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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1985)
— Wednesday, January 16, 1985/The Battalion/Fage 3 "• STATE AND LOCAL MtiM 1S New telephone prefix marks updating of service > umptj snot I Basse! m igoinj is SUJ> on li iciablt ‘WS«. ghil» nd s« 'onto viousl stiond pie. JVAW just v tk “dtk esamt d livcii obabli lit hot lethint Eve igainst ngfot. point akou o hast group, engis re jus accept to - rattles, with i Shet- tave to vomei vial is jntles! waste- rights under dead!' rvill he h the still he gUtu- r ivali tties. appeo tmem in the m ithon- ghthe ly he- rbon- phasis menu what major ion. By PATRICE KORANEK Stn If Writer The increasing use of home com puters and the developing high tec h nology industry in the Bryan-Col- lege Station area is causing some changes in local telephone serv ice. The current electronic switching systems are being replaced by more By ANN CERVENKA Staff Writer Senator Kent A. Caperton, a Democrat from Bryan-College Sta tion and a 1971 graduate of Texas A&M, has been appointed by Lieu tenant Governor William 1‘. Hobby to three kev committees for the 69th session of tne Texas Legislature. Caperton will chair the newly cre ated Committee on Criminal Justice, and will also serve on the Finance and Education Committees. “I am pleased and honored, since these committees w ill be addressing some of the most important issues faced by the current Legislature,” Caperton said. In general, the committees do the technical work and research before discussion on the floor. “ The coin- efficient digital switching systems. The first digital switching systems, which use fiber optics instead of cop per cable, were put into operation in December 1983. The changeover is scheduled to be completed by early 1987. Digital switching systems make the marriage of computers and tele phones more compatible. A direct result of the new switch- mittee system is basically where the work of the Senate takes place,” he said. More specifically, the Committee on Cr iminal Justice deals with legis lation concerning the Texas Depart ment of Corrections and all matters pertaining to the Criminal Justice System. The committee will deal with all aspects of criminal justice. “My goal is to allow a comprehensive look at the criminal justice system,” he said. The Education Committee will be largely responsible for reviewing the Reform Package, which passed in 1984. The Reform Package proposes to reduce classroom sizes, increase tea- cher salaries and require athletes in public schools to maintain at least a /() percent average. ing systems that the customers will see is a change in phone number prefixes. The changes, scheduled to begin in November, will take place in two areas. One is the area east of Texas A&M, bounded roughly by Carter Creek on the south and Old Reliance Road on the north which will receive a 776 prefix. The other area is south of campus surrounding Kent Caperton The committee will also try to solve the problem of inequalities be tween the rich and poor school dis tricts, the Senator said. The Finance Committee, on which Caperton served during the previous session, reviews all budget ary requests. “ The main goal of the committee is to fund a state government with out a tax increase,” Caperton said. Caperton said his appointments "will pm me in an excellent position to represent the interests of the 5th District.” Senator Caperton appointed to key state committees Proposal would allow King’s birthday to be optional holiday for state workers Associated Press AUSTIN — The birthday of slain dvil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. should he an optional state holiday available to state workers who prefer to honor King than Christopher Columbus, a Houston lawmaker said Tuesday "1 don’t want to be in the posture of forcing people to observe King’s birthday," Rep. Ron Wilson said at a news conference. His proposal would allow state workers to take King’s birthday — which was Tuesday — as a holiday instead of Columbus Day, the sec ond Monday in October. King’s birthday is a holiday in at least 15 states. Beginning next year, the third Monday in January be comes a federal holiday honoring King's memory. Wilson is making his third push for a state holiday for King. The Houston legislator said the proposal has never been a “priority” with many lawmakers. “We passed a bill which allows us to observe June 19 (Juneteenth),” Wilson said. “That satisfied the con science of some members of the House and Senate and the lead ership that there was a holiday for black Americans.” Wilson said he wants to keep the designated holidays, but only allow slate workers to choose a reduced amount from that list. TexanaNational Bank ANNOUNCES THE MAROON & WHITE” ACCOUNT designed for Aggies '5.50 monthly service charge ' no minimum balance ' unlimited checking ' PULSE automatic teller available 13^ TexanaNationalBank 7/ OF COLLEGE STATION 701 Harvey Road (Hwy. 30) • College Station • 696-5483 member f.d.i.c. the city of Wellborn beyond College Station which will receive a 690 pre fix. “Changing the numbers will not improve service, but it is a necessary part to implementing a new switch ing system which will make service more efficient,” said John Wallace, local public affairs manager for Gen eral Telephone Co. “When the change is completed we will have the latest state-of-the-art switching equipment of anyone in the coun try.” To keep the number of changes down, Wallace-said, phones installed in those areas already are receiving the new prefixes. Wallace said the cost of making the change in systems and numbers will he about $40 million. “The cost won’t be directly tied to the rates, but obviously it is a cost of our doing business,’ he said. The changes are part of the company's overall capital improvement pro gram and the money comes through those funds, he said. Computer demonstration to mark students' academic proficiency By LYNN RAE POVEC Staff Writer The Department of Educatio nal Technology is sponsoring a computer demonstration through noon today. The mobile unit is set up behind J.R. Thomp son Hall near the Harrington Ed ucation Center Complex. The United States branch of DEGEM Systems Ltd., a company that develops and manufactures educational systems for all levels of learning, developed the system in Israel. The first one was in stalled in October 1977. The system’s aim is to provide students self-paced instruction in math, typing, computer pro gramming and English as a sec ond language. The systetp’s keyboard is a sim ple one of about 25 keys, aud each user is assigned a number code that wall give him access to the system. “Students can go at their own speed in each different topic," said Dr. Roberta Stock, who is as sisting DEGEM Systems with the computer. Moshe Zinman, director of the U.S. branch of DEGEM, ex plained that teachers can obtain a print out of the level at which each student is operating, and they can use the data to gauge studen'ts’ progress. Photo by ANTHONYS. CASPER Gideon Nimoy works at the master computer. YAMAHA Compact Disc Magic YAMAHA YAMAHA CD-X1 Reg. *500°° NOW ONLY $ 399 00 AUDIO Limited Quantities Cash or Cheek Price 707 Texas Ave. College Station 696-5719