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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1985)
Page 6/Tile Battalion/Tuesdav, February 5, 1986 SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION SUMMER GRADUATES ORDER YOUR GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!! PLACE YOUR ORDERS: MSC STUDENT FINANCE CENTER ROOM 217 MON.—FRI. 8 AM.—4 AM. "DEADLINE** JUNE 13, 1985 AM. THE LONGER YOU WAIT... THE LONGER THE LINE!!! COLLEGE DEGREES USELESS (if you can't find a job) Step-by-step booklet shows how to write successful resumes and how to present them. Send $6. A. M. Dis tributors, Section C, IIS Maple, Lake Jackson, Texas 77566 89t2 HELP WANTED FOR SALE THE GREENERY Landscape Maintenance Team Member Full or Part-time Interview 8:30-9:30 a.m. Monday-Thursday 823-7551 1512 Cavitt, Bryan 7 * QQf 1 Q SILVER DOLLAR Dynamic and outgoing people are wanted. Female afternoon bartender, cocktail wait ress & D.J. to work in a fun and exciting at mosphere. Would like self-motivating peo ple. No experience necessary. 846-4691 or 268 ‘ 3111 \«»i Mklioimil puppirv \M ( h.unpiunslnp . Mi m mIIiik'. |).iihis. Inx.iNr I mill MIT). NI.V99I6 ,,i i l 'i.',. jii7 ; S7i |ii ( <»m|>tiUT/Pi inu i K.ixpm I1/F.|)m>ii \l\-80 im hides •ill snli\x;uv .ukI modem lor Wxlhur. SI.IMMMMI. *Jh(|.-|;LS.S \e«ii. 8()i7 (..u age Sale * Sami da\. Sundax ( om h (S100), (ilolhes. Alhmiis. F.u...‘J68-IM)10aliei 6:00. K6t4 NIKON I 2A. .1 NIKKOR 11.NSF.S. \ l\ l FAR 286. A<cesNoiies;846-4681 .6-7|»m. 86(5 Modern ( hiome «ind Wood I ahle \xiih 1 eh.iirs $200 761-7921 8(’)|7 l pgiade Noxx! Oxxner. Ilexihle linaiuing, Beauiiful. piixaie. cuMoin. 2200 home. lo\el\ area. Bixan S hechooms. 2Vi halhs. em losed patio slashed pric e $16.6.000. 779-1468. 84.6-1680 86t6 FOR RENT BAKER STREET MINI WAREHOUSE 5x5 to 10x30 $18 to $77 846-5794 DAYS 779-3938 NIGHTS 60tfn Apaitmenis |ni rent located in Snook. I c*\as. (.entral heat N air. caipci. I bedroom stall at $200 pet month. 2 Iti'diooiiis stat i $218 pc i month iN- $ 200 deposit (.all 8 46-8878 dining thedax Call 1-61)7-7124 nights. S.6t20 wwiiQI S U Tuesday A&M WOMANiST ORGANIZATION: will meet at 8:60 in 704 Rudder. 4'itis is the hrst meet it ig of a group dedicated to a women's perspective of life at A&M and be yond. For more information call 822-4201. BIG EVENT: xvill meet at 7 p.m. in 507 Rudder. COMPUTER SOCIETY: will meet at 7 p.m. in 206 Zachry. ’Blake Lewis will speak on career and job opportunities for computing professionals. GAY STUDENT SERVICES; is so msoritjg a lesbian rap group. For place of meeting and details, call 775-1797. HISTORY CLUB: will meet at 7 p.m. in Library 20-JC. Dr. Smmahau will lecture on world revolution. MSC CEPHE1D VARIABLE: will meet at 7:50 p.m. in 229 MSC. Anyone interested in science fiction or fantasy is wel- cotne. :. MSC VARIETY SHOW: is currently accepting applications for performers. Due date is Feb. 22. ' PLANO HOMETOWN CLUB: will meet at 8:50 p.m. in 401 Rudder. Call 696-2492 for more information. PRE—THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY: will meet at 7:50 p.m. in 210 O&M Bldg. Curt Collier will speak on ‘The Tragic Flaw: Feminism, Technology and Religion.'’ SOCIETY OF MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS: will meet at 7 p.m. in 505 Fermier Hall, Call 260-0986 for more in* T': %■ T ..'.C . SPORTS CAR CLUB: will meet from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the i Lobster parktbg lot for National Collegiate Driving Championship. Free to all students with A&M I.D. TAMU ONE WHEli^RS: will meet at 6 p.m. at the Grove. . : : welcome. Call 260-1988 for more information. will meet at 7 p.m. in 109 Military TC Science Bldg, to discuss district regatta. TAU KAPPA; will meet at 7 p.m, in 201 MSC. WOMEN’S VARSITY SOCCER TEAM: will play 7 p.m. to 9 j 0 p>m, at 0. Rollie Whke. