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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1985)
mmmmm Battalion Classifieds FOR RENT SERVICES f casa 6el sol PRELEASING SUMMER & FALL 2 Blocks from Campus Church across the street* 2 blocks from stores* 2 blocks from nite life on University Pool Jacuzzi Large Party Room Basketball Goals On Premise Security On Premise Maintenance Open 7 days a week Mon.-Sat. 8:30-5:30 Sun. 1:00-5:00 401 Stasney College Station 696-3455 SCHOLAR’S INN APARTMENTS HELP WANTED Is now offering an early fall special 2 Bdrm. for only $200. per month •Walking distance to campus •Call today, only a few left •846-3050 Large three bedroom house, glassed den, acre lot. 1614 Oakview $500. 779-3700. 12t9/20 Brand new 3 bdrm., 2 bath brick home. $550./mo. 778- 0089,693-1322. 13t9/25 Beautiful 3 bdrm., 1 bath home. $475/mo. 778-0089 or 693-1322. Big yard. 13t9/25 HELP WANTED Brazos Beverage now hiring part time route helpers. All day M.,T.,T.,F. Apply in person, 505 Hwy. 2818. 12t9/24 Part-time Computer Operator. 10-15 hours per week. Prefer Juniors or Seniors, all majors. No experience necessary. Send resume to Don Lawrence, P.O. Box 6500, Bryan, Texas 77802. 7t9/24 Typist - Workstudy funds $4.00/hr. 15 - 20 hours/week. Phone 845-5133, leave message for MZF. 1U9/23 On The Double needs part time experienced typists. Apply in person. 331 University Drive. 10t9/20 Landscaping work, $4.25. Flexible hours. Brazos Ven tures. 846-6060. 7t9/24 Crusieship Hiring Data. Phone 707-778-1066 for di rectory and information. 10t9/30 Guitar teacher part time. 764-0006. Keyboard Center, Post Oak Mall. 7t9/tfn $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 FALL WEED ALLERGIC STUDENTS If you are male, 18 years of age or older, and have al lergy symptoms in the fall, you are needed to participate in a 16 day allergy medication study. $200 incentive for those chosen to participate. For more information call 776-0411 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Afternoon help needed at nursery school. 12-5:30, M- F. 846-5571. 13t9/25 WANTED BASEBALL CARDS TO BUY. 764-7983. 10t9/27 Fifth year cadet with senior uniform. 764-7803.10t9/20 Bryan-College Station Eagle S BOOKKEEPER, ; ACCOUNTANT 5 WANTED • Accts. Receivable & 5 Payable, Payroll, ■ General Ledger. ■ Must have 2 years ■ bookkeeping experience ■ or college degree. ■ Call for Interview. S 823-0088 HOME COOKED DINNERS Choose from 2-3 main courses Monday-Friday 5-7 Phone: 696-2381 1-5 1119/26 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable .rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. 9itin AIRPLANE BANNER TOWING Home football games - Kyle Field. Call Alan Taylor (713)721-6290. Derry Air, Inc., Houston, Texas. ,93,30 Planning a party? Plan to use the Disc Jockey Party Service. Special fall rate $37.50 an hour for profes sional music and D.J. Call DAVID- Kiel 846-1838. Ref : by Jay Norris. 119/13 I.cmcr tpialiu word processing. Win pax more? S1.50'page. 696-9149. 1419/26 Plumbing repairs, small, large jobs. Licensed, aff orda ble. 823-7723,779-6197 9t9/26 Expert Typing, Word Processing, Resumes. All work error free. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 10U2/6 Typing for theses, dissertations, term papers. Will transcribe dictation. Reasonable rates. 693-1598I2t 10/8 Professional Academic Typist/Word Processor. $1.25/ ds/page; Volume rates. 764-6600. 7t9/24 WEEKEND Telephone Sales. Flexible shifts on Fri day, Saturday, and Sunday. Work around home football games. Great commissions! Call Lizz Clark. 779-2345. 1419/24 Account Representative General Motors Acceptance Corp. Challenging & diversified maxi mum opportunity to advance ex cellent benefits. Apply 4103 South Texas Avenue, Bryan. An Equal OpportunityEmployer. M/F. 1419/26 Pizza Hut Special Delivery ROOMMATE WANTED Female roommate wanted to share 2 bedroom apt. Rent $132.50 month and half of all bills. Call Kathy at 696-2510. 13t9/25 PERSONALS PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Abortion procedures and referrals—free pregnancy testing. Houston, Texas. 713/271-0121. 12t9/20 FOR SALE Buy • Sell • Trade Top cash money for good used furniture. Furniture Liquidation Mart, Pooh’s Park. M - S. IQ - 6. 693-3742. I92tfn Rug 6x9 $25.00. carpel 6\7 $20.00 - 096-3050. 1419/24 Yamaha '82SECA400. Good condition. 268-0805 eve nings. 1219/24 TRIUMPH TR7, 1977. A/C, AM/FM Stero, low mile age, 5-Speed. $3395. Call Scott 260-4959. 