Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1985)
Battalion Classified FOR RENT TIRED OF HIGH UTILITIES? Come to Tanglewood South • Great location • Party Room/Study Room • 2 pools ‘ *2 Laundry Rooms • Exercise Room/Fitness Center • Covered Parking All Utilities Paid 411 Harvey Road, C.S. 693-1111 BAKER STREET MINI WAREHOUSE 5x5 to 10x30 $18 to $77 846-5794 DAYS 779-3938 NIGHTS SERVICES HELP WANTED ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755.9itfn University Park Now Pre-Leasing For Summer & Fall ‘APARTMENTS DESIGNED WITH THE STUDENT IN MIND’ •Swimming Pools *Hot Tubs •Tennis Court •Club House *Laundry •Shuttle Bus Service 5 Floor Plans 2bdrm 1 Vz bath 827 sq. ft. 2bdrm 2 bath 854 sq. ft. Luxury 4-plexes 1042 sq. ft. •Negotiable LeaseTerms •Summer Rates •Summer Storage Wood-burning fireplaces Private patio/balcony Ceiling Fans, Microwave Ovens Washer & Dryer Included Leasing Office On Site College Station 846-2976 Office Hours: Mon-Sat. 9-5 Sunday 10-3 The Greenery Landscape Maintenance Team Member Full or Part-Time Interview M-Th ^ -/•# 8:30-9:30a.m. 823-7551 1512 Cavitt, Bryan Accepting applications for summer lifeguard positions for City of College Station. Apply at Thomas Pool II to 7:30 Monday thru Friday. I04tl0 Brazos Ventures needs lawn tare people part-time own I ruck preferred, $4.25/hr., 848-6060. 108tl0 Horticulture student needed to maintain plants, 1-2 hours a day 6 days a week at your own convenience. Call FARM PATCH for information, 779-7209 ask for Mark. 108t4 Sell Roses at night club $7 hour, 779-6248. Ask for Cierri. lllt3 Lifeguards/Pool Managers/Swim Instructors. Good pay. Houston area. Experience helpful, not required. 713-578-8227. 107tl6 Earn $8.00 or more per hour selling the new Jaycee Restaurant sampler. No experience needed, hook sells itself! Work own hours! Paid by commission. Call Paul at 823-1518. 107t5 $10-$360, weekly/up mailing circulars! No bosses/quo tas! Sincerely interested rush self-addressed envelope: Dept. AM-7CEG, PO Box 830, Woodstock, 1L 60098. 106t20 Computer programmer. 20 hours/week. Will use CO BOL. 845-5954. 110t2 Aide for nursery school mornings. Student for clean ing late afternoons, 846-5571. 110t3 Student’s wife wanted to lease apartments weekends evenings and some days at Courtyard Apartments. Call 693-2772. 110t8 CASH for gold, silver, old coins, diamonds Full Jewelery Repair Large Stock of Diamonds Gold Chains TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University Dr. 846-8916 3202-A Texas Ave. (across from E! Chico, Bryan) 77S-76S2 191130 PERSONALS T.K.-noitmoiTuisyhlolrad. PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Abortion procedures and referrals Free pregnancy testing. Houston, Texas (71:1)271-0121. 80t69 ROOMMATE WANTED Roommate needed iri Casa Blanca Apts. Your own bedroom, $125/mo. Call 846-3221. 110t3 Need roommate for rest of semester. 2 bedroom $150 per month, '/i gas and utilities. Tony, 822-4597. 110t5 d i TAT ILidb is coming FOR SALE SKI COLORADO Spring Break REDUCED! $199 4 Days Skiing A Few Spots Now Available 260-7058 Amazon Parrots $200-$400. Young, tame, will talk, guaranteed healthy. Steve. 693-0767. I09t4 Condo foY sale. 2 bedrooms P/i bathiomms, W7D in cluded on shuttle route, all furnished. 69fv 1525. I09t4 Moog synthesizer like new. retail $495.00 yours for onlv $250.00, 696-0754. 107t5 1980 Olds Cutlass Supreme and 1979 Mercury Bobcat, 846-3954. Illt2 YAiMAHA RD 400. great commuter, rack, extras, 10 mileage, excellent condition, $675. Dave S., 696-5339. 110t2 LOST AND FOUND LOST. Women s gold silver Seiko Tuesday, Feb. 12th night softball field. Please return. Box 4551 or contact Bobbin, 693-2812. sentimental value. 