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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1985)
Battalion Classifieds FOR RENT ♦ casa 6el sol PRELEASING SUMMER & FALL 2 Blocks from Campus Church across the street* 2 blocks from stores* 2 blocks from nite life on University Pool Basketball Goals Jacuzzi On Premise Security Large Party Room On Premise Maintenance Open 7 days a week Mon.-Sat. 8:30-5:30 Sun. 1:00-5:00 401 Stasney College Station 696-3455 D. R. CAIN RENTALS *now preleasing * $100.00 deposits Shuttle bus Service LONGMIRE HOUSE APARTMENTS YELLOWHOUSE APARTMENTS BRAZOS HOUSE APARTMENTS 693-8850 3002 S. Texas Avenue DOMINIK DUPLEXES. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, washer and dryer. Fenced yard. Outside pets free. 846-2014. 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED HOUSE 1 1/2 baths, large yard, washer and dryer. On shuttle 846-2014 Attractive large one bedroom apt. Washer-dryer, built in bookcase, covered deck overlooking woods. I l/2 miles from campus. Available Sept. I. 1-273-2479.187(5 A 3 bdnn., 2 bath 4-plex near 1AMU and shopping centers. $375./mo. including washer, dryer, kitchen ap pliances. 696-7714 or 693-0982. Nights 696-4384. 182 tfn Master bedroom for rent. Furnished. Ceiling fan, full bath, washer/dryer. Two car garage. $225. per month single occupancy, $140. per month each double occu pancy. Call now 696-5467. 185t7 Duplex. 696-2308. Amenities 4-1000 Sq. ft. Large LR, 2BR’s. 1.5 bath, closets, WR. $380./mo. Next to bank, stores, restaurants. 308 Amhert/ C.S. I85tl0 1 imiMu'tl. imlni Iii'lu'il lun bedroom ,i|>iv \oilhi;;iu l.ii.U \.Vl 1. 77d-:'.7uir I77il.s 2 room bunkhouse for 1. All utilities paid. $230/mo. 693-0022. 184t4 Northgate fourplex. Walk to campus, 2 bdrm. Starting at $275.00. 693-5159, 696-0066. 186t8 FOR SALE For sale: Gym-pack weight machine $150. Tappan Mi crowave oven $ 100. Call 693-1608. 187t 1 1981 14 x 56 two bedroom mobile home. Call 806-935- 3275. 184t8 Somlmood oil SU I'.uUm. like new. Brick. Si is.(mil. SI. I77i. mow, in. 71 :t-()S 1-2010. 177c Hi 1981 Honda Silverwing Interstate, extremely reliable, 15,000 miles, $ 1800. 846-7687. 186t5 SPECIAL NOTICE $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 TENSION HEADACHE QUESTIONARE STUDY (August 5 through August 30) We are searching for volunteers to participate in a clinical questionaire re search trial to assess the safety and effectiveness of aspirin plus caffeine or aspirin alone. You must meet the fol lowing requirements: (1) Have a Ten sion Headache at time of enrollment. (2) Have not taken any medication or caffeinated beverages within 3 hours of enterance into study. (3) Male or Fe male 18 years of age or older. (4) Could use $40 for 3 hours of filling out a few questionaires. If you would like to know more, call me at 776-0411, or come by 2706 Osier Blvd-Bryan; 8 am- 6 pm. $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 LOST AND FOUND Lost: Black pair of ray-ban wayfarers on 8/6/85. Re ward. 764-7206. 187t5 SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. sitfn i'i»» <11. Ml \pci icm c. W ill als<» 11 -I.V.IS. iw i ilx*. 177t 10 CHILD CARE CHILDREN S LEARNING CENTER Montessori preschool and licensed day care. Individualized learning activities. Serving Snook, Caldwell and Somer ville communities. 272-3716 Specializing’newborn thru 2 vfs. Limited openings. Sugai -\-Spice. :*4<)4 Cavitt. Brvan. 840-9787. I66t3() HELP WANTED Auditions for back up singer. Rock top 40. Must be quick learner and pick out harmony's. Call after 5. 846- 6439. 185t5 Piano and keyboard demonstrating sells person needed part time. Call for appointment. Keyboard Center, Post Oak Mall 764-0006. tfn Part time lunch cook starting S3.85 per hour. Apply, at Ft. Shiloh Restaurant, 2528 Texas Avenue. 1 P.M. - 3 P.M. Monday thru Friday. 184t8 Swenson’s now accepting applications for part-time evening and weekend shifts. Must be 18 years or older. Apply in person 9 A.M. - 11 A.M. at 1507 S. T exas Ave., C.S. 184t4 CHANELLO’S PIZZA NOW FIRING DRIVERS. Guaranteed $3.75/hr.. 20# commission paid nightly. Wage review at 3 months. Apply at 2406D T exas Ave. S. or 301 Patricia. 