12t9/27 A Steal! 4hrni.. 2 1/2 ba.. on I acre. Pood family neigh borhood. Owner must sell. $85,000. Gall 846-3()04l9/20 1982 Chevy Camaro Z28. 30,000 miles. Like new. 822- 7153 evenings. 12t9/24 1966 Ford Mustang. Candy apple red, black interior. Excellent condition. Call 260-2150. Ht9/27 AKC Cocker Puppies. Champion lines. Adorable rare black. 409-693-1322. 13t9/25 For Sale: terrain bike. Great 2537. per- 18ky”, 15 speed specialized all For campus too. Leave message 779- 10t9/20 neeas HrlSif Part Time Drivers •$5.-$8. per hour •must be 18 yrs. of age •apply in person at 1103 Anderson, 3131 Briarcrest (behind Nash’s), 501 Univ. Dr. Northgate. The Houston Chronicle is taking applications for carriers, on imme diate route openings. Earn $400. to $700. per month plus transpor tation allowance. Please call Ju lian at 693-2323 or Andy at 693- 7815. 7t9/18 AjUijiONsiw ;md i*ntliusiastic person to work on phones Fixe <la\ s a week. I lours fiv e to eii^ht. Phone 71) 4-9528. ask lot Sharon. 1 4t9 26 Needed: Part-time employee for mainteitam e odd/jobs and tractor work. I lours flexible. S5. In . Pit. 69<JI-0t*W3 Wanted: We need drivers so we can deliver our pizza within 30 minutes. If you are 18 years or older and own a car come by Chanello’s. Cash paid nightly. 20% com- msission guaranteed at least $3.75/hr. Good drivers can earn $8.-$9./hr. Apply in person. 8t9/25 Salespeople needed for outdoor advertising sales. Highest commissions paid. Work own hours. Sales ex perience preferred. Salient Advertising Corporation. 775-7885. 12t9/24 IBM-PC owners: Increase your power with 8087 nu meric coprocessor. Installed and tested. $100. 268- 5878. 13t9/25 GARAGE SALE (»aragc silk* Sat. and SundiiN. 8:30-6:00. New area rugs, .ill sizes, tools. arm\ surplus, telephone/* lot k radio and lots more. 3607 Poresiwood. Brvan. behind Western Nat l Hank. l4t9/20 SPECIAL NOTICE WE THE PEOPLE A no-nonsense newsletter on controversial current events. Each issue will detail a single topic, providing behind-the- scenes background information on specific popular events not available from any other source. For a free copy of the first issue: Myth or Menace, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Wm. H. Clark, P.O. Box 9677, College Station Tx. 77840. 1419/24 Defensive driving. Insurance discount, ticket deferral, call: 8a.m.-5p.m. Mon-Fri. 693-1322. 13tl2/18 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Part time evening cook. Grill and fryer experience nec essary. Pay is commensurate with experience. Apply 1- 2 p.m. Monday thru Friday at Ft. Shiloh. 2528 Texas Ave. in C.S. 12t9/30 Casino’s Pizza needs drivers and inside help for all shifts. Starting at $3.50/hr. plus commission for driv ers. $3.75/hr. for inside help. Cali 696-9669 or come by 2314 S. Texas Ave. 12t9/24 $10.-$360. wcckly/tip. Mailing circulars! No <|uotas! Siiicgrclv interested t tish self-addressed envelope: Suc cess. !’.<). Box 470CEG. Woodstock. II. 60098. U9/27 Takeover payments on loan on San Beinto Duplex plus closing. Paid $83,000. in 1981. Refinanced 1983 $4000. Balance $78,000. Call 817-267-1521, Cheryl or, 817- 267-5457. 10t9/20 Texas\ Mobile Home Outlet, Inc. Why rent when you can buy for less 822-9140 North Texas Ave. and Hwy 21 under the big Texas flag new, used and repo mobile homes Word Processing. Call Cindy. 779-4935. 10tl0/4 Word processing: large or small. ABEL SERVICE. 100 W. Brookside. 846-2235. 12t9/20 Educational Editing. Professional editing and proof reading. Pli.D. degree. 12+ soars professional expeti- oiicc. 764-7937. lt9/30 LOST AND FOUND I mm Oik- gold 11 lain w ith met la II ions. Thursdav i light around I i tvlmusc pool. Reward. Please c all H23l-4(Wtf:> or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job. Right now, dur ing International Classified Adver tising Week, is a great time to put the Classified to work for you! 845-2611 CHIMNEY HILL BOWLING CENTER ~ 40 LANES League & Open Bowling Family Entertainment Bar & Snack Bar 701 University Dr E 260-9184 Page 12/The Battalion/Friday, September 20, 1985 A&M’s California spike has early homecoming By CHAREAN WILLIAMS Assistant Spurts Editor SAN DIEGO — Texas A&M freshman Cheri Steensma left her heart in San Francisco. Well, not literally in San Francisco, but her hometown of San Ramon, Calif, is close enough. Steensma, an outside hitter on the A&M volleyball team, got her First “homecoming” when the Ag- ies arrived in San Diego Thurs- ay night for the San Diego