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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1984)
Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED PERSONALS CHARLI'S—women’s clothing-sales part-time. Apply in person, ()9<i-9(i26. 13ta- Page 14/The Battalion/Friday, September 21,1984 SPECIAL NOTICE Part-time help wanted-instructors, receptionists, jani tors, general labor, locker room attendants, call Aerofit Fitness Center, 823-09171. 6tl0 DECEMBER GRADS On Your Mark, Get Set, Go ^ Order Your Graduation Announcements MSC STUDENT FINANCE CENTER Monday-Friday September 3, 1984 to September 27, 1984 Room217 MSC 8:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. Students part-time laboratory assistants in Analytical callat Chemical laboratory. 693-3111. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRUCE WENDT THE ROXZ/TEAZERS is now hiring all positions. Ail applications being accepted at 'leasers. Apply morn ings 9-12 p.m., 84ti-2277. 13t5 FOR SALE PADRE CAFE HELP WANTED. Experienced COOKS & WAITPERSONS. Immediate openings available, 764-8064. 14t3 Suzuki GS550T one year old, recent tune up. Low mileage, excellent condition, Wally, 696-0100, $1300.14t5 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE; Medical Billing Clerk lot Bryan. TX. Part-time to f ull-time. Send resume and references to: P.O. Box 1547, Ukiah. CA. 95482. 13t5 XR-500 1979 Honda good condition, $800.00, Vic, 693-4213, street legal. 9t 11 GOVERNMENT JOBS. $16,559-$5().553/veai. Now hiring. Your area. Call 805-687-6000 ext. R-9531.. 13t8 1981 Mitsubishi Cliatnp, Hatchback, a/c, new tires, four speed, jxnver/economv selector, negotiable! 693- 3740 13t 10 Saudi ferry hits mystery mine; no one injured F At Part-time help wanted. Apply at Piper’s Gulf service station, Texas Avenue at University Drive. lOtlO Kawasaki 750 Spectre. ’82. Purchased new last tear. Excellent condition. 093-6265 13t5 United Press International ROOMMATE WANTED 2 rolls 35mm Kodak for only $2-send check to SFW, 113 A Wettermark, Nacogdoches, Texas 75961. 4tl6 ROOMMATE WANTED: Needed: Mature female housemate for nice home in Southwood Valley. Private bedroom and bath. Non-smokers please. Call 693-2364 or 846-7722. for details. 15t5 Yamaha 250. 2 years old. 3200 miles. Excellent condi tion, 696-8198. 12t4 Roommate needed for 2 bedroom 2 bath condo, $200.00/mofith. Cripple Creek, 696-0491. 13t8 TRS-80 Model I computer with 48K memory, disk drive, software. $500.00, 260-1178. 14t5 ‘69 Mustang 302 auto, $1500 neg., 693-3065. SERVICES FOR RENT TIRED OF HIGH UTILITIES? Come to Tanglewood South • Great Location • 2 Pools • Exercise Room • Party Room • 2 Laundry Rooms • Covered Parking ALL UTILITIES PAID 411 Harvey Road, C.S. TW4 TYPING All kinds. Let us type your proposals, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. BUSINESS & COMMUNICATION SERVICES, INC. 100W. Brookside846-57S4 12129 •Concise«To the Point«An accurate representation of your abilities...this is what your resume should be. WE ARE THE RESUME EXPERTS! MIDLAND HEIGHTS INTERNATIONAL 846-6486 403 University Dr. W. Above Campus Photo 14ti o Matching green sofa chair two tables lamp. $185, love- seat, $95, television, $35, 846-7006. 14t5 Women's small Lycra farmer-john SCUBA diving suit, $235,846-7006. 14t5 PANNING FOR GOLD? MIDLAND HEIGHTS INTERNATIONAL • Word Processing • Creative Resume • Translation/Simultaneous Interpretation (French, Greek, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, & Spanish) • Copying (WiH print colors) 846-6486 403 University Dr, W. (above Campus Photo) 3 btlrm. 2 fxuh 4-fstex dose ut 4 A Ml' w7wa»her & dryer. $350.00, 2?2-«4^2. r " • 13(10 HELP WANTED FOR-RENT; T wo bed apts., Turn/unfurn. $250-$285, 415 College Main, Northgaie, 775-0349$ 15t50 Townhouse, 1527 Wolf Run, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, newly re-painted, new carpets and roof, $600/month, utilities not included 190t24 Fifteen (15) Students needed to conduct brief tele phone interviews, Monday through Thursday, 5:30 pm until 8:30 pm, September 24 to October 25. Trans portation needed. Contact Department of Rural Socio logy, 845-5332. $4.25/hr. Ilt5 ON THE DOUBLE AH kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. 91 tfn Fratemity/Sorority! Have for sale/lease hvo 4-plex close to campus. Large yanf. shuttle bus. 764-9462. - 14t5 Weekend prepers needed for Saturday Sc Sunday morning 9a.m. to 1p.m. Applicatioiis accepted seven days a week to 12 noon. Pelican's Wharf. 1 ^ TYPING ALL KINDS, after 4:30 call 693-6677. 