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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1985)
The Public Is Cordially Invited To Attend A Free Lecture On God’s Clear Direction and Guidance Lecturer... Morris Trevithick, C.S. of Cambridge, Massachusetts Subject... FREEDOM FROM DECEPTION Time... Thursday, March 7, 1985 at 8:00 pm Place... The Brazos Center 3232 Briarcrest Drive Bryan, Texas Auspices of the Christian Science Society College Station, Texas Child Care Will Be Provided SHOE MWHewrtEPTW AT W$T ABSHT W ?\ wepeowAKTc... c nwrsgEJW aftek AU.THe0eeP ,,, YO/ Fur MAV-T Funky Winkerbean by Tom Batiuk is featuring two Aggie favorites each Thursday night from 4 p.m.-lO p.m. 3.09 Chicken Fried Sleak Cream Gravy Your Choice of Potato Texas Toast Reg. ‘3.79 $ 6.99 17 oz. Choice Broiled Sirloin • Sauteed Mushrooms • Your Choice of Potato • Texas Toasl Reg. *7.99 SSTSHN SX2S2#2»3NT^P en Sunday-Thursday STEAK HOUSE rnday^dsL^y 11 a.m.-ll p.m. 1701 South Texas Ave. Next to Rodewav Inn-Brvan OWWtfi) // 1 TH/MK m UEG /5 BROKEN !! W r OK/W , L£S , TAKE IT EA&T> ! I'Yi TRAILED ID TRE/TT SPORTS IMTURIES / HOOD /V\AW FIM6ER5 AAA I HOLDING UP-?- Bodies of U.S. drug agent, Mexican pilot found in bags Associated Press MEXICO CITY — Two bodies found in plastic bags on a ranch Wednesday after a shootout were identified as those of a kidnapped U.S. drug agent and a Mexican pilot, the U.S. Ernoassy said. Enrique Camarena Salazar, of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, was abducted Feb. 7 in Guadalajara, and the pilot, Alfredo Zavala Avelar, was kidnapped on the same day. Five people, including a Mexican federal policeman, were killed Sat urday in a gunbattle between police and suspected drug traf fickers at El Mareno ranch near the village of Vistahermosa, about 60 miles east of Guadalajara. A search before dawn Wednesday turned up the bags containing the badly decomposed bodies, said a U.S. Embassy spokesman on condi tion of anonymity. “We have a verification that they’re our men,” a spokesman for the embassy said at 4:30 p.m. Mexicans and American officials worked on the identification proc ess, according to the embassy. Unconfirmed reports said (hat the victims’ hands and feet were bound. Camarena, from Calexico, Calif, was abducted within sight of the U.S. Consulate in Guadalajara, Mexico’s second-largest city, 332 miles north west of the capital. Zavala Avelar, a Mexican Agricul ture Department pilot working with the anti-drug authorities, also disap peared in Guadalajara. Mexico City’s major newspaper, Excelsior, on Wednesday quoted sources in the attorney general’s of fice as saying the bodies were found buried. The kidnappings brought new at tention to the problem of narcotics trafficking in Mexico and caused friction in U.S.-Mexican relations when extra searches of vehicles crossing the U.S. border were begun last month. The border searches have been lifted and a handful of smaller bor der stations were closed again this week after anonymous death threats were received by the U.S. Customs Service. Five people were arrested after Saturday’s shootout, according to a report from the attorney general’s office. Federal agents arrived at the ranch as part of the investigation of the area around Guadalajara for Camarena, the report said. THE RECORD BAR PRESENTS BIG SAVINGS ON GOLD FROM WARNER. ELEKTRA & ATLANTIC! SALE PRICES GOOD THROUGH MARCH 27TH! 1985 THE OAPie C/VIMOV- O Vk*' B ^S WHAMMY Spill LINDA RONSTADT GREATEST HITS VOLUME TWO robert plant the principle of moments includes Btg Log Other Arms In The Mood ^ IS PLUS SPECIAL PRICES ON NEW RELEASES BY Foreigner Phil Collins John Fogerty The Firm Madonna Don Henley Midnight Star Chicago The Time AND MORE! STEVIE NICKS HEWED HEART Chicago I6 <-> u„ Include* Hard lb Say I 'm Sorry aat What Can I Say What Sbu're Missing/Chains DEEP PURPLE Deepest Purple Includes Block Night/Fir«ball Srook* On Th« Water/Highway Star The ie¥ens Best Of Deep Purple Q TWISTED SISTER YOU CAN’T STOP ROCK 'N’ ROLL Includes The Kids Are 8ack I Am (I'm Me) 1 , Jl!l4 l < ii!;|); Smash Hits Includes Fdxey Lady Purple Haze Janies Taylor Greatest Hits DAYLIGHT AGAIN 'Ni .H>l ■ TOO MUCH LOVE TO HIDE SOUTHERN CROSS WASTED ON THE WAY C ontainsThc Hit Singles Beaut if ul (>ir|s /I )am f T He Nij?ht Away VANHALENII EAGLES GREATEST HITS 5992S5 3f°r $15 Record Bar W IATL. AMTICl RECORDS, TAPES & A LITTLE BIT MORE. POST OAK MALL V/SA* Bush visits refugees in Sudan Associated Press KASSALA, Sudan — Vice Prcj dent George Bush toured a camptf starving refugees Tuesday and pealed to the Ethiopian governmtit to allow food to pass through rely:- held provinces. Visiting the Wad Sheriffe refuge camp. Bush held a crying infanit his arms and helped feed anodic with a life-sustaining soybean formula. He witnessed first-han the suffering of Africa’s devastaua; famine. He called the experience! wesome.” “You can’t help but see that a* be deeply moved,*’ Bush said. Only a few miles of bleak dex: stretching from the eastern Sutk oasis of Kassala constitute the sii year-old camp. It must supporti estimated population of 70,000refc gees. Most of them are fromthtrt bel-occupied provinces of Eritit and Tigray. As he has in the past, Bush ai cused the government of Ethiopia! President Mengistua Haile Mara oa of blocking food shipments to then bel-held provinces. “ They ought to give a little, 1 said as he stood only a few mils from Ethiopia’s border. “Thp ought to realize there is a great man tragedy here. I would a] Mengistu to do just that.” The rebels have proposed a tmci on several occasions so that foodoi be brought to the millions of staj> ing people in the north, but th Ethiopian government has rejeoc the idea. Thus most aid from Wes ern groups has been transporte into the rebel areas through r boring Sudan. Bush has said his trip to Afriu would focus both on the famine tk threatens an estimated 20 mfc Africans with starvation and on creasing farm productivity to pit edies in the future. vent such tragec BUTT |lT}EArRES Sl-W TW lattkftifer Student* with 1.0. nidi AM Mtfi on TuiMiy S«mor CHlltm Atyi* By BRY S Going int header at O Baptist, the 9 team ahead) about itself. The Aggi< good hitting t .340 team bat runs they ha They knew th tial, as prover strikeouts. Ar not really bee their opponei cords and tl A&M’s favor'. What the whether they power, agains they didn’t kr up their wi teams of com j: Second bas two home rut Gegan hit a fielder Mike across the plai town” and s pounded the < swept DBU 1 proved to 11 -C “They save< ers to use ag Baseball Co; “Both of those pro teams. W< job of battling And batterii DBU’s pitcl Lester Lancas and often. Sc thing in the dc the outfield gr the game and home with his year. “I'll usually the game just stuff the pitchc said. “I'd rathe than almost an self to be a litt the plate.” His aggressi home runs ol strange statistic But it wa< homer in the f the crushing b was called in tl 10-run rule. The Aggies pitcher even he Age ByC I 119 COLLEGE N.M*-«714 | | IN THE MALWH*! f WEBKNITES: 7:^ T HJ6 BREA K^FA^T L c c u b dr j^WEEKKITM MR i-v weemNiTt*: r u only! NOWINATtO AOA il OICAAlft INCIUOIMO MAT Aicumc JL\ AavadeuS r WCEKNITM: 7:IWJ *322281 r . WEtKNITlS: t oo ONLY ' ■ nOM«N«rVDFOR M ¥ »*»C».U01NO*«»t FlCTWRt 1 R PHSSRGC - TC? INPIfi BE.J WEEKNITfS: IM** rniTTocoifl «X0*C KAW0 BT ^ SCHULMAN THEATRES $ _ -l*Sh«w &at. * Sm.-AUSmo Cfl -KT/IM F Vf -XTAM Funtt; x , -Scadorti WIkCwnatID Jmm Man.-Wad. Handball a walking into hi Embracing I desk is the n trophy which 1 ball Team t home this past Forty-live p University of' tin to compe teams in the Handball Tom For the first A&M men’s came out on to “It was a Lake Forest C SCHULMAN ,6 775-2463 E.M WITNESS (R) Dolby Stereo 7:25 M THE SURE THING (PG 13) 7:20 M NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET <R) 7:30 M! MISCHIEF (R) 7:30 WI BEVERLY EOLLS COP ool»y ,„ STEREO STARMAN (PG) 7:20 Ml MANOR EAST I FALCON AND THE SNOWMAN (R) STEREO 7:1 CERTAIN FURY (R) 7:209:* MISSING IN ACTION (R) 7:30 9;S| •Great location. •Shuttle bus to - •Extra large..R •Easy living ext •Air conditioner swimming pools, age. security (Jior all utilities paid e extra. Ask about i 1.50 OFF ANY 2-ITEM OR! MORE PIZZA Chanello’s * NORTH 846-3768 south 696*0234 Battalion Classified 845-2611 Ropen Wrangler and Shi Silver Lacei HOURS: I 2.51 (I