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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1985)
■ /.i . ; . MONGOLIAN HOUSE RESTAURANT AtXYou Can Eat Mongol idvw W Boo; B'Q S' inese Foob buffet Lunch $5.45 Dinner $7.45 Back To School Special • Buy one buffet at regular price and get a second mexdfor fuff price with t/iis coupon. fi/pt to 6e used with other offers 1503 S. Texas at HoUday Inn Cottege Station • Alpha Phi Burger • Teriyaki Burger • MexiBurger • Alpha Phi Burger 1 WOW The Best Burgers in Town Just Got Better § Every night from 6-11 p.m. We’ll highlight a different burger off our menu Only $2.75 WOW! 03 03 o including iced tea or soft drink does not include tax not good with any other coupon or special § 846-8741 o egdiy m jaSjngjxatAj • je6jng j^eAuei • jeSing jijd EMd|y • je6jng ipuefci jjs dcLHOXE.t Just North of TAMU on Wellborn Rd Presents LIVE Rock 'n Roll By and $1 00 Margaritas 8:30 —12:00 Every Wednesday T«H»I*S W*E»E«K Thursday & Friday: (from Dallas) 'For Reasons Unknown' Saturday: 'Sneaky Pete & the Neon Madman — BE THERE — Page S^The Battalion/Wednesday, September 18,1985 No bids Warped made on TDC land Associated Press HOUSTON — Texas prison offi cials on Tuesday offered to sell two pieces of prime real estate to finance the court-ordered construction of additional facilities, but got no bids. About 6,000 acres of surplus prison land in Fort Bend and Harris counties is being put on the auction block by the Texas Department of Corrections through the state Gen eral Land Office. State officials had hoped the Tuesday sale, along with another scheduled for November, would raise about $125 million to build a new maximum-security unit near Palestine and other smaller facilities. Eighteen developers obtained bid packets required for participation in the sale. However, no bids were sub mitted for two tracts of land near the Texas Department of Corrections’ Central Unit in Sugar Land, about 20 miles south of Houston. Beetles infest East Texas pine Searchers using horses Associated Press A 48-acre tract north of Texas Highway 90 required a minimum bid $5.5 million. An 81-acre piece of property fronting state Highways 6 and 90 and adjoining the Missouri Pacific rail line had a minimum price tag of $ 11.1 million. In addition to the land offered for sale Tuesday, 11 tracts of more than 3,400 acres will be sold through sealed bids in November. The property includues 2,024 acres in three tracts at the Jester Unit and 1,130 acres in six tracts at the Central Unit north of the Brazos River in Fort Bend County. ZAVALLA — U.S. Forest Service officials have taken to horseback in search of pine beetles that are infest ing and destroying thousands of acres of forests in East Texas. The pests have destroyed about $51 million of timberland in East Texas this year, officials said. Forest Service officials usually use pickups and four-wheel drive vehi cles to search for the infestations, but legislation passed last year now prohibits vehicles in federally pro tected wilderness areas. District ranger Cary Williams hired T.C. Pouland and Willie Self to track the bugs by horseback in the Upland Island wilderness outside Zavalla and the Turkey Hill wilder ness in San Augustine County. Williams says the Angelina dis trict, one of seven in East Texas, is State board advises premium reductions Associated Press AUSTIN — The State Insurance Board staff recommended Tuesday that the board reduce premiums for automobile insurance rates by ap proximately $35 million next year. The staff recommendation amounts to an average 1.3 percent decrease statewide compared with current premiums. The auto industry Tuesday asked for what it called a modest increase of 10.6 percent, or an additional $288 million. Drivers’ actual premiums for pri vate passenger cars will vary widely, depending on such factors as type of coverage, where they live, their age, the kind of cars they drive and how they use their autos. The three-member board will set next year’s auto insurance rates after a public hearing Thursday. Charles Wirth, chairman of the Texas Automobile Insurance Serv ice Office, said motor vehicle fatali ties and injuries were up slightly in 1984, reversing a downward trend in recent years. Texas’ seat belt law went into ef fect Sept. 1, and