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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 29, 1984)
Wednesday, February 29, 1984/The Battalion/Page 5 byscottMccunor 2 missing fugitives found in barn south of Huntsville ramm, Stroke supporting mith in District 14 election ool since i Frick By LORRAINE CHRISTIAN Reporter ^ pCongrcssniiin Phil Gramm J and State Republican Party ^ Chairman George Strake en dorsed Richard Smith’s candi- dacv for State Representative iy higiiet:iorDistrict 14 Tuesday night, nerchanl'| At Smith’s Red, White and makeup Blue Texas Rally, Gramm said rocessinf that he’s taking time away from his own campaign because he that iki‘believes so strongly in Smith’s, d under! ‘Gramm is running for the Sen- charge or'fate. “I didn’t come to seek votes for myself,” Gramm said.“- People have decided if they are for or against me by now.” Gramm said that he is here be cause Smith is the exact person the Republicans need to run. Gramm said after a campaign many people wonder if the best person won. In the case of Ron ald Reagan, the best person clearly won, he said. He said Smith, former mayor of Bryan, is the best person be cause besides being a fine hu man being he’s a proven leader in public office. Gramm said Smith was the best mayor he’d ever worked with. “Fm going to vote for Smith,” he said. Gramm said this is going to be a close race. “Richard is going to win or lose this race in a very close vote.” Strake agreed with Gramm. He told the 450 people at V.F.W. Hall not to assume this is going to be an easy race. He urged the audience to vote ab sentee if they were going to be out of town since the election falls during spring break. He asked everybody to take a friend with them to the polls on election day. Strake said the Republicans need to follow Gramm’s victory with others. Smith received a standing ovation at the end of his speech. United Press International HUNTSVILLE — Prison of ficials said Tuesday they cap tured two escaped life-term in mates, who had been missing since Sunday. “They offered no resistance. They were still wearing the prison clothes dyed to look like civilian clothes wehn they were discovered in a barn about eight miles south of Huntsville,” said Texas Deparment of Gorrec- tions spokesman Jay Byrd. TDC and Walker county au thorities briefly closed a stretch of 1-45 and used bloodhounds to search for the inmates. Jimmy Wayne Carpenter, 28, and Bradford A. Bullock, 32, scaled a wall and escaped from the Walls Unit Sunday, a. spokesman for the Texas De partment of Corrections said. Carpenter, from Dallas County, was serving a life sen tence for murder. Bullock, from Bexar County, was con victed of being an habitual criminal and sentenced to life on a theft conviction. On Monday, officials in spected a shack in rural Walker County which was ransacked the same day, a TDC spokes man said. The two had been trans ferred to the Walls unit for test ing and had been there less than a month. Authorities did not know if the men were armed but sug gested they may have gotten ci vilian clothes JUST HAIR A FULL SERVICE SALON FOR MEN & WOMEN Student Discounts Every Day 693-6681 PARKWAY SQUARE-NEXT TO TG&Y NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Get Your Xerox Copies ,e who soil on i wmire saiil .minis*! malion (ft ey and ikfl tea business people iscuss entrepreneuring at Northgate Above Farmer’s Market By KATHLEEN REEVES hat giant#’ Reporter e Amen®! & winning attitude, strong are loh (] esn e> an d a lot of hard work i place f were ma j n ingredients dis- perpttw*Mission p an elists agreed upon is free | as t night for becoming a suc- cesxlul entrepreneur. aim Hfhe Texas A&M Society for Entrepreneurship and New Ventures hosted a panel dis- i l cussion at their meeting last HT night with Ken Martin, restau- 1 »• rant, owner, Frank Kahan, area developer, and Charli Light, rites*; 11 discus 1 ( - dress shop owner. Each gave the V advice to people planning on starting their own business. Ken Martin, owner of several dal restaurants, said a person |$)uld develop a winning atti tude. He said a person must es- Ronk tablish a positive attitude and er re^Jseli image. Martin said a win- yeesio- 1 ning attitude is the big differ- censorwfglce between winners and los- e from ers. He said losers aren’t willing to do the hard work and put in the extra effort that a winner must be willing to do in order to become successful. Martin said he started out in 1968 with $3,000 and in 24 months he was $47,000 in debt. He said it was four more years and 10 months before he broke even. Martin said it’s not easy getting started. “Yon can’t be afraid to make mistakes because then you be come afraid of winning,” he said. Frank Kahan, an area devel oper, said a person will never have anything unless he gets into debt. Kahan said people should invest in things that ap preciate in value such as real es tate instead of investing in things that depreciate in value such as cars. He said he lost plenty of money but not in real estate. Kahan said he began as a salesman in Bryan and then worked his way into real estate. “Making a dollar on your own will go further than two dollars on salary,” Kahan said. “This way you won’t have to rely on the other guy.” Charli Light, owner of Charli dress shop in College Station, said she was 20 when she went into business. She said a person has to give their business every thing he has to become success ful. She said the banks were very helpful about lending her money to get started on. She also took on a co-signer to help out with expenses. Inexpensive, High-Quality Copies We Specialize In REPORTS and DISSERTATIONS Also: Self-service copying, offset printing, typing, re ductions and enlargements, binding, resume writ ing, editing, business cards, wedding invitations, sta tionery and many other services. One-stop service for reports and dissertations. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University 846-3755 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-IO p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Mondaie may attend endorsement meeting HSCGrtf'J nin United Press International StM AUSTIN — The president of sp eecl1 the Texas AFL-CIO said Tues day Democratic presidential candidate Walter Mondale may attend a state AFL-CIO meet ing in March when labor lead ers endorse statewide candi dates. The AFL-CIO’s political wing, COPE, will meet in Austin on March 13-14 to endorse can didates and prepare delegates to support the labor organiza tion’s endorsement of Mondale. Il'This year’s convention will have more of a feeling of a Mondale pep rally because union officers and members be lieve so strongly in the Mondale candidacy,” said Texas AFL- GI0 president Harry Hubbard. | Half of the convention time, he said, will be devoted to [Workshops on organizing pre cinct conventions, voter regis tration drives and get-out-the- vote projects. ^ DEFENSIVE a DRIVING COURSE March 2 & 3 RAMADA INN Pre-register by phone: 693-8178/846-1904 FEE $20 The Institute for Paralegal Training works. So do its graduates. Four months of intensive training can add market value to your college degree. 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