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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1984)
Page 4/The Battalion/Thursday, September 27, Thurs \Sizzlin RftMM STEAK HOUSE is featuring two Aggie favorites each Thursday night from 4 p.m.-lO p.m. $ 2.99 Chicken Fried Steak • Cream Gravy • Your Choice of Potato • Texas Toast Reg. $ 3.59 F $ 6.99 17 oz. Choice Broiled Sirloin Sauteed Mushrooms Your Choice of Potato Texas Toas^ Reg. $ 7.99 CSTERN SXZZLXNOpenSunday -Thursday STEAK HOUSE prf^Sa^day 11 a.m.-ll p.m. 1701 South Texas Ave. Next to Rodeway Inn-Bryan 779-2822 (continued from page 1) those exceptions should be explored deeper. “Our argument is that official rec ognition is not protected by the First Amendment,” Hajovsky said. Roberts said he felt the University was standing on weak ground. Three similar cases have been tried in different courts and in all three cases the courts have handed down rulings similar to the 5th Circuit Court’s ruling, Roberts said. The decision of the regents to ap peal the decision was not unex pected, Roberts and Coleman said. The meaning of the First Amend ment is clear and well-established, Coleman said. Coleman also said he credited the CSS for their persistence in pursu ing the matter. “Rarely have I seen a group so courageous,” he said. GSS is not yet a recognized on- campus organization, and Roberts said they will not be recognized until the Supreme Court makes a final de cision. The System’s prolonged battle will not endanger the future of GSS, Roberts said. In fact, because the University has battled the case up the legal ladder, the court’s ruling has set legal precedents in five states, he said. (Iggk JHaijefs Card files help groups find lecturers By LAUREN FLOURNOY Reporter COUPON TAMU STUDENTS COUPON Present this coupon at the Rudder Box Office and receive a $1.00 discount. NAME ADDRESS ZIP Campus organizations can now get help in finding guest lecturers by using a card file compiled by the De partment of Student Affairs, says Nyla Ptomey, Housing Program su pervisor. Each file card tells the topic for the lecture, the approximate length of each one and the best time to get in touch with the speaker to set up a date. The topics in the file include rec reation, social events, education, hobbies and physical education, Pto mey said. “If an organization is interested in getting a guest speaker, all they have to do is come look through the file,” Ptomey said. With so many professors at the University, it is hard not to find one that is interested in the topic that an organization might need, she said. The files are in the Housing Pro grams office, the Student Activities office and the Memorial Student Center. The library and the Associa tion Building office in the MSC are the next target locations. “Any organization is welcome to use the file,” Ptomey said. “It would be advisable to contact the speaker that your organization is interested in hearing a week in advance. This allows them to have the time to pre pare their speech.” The students don’t pay a fee to use the file. The cost of photocopy ing each file and updating each one are absorbed from the Housing Pro gram office, Ptomey said. The files are now being updated for the new school year. Practice, practice, practice Photo by RICHARD WILLUIB Rodeo clown Robert Wood takes some time to practice another part of his sport. Wood who is a a senior Agricultural Economics major from Austin, was roping a metal dummy in front of the Alpha Gamma Rho house in College Station. Student Counseling Service Center opens its doors By PAMELA WENTWORTH Reporter Texas A&M’s Student Counseling Service welcomed the campus com munity to the newly-renovated facili ties in Room 300 of the YMCA Building Wednesday. The open house gave the faculty and administrative staffs “an oppor tunity to see the facilities and what we are all about,” Ron Lewis, asso ciate director of the Student Coun seling Service, said. The new service provides aca demic, career and personal devel opment to A&M students, he said. The Academic Affairs Committee recommended that the Academic Counseling Service and Personal Counseling Service combine their centers to provide greater accessibil ity to students. The renovation was complete about one year ago. 1 low- ever, Lewis said they wanted to fin ish the interior before they formally introduced the new center. Among the many facilites of fered is the Student Counseling Service li brary. Students may visit the library any time for information on study skills, personal self-help books and college-career catalogs, Wade Birch, director of the Student Counseling Service, said. Students seeking professional help may visit the facilities in person or call in advance to set up an ap pointment. “If students feel they need coun seling, it’s best if they contact us as early in the semester as possible,” Birch said. The staff consists of about 18 counselors, including the adminis trative members. Eight full-time li- Comr “T1 out of ernm electe censed psychiatrists and professid counselors, along with fom intern provide counseling services for Sit dents Monday through Fridayfroi 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Also, two part-iiw psychiatrists from the Bryan-( Station area counsel students *il more serious problems. The Student Counseling Service! extending their staff to include counselors experienced in woriiit with blacks and hispanicpeople. “We have already extended unit vitation to have a counselor join who has experience working black college students,” Birch said. A wide range of services indudiE the Academic Skills Developmcs Program, the Educational andO reer Development Program, aid | | Emergency Counseling are offerel to students through the counselini service. Here’s one college credit you’ll use long after graduation Really, it's simple economics. When you apply for and receive a Foley's charge card, you'll gain a credit rating; and your prompt payment and good judgment keep it A-1. Plus, you don't have to wait for graduation to get it-- let us know whether you're a junior, senior or graduate student. If we cannot verify your class status in the Student Directory, please attach verification of class status; for example, a paid fee slip. Fill out the attached form and return it to us. Send this application to: Foley's Credit Promotion Dept. P.O. Box 1971, Houston, Texas 77251 Name Local address. City .State _ Permanent address City .State, Age Spouse's name Major subject _ .Unmarried ( ) Married ( ) Separated ( ) Class Status: Jr. ( ) University/college Bank at Sr. ( ) Grad. ( ) Checking ( ) Savings ( ) Parent, guardian or nearest relative Phone number Address City Loan ( ) .State. -Zip. Have you or your spouse ever had a Foley's account? 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