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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1986)
Monday, January 20, 1986/The Battalion/Page 3 State and Local booking policy )orm students at A&M question regulation By MARY HEDGPETH Reporter ■ Although dormitory students can inderstand the reasoning behind .isitation and quiet hour rules, cook ing regulations are confusing and '[Unfair. Jlhe policy, which says students bn have only hot pots in their rooms ,|nd use them only for boiling water, ■ considered unneccesary and con- ■'p ladictory by dorm residents. I Although water from the hot pot in be used for instant soup, stu- (ents cannot boil items inside the ptpot, such as canned soup or boil- J 6-a-b i-bag items. ■ Texas A&M officials say cooking Idorms would result in sewage and ■nitationproblems due to improper ■sposalof food. ■ But because both items could be ■Hired down the drain, students are Biestioning the logic behind the iulc. ■ Nyla Ptomey, housing programs Irector, says although the rules seem contradictory, a line must be drawn somewhere. “There are many grey areas that are hard to define, but there needs to be a cut-off point, and only boil ing water limits what the student can make,” Ptomey says. “If we says you could boil soup, then students would be wanting to cook things that could greatly magnify our problems.” Ron Sasse, associate director of student affairs, also defends the cooking rules. “We have to have some sort of structure that enables everyone to live together,” he says. Sasse is especially concerned that business would be taken away from food services if cooking were al lowed. “We’re a part of the University as a whole, and if we are doing some thing that is detracting from food service and they are not able to pay their bills, they could require stu dents to be on a meal plan,” he says. “I don't want to be in the food serv ice business. I want a positive resi dent hall environment that students want to live in.” Sasse says the housing staff is making efforts to enhance that envi ronment by placing microwaves in some dorms. Although students want more ap pliances to be allowed, Sasse objects to the preparation of hot food in dorms. Sasse savs more appliances in the dorm could cause a fire or power outage if used improperly or careles sly. Sasse also says he isn’t sure if the wiring in the dorms could handle more appliances. Sasse also says cooking in the resi dence halls would make ant and roach problems worse. Although the housing staff could demand there be no cooking, Pto mey says, they’re trying to be flexible by letting students boil water. Sasse says students don’t under stand the ramifications of changes in the rule. “If we have to change the cooking (rules), they (the rules) will be more restrictive, not less,” he says. Bullock against allowing U.S. to regulate state Indians Associated Press ilsi llv LIVINGSTON — State Comp- ■oller Bob Bullock says he fears a Iproposed law to put two Texas In ion. Tlfiiaii tribes under federal regulation 'ould permit the tribes to hold high- own bingo games outside the au- rity of state laws. "L But tribal members say they favor federal jurisdiction, instead of state , merely because it would rotect their lands and provide ealth and education services. The bill, proposed by U.S. Reps, lharles Wilson of Lufkin and Ron- ild Coleman of El Paso, would place [Texas’ Alabama-Coushatta and Ti na Indians under federal regula tion. The bill has cleared the House land is being considered by the Sen ate. tribes are not under federal jurisdic tion. Bullock contends that if the bill is passed, the Alabama-Coushattas — whose reservation is near Livingston — and the El Paso-based Tiguas will organize high-stakes bingo games. “You’re talking about so much money, as much as $1 million on a single night,” Bullock said in a re cent interview. “And I doubt whether these tribes, with the money problems they have, can resist the temptation." Bingo nets big money for tribes in other states, Bullock said. About 100 U.S. tribes hold bingo nights that often offer jackpots of $50,000 to $100,000, according to statistics released by the U.S. Depart ment of Interior. Under the Texas Bingo Enabling Act, bingo prizes are limited to $500 per game to $2,500 per session. But the Coleman-Wilson bill would allow Texas tribes to circum vent the law, paving the way for enormous jackpots, Bullock said. Large tribal jackpots would hurt charities by drawing players who otherwise would participate in state- approved bingo games and would invite organized crime to Texas, Bullock said. But Wilson said the comptroller really fears losing potential tax reve nues. State-approved charity bingo games generate $218 million each year and bring in millions of taxes for the state. Russell DaMetz, administrator of the Alabama-Coushatta reservation, said he doubts the tribe will ever set up a “big-stakes game.” IIVTKRURBATV drink specials. 