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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1985)
. n,n;v fix ; : ; ;: ": MARK TWAIN NEVER KNEW PILOT PEN. He wrote beautifully without our Razor Point marker pen and our "Better Ballpoint Pen"... but imagine what he might have written with them. You may not be a Mark Twain but with a Pilot Razor Point there’s no telling what could do. The Razor Point's durable plastic point conveys every word in o smooth, thin unbroken flow. Express your individual personality with every stroke. Only 98* you [pTlot] RAZOR POINT marker pen You'll want Pilot's “Better Ballpoint Pen" os well. Its tungsten carbide boll, held securely within a durable stainless steel tip, insures o non-skip ink delivery and smooth write-out. Carbons? They're a breeze because of its uniquely ribbed grip, and there's no ^ writer's cramp. the _ Only 79* [PILOT] paoti THE BEtTER BALLPOINT Hewlett-Packard... For Tough Assignments Hewlett-Packard calculators...for Science, Engineering, Business, or Finance. They save time and simplify complex problems. How? With built-in func tions, programming capability, and time-saving features like dedicated keys. Buy yours today! • Ii!’-l 1C Slim-line Advanced Sdcntific Programmable $65.50 • HP-12C Slim-line Advanced Financial .... ' Programmable ftOO-OO • HP-15C Slim-line Advanced Scentific Programmable with Matrices 1100.00 « HP-16C Slim-line Programmable for ^ Computer Science $ J0.00 • HP-11 CV Advanced Programmable Alphanumeric $180.00 • HP-llCX Advanced Programmable Alphanumeric with Extended Functions IffAS/.OO ^ HEWLETT mL/ZM PACKARD AUTHORIZED HEWLETT-PACKARD DEALER 303 CHURCH STRLCT COLLEGE STATION. Page 4/The Battalion/Tuesday, September 10, 1985 Spring graduates must apply now for ’86 Who’s Who By TAMARA BELL Suitt Writer Applications are now being ac cepted for Who’s Who Among Stu dents in American Universities and (Colleges. Who’s Who is an acknowledgment of a senior’s or graduate student's outstanding accomplishments at Texas A&M, said Dr. J. Malon Southerland, assistant vice president for student services. May 1986 graduates who meet the requirements can pick up applica tions at eight locations on campus in cluding the Memorial Student Cen ter, Student Activities Office in the Pavilion and Sterling C. Evans Li brary, Southerland said. The dead line for applying is Sept. 27. Students must meet certain stan dards to be eligible for Who’s Who. The criteria include: • Undergraduate students and professional students, those enrolled in the Colleges of Medicine and Vet erinary Medicine, must have 92 credit hours as of September 1985. At least 30 hours must have been taken at Texas A&M. • Undergraduate and profes sional students must have an overall grade point ratio of 2.5 or better. • A graduate student must have completed one semester at A&M during which he completed 12 credit hours for grade points. Graduate students must have a grade point ra tio of 3.5 or better. • The student must be active in campus and/or community activities and show qualities of leadership in student/community organizations. • A student may be selected to the Who’s Who roll for one year only. • Those selected are responsible for remaining eligible throughout their college career. From the qualified applicants, 55 students will be selected by a com mittee chaired by Dr. Carolyn Adair, director of Student Affairs, and composed of students, staff and f ac ulty, Southerland said. The selection process will continue throughout the fall semester because of the many applications that will be reviewed. The vice president for student services will notify the chosen stu dents and the national Who’s Who office will contact the students for biographical information for the 1985-86 edition of Who’s Who Among Students in American Uni versities and Colleges. A Who’s Who reception honoring the recipients is scheduled to corre spond with Parents’ Day weekend on April 11, Southerland said. The honorees will be presented with a framed certificate. “The key benefit to being named in Who’s Who is the recognition by a student’s peers for the high level of accomplishment in four years at the University,” Southerland said. Program created to reduce young minority pregnancies Associated Press AUSTIN — Community leaders must show young blacks that sex is not the only “free entertainment” available, a stale lawmaker said Mon day in annoucing a program de signed to reduce pregnancies among minority teen-agers. Austin Rep. Wilhelmina Delco said sports should be revived as an alternative to teen-age sex. Delco and Dallas Rep. Paul Rrgsdale were named honorary chairmen of the National Council of Negro Women’s program that will match adult “role models” with black teens. At a Capitol news conference, Ragsdale offered statistics showing that almost one of four black females become pregnant before age 18. Among 18 and 19-year-olds, the pregnancy rate for blacks is five times the rate for whites, according to the statistics. Among younger teen-agers, the black pregnancy rate is eight times that of whites, he said. “We are here today to address a problem that has grown to epidemic proportions in black communities across the United States and Texas,” said Ragsdale, chairman of the Black Legislative Caucus. Delco, a caucus member, said teen pregnancy is a problem in all seg ments of society, not just the black community. “There are a couple of reasons why people do this,” Delco said. “Once I heard young people say, ‘Well it’s the only free entertain ment.’ “It may be, but it isn’t something like you go to a movie and when you leave the movie you’re through. This has a tremendous impact. “It’s not really free. You take a chance. It’s like Russian roulette. You take a chance every time you have that f ree entertainment of pro ducing a child that could alter your life for the rest of your life.” The challenge is to show young people the “alternatives to sex as en tertainment,” Delco said, mention ing basketball, football and women’s sports as possibilities. “For years, for young people, sports have been a healthy, accepta ble alternative,” she said. “We have kind of let that go down in favor of TV.” Around town Who^ Who applications now available Applications fot Who’s Who Among Students in American l ni- versiues and Colleges will be available at Ixixes located at eight dif ferent campus locations from 8 a m, today through 5 p.m. Sept 27. Applications can be picked up at the Commandant’s Office. Memo rial Student Center. Student Activities Office. Zachry Engineering Center. Sterling C. Evans Library, Kleberg Center, the Office ot the Dean of Veterinary Medicine and the Office of the Vice President for Student Services. Defensive driving class begins today The Bryan-Coilege Station Noon Optimist Club is sponsoring a defensive driving course today and Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Brazos Center on Briarcrest Drive in Bryan The course can lie used to receive r 10 percent reduction in automobile insur- | ante rates or for the dismissal of a traffic fine. The fee is $20. Call 779-1111 for more information. Federal report says theft of explosives on the rise In Texas Associated Press AUSTIN —-Texas topped the na tion in 1984 in the number of explo sive thefts, with 3,571 pounds being taken in 21 incidents, according to an unpublished report by the fed eral Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. When Dallas polite and federal agents raided a Rockwall residence and a Dallas business April 27, 1984, they confiscated stolen military ex plosives ranging from hand gre nades to detonators to practice mines. The raid, which led to the arrests of eight people, was described by federal agents as one of the largest single seizures of stolen explosives in U.S. history and the largest recovery ever of stolen military munitions. The agents said the raid helped expose a growing, often deadlv trade in black market explosives in Texas. They said the trade can be as profitable as it is perilous. “It’s something we’ve been in a running gun battle with for years,” said Jack Killorin, ATE chief of pub lic affairs. Smokeless powder, black powder and other blasting agents found in the Dallas armory were among the 980 pounds recovered in Texas last year, said Steve Sheid, an explosive specialist with the federal agency in Washington. In part because of the Dallas sei zure, the state also led the nation last year in the amount of stolen explo sives recovered by, officials, accord ing to the new ATE report, which the Austin American-Statesman said is expected to be issued in late Sep tember. The crime might be on the up swing in the state, but it is not new, officials said. Only Kentucky recorded more ex plosive thefts than Texas in 1981: when 16 incidents were investigated by local, state, and federal authori ties, according to A I F figures. Armed with stolen explosives and illegal fireworks, criminals are using bombs for a variety of motives- vandalism, revenge, protests, extor lion, insurance fraud and murder, investigators said. There were 37 bombings in Texas last year, according to the federal re ! port. Bombings across (he nation in 1984 killed nine people, injured 166 and inflicted S7.1 million in damage The most popular bombs are pipes or bottles filled with flamma-' ble liquids, smokeless powder or. black powder, officials said. “It’s up to the imagination of the person making the bomb, and de pending on their intelligence thei can make simple ones or very com ! plicated ones,” Sheid said. Thieves in Texas have turned their attention to rock quarries and to (Ire oil and gas industry, bothol! which are major users of explosives “First of all, we have a large getH graphical area in Texas, and we also have a lot of legitimate businesses that require explosives,” said Rich aid Garner, a special agent of the agency in Dallas. Regulated storage f acilities for oi and gas and other industries are the most frequent targets for explosive thieves in Texas. Garner said. T Phil Chojnacki, an assistant special agent for the A I F bureau in Hous ton, said eight explosive thefts were recorder! in the I fouston districtIw tween October and March. '|B The enforcement office in Hous ton oversees the southern half of Texas and southern New Mexico. Presenting the Grammy award-winning CASH ON CAMPG Now, getting cash on campus is easy by simply opening an account at Commerce National. We II give you a FREE Pulse Card, so you can have access to your account 24 hours a day at thousands of locations throughout Texas, including the Pulse machines at the Memorial Student Center. For easy cash on campus-up to $300 a day - open an account at Commerce National. Welcome back, Aggies! Commerce National Bank 2405 Texas Avenue S. at Southwest Parkway, College Station, Texas (409) 693-6930 Member FD1C Leonard Slatkin Music Director and Conductor Peter Susskind Assistant Conductor “A new star in the symphonic heavens.. ALLGEMEIEN ZEITUNG (Frankfurt, Germany), 1985 Don't miss the magic sponsored by MSC OPAS. September 12, 1985 8:00 p.m. Rudder Auditorium Tickets now on sale at the MSC Box Office, 845-1234, Visa and MasterCard accepted.