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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1984)
MSC CAFETERIA Where You Get More For Your Money OPEN 6:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Daily “QUALITY FIRST” Page 6/The Battalion/Friday, January 20, 1984 FCC delays access charges Arbor day R celebratet United Press International WASHINGTON — The Federal Communications Com mission, responding to a storm of protest from Congress and consumers, tentatively voted Thursday to delay — as late as June 1985 — $2-a-month tele phone access charges for re sidential and small business cus- The agency also said that when the flat monthly long- DELTA UPSILON a non-secret, non-hazing Fraternity NOTICE: New location for the January 20th party! — Southwest Village Apartments Party room, 1101 Southwest Parkway, 8 p.m.— -For more information call Nigel 693-6515 or Chip 693-6365- distance surcharges, which had been set to start April 3, go into effect, they should be phased in gradually until 1990 and climb no higher than $4. The commissioners agreed to meet next Wednesday to issue a final ruling on the decision. They are taking a major shift in position reflecting virtually ev ery suggestion contained in a let ter that 32 senators, led by Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kan., sent to the FCC Wednesday. But the decision apparently will not halt legislation aimed at delaying the charges for two years. Sen. Robert Packwood, R- Ore., chief sponsor of the mea sure that goes much further than the FCC decision, said he will bring it to the floor for de bate next week and still expects it to pass. The House already has pas sed a bill to totally ban the charges for residential and small business customers. Consumer groups, which want the charges eliminated, cal led the FCC decision a “transpa rent” tactic to delay the political ly charged issue until after the 1984 elections. The biggest winners in the decision were long-distance companies such as MCI and Sprint that compete with Amer ican Telephone & Telegraph. Under the new plan, the com panies would pay more for their connections to local lines but PEKING GARDEN Chinese Restaurant AIX TOU CAN EAT Friday, Saturday and Sunday Evening Buffet 6-8:00 p.m. 84.98 Weekly Noon Buffet *3 f L‘)8 MSC Town Hall presents An Evening of Jazz with Group Sunday February 5, 1984 8:00 pm Rudder Auditorium Tickets: $9.00, $8.50, $7.50 MSC Box Office 845-1234 J Buffets Include: egg roll, fried rice, fried wonton soup, chicken lou mein, sweet and sour pork, and beef with broccoli. ~^ , , ™ >EN mM ; Y: 1313 S. College 11:30 a.m. to^ 822-7001 5:d0 p.m. to 9:d(J p.m. Texas would get a 55 percent discount — a sharply larger price break than the 20 percent to 25 per cent post-divestiture discount initially planned by the FCC. The discount would continue until the quality of the connec tion for the competing firms is improved to equal that of AT&T’s. While delaying the surcharge to individuals and businesses with one phone line will save cus tomers some money. FCC Chairman Mark Fowler said the action also would re duce or eliminate the $1.75 bil lion cut in long-distance phone rates AT&T had originally plan ned to coincide with its breakup Jan. 1, a development he called “most unfortunate.” The commissioners said ac cess charges that large business customers’ pay for their hook up to long distance services — $6 per line — will go into effect April 3 as scheduled. Jack Smith, head of the agen cy’s Common Carrier Division, told reporters the FCC expects to complete a study of the sur charges by Dec. 1, but that they may not be imposed until late spring or June 1985 because of required procedures. The commissioners said the decision to delay the charges came in response to a crush of protests from the public, state governments, state regulatory agencies, Congress and businesses. By ERIN K. PYLE Reporter Today is the lllthannii sary of Arbor Day, andtbtj of College Station iscelebn; with a tree planting cereimt, the Southwood Athletic Piii| 4 p.m. The word “arbor" is c from the Latin term mej tree. Arbor Day was oriji conceived as a beautificatiod for public grounds, but ill) grown to represent the ini ance of forestry preservatittl Arbor Day originatedin)# raska in 1872. The ideaa name of Arbor Day werepii osed by J. Sterling Mortouf member of the Nebraska! of Agriculture who laterwuj U.S. secretary of agricultutt] In Nebraska, Arbor Dii] f j observed on April 22, Mond birthday. Observance of ^ ^j er Dav has spread throughomi ay ' T U.S. and to foreign counts jia\ The date of the obsemj varies, but the last FridaJ dsm April has been adopted in al stales. College Station Mayor C jy ai Halter, Mike Owens, cuniBoc lum director of College St Independent School Dis the Rev. Bill Oxley of St. mas Episcopal Church Dorothy Miller, currentdir of Brazos Beautiful Inc.,at tywide beautification ore lion, will program. lake part mifjlarr ei 11 APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE Delegates — Hosts — Hostesses MEDIA ■Hr ^ HHi MSC SCONA 29 cr PIZZA 4^ ■I i- $1 Off Two Item Chanello’s Pizza Or More ONE COUPON PER PIZZA EX- ^PIRES 2/29/84 Any 20” Two Item Chanello’s Pizza or more ONE COUPON PER PIZZA expires 2/29/84 PARTY TIME SPECIAL RECEIVE A % DISCOUNT ON ANY PARTY SIZE ORDER AS FOLLOWS 10-15, 16” PIZZAS - A 10% DISCOUNT 15-20, 16” PIZZAS - A 15% DISCOUNT 20 or more, 16” PIZZAS - A 20% DISCOUNT CHANELLO’S PIZZA NOT VALID DURING ANY OTHER SPECIAL OFFER EXPIRES 2/29/84 30 MINUTE DELIVERY GUARANTEE $1 OFF ANY PIZZA DELIVERED MORE THAN 30 MINUTES FROM THE TIME YOU ORDER EXPIRES 2/29/84 & ^ SUPREME DREAM 20” SUPREME PIZZA ; PLUS 2 COKES $13.50 EXPIRES 2/29/84 <t January 16 — 20 - • 216 MSC Interviews January 23 — 25 OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS Seniors (continued from page c If the graduating senior si the clear and sees no reddonl is then ready to board his plsl Flights will leave G. R* White Coliseum at 2 p.m.ii 7:30 p.m. Friday, May4andil a.m. Saturday morning, Mai| Senior Schedule for Sptt| 1984: • Now - Order DegreeChaj — Heaton Hall • Feb 3 - Last Day toap a decree, last day to orderg duation announcements pril 2 - CapandGovmsn ani p it: Bookstore -f lm • May 2 - Blocked Gradi list (clear list) posted — Htd Hall • May 4-5 - Commenceim onm iat something for everyone in the 2 X Welcome Back, Aggies! The Brothers of Sigma Chi cordially invite all men interested in fraternities to join us in our Spring Rush activities. SPRING RUSH SCHEDULE Jan. 21, 8 p.m. WELCOME BACK AGGIES Sigma Chi House Jan. 25, 8 p.m. SKI LODGE PARTY Sigma Chi House Jan. 28, 8 p.m. BARN DANCE Sigma Chi House Feb. 1, 8 p.m. TGIW Sigma Chi House Feb. 4, 8 p.m. FINAL RUSH Sigma Chi House >-<6 Vv * r a<v> , xS SIGMA CHI | 5 Si HOUSE If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call: Sigma Chi House 693-8265 Tom Owen (Rush Chairman) or 779-8965 Jim Klatt Uni HC nds cess; stry B4, a lurst Jam e vie toll cal f ght: ■sset stry ast. Her ■lustt ing th la