186(13 HELP WANTED /Uhtj* 0 Mu's Cfo^Vf^ btfaf- NOW HIRING Good pay! Free Food! Housewives-College Students Flexible hours to fit your schedule! Apply in person 1800 Southwest Parkway (next to Pelican’s Wharf) 115t3 OPENING SOON PLAZA 3 THEATRES NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR ALL POSITIONS Apply in Person only between 1-5 P.M. Schulman 6 Theatres 2002 E. 29th Bryan THE GREENERY Landscape Maintenance Team Member Full or part time Interview M-Th 8:30-9:30 a.m. 823-7551 1512 Cavitt, Bryan 18018 Pan time piano delivery person needed. You must have a pick-up truck. Average $6.00 hour plus mileage. For appointment call 764-0006. Keyboard Center Post Oak Mall. 187t CHIMNEY HILL BOWLING CENTER 40 LANES League & Open Bowling Family Entertainment Bar & Snack Bar 701 University Dr E. .260-9184 HEY-HEYfWEA ‘ ■ .ADS?] Watch For Us! 303 W. UNIVERSITY- 846-1616 PANNING FOR GOLD? Battalion Classified 845-2611 Page 4/The Battalion/Friday August 9, 1985 m. - m, m • i!ll!llllllil|i!illlll!lllilS ■ sillf: I;-:-::/!:':??/ Sunday, they will sponsor a summer concert featuring‘’Starving Marvin and the Dexatrims.” The show begins at Tp-nn and admis sion is free. . :: •••Tr:- To celebrate the relocation of the reserve new library, the Colleges of Veterinan you to carry an armful of reserve books through \ passageway to the Reserve Room of the new library. tion to the Ribbon cutting ceremonies will open the under way and covered walkway. The First ceremony will U of Veterinary Medicine lobby at 11:30 a.m. Monday will be served. RSVPat 845-7427. . ' ' T ,> Congressmen garner big RAC contributions Associated Press WASHINGTON — Five of Texas’ six freshmen Republican con gressmen drew substantial contribu tions — totalling between $32,550 and $77,350 — from special-interest political action committees, accord ing to their latest campaign Finance reports. Two Texas veterans. Democrat J.J. “Jake” Pickle of Austin and Re publican Bill Archer of Houston, boasted the largest campaign chests while picking up the fewest contri butions. Both have historically drawn little opposition. The reports cover the first six months of 1985. Mac Sweeney of Wharton, who was working overtime to mop up a large campaign debt, attracted the most individual and PAG contribu tions in the delegation. He received total donations of $220,265 with $77,350 coming from PACs. Archer, who was elected to fill George Bush’s River Oaks seat in 1970, had $401,893 in his coffers. Pickle, who in 1963 won the seat once held by Lyndon Johnson, re ported cash-on-hand of $358,705. Pickle collected the smallest amount of contributions — $150. Archer reported contributions of $1,095. _>~~- Beau Boulter of Amarillo re ceived $47,100 in PAG contribu tions. Tom DeLay of Sugar Land re ceived $39,900; Richard Armey of Denton, $34,650; and Larry Corn- best of Lubbock, $32,550. Joe Barton of Ennis received only $6,000 from PACs. He was the only one of the six not to get a seat on a major committee and serves on Inte rior, Science and Technology. Of Texas’ 27 House members, only six reported no PAG contribu tions— Archer; Pickle; Sam Hall, D- Marshall, who left earlier this year to become a federal judge; second- term Democrats Solomon Ortiz of Corpus Christi and Mike Andrews of Houston; and veteran San Anto nio Democrat Henry B. Gonzalez. Sweeney is on Armed Services; Boulter on Budget; DeLay on Public Works and Government Operations; Armey on Education and Labor and Government Operations; and Corn- best on Agriculture. Boldter had the biggest campaign debt, about $42,600. Democrat Marvin Leath of Marlin won a seat on the powerful Budget Committee, and Albert Bustamante of San Antonio, the only new Demo crat in the delegation, was appointed to Armed Services, but their reports were not available Thursday at the House records office. Dallas Democrat John Bryant, in his second term and expecting oppo sition in a district that is shifting to ward the GOP, has been busy build ing up a war chest. He reported cash on hand of $192,671. Next to Swee ney, he collected the most donations, $170,860, with $129,835 coming from individual contributors. Jack Brooks of Beaumont, chair man of the House Government Op erations Committee, received $54,550 from PACs. Ralph Hall of Rockwall, who is 18th out of 25 Democrats on the En ergy and Commerce Committee, re ceived even more, $56,580, placing him second in the delegation in PAG contributions, behind Sweeney. Texas’ other chairman, Kika de la Garza of Mission who chairs Agricul