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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1984)
Tuesday, March 27, 1984/The Battalion/Page 9 Ma, “ ca se,lea, lv ided, " lle dulea t ' a federali e Power u Regiil* ■ r denyin; 'd an air 'atinglice, es aneffe da Powe:K ey Poir ■ ■ The g iat a decide ill nto coufcj lar challd >g licenseil ^e up an I question,] by Paul Dimneyer YOU KMM) RAWV 15 /mjy A A/ICE... GREAT' I'LL. BE ^ RGAPY. Beirut militias agree to limit territory fights 64th Brigade lands in Honduras r U.S.-led military maneuvers I United Press International he first of 1,000 fresh U.S. The (fops arrived in Honduras her the ItMonday to take part in another rorthemetofU.S.-led military maneu- tny are sers, called Grenadier I, a U.S. recording! Siluary official said. Rn Nicaragua, the Sandinista cide wheiiwy said U.S.-funded rebels dam has fled 30 government troops in fore he ufllu ee-day attack on a north- vhether ;!rn town. owed todflkil. James Strachan, spokes- g bydredfln for the U.S. military pres- mvictionsfle in Honduras, said 100 to ialifornia jOO troops of the 864th Brigade the Naiinflan arriving in the northern omstaleof San Pedro Sula from fort Louis, Wash. fltrachan said the maneuvers, ■ich will begin April 1 and end June 30, will involve 1,000 U.S. troops in the construction of two airstrips and counter-in surgency exercises. The rest are expected to ar rive by the end of the week to join 1,700 UjS. servicemen al ready in Honmn as carrying out reconnaissance missions. Strachan said the maneuvers are to train the Honduran army and “demonstrate the interest the United States has in this part of Central America.” Honduran military sources have not specified how many Hondurans will participate. Strachan told United Press International he had no infor mation about the reported par ticipation of Panamanian and Salvadoran troops. Gen. Manuel Antonio No riega, chief of Panama’s Na tional Defense Force, said in El Salvador last week that 250 Pan amanian troops would partici pate in Grenadier I along with an undetermined number of Salvadoran troops. On Sunday, some 750 Hon duran troops and 250 U.S. troops of the 82nd Airborne Di vision based in Fort Bragg, S.C., staged a mock invasion of Hon duras in an operation coded “Lightning I.” Also in Honduras, the Popu lar Liberation Movement, a guerrilla group that was last heard from more than a year ago, claimed responsibility for exploding four bombs — two in the capital and two in San Pedro Sula — that killed a guard. One bomb exploded just af ter midnight Sunday outside the Supreme Court in Teguci galpa, and the other outside a military cadet school. The guard at the court, Maximiliano Banegas, was killed in the ex plosion, which shook nearby buildings and knocked out win dows. In other fighting, U.S.- funded rebels of the Honduras- based Nicaraguan Democratic Force attacked the town of San Rafael del Norte, 36 miles north of Managua, setting off a three- day battle that left 30 govern ment soldiers dead . ^Repentant spy receives award : gti United Press International WASHINGTON — Presi- ihers andUeni Reagan bestowed the na ught witlLn’s highest civilian award nfield ffl Monday on Whittaker Gham- i. Ihec bers, a repentant Communist he threcjspy who helped to inspire Rea- aid thenBn’s 0 wn conversion to politi- he gusto jcal conservatism, some toflfchambers, who died in 1961, and 13 other luminaries were lid, ‘He'i hbnored at the White House as i who ^recipients of the prestigious ;aid. [Presidential Medal of Freedom, driverklllFor Reagan, the ceremony armed jheld a special poignancy be d-16 madcapse the recipients included ie trio sMactor James Cagney, a longtime “it woulHollywood friend and onetime ;ause thejmentor. rmy did i® Senate Republican leader jomalapa Howard Baker, who is retiring d driver a® m the Senate this year, also a gueijwas among the medal winners, ay mortHPosthumous awards were and beinigiven to assassinated Egyptian ble,"joii#resident Anwar Sadat and und and baseball great Jackie Robinson, [la’s lessoi the first black in professional -60 maqsports. ■Cagney, 84, sat in a wheel- run wasjfflair during the awards lu ri al jazz,Icheon. Reagan lauded the ac- nded mt tor, whose first made-for- a bandouelevision movie was to be is my chtfloadcast Tuesday night, as “a : while Dtjgiaiit in the world of entertain ment.” ?ere surpift “Could I a< Jd something iencywMse?” Reagan interjected as the ght he ^applause subsided. “As a great r of the-star at the same studio where I jjn.” (started, he was never too busy to hold out a hand to a young xplainedjfellow just trying to get under a poorjway.” -e just Pf; Cagney, his eyes filled with ie trio w* tears, clasped hands with the tstrip. 