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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1985)
Tuesday, September 10, 1985/The Battalion/Page 13 WORLD AND NATION ~ SHOE by Jeff MacNelly Household Advice-. Tb get rid of -those pesky odors in pur kitchen... place a tax of baking soda in •the refrigerator. However, more drastic action should be taken in extrma cases... Scientists held quiet sen/ice at site of Titanic discovery Associated Press WOODS HOLK, Mass. — Scien tists who found the Titanic returned to port Monday to the cheers of a ju bilant crowd and revealed that as soon as they made the emotional dis covery they held a memorial service for the 1,513 people who died in die sinking. The Navy-owned research ship Knorr, whose crew found die I i- tanic about 5(i() miles off Newfound land on Sept. 1, gave two horn blasts and did a 360-degree turn in the harbor as a salute to the 300 people who gathered to greet it. About 20 small pleasure boats es corted the Knorr in the harbor as people waved from the docks and the rooftops of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Tm glad it's over,” said Ballard, chief scientist on the T.S.-French ex pedition that found the Titanic 2Vj miles below the surface while testing a remote-control robot vessel for the Navy, said. When the Titanic was spotted, Ballard said, he had just stepped out of the control room. 1 lie chief French scientist. Jean-Louis Michel, was the first to see the ship. MILWAUKEE — Investiga tors said Monday diev would re move from a muddy forest pre serve the jet engine that failed just before a DC-9 airplane crashed, as relatives of the 31 people killed in the accident made plans for their f unerals. “We will attempt to remove at least one, if not both, of the en gines from the crash site, said Ra chel Halterman, press director for the National Transportation Safety Board. Removal of the heavily dam aged, 5,000-pound engine was made difficult because it was mired in mud left by thunder storms Sunday, she said. It was to be taken to a nearby hangar for further inspection. “We have several investigative groups active here, and that’s the activity of one of them." said Jack Drake, who is heading the investi gation of the Midwest Express Airlines crash for the N I SB. The pilot reported an emer gency Friday just after taking of f from Gen. Billy Mitchell Field, and the plane crashed about a half-mile south of the run wav. Woods Hole officials have said they have no plans to try to raise the 882 l A>-foot- long Titanic, which ex perts have estimated would cost several billion dollars. “They said you’d better go and get Bob and no one wanted to leave,” Ballard said. “So, finally, they got the cook to go and find me. I ran into the control center. It was clear. The boiler is so distinct and unique, and Jean-Louis and I had mem- ori/ed, I think, every part of the ship. We were very excited. “Then it hit us. Someone looked at the clock and said, 'You know, it’s two o'clock and the Titanic sank at 2:40. With that we quieted and went out on the fantail and had a private service.” Ballard heads the Woods Hole lab that designed Argo, the little subma rine-like vessel that videotaped gap ing holes in the Titanic’s hull and luggage strewn about the wreck. "Removal of the heavily damaged, 5,000-pound engine was made difficult because it was mired in mud. . . — Rachel Hal terman, press director for the National Transporta tion Safety Board. NTSB Chairman James Bur nett said Sunday that investiga tors had determined that the jet’s right engine was not producing power at the time of the crash, out he said the plane should have been able to fly on one engine. Metal detector sweeps of the runway turned up 20 compressor blade pieces and 13 other parts from an engine like the DC-9’s, Burnett said. While it was not certain that all the pieces came from the plane, he said, “there is damage to the right engine where the compres sor blades would have come from” and no reports that any other aircraft had a similar prob- Families'went aboard with bottles of champagne for the discoverers, who had been at sea for six weeks. Marshall Drew of Westerly, R.I., a Titanic survivor who was holding a small banner that said R.M.S. Ti tanic, made only a brief appearance and left before the ship arrived. He said his aunt purchased the banner aboard ship and that it was like those its sailors had on their caps. Drew, 81, was returning home from a winter in Cornwall, England, when the Titanic went down with his uncle on board. Drew and his aunt escaped. The Titanic was touted as unsin- kable, but an iceberg slashed a 300- foot hole in its steel-armored hull on April 14, 1912, while the luxury liner was on its maiden voyage. About 700 passengers were rescued from lifeboats before it sank 2'/a hours later in the world’s worst peacetime tragedy on the high seas. Woods Hole officials have said they have no plans to try to raise the 882'/a-foot-long Titanic, which ex perts have estimated would cost sev eral billion dollars. lem at the site. By Monday, 22 victims had been positively identified, two had been tentatively identified and seven remained unidentified. “We’re kind of in limbo right now,” said Shirley Schmuhl of Marietta, Ga., whose son Ray F. Schmuhl, 22, a General Electric employee, was on the fatal flight. “The airline has Rick’s dental records, but so far they have not positively identified his body,” she said. “We have set up the fu neral services, but I cannot re ceive his body until it’s been iden tified.” Six of the victims were Kim berly-Clark Corp. employees from