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no less than three days prior to de sired publication date. Ron/ is looking lor local hands. Call 764-0520. U*a\v message. Sot 10 Medical social worker and licensed physical therapist needed for home health visits. Contract or stall. Flexi ble schedule 779-6766. 82tl5 Weekend help wanted. 9 to 6, Saturdays and Sundays. Apply Sunshine Laundry, 3815 E. 29th Street. 88t:6 Musicians wanted lor top 40/original group. Call Mark at 846-9627 after 5pm. 88t5 WANTED CASH for gold, silver, old coins, t^monds Full Jewelery Repair Large Stock of Diamonds Gold Chains TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University Dr. 846-8916 3202-A T exas Ave. (across from El Chico, Bryan) 779-7662 191130 ROOMMATE WANTED Female wanted to share furnished 2 bedroom 1 Vli bath studio. $110 month, ALL BILLS PAID. Close to cam pus. 846-4802. 89l4 koommair Wauled in share 2.000 :! bdrm./2 hath house. $ I H.Vmo. 1 uliluies. 828-12‘>ri. 8r>(f> KiMiiiiiilaU' tv.uiU'd In share 2.000 si|, It. .1 bdrm./2 ball) house. $18.*, mo. 1 ulililies. 82:1-1 2.I.*. Saia Roommates needed. 5 bedroom 2 bath Vl mile from campus. Own room $120 month plus utilities. 268- 0178 88t5 SERVICES WE WILL DELIVER A CAKE AND FLOWERS TO YOUR VALENTINE!! A&M Birthday Service. 693-3887. 87t6 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. 91tfn I’lulessioiial Ispiiit; Twontv veins experieiue. Labs, lliesis. lei in papers. ei|Ualiolts. eli. (illa-N.YST I'rolessional word pun essin^ i iliiiliK' non sttiaranieed. Mamist iipis. theses, dissertations. Oreai i ait s. 77."i-a202 allerli p.m. Sola SERVICES ()n < .tmpii's i x ping mu x it c. I a si .u tin ale i casonahlc c\- periciK cd. (onx cnicni. ( .ill Robin 260-6S78. S6t20 WORD FROCKSS1NC all kinds. B\ ap|>ointinc*nt only. Call 776-6178 anytime. 82t20 Typing, word processing, resumes. Lowest prices, highest qualitv in town. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 78t35 (ia\ linc-lnldrniation, refen als, peel-counseling. Mon- dav-Ft kla\. 6:60-10:60. 776-1797. 81162 LESBIAN RAP GROUP. Tuesdays 7:30. For more in formation 775-1797. 89tl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $10-$360 weeklv/up mailing circulars! No bosses/i|uo- tas! Sincerelv interested rush self-addressed envelope: Dept. AN-7. POD9 lOCEVV. XVtK.dsUKk. IL 6009882t 10 PERSONALS NEW CREDIT CARD! NO ONE REFUSED ALSO INFORMATION ON RECEIVING VISA. MASTER CARD WITH NO CREDIT CHECK. FREE BRO- CHURL. CALL: 602-990-2854 Extension 505." 74t4 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Abortion procedures and referrals — Free pregiVahey testing. Houston, Texas (713)271-0121. 80t69 Fom nlcx Apts. Ncxxlx remodeled $260.00 pet month. I xvo bed mom. one hath. \\71) cot met (ions. Convenient to campus. 776-1790 8 a.m.-6 p.m.. 779-0992 6 p.m.-9 p.m 73t60 $2.50 TUI let SAow Marts tel ft ftun. on hr Studsnu with I.D. Friday All ssats on Tussdsy S«mor Citixsns Anytima [3IS COLLEGE N. r wilKHlHi: &'Sr? \ TO INDIA no /» wwiwwmriSr MATT DILLON A\i.\i )i:i iS THE KILLING FIELDS l,^ mcrrocoL GOLDIE HAWN IBS Post Oak Mall 3 nurr PhEATBES CINEMA 3 r SCHULMAN j THEATRES -lat Show S«t. A Son.-All Stett -KTAM Family Nft^Moo.-Sch ft -KTAM Family NK^Tam.-M.E.ID -StmWvta Will Curraal ID Moo .