduate courses in aerospace engi neering, civil engineering and com puter science. The Senate also will near a request from the Committee on Graduate Minority Merit Fellowships to consider revisions in its guidelines. The Faculty Club Subcomit; will present preliminary bylaw the Senate for the Texas A&Mfi ulty Club, which would be open many faculty members and guests, and would be located on eleventh floor of Rudder Toe Through the faculty club, the committee hopes to provide a tral location for faculty interam promote organization of discuss groups, and provide a fatility small University and communin ceptions and parties. The Senate also will hear a posed resolution on professor ritus status, including new dures in awarding emeritus sum A&M faculty. fELL HM msr m H c lmf> _ FOR RENT Part lime sludent help needed. Computer science ma- ~ e. On jor with some knowledge in finance. Only students who are at least a Junior with at least a 3.5 GPA and are ex tremely ambitious need apply. 846-4761. 78U/24 Furnished private bedroom for rent in house with other fe male students. $157. per month, February thru May. Other space available after May. All utilities paid. Free washer and dryer. In first block South of bonfire area. 696- 5286. If no answer, phone 696-7000. Ask for Mrs. Lan caster. get it on benetton Responsible student to pick-up and care for children after school. Call 696-3523 after 5:30. 78tl/24 Furnished or unfurnished apartments two blocks from apa university. Two bedroom »250./up. Three bedroom house, $325. Efficiency apartment, $175. 779-3700, 846-2800,693-2705. 77tl/24 PERSONALS ADOPTION Happily married, well educated couple with one adopted child wish to adopt infant. Confidential. Expenses paid. Call collect: (201)545-9047. 7311/20 One bedroom apartment. $325./mo. All bills paid. Pool, sauna, laundry facilities. Must see to appreciate. Call Sara, 693-6716. 540/24 Come and see all the colors of the world. Expressed in sportswear for men and women. We've got your favorite color. In sweaters, sweatshirts, separates, knit dressing and accessories. Make winter a little more wonderful. irmci M coac K)1 secret 'rosecutoi they exf Itenot, fo Retta W ®l, to (al Jtjurv-of fed Frith 2 bdrm. apartments near campus. $230.-$255. 779- 3550,696-2038. 77t2/3 FOR RENT own room in fully furnished five room house. Walking distance, non-smoking. $150. monthly. Billy, 845-8681,696-0477. 77tl/27 WONDERFUL WINTER SALE FOR SALE Shady, fenced. Lot 12, Oak Forest, 14X56, 2 bedroom, new, 1 bath and kitchen, central air/heat, storage build ing, appliances with washer & dryer, $8900, Finance. 693-5206 or collect 806-793-9491. 64tl/20 1984 Nissan Sport. P/U, air, am/fm, sunroof, 5 speed, low mileage. 5900. 779-8855. 78t 1/31 LOST AND FOUND BENEHON POST OAK MALL 1500 HARVEY ROAD, SUITE 9014 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 Portable Smith-Corona, good typewriter. (Manual). Seventy-Five dollars. 696-2485. 78U/20 $50. reward. Return of egg chair used at Manor East Mall. Call Pat 696-1444. 78tl/24 1983 BMW 528E. All power. Sunroof, 5-speed. Excel lent condition. $ 14,950. 696-9750. 78t 1/24 ’82 HONDA PRELUDE. Excellent condition. Blue/Beige, Automatic. Air, cassette, new battery, brakes and radial tires. One year old. Custom Fit car cover. 56,000 miles. $6,700. Call 693-2609 after 5 P.M. 78tl/24 SERVICES Short/long forms and small businesses. Start $5.00, call 693-0940. 78t2/7 Typing/Proofreading/Mailing Services. Jane Kalinec, CPS, 4010 Stillmeadow, 822-7488. 78t3/14 Guitar lessons and classes. Classical/folk style for fun. 846-9655. 78U/24 DRESSING TO BE HIRED can help you get the position you want. Give yourself or that special person a session with a professional image consultant. We can help you to define the image that will work best for you. Turn your education into the versatile asset it is. Show your self confidence. Networking Assertivness training Dressing to be hired/Wardrobe Mgmt. Call Thelma Fischer at 764-0642 10-7 Mon-Sat. Messages Please 78t1/20 NEED MUSIC FOR A PARTY? Get professional service cheaper from a disc jockey. Call Barry at 693-0760. ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, re sumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755 ^ Hrs. Weekdays: 11 am till 2 pm 5 pm till 10 pm Sat & Sun 10 am till 10 pm ATTENTION All Aggies all Maggies. We are now offering a 20% discount off on any order from our menu with I.D. card. Also a daily lunch specielffor $2.49. No discount on daily special. 2 Enchiladas Tostado de Guacamole Beef taco & beans El Toro Restaurant 500 Sims Bryan