108t5 tyffer Awm] tv/ff) WANT ADS SERVICES TYPING-WORD PROCESSING Fast and Dependable Personalized Service We understand form and style. Beginning our sixth year. AUTOMATED CLERICAL SERVICES 110 Lincoln, C.S. 693-1070 Typing, word processing, resumes. Lowest prices highest quality in town. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 78t35 Battalion Advertising —- let it work for your business. Call 845-2611 Today. Page 4/The Battalion/Thursday, March 7, 1985 jh Mm mm lira liiliiiill! ^Thursday WM . AGGIES AGAINST DRUNK DRIVERS; will meet at 7 p.m. in 401 Rudder. DELTA SIGMA PI: will meet at 8 p.m. in 165 Blocker. This is a mandatory pledge meeting; the second exam *** given. dits and Rtofes+sors at 11 a.m. hi * ^ *,*-*w. ^a tng Quoted Matertai” at 7 p.m. in 110 Blocker- . INDIA ASSOCIATION: will present the classical Indian dance “Kadiak” at 7:50 p.m. in 701 Rudder. Tickets are available at the ^ ^>vg;... V- . MSC CEPHEID VARIABLE: will show “The Wi THE NAVIGATORS; will meet at 8 p.m. in ^ VPipP area for Christian fellowship. The topic will be missionaries. POSSUM KINGDOM AREA HOMETOWN CLUB: will meet at 7 p.m. in 205 MSC, TAMU FENCING CLUB; will meet at 7 p.m. in 267 i discuss upcoming tournaments. Fencers of all lev< welcome. TEXAS AScM CYCLE TEAM; will meet at 7 p.m. in < der to discuss the upcoming race, license,and membership. TEXAS A&M MICROCOMPUTER CLUB: will meet at 7 :30 . p.m. in 204C Library. YOUNG DEMOCRATS: will meet at 7 p.m. in 412 Rudder. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY: will meet at 6:15 for Bible study at A&M Presbyterian Church. Items for What’s Up shoatd be submitted to The Battalion, Professional Lypist/word processor. Faculty: I do theses, journals. Call Suzanne, 775-8476. 99t20 Word processing all kinds. By appointment only. Call 77545178 anytime. 107t20 Pi oIomoimI I n ping. I neiilN veais expt i ientv. luibs. ilM’\i>. u*i in pa|K*rs. etpiaiions. vi«. 693-8537 Mary Kay Cosmetics complimentary facial and reord ers. Marilyn Luckie Beauty Consultant, 823-1761. 108tl5 Prospector Commodities — Aggieland’s only exclusive commodity futures trading company. Federally li censed, 823-2910. 108tl5 GAYLINE information, roommate referrals, peer counseling. Sunday-Friday 5:30pm-10:30pm, 775- 1797. lOltll WANTED Students may apply to be ’85 Class Agents By TAMARA BELL Staff Writer Application forms for members of the Class of ’85 who are interested in serving as a Class Agent are available at the Association of Former Stu dents office in the Memorial Student Center. Program Coordinator Ann Alsmeyer said the Class Agent is an important position because it serves as the link between the Class of ’85 and the former students’ association. “Class Agents serve a five-year term with the association,” Alsmeyer said. “They, the agents, should be in terested in A&M. They should be willing to keep up with their class mates.” The responsibilities of the agents are to organize and execute class re union plans with the help of the As sociation. Other agent duties are to represent the class in meetings with the association and to write class newsletters twice a year. Class Agents will be elected by classmates at the Association of For mer Students senior induction ban quets on April 8 and 9. “All seniors are invited to the in duction banquets,” Alsmeyer said. “It is a time when seniors will be offi cially inducted into the association. It’s a formal way of recognizing them. Since most of the class will be there, this will be a good time to elect the class representatives.” ipply becai Students are asked to ar partners, Alsmeyer said, because usually they have a friend they want to run with. Also, the fact that the representatives know each other will make getting together to plan events easier. A mandatory meeting for all in terested persons will be held at 4 p.m. March 21 at the association of fice. Applications must be completed before this meeting. IBM,.