505 University Dr. The INTERURBAN 846-8741 <4 an aggie tradition” Battalion Classified 845-2611 lal afl are J ; messasl ch arenl Wholesale Diamonds!!! Largest inventory in the Brazos Valley! We buy direct from a major New York diamond cutter!!! We don’t have to put our diamonds on 50% off to sell them!!! We are at wholesale to begin. Don’t be fooled by half price sales, clearance sales, etc. We sell quality diamonds for less. m, i ilisni :ditor r? iadal g° ‘ ith gAi" .ndida |£ some i send :agr# diffe> as, ne “Tl t for ft* '*1 P ,,L & ROUND Compare At Our Price 3.00 carats 29,000.00 (Price on request, no pnone calls please) $14,925.00 2.16 carats 7,500.00 5,225.00 2.04 carats 12,700.00 7,980.00 2.04 carats 13,500.00 6,665.00 2.02 carats 12,500.00 7,850.00 1.86 carats 10,900.00 5,225.00 1.76 carats 4,500.00 2,675.00 1.33 carats 6,200.00 3,495.00 1.24 carats 6,100.00 Sold 3,295.00 1.24 carats 5,800.00 2,995.00 1.12 carats 3,300.00 1,775.00 1.10 carats 4,500.00 2,395.00 1.03 carats 3,700.00 1,950.00 1.03 carats 6,500.00 3,235.00 1.02 carats 4,900.00 2,695.00 1.01 carats 3.700.00 1,950.00 1.01 carats 3,500.00 1,850.00 1.01 carats 3,300.00 1,750.00 1.00 carats 3,400.00 Sold 1,850.00 1.00 carats 3,500.00 1,995.00 1.00 carats 4,000.00 2,095.00 .83 pts 2,400.00 1395.00 .81 pts 1,800.00 Sold 995.00 .80 pts 2,900.00 Sold 1,600.00 .75 pts 1,800.00 925.00 .71 pts 2,700.00 1,395.00 .70 pts 2,000.00 995.00 .65 pts 1,600.00 815.00 .63 pts 1,475.00 760.00 .62 pts 1,900.00 975.00 .62 pts 1,900.00 975.00 .62 pts 1,500.00 750.00 .61 pts 1,500.00 775.00 .60 pts 1,500.00 750.00 .60 pts 1,500.00 750.00 .59 pts 1,900.00 930.00 .58 pts 1,700.00 850.00 .55 pts 1.675.00 865.00 .55 pts 1,300.00 685.00 .53 pts 1,690.00 845.00 .52 pts 1,700.00 795.00 .52 pts 1,700.00 820.00 .50 pts 1,500.00 770.00 .49 pts 1.600.00 795.00 .48 pts 1,600.00 735.00 .47 pts 1,700.00 695.00 .45 pts 1,100.00 520.00 .44 pts 1,100.00 660.00 .42 pts 600.00 300.00 .27 pts 550.00 270.00 .26 pts 525.00 265.00 .25 pts 495.00 235.00 .23 pts 470.00 230.00 .22 pts 350.00 190.00 Compare Our At Price .22 pts 435.00 225.00 .21 pts 415.00 215.00 .21 pts 395.00 195.00 .20 pts 380.00 175.00 .20 pts 395.00 205.00 .19 pts 295.00 165.00 .18 pts 285.00 135.00 .17 pts 235.00 125.00 .16 pts 225.00 118.00 .15 pts 195.00 111.00 .14 pts 175.00 95.00 .13 pts 165.00 88.00 .12 pts 160.00 82.00 .10 pts 125.00 63.00 .08 pts 95.00 41.00 .07 pts 75.00 38.00 .06 pts 70.00 33.00 .05 pts 60.00 29.95 MARQUISE Compare At Our Price 6.14 carats Sold ( p rice on request, no phone call please) 2.54 carats 17,500.00 $8,975.00 1.46 carats 6,000.00 3,750.00 .85 pts 4,200.00 Sold 2,275.00 .55 pts 1,700.00 895.00 .40 pts 695.00 325.00 .39 pts 895.00 465.00 .37 pts 895.00 Sold 450.00 .35 pts 845.00 425.00 .33 pts 695.00 395.00 .30 pts 650.00 365.00 .27 pts 625.00 335.00 .18 pts 375.00 195.00 HEART Compare Our At Price .10 pts 185.00 $90.00 OVAL Compare Our At Price .83 pts 3,500.00 $1,735.00 .78 pts 3.400.00 1,650.00 OVAL .71 pts .71 pts .63 pts .45 pts .44 pts .38 pts .32 pts .30 pts .28 pts .27 pts .25 pts Compare At 2,900.00 2,900.00 1,400.00 775.00 785.00 675.00 480.00 425.00 420.00 395.00 375.00 Our Price 1,495.00 1,495.00 895.00 425.00 335.00 285.00 240.00 225.00 210.00 200.00 195.00 MODIFIED RADIANT Compare Our At Price 3.01 carats 22,000.00 Sold $11,350.00 1.47 carats 6,200.00 3,300.00 1.03 carats 5,000.00 2,600.00 .93 pts 3,750.00 1,945.00 .42 pts 1,900.00 975.00 .35 pts 1,250.00 635.00 EMERALD Compare Our At Price 3.14 carats 19,500.00 $11,225.00 2.00 carats 14,000.00 Sold 6,900.00 1.04 carats 3,700.00 1,925.00 PEAR Compare At Our Price 1.99 carats 1.64 carats 1.27 carats 78 pts .62 pts .54 pts .47 pts .46 pts 12,500.00 5,800.00 Sold 6,500.00 Sold 2900.00 2,700.00 2,300.00 1,900.00 1,250.00 $7,125.00 3,125.00 2,695.00 1750.00 1,750.00 1,395.00 1,195.00 1,050.00 Gold Coin Jewelry, Diamond Jewelry, 14K Gold Chains, Silver Beads, Silver Chains. We also have Jewelry set with Opals, Sapphires, Emeralds, Rubies, Blue Topaz and Amethyst. vRk L f Bryan Store Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:30-5 Sat. 9:30-3 TEXAS COIN ynT T eT3 404 University Or East • College Station • 046-8905 3202 A. Texas . Bryan . 779-7662 College Station Store Hours: Mon.-Frl. 9-5:30 Sat. 9-3 Next to Cenare Since 1958. One of Texas’ Oldest Rare Coin Dealers STRETCH Your Dollars! WATCH FOR bargains IN THE BATTAEION!! Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611