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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1985)
Page 8AThe Battalion/Monday, January 28, 1985 Battalion Classifieds FOR RENT BAKER STREET MINI WAREHOUSE 5x5 to 10x30 $18 to $77 846-5794 DAYS 779-3938 NIGHTS The Golden Rule has openings for non-smoking Christian females, lovely large 2B-2B apts. with Ig. 5x5 walk-in closets, locked storage, unfurnished or furnished with ALL utilities including local telephone, free laundry and soap. Bus near door. $150/mo. share bdrm. or 275/mo. OWN rm/bath. BONUS! Your deposit earns 5% interest! Call 693-2998 or 764-8447. 82t3 T wo bedrooms for rent, $80, $100, Co-op House, hardy liberal females, 693-2489, 79t5 Koui'plex Apts. Newly remodeled $250.00 per month. Two bedroom, one bath. \VV1) connections. Convenient to campus. 775-1790 8 a m.-5 pan.. 779-0992 0 pan.-9 pan. 73i30 Beautiful la rye one bedroom washer/dryer, built-in bookcase, large deckoverlooking woods. 779-4100 or 846-6701. 82t2 HELP WANTED Wanted delivery persons Earn S5-$8 an hour from salary, tips, and commission Daytime Hours Available Apply in person between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Townshire Center, Bryan 822-7373 E5 ®1930 Domino’s Pizza, Inc. 8311 MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY Applications being accepted for ADMINISTRATIVE and MANAGEMENT positions. Excellent opportunity for professional and personal growth. Salary to $32,000 in four years. Competitive benefit plan includes retirement, free medical/dental and travel. Relocation at our expense. Position as commissioned naval officer requires BS/BA degree, U.S. citizenship and under 28 years of age. Call (713) 226-2445 collect. ' ' 7214 THE GREENERY Landscape Mainte nance Crew Member Full or Part-Time Call 823-7551 or Come by 1512 Cavitt, Bryan. Immediate openings for TAMU stu dents and spouse. 1. 24-28 hours per week. 2. 34-40 hours per week. Hours vary but fall between 1p.m.-9p.m. M-F plus Saturday 9a.m.-1p.m. Exercise in structors aerobics experience helpful training available. Apply in person 9a.m.-5p.m. M-F at SHAPE WAY Fit ness Center for Women, 3710 E. 29th Street, Bryan. 8115 MARRIED COUPLE United Presbyterian Homes in Waxa- hachie, seeks a professional couplo to use a behavoral model to work with children. Training provided; academic credit available. $18,000 per couple, plus private apartment, food and com petitive fringe benefits. 214/937-1748 EOE 79t5 DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston Post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-1253 5 4t3o THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE has im mediate openings for ROUTE CAR RIERS. Early morning hours earning $400-$600 per month. Gas allowance is furnished. If interested, call Andy, 693-7815 or Julian, 693-2323 after 2:00 p.m. HELP WANTED CRUISESHIPS HIRING! S16-$30,000! Carribean. Hawaii, World. Call for Guide, Directory, Newsletter. 1-(916) 94-4-4444 xTexasA&Mcniise. 78t24 Medical social worker and licensed physical therapist needed for home health visits. Contract oi staff . Flexi ble schedule 779-57:*:*. 82l 15 Part-time ap|x>intmenl secretary $ b.00/hr. Telephone work (no selling) 5:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Sun.-Tlmrs. or less. Tomim K40-4751. \ 80t5 AIRLINES HIRING! $14 $39,000! Stewardesses, Res- ervationist! Worldwide! Call for guide. Directory, Newsletter. 1-(916) 944-4444 ext. TexasA6c.Mair. 78t24 Morning Aide needed f or nursery school. Monday-Fri- dav, 846-5571 8()t5 FOR SALE 1970 I hind.i 550-1 i xd lU ni < ondition. 17.090 miles sdhn.oo. Mai k/N2:*-s 1 4 jo s:*t:* Kawasaki 100 for sale. ($450.00) Gall Kevin for details, 260-4784. 79t5 Wvlbur V I 100 coinpatiahle terminal rental. 1200 band modems lease/purchase. 