ture, received only $1,750 from PACs. Police beat The following incident PJMI reported to the University Police J ^TsDEMEANC^TH^FT: x • A. Kodak slide projector was stolen front 112 O&M Building, j : : *. A Seiko watch was stolen .from the Blocker BiiiildSng. BURGLARY OF A MOTOR VEHICLE: • Two T-tops were stolen from a 1980 Datsun SBOZX • Two Tbops and a tape case ' cpntaming 12' cassette tapes were stolen from a 1981 Datsttn 280ZX parked on Ball Street. If'T'" : BURGLARY OF HABITA TION: ; ' I' • An HP41 CX calculator and $380 were stolep from a room ml Dunn Hall. BURGLARY OF A BUILD ING: . ' ' 4 • A Hewlett-Packard com puter was stolen from i9-B Zachry Engineering Center. . ♦ Two watches were stolen from a room in Reathley Hall : CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: • Someone painted peace signs and the words “Stilly knows statue. A replica of the statue also, was painted on the pavemenf Chapman confirmed as winner Associated Press AUST IN — Gov. Mark White and the State Canvassing Board officially confirmed Thursday that Democrat Jim Chapman won the 1st Congres sional District seat by 1,924 votes. T he official results gathered from the 20 Northeast Texas counties by Secretary of State Myra McDaniel showed Chapman received 52,665 votes to the 50,741 votes cast for Re publican Edd Hargett in last Satur day’s special runoff election. Chapman will succeed to U.S. Rep. Sam Hall, Democrat, who was appointed a federal judge. I here were 103,406 votes cast out of the 339,158 registered voters in the district. White said he was “confident” the results, and the procedures of the election would be approved by the _U.S. Justice Department. “The election was set within all the time frames set out by law,” White told reporters. TUCKER IMPORT CRR SERVICE PARTS SALES Complete Auto Repair on Imports & Domestic Cars Tim Tucker—Owner I-F 8-6 & Sat 10-2 779-8339 304 S. Bryan Bryan, TX 77803 a Fantastic Prices & Locations Efficiencies-$250” 2 Bedroom-SSSO. 00 & up All bills paid except electricity—No utility deposit with city * Tennis & Basketball Courts * Exercise Room w/Saunas Huge Apartments-Lots of Closet Space * Shuttle Bus * Crystal Clear Pool Plantation Oaks Apartments 1501 Harvey Rd. Across from the new Post Oak Mall Mo.-Fr. 8*5 COZ Professionally Many Sat. 10-5 Sun.2-5 IU I I by lewis Roberts Co Across from the new Post Oak Mall ProfessionallyMansg?: D5/D" IU I I by Lewis Roberts Ct New Location Custom Alterations By Bea The place to go for all your spring formal alterations. Professional quality/reasonable rates Stillmeadow • Wee Village Center Bryan/846-5920 new yoi ronto Blue J; baseball’s sh from the neg The actio playing field Again, a wal stoppage. “Let’s sen Commission vision. “The Phil Niekro, every time hi “This is tl cord,” Uebei day show. Thursday were five di clubs rushec two-day stril The resui Cincinnati H time record there late thi Ryan’s cai ing, and Ni lively, short Gooden, 17 game winnii The Blue the world cl Yankees am pansion teat As they ai the last thir Fehr and o $5.00 SIMPLE FEE If balancing your checkbook has been a problem, you will | love University National Bank’s low monthly fee of $5.001 on accounts * s than $500.00 and no charge on account.^ with a mil t balance greater than $500.00 DEN’ Doug T nold Pal under-p the earl) day in th champic “I’d li leave tlu 1 and si well said and an c Hills Co Palme of the r his golf! the gre< hole in 1960 U. 711 University 7! College Station, Texas Member FDIC Y NATIONAL BANK NO SECURITY DEPOSIT Why move ^ when you can like this, ^ move like this. ClRDFSB FURNITUP.L RENTA. We Now Rent MICROWAVES and BUNKBEDS 5 Packages Tailored to Your Personal Tastes, Needs and ComM] Freshman Package $35.95 Sophomore Package $45.95 Junior Package $56.95 Senior Package $72.95 Graduate Package $82.95 (Add $15-$25 for each additional bedroom) All Packages consist of a complete Living Room, Dining Room and Bedroom. (Individual Pieces Also Available) DEPENDS ON AVAILABILITY/STYLES SUBJECT TO CHANGE Stop by and enjoy a FREE Coke Compliments of Bryan Coca-Cola (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST) —Certified— m FURNITURE RENTAL 913-D Harvey Road Woodstone Shopping Center College Station, Texas 77840 (409) 764-0721 OFFER EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 M sh ni th be is lii re Battalion Classifieds