the Atlanta area, said com pany spokesman William Wicks. Kimberly-Clark is the parent company of Midwest Express Air lines and of Neenah Paper Co., which has headquarters at Ros well, Ga., and operations at Whit ing, Wis. Neenah President John O. Ska- gen was among the victims. A me morial service was scheduled Tuesday in Roswell for Skagen, 57, with burial Friday in Manawa, Wis. • - McCall’s picks 10 sexiest men who are over 60 Associated Press NEW YORK — From Paul New man, at 60 the youngest, to Cary Grant and Isaac Bashevis Singer, both 81, McCall’s magazine has of fered its picks for the 10 sexiest American men who are 60 or older. Ronald Reagan, 74, made the list, as did 69-year-old Frank Sinatra, 70- year-old joe DiMaggio, 79-year-old John Huston, 62-year-old Norman Mailer, 67-year-old John Forsythe, and 61-year-old Lee lacocca. All 10 share “what we might call personal firepower," McCall’s wrote in its October issue. "There's enough accumulated explosive force radiat ing from Grant, Newman, Singer, et al., to send a rocket to the moon . . . and farther.” The magazine went on to cele brate “the intimacy of Ronald Rea gan’s whisper . . . the earthy, folksy forthrightness of lacocca’s self salesmanship; Paul Newman’s inso lent, enigmatic drawl; John Huston’s gravelly sophistication; John For sythe’s old-smoothie polish; Sinatra’s Jersey bounce; and, most unlikely of all, the dry, bemused brilliance of Isaac Bashevis Singer’s richly Polish- accented wit.” Coup (continued from page 1) as Gen. Yod Tthephadsadin, a for mer deputy army commander, and Gen. Serm Nanakorn, a former armed forces commander who an nounced the takeover over Radio Thailand. Serm, 65, most recently an adviser to the Supreme Command, was ac quitted in the 1981 coup attempt on grounds that he had been forced to join it. Tienchai said alleged coup plot ters Kriangsak, Yod and Serm were placed under house arrest. Military sources said Manoon Rubkachorn and two other soldiers were granted asylum in Singapore. Manat Rubka chorn had disappeared and was be lieved to have tied to Burma, the sources said. Bangkok’s streets were filled with people later Monday, and many Thais said they were unaware any coup attempt had taken place. The international airport remained open, but schools and government offices were closed. NBC’s general manager for Asia and the Pacific, Bruce MaicDonelf, said Latch, 35, was hospitalized with leg wounds, but the network later said he had died. Davis and Latch “were obviously caught somewhere in the middle of everything,” said Mac Donell. “A tank just slipped an artillery shell into them.” Davis, 52, was the last correspon dent for a U.S. network to leave Vietnam after the 1975 Communist victory. The fate of the arrested rebels will decided by the courts, officials said. Soldiers who participated in past coup attempts were usually par doned by the government. Prem, who first came to power in 1980, has provided Thailand’s 46 million people with unprecedented political stability after decades of military coups and changes of gov ernment. He was re-elected with a four-party coalition government in April 1983. Military officers recently had stepped up their criticism of Prem after the country suffered a record trade deficit of nearly $4 billion in 1983. Federal safety investigators attempt to retrieve engines from DC-9 crash Associated Pres; GALLERY ISSAN 10% Student Discount Discount is on all parts & labor on Nissan Products only. We will also offer 10% dis count on labor only on all non-Nissan products. Student I.D. must be presented at time workorder is written up. 1214 Tx. Ave. 775-1500 PSST... Girls, put this in your wallet NOW! r———, jei I I Introductory Special I 0O flO OCC: on first visit w/Billy | yOaUU V-/l" I (Formerly Of Shape Of Things) | mustpresent A&M I.D. • - Aggie Men’s Club An Alternative to Fraternities; Christian Fellowship through social and service events. Selection PartiesI Sunday, Sept. 8: Picnic, 2 p.m. Bee Creek Park Tuesday, Sept. 10: Party 8 p.m. - Oakwood Apt. Party Room Thursday, Sept. 12: Party 8 p.m. Treehouse Village Party Room For more information call John Laubaucher 260-4560 or Trey Bounds 776-8739 L. perms $48 and up includes cut ^ g 7 ■L_BL_OP ■ cuts $16.50 and up A WA BA" clipper cuts done w/ease f| J y y BA 1 3600 S. College 693-9515 I 3«IC zxyc rx»c :xk..——. 1 GOING SHOPPING? « Check the ads in The Battalion | for the best buys! L=30C tK J DANCE INSTRUCTORS NEEDED | Auditions for Ballet, Tap, Technique, Jazz, Point, and Aerobic dance teachers will be: Tuesday, Sept. 10 | at 6 p.m. in East Kyle For information call: Karen 693-3490 Cindy 260-3563 PHI ETA SIGMA General Meeting Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 7 p.m. in Rudder Room 510 Come see what’s happening! THE PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY Announces its Fall Rush of 1985: Tues. Sept. 10 & 13 @ 8:00 p.m. Treehouse Village Apts. Partyroom Ptoy tin ft* lor the S*r«r««y H»n<ttc«pp«d The Boot Barn JUSTIN ROPERS $79 00 Largest Selection Lowest Price in The Brazos Valley 2 5 Miles Eas! of Brazos Center on FM 1 179 (Bnarcest Dr.) Mon.-Sat 9:30-6:00 822-0247 CONTACT LENSES $79 00 1 pr.* - daily wear soft lenses $99°« ' pr.* - extended wear soft lenses $11 9 00 pr.* - tinted soft lenses call696-3754 FOR APPOINTMENT OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL,O.Dk,P.C. DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY 707 SOUTH TEXAS AVE-SUITE 101D COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS 77840 —- 1 block South of Texas & University Dr. EYE EXAM AND CARE KIT NOT INCLUDED .•