845-0808, 696-5056. 75t 10 PERSONALS PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Abortion procedures and referrals — Free pregnancy testing. Houston, Texas (7 13)271-0121. 80t69 LOST AND FOUND Black and green ski jacket. Gerry brand. Please return I'm cold! 693-8435. 80t5 LOST: Gold shrimp bracelet between Agronomy Building and Biological Building. Healthy reward of fered it found call 693-3843. 82t6 ROOMMATE WANTED Need one loommaie. Have paui.ilh lurniNhed house i wo I>lo< k\ f rom ( ainpiiv ()w n bedroom. $ 150.00. 09.'*- 4916 8:*t5 Female rooimnmale needed lot ( .a\ le. 696- I IS:* home. S 16-175 I ottage" off Welsh. »rk. S:*i5 Roommate needed M/F own bedroom/bath $138 plus utilities. W/D. 693-0789. 82t5 Male roommates needed to share 2 HR. apt. 2 blocks ftom campus. Steve 268-0657 79t5 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $I0-$360 weekly/up mailing circulars! No bosses/quo tas! Sincerely interested rush self-addressed envelope: Dept. AN-7. POD910CEW. Woodstock. U,6009882tl0 SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. 91tfn Rrolessional Fspiug. I uciil\ \ cat n experience. Labs, thesis, terni pa|>ers. equations, etc. 69:*-8537 (>n campus i\ ping set \ice. I ast uc< urate reasonable ex perienced. con\ enieni. ( all Robin 260-6878. S3i20 Tvping, word processing, resumes. Lowest prices, highest quality in town. PERFECT PRINT, 822-1430. 78t35 Professional typing on the word processor. 1 specialize in thesis, dissertation and technical reports. 84(5-6486 80t5 LESBIAN Rap Group meets Tuesdays 7:30p.m. For info call Gayline 775-1797. 78t6 GAYLIN E-lnformation, referrals, peer-counseling. Monday-Friday. 5:00-10:00. 775-1797. 81t32 WORD PROCESSING all kinds. By appointment only. Call 775-6178 anytime. 82t20 Over 30,000 people could be reading your ad in this space! AcmtF trim tmr ADS Try our Battalion Classified!!! IN THE INY AOS, BUT REAL HEAVYWEIGHTS WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT. —HI' if o matter what you've go to say or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job. Right now, dur ing International Classified Adver tising Week, is a great time to put the Classified to work for you! ALL: The Battalion 845-2611 PANNING FOR GOLD? Battalion Classified Regents (continued from page 1) protect academic programs and re search. “There’s no sense in hand-wring ing,” Hansen said. “We’ll have to as sume we can’t escape the cuts.” Dr. Percy Pierre, president of Prairie View A&M University, said the LBB’s suggested $4 million in cuts from programs under the Texas Desegregation Plan will harm that university’s chances of meeting the goals of the Plan. The Texas Plan calls for im proved degree programs, including six new degree programs, and re cruitment of more white students at predominantly black Prairie View A&M. The LBB in December proposed reducing the Plan’s funding from $6 million for 1983-85 to $2 million for 1985-87. Pierre said the university would need “at least $2 million mo re” to meet the program’s goals. “We need restoration of special item funding,” Pierre said. “Do you really want to eliminate the the strides that have been made to in crease opportunities for minorities in this state?” The University of Texas System in November pledged to pay Prairie View $10 million a year out of its two-thirds of the Available Univer sity Fund. The Board adopted a resolution to give Prairie View its fair share of the AUF funding. This would be at least the amount contributed by the U.T. System. But Pierre said money to keep the programs outlined by the plan should not come from the AUF. Those funds, he said, are necessary to make Prairie View a university of “the First class.” In other business, the Board ap proved the establishment