Wirth said, “There is no doubt that the implementation of the mandatory seat belt law use Construction worker killed by falling crane Associated Press SAN ANTONIO — A construc tion crane fell on a freeway overpass Tuesday, killing a worker, injuring another and tying up rush-hour tra ffic for a brief period, authorities said. Mitchell Holland, 29, of San An tonio, died instantly when he was “pinned under the boom (of the crane,)” said Delte Dascomb, spokeswoman for the San Antonio police. His death was ruled accidental, according to a spokesman in the Bexar County Medical Examiner’s office. Before falling on Holland, the boom also hit another worker, au thorities said. Charles Dupin, 31, of San Antonio, was treated for back, Officials said they do not know what caused the crane to fall. 19 patrons become ill, officials close mall Associated Press UNIVERSAL CITY — Fire offi cials say they are baffled about what caused 19 people to suffer nausea dies at a shopping center shut dm town Tues- and headaches at a that was forced to shut day. “It’s just a big mystery to us,” Ross Wallace, fire chief for this suburban city in northeast San Antonio, said. Five of the victims were hospital ized for observation. Fourteen com plained of headaches and other symptoms, but were not hospital ized, Wallace said. The Buckingham Center, a strip shopping center with seven busi nesses, was evacuated shortly after a report to the fire department of a possible blaze at a convenience store at one end. Fire officials ordered the area evacuated alter people throughout the building complained of nausea and weakness. Firemen, carrying hydrocarbon testing devices, walked through the building to “try to get a reading on the cause of the odors,” Wallace said. But the devices indicated no chemicals in the air, he said. Investigators then turned on the air conditioning and all the equip ment in a dry cleaning business, but still were unable to detect any chemi cals. “It smelled like a burned motor,” Bill Viner, 17, of Marion, an em ployee of a vacuum repair shop at the center, said.“I smelled it this morning when I walked in.” Wallace said he allowed the shop ping center to reopen at 4:30 p.m., about six hours after it was evac uated. to more ex search by iploys beetle scouts. He said it is E ensive and slower orseback. “But that’s one of the costs of hav ing a wilderness,” he said. Pouland, 60, spends three or four days a week looking for signs of the beetles — brown or faded-green fo liage and white resin on the bark. “Sometimes the beetles are hard to find, sometimes they’re easy to find,” said Pouland, who gets paid for every beetle infestation, or “spot,” he finds. Pouland, who rides his own geld ing, Rocky, said he usually finds about two spots a day. When he locates an infestation, Pouland marks it with red and yel low ribbons for Terry Harris, a for est service technician who then rec ommends a course of beetle control. Usually, the forest service wills monitor active spots of less tl 0 trees. Where the infestation is larger the service will cut down trees. “It’s a shame,” Pouland said. 1i hurts me to watch these nice trees die like that.” The beetle detection starts will aerial surveillance. Every two weeks an air team map the areas suspected of having becil infestations for the ground scouts. Usually, the aerial observers tat pinpoint a spot to within 100 yank although they can be as muchasi quarter of a mile off, Williams said According to Williams, drynts and summer heat have slowed tin spread of beetles, but their growth still “epidemic.” will help reduce injuries and the cost of insurance.” However, he said, two recent deci sions by the Texas Supreme Court “will just as surely act to increase in surance costs.” One holds that a person who wins a personal injury lawsuit can recover prejudgment interest that has ac crued by the time of the judgment. Another ruling overturned a stat ute that prohibited persons within a certain kinship from suing the owner or operator of a vehicle for damages in an accident. Can Lee of the Insurance Infor mation Institute said the staff and industry proposals reflect different profit Figures. Lee said the industry is asking for 5 percent total profit. “We see no decrease in hospital bills or repair costs, both of which are