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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1985)
Friday, September 6, 1985/The Battalion/Page 5 What’s up Friday TAMU CHESS CLUB: wilJ meei at 7 p.m. in Rudder Tower. Players of all strengths are welcome. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: will meet at 7 p.m. at 701 Rudder. Everyone welcome. INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: will hold its first annual Banana Night at 7 p.m. in Rudder Tower {check screen for room no.). Featured speaker: Mike Smith “Does Anybody Really Care?” TAMU POULTRY SCIENCE CLUB: will meet in Kleberg Rm. 100 to discuss upcoming plans. All old and new mem bers welcome. B COMPANY AGGIE BAND: will hold a car wash Saturday from 9 a m. to 4 p.m. in the Red Lobster parking lot. DIAMOND DARLINGS: applications are available in the Athletic Business Office and are due Sept. It) at 5 p.m. CHI ALPHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: will meet for worship at 7 p.m. in Rudder l ower. MSC HOSPITALITY: has membership applications through Sept. 13 in 216 MSC. Saturday ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY, INC.: would like to invite everyone to come and participate in their School is a Beach party. Dress beachy. 9 p.m. until ? TAU KAPPA: has a Bake Potato Picnic with the new interna tional students at 12:30 p.m. at Mt. Aggie. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: will have a group train mg leaders seminar from from 9 a.nv. until 3 p.m. at Rud der 302. KAPPA SIGMA: has a “Generic” rush party at 606 W. 28th. For info call 822-0548. Sunday LEBANESE STUDENT ASSOCIATION: has a meeting at 8:30 in 410 Rudder. MSC OPEN HOUSE: will be f rom 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. Every one Is invited to come and learn about more than 180 stu dent organizations. Monday TEXAS STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: has an informational meeting for education majors and interested people at 8:30 p.m. in 301 Rudder. THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CLUB: will meet at 7 p.m in MSC 206. Meeting is open to everyone interested in the cit ies of tomorrow. TAMU JAZZ BAND: will rehearse at 7:30 p.m. in the Com mons West Piano Room. Please bring instruments. Any in terested persons welcome. BETA ALPHA PSI: will hold an introductory meeting for pledges at 7 p.m. See Beta Alpha Psi bulletin Ixiard for lo cation. ALPHA PHI OMEGA: will h ave national co-ed service fra ternity rush Sept 17 and 18. TEXAS A&M WATER POLO CLUB: has practice at 6 30 p.m. at the outdoor pool. Open for all interested. PHI THETA KAPPA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: will meet at 7:30 in 305 Rudder. All students that have been mem bers of PTK are encouraged to attend. STUDENT GOVERNMENT: Freshman Aide applications are available in 221 Pavilion. Due Sept. 13 at 5 p.m. in the Student Govt. Office. WILEY LECTURE SERIES: Applications are available in 216 MSC. I >eadline is Sept. 12 at 5 p.m. DATE RAPE: A program on date rape will be held by the Dept, of Student Anaii s at 7 p.m. in 607 Rudder. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no less than three days prior to de sired publication date- Houston area live sex show will continue despite raids Associated Press HOUSTON — A live sex show will be continuing at a Houston adult entertainment club despite repeated police raids, the manager of the re cently opened club says. “It would appear to me that we’re being picked on,” James Clark, man ager of the Follies Bergere, said Wednesday night. Houston Police Vice Squad Sgt. C.L. Simmons said officers have no right to shut the club, but can go in side, watch the performances and make arrests if a public lewdness or dinance is violated. On Wednesday night, about seven patrons paid $25 apiece to watch a show that includes an act in which a person dressed in a gorilla suit ap pears to have sex with two women on stage. “The quality of the entertainment we have is certainly far above any other place in town offering nude entertainment,” Clark said. “We’re going to take administra tive action against their permit,” said Don Wollard, senior agent at the commission’s Houston office. City Councilman Frank Mancuso, whose southeast Houston district in cludes the club, said he wondered if the city laws were tough enough to block the performances. “If our ordinance doesn’t stop this kind of thing, we’d better go back to the drawing boards,” he said. One of the participants in