-v Wed. SCHULMAN 6 775-2463 2002 t 2*1h ! THE RIVER (PG-13) Dolby 7:20 9:50 MICKI and MAUDE (PG-13) 7:30 9:50 TORCHLIGHT (R) 7:35 9:55 THE COTTON CLUB (R) 7:15 9:55 ftlEVERLY HILLS COP noi bv (R) STFRFO 7:25 9:45 STARMAN (PG) s'tereo 7:159:40 MANOR EAST III MANOR 823-8300 EAST MALL PINOCCHIO(G) 7:15 9:35 TUFFTURF 7:25 9:45 AVENGING ANGEL 7:20 9:55 Battalion Classified 845-2611 Retail executive says confidence makes difference By GIGI SHAMSY Reporter A firm handshake and good eye contact are essential during a job in terview and can land a graduate’s first job, a retail executive said dur ing the Retailing Career Fair Sympo sium Monday. “Every company recruiter has their own style,” said Rick Ruzza, Neiman-Marcus’ coordinator for ex ecutive recruitment. “But they all look for a person who has a firm handshake and a confident demean or.” The recruiters at Neiman-Marcus headquarters in downtown Dallas in terview 800 to 1,000 applicants every graduation season, he said. “Only 22 of these applicants are finally chosen,” Ruzza said. “Unfor tunately, we end up turning away many outstanding people because of the limited positions available.” A humble attitude, good posture and leadership skills are traits which set a person apart from their com petitors during an interview, Ruzza said. Ruzza said the recruiters for Nei man-Marcus start the interview with five minutes of casual conversation about the applicant’s hometown or interests to put the applicant at ease. “We inform the person what to expect in the next half hour of the interview,” he said. “This is when we discover why the person is interested in Neiman-Marcus and in retailing. “I cringe when 1 hear the excuse ‘1 want to be a buyer because I love traveling’ or ‘I really love to shop.’” He said students should avoid say ing “I love working with people” un less it is essential to the conversation. The applicant should listen care fully to the recruiter's questions and should not stray away from the sub ject at hand, he said. Ruzza said students with a grade point ratio less than 2.4 are rarely considered for a job. Interviewees with a low GPR should justify the reason for this, he said. “These people should stress diver sions they may have had — such as a aart-time job or a difficult course oad,” he said. It is important for the interviewee to mention all relevant work experi ence that may relate to the job, Ruzza said. “Il is beneficial for the student to also possess a realistic attitude about the job,” Ruzza added. “He must see the stress and long hours often in volved in the job instead of just the glamour.” A student’s attractive physical ap pearance and flawless resume are es sential in presenting a good image to the company, he said. Ruzza said if the recruiters are in terested in the applicant, the appli cant is invited to a final interview. “Above all, the student should be himself and remember that inter viewing is not a one-way street for ei ther the interviewee or the compa ny,” Ruzza said. Ruzza spoke at the symposium in the place of Neiman-Marcus Vice President Ruddjohnson. J.UMSC RECREATION PRESENTS: ACU-I QUALIFYING DARTS TOURNAMENT Feb. 6 REGISTRATION: ON SITE $3 4pm at YESTERDAY’S 4421 S. TEXAS AVE. open FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 845-1515 UNIVERSAL GROCERY &SNACKBAI CHINESE LUNCH SPECIAL $2 M . -Eggrolls & Wontons- 1 f Imported Oriental Groceries-Exotic Foods All within walking distance of Campus Across from Blocker Bldg. & St. Mary Center 110 Nagle-C.S 846-1210 A Cut Above HAPPY HOUR $2 off any haircut Monday & Tuesday 9 a.m.-Close -A l** fit; 4 fl. I iPioftiiionol ConiuLutlon UStfoxt i l/oux Jbevsiot Inside the Ramada College Station 846-1599 Tues.-Fri. 8:30-7 Alone and Pregnant? • WL‘ discuss al 1 opt ions • Con I idem ial counsel i ng • Free pregnancy test • Maternity care and adoption services 1-800-392-3807 Homes of Si. Mark Houston, Texas All faiths served Texas Guaranteed Student Loans MBank Fort Worth has funds available for Texas Guaranteed Student Loans; up to $2 500 for undergraduates and $5,000 for graduates per year. Call our Student Loan Department at 817/334-9517 for more details or write to us for yourTGSLC application. K MBank Fort Worth A Momentum Bank P.O. Box 910. Fort Worth. TX 76101-0910 Member MCorp. MPACT and FD1C