# OMPUTEB.S PC configurations: * Dual Disk Drive, 256K RAM, Monochrome Monitor, DOS 3.0 $ 2135.00 ALSO IBM PC 2-Drives, 1-10 Mb HD, Princeton Color, Graphics, 256 Ram $3400.00 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS & Hard ware//Software Computer Access 268-0730 above”Campus Photo” !! HEY AGS! HERE’S YOUR RIDE HOME! AGBUS - A no-frills weekend express bus can take you home to your area of town. The fares* from College Station are as low as: Houston one wa y San Antonio ^-iq^qo one way Austin L Dallas L J$10.00 round trip JS Waco $15.00 round trip San Antonio route: 846-1993 Austin Jim’s Restaurant at Ben White & I35 1. ) Jim’s Restaurant at Loop 410 and Walzem Rd. 2. ) Bennigan’s Restaurant at Loop 410 and San Pedro 3. ) Denny's Restaurant in Ingram Square on Loop 410 4. ) Denny’s Restaurant at I35 South and S.W. Military Drive Houston route: 846-2380 1. ) Kettle Restaurant at Highway 290 & Mangum St. 2. ) Lukes Hamburgers at Loop 610 and Westheimer 3. ) Denny’s Restaurant at Loop 610 and Main St. 4. ) Spanky’s Pizza at Loop 610 and Woodridge 5. ) McDonald’s Hamburgers at 110 and Mercury St. Dallas-Fort Worth Route: 846-2253 (Now with comfort coach seating.) Waco-International Inn Restaurant at I35 and Behren Cr. 1. ) Burger King at I35E and Loop 12 2. ) Jack-in-the-Box at Town East and 635 3. ) Jo Jo’s Restaurant at Midpark and Central Expressway 4. ) McDonald's Hamburgers at Highway 183 and Carl Road 5. ) McDonald’s Hamburgers at I35W and N.E. 28th St. 6. ) McDonald’s Hamburgers at I35W and Felix St. Cali your route for the drop-off & pick-up time schedule. Also to reserve a seat, just give your name. It’s that easy! All busses leave from Lot 56 across from the A&M campus swimming pool Fri day at 5:30 p.m. (Be ready to board before 5:15). Busses will return Sunday at 7:00 p.m. Hope you’ll be riding with us. * Pending RRC approval, fares must be termed donations. Save 630 1/3 lb. Hamburger # Dress it yourself at our salad bar 99# Good thru March 25 OVER 60? Senior Citizen’s Discount/ MSC-ORC Equipment Rental (at the Grove) 1984-85 Price List RENTAL PRICES WEEKEND WEEK SPRING BREAK Tents: 6 man $16.50 $41.25 SPECIAL RATES $35.00 4 man 11.00 27.50 25.00 3 man dome 10.00 25.00 2000 2 man-mountain 6.50 16.25 15.00 2 man-pup 5.50 13 50 10.00 Backpacks 5.50 13.50 10.00 Sleeping Bags 5.50 13.50 10.X Boats: Kayak; 22 00 55.00 30.00 Canoes 27 50 68 75 SOX Stoves: Backpacking 3.00 750 5X Coleman-2 burner 4 50 11.25 10X Cook Kits: Large 300 7 50 5.00 Lanterns 4 50 11.25 10.X Ice Chests 4 50 11.25 10.X Fuel Bottles 1 00 3 00 5.X Fuel Bottles with Fuel 200 5.00 5.00 Ensolite Pads 1.00 2.50 2.50 Ponchos 1 00 2 50 2.50 Folding Saws 1.00 2.50 2.50 Water Bottles .75 1.50 1.50 Utensil Sets 50 1.25 1.25 Sierra Cups 50 1.25 1.25 Tote Ovens 1.50 3.75 3.X Hours: Monday 12-6 Tueaday 2-4 Thursday 3-6 Friday 12-6 ^ or more Information call 845-1515 or 8454SII MSC - TOWN • HALL W At Budweiser Present for the Benefit of theUSO T O IN CCi March 218 p.m. G Rollie White $8 50 & $10 00 Tickets available MSC Box Office 845-1234 Music Express Tip Top Records i IW-rlvr | Master Charge Sc Visa accepted Big Bend over •Spring Break Let us help gou there with nature 4 trail guides, maps, camping gear and accessories, 1 and experience. Ask for our free big bend National Park Information Sheet “Open til 9pm Thursdays- WHOLE LARTH 105 Boyett 846-8794