the sex show, Teresa Brandenburg, 24, said the act was not obscene. Zenith Art Gallery to open By MOLLY PEPPER Reporter Twelve local artists will open a contemporary art gallery in Bryan today. The gallery will house con temporary arts of all media and styles with representative pieces from each of the artists. The artists say they hope the Ze nith Art Gallery will increase aware ness of the arts in the Brazos Valley while providing exhibition opportu nities for working artists. The gal lery, named after Zenith Television, which occupied the building before, is supported solely by the member- artists. “One purpose of the gallery is to provide an alternative viewing space for works that you’re not likely to see hanging in town,” member-artist John Fry said. Each artist will have exhibit space in the gallery year-round and be fea tured in special exhibits at regular intervals throughout the year. Terry Hart, one of the artists, came up with the idea to start the gallery and contacted the other art ists. Each artist pays monthly dues to keep the gallery open but is allowed to keep any profit made from his art. No commission is charged on the work, which makes it considerably less expensive than work bought from privately-owned galleries where owners add their commission to the artist’s price. Prices in the gal lery range from $25 to $400 with several pieces costing in the thou sands. The gallery is located at 713 South Main in Bryan. It will be open Wednesday to Friday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Member-artists are Donald Chambless, Sarnia Chaudhary, Doug Duryea, John Fry, Gary Hart, Terry Hart, Larry McCain, Carol McCor mick, Ellen Moore, Ken Manthei and Rusty Reid. Library (continued from page 1) The idea of collecting recipes and publishing a cookbook was born at a monthly meeting luncheon, Leissler said. Seven thousand copies later, the hard bound, 384-page cooking companion is now in its second printing. “We’ve sold beaucoup of them,” said Frank Catalena, manager for trade and reference books at the Texas A&M Bookstore. Catalena believes the colorful f paphics on the cover and the “Hul- abailoo” title have boosted the book’s sales. The bookstore has sold over 700 copies. Before the hungry reader reaches the collection of over 6,000 recipes, the cookbook whets his appetite with 21 pages of the “Flavors of Aggie- land,” detailing the history and sig nificance of everything from the Ag gie Band and the Academic Building to Elephant Walk and Silver Taps. A section dubbed “Celebrities and Friends” has enticed Ronald Rea gan, Tom Landry, Dr. Shelby Met calf and Reveille to contribute their favorite dishes. Several students say this combination of Aggie traditions and Texas treats is a proven perfect gift for family and friends. Excerpts from the “Hullaballoo” cookbook have been selected to ap pear in another cookbook entitled “Best of the Best in Texas,” which is soon to be published, Leissler said. She added that the Dallas club with its 432 members is one of 68 federate member A&M mothers’ clubs across the state, boasting a total membership of over 4,500 women. TEXAS STYLE ROCK « ROLL Fires up for Football ON THE SIDE OF TEXAS ASM national Hank / TENSION HEADACHES? If eligible, get $20 for taking one easy dose of safe OTC medication and keeping di ary. Reputable investigators. G & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 * Texas\ Mobile Home Outlet, Inc. Sales and Service ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ it _ £ Why rent when you can buy for less ^ North Texas Ave. and Hwy 21 under the big Texas flag new, used and repo mobile homes 822-9140 * * * * * * * { PHOTO SYSTEMS INCORPORATED t -AND- PARTY * * * * * * * [£? i You're in our Party? " Pics! O Look for us this fall at all Rush and damn parties. Call early to schedule your events. Re-orders available from Jan. 1984 6.9.3.-M81 * * * * * * * * * * * RESTAURANT & CANTINA $2 00 OFF All Day Sunday Dinner Tampico, Dinner Especial, any mexican specialty or our world famous Fajitas with a current TAMU student,faculty or staff I.D. Post Oak Mall Sun 11 -8 Mon-Thurs 11-9 Fri & Sat 11-10 Not The Same Old Rice Beans & Bull Speed Queen Laundry 1806-C Welch College Station 696-9165 Sunshine Laundry 3815 East 29th St.340.3953 Bryan Coin-operoted woshoterios for all your laundry and dry cleaning needs Southwest Pkwy Attendant on duty; Mon -Fri 8 a.m,-6 pm Sat & Sun 9 a.m.-6 p.m, i c o Q. 500 off Wash/Dry/Fold One Coupon Per Visit Expires Sept. 30,1985 I I t Nl