rising at a rate above the annual rate of inflation,” Lee said. Jon Ford of the insurance board staff said the staff has proposed an overall profit of 0.35 percent, com pared with the current profit of 0.13 percent. The staff summary shows the in dustry earned automobile insurance premiums totaling $2.71 billion in 1984. neck, knee and elbow injuries and released, said Molly Gofron, a spokeswoman for Santa Rosa Medi cal Center. The two men were pouring con crete on a widening project for In terstate 35, said Fire Lt. Ignacio Avila. What’s up Wednesday MSC AGGIE CINEMA: presents “Cabaret” at 7:30 p.m. in 501 Rudder. Admission is $1.50. ATHLETIC HOSTESSES: there will be an informational meeting in 601 Rudder at 6:50 p.m. for girls interested in working with athletic recruits on game weekends inter ested girls who are unable to attend the meeting can pick up an application in the Student Government Office on the 2nd floor of the Pavilion. Contact John Kigas at $45-3051 with questions. TAMU CHESS CLUB: will meet at $:30 p.m. in 607 Rudder. STUDENTS AGAINST APARTHEID: will meet at 8:30 p.m. in 510 Rudder. SIERRA CLUB: will meet at 7:50 p.m. in the College Station Community Center, 1500Jersey, Rm. 102. TAMU MUSICIAN’S CLUB: will' meet at 7 p.m. in 407 Rud der. CIRCLE K: will meet at 8:30 p.m. in 504 Rudder. HISTORY DEPARTMENT: History film series will show “Henry V” at 7 p.m. in 113 Biological Sciences Building East. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY: will meet for an “Aggie supper” at 6 p.m. at A&M Presbyterian Church. RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION: w^iil meet at 8 p.m. in 301 Rudder. STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTION COMMISSION: Freshman election filing (Student Senate, Freshman class officers) 9 a.m.-5 p.m. today through Friday. TEXAS A&M STUDENT CHAPTER OE THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY: will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the observatory atop the O&M Building. COMMITTEE FOR AWARENESS OF MEXICAN AMERI CAN CULTURE (CAMAQ: will meet at 7 p.m. in Rudder. PRE-VET SOCIETY: will meet at 7 p.m. in 230 Veti Medicine Annex. I>r. Gage speaking on pre-profes; curriculum. SIGMA TAU DELTA, ENGLISH HONOR SOCIETY: meet at 8 p.m. in 124 Blocker. BETA GAMMA SIGMA NATIONAL SOCIETY: will meet at 7 p.m. in 163 PI SIGMA EPSILON NATIONAL BUSINESS FRA NITY: will meet at 7 p.m. in 502 Rudder. AMERICAN INSTITUTES OF CHEMICAL ENGINE! will meet at 6:30 p.m. in 102 Zachry. TEMPLE HOME TOWN CLUB: will meet at 8 p.m. in Rudder. No one was available for comment at the construction company Tues day. “Fortunately, the top of the crane did not hit any car,” Avila said. “But it did stop traffic until they dis mantled it. OETCAMPUS AGGIES: will meet at 8:30 p.m. in 701 i : der. NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS: will mt at 7:30 p.m. in 607 Rudder. PEER ADVISORS: will hold an “Endless Summer” Reunit Party 9 p.m.-midnight at the Q-liuts. FISH CAMP ‘85-CAMP PENBEKTHY; will meet at 7 p.m. 301 Rudder. TAMU A< meet 8: MICRO SOCIETY: will meet at 6:30 p.m. in 113 Sciences Building East. , e KOREA ACADEMY OF TAEKWONDO: will meet at 7 m 255 G. Rollie White Coliseum. TAMU FENCING CLUB: will meet at 7 p.m. in 267 Kyle. MSC CEPHEID VARIABLE: presents “The Last Star ter” at Rudder Theater. BETA ALPHA PSI; will meet at 6:45 p.m. at Country Club. Topic: “Acoimtiog in the w’s,” AGGIES AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING: will meet at p.m, in 407 Rudder. , INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will at 7 p.m. i n 102 Rudrier, ALPHA PI MU INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING SOCIETY: Applications for membership are the industrial Engineering Office and are due Sept. 20. TAU KAPPA: will meet at 7 p.m. in 302 Rudder. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND AS TRONAUTICS: will meet at 7 p.m. in 116 Old Engi- fV-. neertng Bldg. V ' Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion. 210 Reed McDonald, no less than three days prior lode- mm —- P Tl port* parti Mon vane vano Com Sterli 115- • the L Hi 1 • i rassrr catioi N RC Rubi barn walls much Ba the b when “his” Ba Rosh peopl in Bel Te grour the h Texa He many stoope stop tc He No sir years, sure h -Banks CHlMh 701 U KXS