14t9 12t5 HELP WANTED ROUTE POB SACS 'Hai;d?rie rrtVraf fruit juice*. Service' <rt rauteis such as HoUftey Ihn, Rarrwflfr;-W*r4ri9 Jdfmson, Quality Inn, Best Western, etc: Will take $12,500 cash, includes inventory and equipment. No selling- - replace product only. Will net approximately $300 per week. Write Box 360247, Birmingham, AL 35236. Include phone number or call toll free 1 -800- 521-4859. _____ 1511 KITCHEN HELP, COUNTER HELP. WAITPER SONS NEEDED for new restaurant; all hours avail able. Apply at LA TAQUERIA and TORTILLA FAC TORY. 102 Church St., behind the PEHJXE. 846- 0228. • - • I2i4 SERVICES; Graduate available to proofread papers, checking grammar, spelling. English major. + 5 years professional editing experience. 268-0446. 15t5 CAIRO, Egypt — A Saudi passen ger ferry on its way to pick up Mos lem pilgrims hit “an underwater ex plosive” near the Suez Canal Thursday, raising to 19 the number of ships damaged by mysterious mines in the Gulf of Suez and Red Sea. No one was injured in the explo sion, which occurred as French offi cials announced that their multina tional task force had ended its search for mines in the area and was re turning home. U.S. forces withdrew from the search earlier this week. Shipping sources in Suez City, at the southern end of the Suez Canal, said Egyptian naval units rushed to the Saudi-owned Belkis I passenger ferry after the captain signaled his ship had hit “an underwater explo sive.” A Lloyd’s of London insurance company spokesman said the ferry’s hull was not penetrated by the ex plosion, but the vessel was “tilting somewhat,” and dead in the water 20 miles to the south of Suez City. All 30 crewmen were reported unharmed, and no passengers were aboard. The Belkis I was sailing south to ward the Saudi Arabian port of Jed dah to pick up Egyptian Moslem pil grims, officials said. “T he explosion was not intent and was probably caused by a mine the sources said. The ferry was the 19th vesif struck by the mysterious minessiiKi July 9, although Thursday’s exi sion was the first since Aug. 15wliei the Cypriot freighter Theoupolisli a mine. Last week, an unexploded min was found by the British task searching the northern Gulf ofSuei It was the first mine to be discover intact in the six-week seardi by tin task force, made up of units Iron the United Slates, France, Egyyi Italy and Britain The mine was described by Eg)! tian Minister of Defense Fielt Marshal Abdel Halim Abu-Ghaui as “very modern ... even to Westert technolt ogy- Egypt has repeatedly said k strong “circumstantial evidence"iln Libyan regime of Moammar Kb dafy was responsible for plantingib mines. , The U.S. forces announced tk units have ended the search in iK Gulf of Suez. The USS Shrevepon, transport dock ship with fourSa Stallion minesweeping helicopter:) aboard, sailed for the Meditetu) nean Tuesday. raro — or kitch bast the L Th after nee worst the l nia. At tried gan, rupte years H SI Hem noce Thui derly bery. girlfr oyste was : chair stay < He w utes I Expert Typing, word processing. All work error free. PEHFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 11120 "Mature Kgrdworking sf (V ftirtlents wife. Part- time Winch hoiil-j and evening hours Post Oat Mall ami Northgate locating available. John 784-7335. 14t5 Let Suzy type it! Professional Academic typist, also re sume. 775-8476. 189t20 Now hiring BAR LENDERS, BARBACKS, WAIT RESSES and DOORMEN. Apply in person at the Zephyr Club, 913A Harvey Road. For more info, call 693-1989. 13l3 WORD PROCESSING. Dissertations, etc. Top quality. Fast, accurate, reasonab -6200. lOtl I HELP WANTED; Student to s and recreation area to Aerofit 0971. upervise weight training Coni WORD PROCESSING by appointment. Leave name and number after the tones. (Pager) 361-8056. 4t20 Try our Battalion Classified!!! ontact Dr. Jessup 823- 15t2 PARIS now hiring bH positions. Apply in person 10-5 p.m. M-F. ■ 14tl0 Part-time handy man. Experienced necessary. Af ternoons preferred. Call Beal Realty, 823-5469 ask for Ten. 10H0 PERSONALS Female afternoon bartender. Waitresses, DJ —Silver Dollar, 775-7919, 846-4691. 190t24 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Abortion procedures and referrals—Free pregnancy testing. Houston, Texas 713/524-0548. 10t64 845-2611 $5.00 OFF WITH THIS COUPON (on #10 or more purchase and coupon mmust come with cleaning) at CLASSIC CLEAJVERS 703 W. Villa Maria Bryan, Tx. 77805 or FASHIOIV CLEANERS 315 B Dominik College Station, Tx. 77840 For dry cleaning only. Coupon valiid through Sept. 28, 1984 0 c