of three new centers: • The Space Research Center, recommended by the Committee for Service Units, will be part of the Texas Engineering Experiment Sta tion. Established under an agreement with the National Aero nautic and Space Administration, its purpose is to develop the nation’s leading university-based space re search program. • The Principals’ Center, recom mended by the Committee for Aca demic Campuses, will be part of the College of Education. Its mission is to provide better training for future principals. • The Center for International Business Studies, also recommended by the Committee for Academic Campuses, will teach students to work in exporting industries. It will be a focal point for University re search in international business. The Board also granted the title of Professor Emeritus to three re tired A&M professors. Dr. Clare A. Gunn, Dr. Clive R. Harston and Dr. Robert D. Powell taught in the Col lege of Agriculture. Dr. Theodore Noyes, an associate professor in the College of Engineering, also was named Professor Emeritus. Police be The following incidents reported to the University Department for the week of 20 to fan. 25. MISDEMEANOR THE • A blue Raleigh Gve-spe ■ ele was stolen from the * iry Hall hike racks. • A Magnavox AM/FM r. and $7 in cash were stolen fn student's room in Mosher Hai • A blue Sears Free Spirit speed bicycle was stolen fro ramp at Walton Hall. • Eight dollars in change stolen from a a student s roo: Underwood Hall. * A Schwinn Varsity 10-sp bicycle was stolen from on the Memorial Student Center. • A blue three-speed hi< was stolen from the baserne the Mew Engineering Rese Center. • A leather car cover was : len from a 1984 Chevrolet Ca aro parked on Lamar Street. • The license plates were len from a 1982 Toyota pat- on Lewis Street. 7 * A Miranda 35mm PHPpH was stolen, from , 131 AD Horticul ture Science. ♦ Four wire wheel covers _ stolen From a 1980 Mercury Cou gar in Parking Annex 30. • Fifty-nine dollars in cash w~- stolen from an unlocked desk 432 Academic. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: • The windshield was bro out of a 1984 Chevrolet pickuj Parking Annex 61. • The back window was 1 ken out of a 1976 Honda stai wagon parked on Jersey Street. * The wooden gate arm at the entrance to Parking Annex was broken. DISORDERLY CONDUCT: . J « A student reported seeing a naked man running through the lobby of the Memorial Student • Center. •- --- --- - : ' v " . v: - O’ ’ -‘fw • IT’S COMING FEB. 1985 is pleased to extend lY'.ai'm the 10% ^ ' H sl« Student Discount w/current Aggie I.D. 1214 Texas Ave. 775-1500 15% DISCOUNT with current A&M I.D. (repairs hot included) Use your student discount to purchase a diamond for your class ring. (and let us set it for you) l DOUGLAS JEWELRY s s g b Culpepper Plaza College Station jT* 693-0677 ^ * 212 N. Main Bryan 822-3119 Welcome Bach Aggies! WITH THIS COUPOM I 14 BURRITO SUPREME. with purchase of one at regular price. January 21-51 11 am-11 pm Limit one 1< Burnto Supreme* per person per visit Mot good with any other offer Good only at Bryan/College Station TACO BCLL« Locations TflCO BEIili® ink? Parkway Medical Clinic 20% Discount to A&M Students & Faculty 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday Parkway Shopping Center-next to Kroger's & TG&Y 693-0202 Papa'i. Pima _ Introduces 390 Flameburgers 49^ French Fries 650 Onion Rings Hours: Open 11 a.m. Close after midnight 846-0079 846-3824 509 University Drive conviser-miller 09a •N cordially invites you . .. to attend our first two lectures free THURSDAY 7th & TUESDAY 12th of February (Including Complmentary Materials) Commences at 6:00 p.m. Come see how good a CPA review course can be! Call today to reserve a seat!!! 1 -800-392-5441 College Station