State Tournament. Although SDSU is more than a hop, skip and jump to San Ra mon, she was none the less happy to be back in California. “I’m getting to see my family,” Steensma said, “and I am getting to see some old friends. I used to play with some of the girls on the California teams. “I’m not going to get to go home until Christmas. That’s a long time. My mom called the other day and said, ‘Gosh, 1 knew you would go away, but I didn’t know it would be this soon.’” California is where Steensma’s “home” is now, but it used to be Texas. So College Station isn’t really a foreign land to her — and the freshman blues haven’t hit her too hard yet. “I used to live in Dallas, so Texas is like my second home,” Steensma said. “I’ll admit I got a little homesick this week, when I got some letters from home, but most of my friends have gone away to school, too. This is where I want to be and I’m happy. I really haven’t had much time to be homesick.” She hasn’t had time because her coach, A&M’s Terry Condon, has kept her busy with setting, spiking, digging and running drills. “Volleyball takes up my time and my energy,” Steensma said. “It’s a tough game. You’ve got to love it, that’s for sure. I want to be the best I can be and that takes work and time. At times you get very fatigued. Sometimes you just want to sleep for days, but if I wasn’t enjoying the game, I wouldn’t be here.” Believe it or not, Steensma didn’t even discover the game un til she was 16. A&M spiker Cheri Steensma “I tried out my freshman year, (in high school) and I made varsi ty,” she said. “But, I couldn’t be a cheerleader and play volleyball both. I chose cheerleading. My sophomore year, I tried out again and played on varsity.” Despite her short encountei with the sport, it didn’t take long L for the 5-foot-11 Californian to stack up the trophies and ribbons Steensma’s numerous volley ball awards would make a day’s conversation, but try these fewon for size: • California High School Ath I lete of the Year. • Leisher Award for outstand ; ing volleyball ability. • All-Area and Magazine Fall j Athlete of the Year for 1984. Whew. Even Joe Montanas i high school football career didn'i read that good. So, how did Condon lurei promising California player om of volleyball heaven? “To tell the truth, I reals didn’t know where I wanted top after my senior year," Steensmi I f I said. “I got letters and one ol 11 them was from A&M. I heard ai 11 about the Aggie traditions, whik living in Dallas. I came foravisii ! - and loved it.” Arizona and San Jose Stale among others, were the losersfot I, Steensma. “I knew all about the Aggietn ditions and spirit,” she said, “but! couldn’t believe it when I got here. It was a lot more than I« pected. I can’t wait until I geut go to my first (A&M) football game.” A political science major, Steensma has definite plans for the future. “Right now I want to go toU school,” she said. “But who know in four years? As for volleyball,! just want to improve this year.) want to be able to help the team ! need to be more aggressive and I know that. It’s just a matter ol doing it. I’m trying to get pasttht frustration point right now. This is a big step up from high school I’m not the best I want to be yet." “Yet” is the key word for Steensma., “I want to be an All-Amen can,” she said. "That’s always been my goal. I hope to reach it someday soon.” That someday might be just around the corner. Crow— (continued from page 8) well as they did athletically.” And NLU football has done well under Pat Collins, the man Crow recommended to succeed him as head coach. NLU posted 8-3 seasons in ’82 and ’83. The ’83 season they were SLC co-champions. When asked if having close con tacts at NLU will give him mixed emotions when A&M and NLU tan gle, Crow replied: “Oh no,” he said. “No questio: about it. I hope that Northcis (Louisiana) plays well. I know tin they’ll play nard. I hope they pin well. But obviously I hope theydci play that well. I want them to makti good showing.” Welcome AGGIES To Your New Del Taco Mexican Cafe At 614 Villa Maria FREE FAIJTA Buy Any Chicken or Beef Faijta AND GET ONE FREE One coupon per visit Not valid with any other promotion Offer exp. 10/15/85 DEL TACO MEXICAN CAFE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FREE DINNER Buy Any Dinner Get One Free Dinners include: Refried Beans, Rice, and Salsa Bar One coupon per visit Not valid with any other promotion. Offer exp. 10/15/85 PEL TACO MEXICAN CAfE