73-year-old president as he was landed the medal. Mrs. Reagan kissed him on the cheek. Since 1945, the Medal of Freedom has been presented to more than 220 individuals for distinguished government serv- e, humanitarian work and other achievements. ^Chambers almost simulta- neously eschewed communism d atheism and, in 1948, told ingress he was part of an file cell” of Soviet agents ose mission was to infiltrate the U.S. establishment. He sin- ed out Alger Hiss as an ac- mplice, saying Hiss gave him secret State Department docu ments to be passed on to the So viets. Hiss eventually was convicted of perjury — for lying about his espionage activities — and sent to jail. He repeatedly has ap pealed his conviction. His latest appeal to the Supreme Court was rejected just last fall. Reagan said Chambers, a se nior editor of Time magazine when he appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1948, “stood alone against the brooding ter rors of our age.” “Consummate intellectual, writer of moving, majestic prose and witness to the truth, he be came the focus of a momentous controversy in American his tory that symbolized our coun try’s epic struggle between free dom and totalitarianism,” Reagan said — “a controversy in which the solitary figure of Whittaker Chambers personi fied the mystery of human re demption in the face of evil and suffering.” United Press International BEIRUT — Rival Moslem and Christian militias agreed Monday to refrain from grab bing territory vacated by de parting French peace-keepers, and France was reported ready to deploy cease-fire observers in Beirut. State-run Beirut Radio said French Ambassador Fernand Wibaux met with representa tives of the country’s main war ring parties and reiterated his country’s willingness to send ob servers to monitor a cease-fire in Beirut. The independent Interna tional News Agency quoted dip lomatic sources saying 40 ob servers would be in position in Beirut Wednesday. But despite signs of progress, new fighting broke out along the Green Line dividing Chris tian east Beirut from the Mos lem west. Shells falling into residential neighborhoods killed at least five people and wounded 17, security sources said. At one point, Lebanese army tanks po sitioned near Christian fighters in east Beirut fired at Moslem miltiamen, the rightist Voice of Lebanon radio station said. In another development, a caller claiming to represent the Islamic Jihad (Holy War) orga nization said the group threat ened to “liquidate” Druze Mos lem leader Walid Jumblatt. Islamic Jihad is the same group that claimed responsibil ity for the Oct. 1983 suicide truck bombings that killed 241 American servicemen and 58 French peace-keeping troops. In a call to the Beirut bureau of a foreign news agency, the caller accused Jumblatt of being “a famous Israeli agent” who was serving Israel’s interests in Beirut and demanded he pull his militiamen out of West Bei rut. WOMEN’S MEDICAL CENTER OF NW HOUSTON Problem Pregnancy? ■Early pregnancy testing ■Abortion services through 18 •Private practice setting •Confidential counseling/Teen-age care weeks ■Surgical sterilization (tubal ligation) •Birth control information •Ultrasound evaluation •Complete GYN care by a Board-Certified Gynecologist 713-440-1796 Robert P. 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College Ave • 846-1738 (5 Blocks North of Skaggs) Mi Owner Lonny Scasta Earlier in the day, Jumblatt handed captured Mourabitoun positions to police and the Leb anese army’s 6th Brigade, which had remained neutral in the February fighting between the Druze and the army. Druze and Shiite Moslem fighters, who together drove the army out of Moslem West Beirut Feb. 6, last week smashed a militia called the Mourabitoun made up of fight ers from the Sunni branch of Is lam. The attacks on the Mourabi toun came amid charges that it was swelling its ranks with Pal estinian guerrillas, who were chased of Beirut after Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982. A return of Palestinian guer rillas to Beirut would be likely to invite new Israeli attacks. The threat against Jumblatt, raising fears of even greater chaos in Beirut, coincided with the withdrawal of French peace-keepers from the battle- scarred capital. The French Defense Ministry has announced the 1,250 French troops in Beirut will pull out by Saturday — about a month after American, Italian and British forces departed be cause of the virtual collapse of the Lebanese army. The French troops hold posi tions along the Green Line and are responsible for keeping open the only road now linking the Christian and Moslem sec tors of Beirut. Meeting under French pro tection in a building on the Green Line, a committee of four men representing Leb anon’s main warring factions agreed the rival groups would refrain from grabbing land be ing vacated by the French. Beirut Radio said the com mittee agreed Lebanon’s Inter nal Security Forces, a paramili tary police unit, would take up the French positions so that the road between East and West Beirut can remain open. ^uperculrj Skagg’s Shopping Center 846-0084 Gather up all of your broken baubles and bangles and bring them in to DOUGLAS JEWELRY Culpepper Plaza 693-0677 and save 50% on most of your jewelry repairs (watch repairs and stone setting excluded) Good thru March 31, 1984 This coupon good at Culpepper Plaza location only. No charge cards accepted on this offer. Must bring this coupon in when leaving repairs. The smash hil of the season- Every performance a standing ovation! Della reese starring in the national tour of the Broadway musical ' ) BLUCS NIGMT ‘This is entertainment to warm pody and soul together.' ►Clive Barnes. New York Post More than two dozen great jazz and blues standards! 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