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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1984)
Friday, January 20, 1984/The Battalion/Page 3 ^Former mayor seeking 4th district election By MICHELLE POWE Stuff writer Richard Smith, former leCojinavor of Bryan, announced ursday he will seek the Dis- e( j ef trki 14 House of Representa- u 'lives seat vacated this week by Bill Presnal. HSmith told about 100 suppor- ® e '®sat the Brazos Center that he cr( ®Bl run in the special election 3 balMich will be held to fill PresnaPs led. seat and in the general election November. The date of the ecial election has not been ounced yet. “I believe Brazos County needs and deserves a represen tative who has experience in the legislative and governmental process and who is close enough to the people to understand their problems and to identify their needs from state govern ment,” he said. “For many years 1 have had and continue to have a commitment to the people of Brazos County and to good con servative government. years as cilman. a Bryan city coun- Smith, a 1960 Texas A&M, graduate of was mayor of Richard Smith Bryan from 1978 to 1983 and previously had served three Smith said that “improving the quality of education in the state, reaucing crime ... and maintaining Texas A&M as a first-class university” are three issues of major importance to Brazos County citizens. Other issues of special im portance, he said, are water de velopment, agricultural and re search development, energy and programs to help the dis advantaged. Computer theft campus police up, say Jero imoi igents conduct final review Faculty considered for tenure ill Pi By KELLEY SMITH Senior staff writer After nominations and sever- eviews, 107 Texas A&M sys- faculty members will receive |ltir final review before the Hard of Regents for tenure approval. ■The board will review the list . jfiuunes, 88 from the main cam- , at its regular meeting next |ek. The board, which will et Sunday through Tuesday, lews the tenure recommen- ions once a year. At the meeting, the regents utml will discuss a presentation on the status of the parking and traffic flow study. Tney also will discuss the progress on the special events center and the possible relocation of the railroad track that divides the campus. The regents also will consider the appropriation of $4.4 mil lion from the Available Fund to the University for the acquisi tion of instructional and re search equipment. The recom mendation for the appropria tion slates that funding for that purpose from legislative appropriations falls short of actual needs each year and the basic needs for teaching and re search equipment have not been met. The committee will consider a proposal to establish a Military Studies Institute to act as an in stitutional focus for the studies of military affairs in many academic areas, mainly those considered among the liberal arts. The institute would spon sor research on past and current military topics; support teaching, seminars, lectures and visits by distinguished scholars and representatives of the milit ary, government and industry; and provide community service activities such as publications and conferences on military issues. The board also will consider an amendment to the Objec tives, Rules, Regulations for the Texas A&M University System. The amendment would enable the board to establish maximum hiring ages and mandatory re tirement ages below the age of 70 for certain classifications of employment where age is an occupational qualification. imonl ■umlii irport handles two crises this week By RONNIE CROCKER Staff writer Detective William Scott of the University Police Department said Thursday that computer theft — not a major crime area now — will be an increasing problem in the years to come. Computer security needs to be increasd, he said, and that he is planning a crime prevention survey on the matter following a theft of over $12,000 worth of computers and equipment in the Learning Resource Depart ment in the Sterling C. Evans Library. University police still are con ducting investigations of the theft. Among the items taken in the Jan. 10 theft were three Apple II microcomputers valued at $ 1,395 each, an MX 100 printer, an MX 80 printer and other computer accessories. Enough items were taken for three com plete Apple setups. Scott said probably more than one person were involved in the crime and that he specu lates the thieves either stayed in the library after closing or en tered through the University’s steam tunnels. He also said that the thieves had to have knowledge of the LRD’s set-up because the thieves found the keys to locks on the computers. Since some of the items taken from inside the computers was specific in nature, Scott said he felt the thieves were looking for a particular type of program. The theft occurred between midnight and 7:30 a.m. of Jan. 10. This was not the first compu ter theft on campus. Nor was it the first one in the LRD. An Apple system was stolen from the Academic Building a few months ago. About two years ago, computer equipment was stolen from the LRD. The individuals were caught in con nection with that crime. An attempted theft of some typewriters, headphones and other items was attempted on Dec. 29 in the library, but Scott said the persons apparently were interrupted and left the library without the items. Scott said he has made no re commendations as of yet for im proving security. Police presently are conduct ing investigations about the steam tunnel theory and then will make recommendations to library officials on how to secure the library if that turns out to be the case. DANCE INSTRUCTORS NEEDED e Socie-ty Auditions for ballet and tap teachers will be: Tuesday, Jan. 24, at? p.m. in 268 E. Kyle VICKI 260-5808 Rebeca 845-2665 For information call: ie T#y RONNIE CROCKER Staff writer etsli chas For the second time this k, there was a moment of ision at Easterwood Airport Ipilots reported instrument lings that meant the landing on their planes were not fiktioning properly. hursday about 2 p.m., Capt. aneHve Hughes and Maj. Tony n sciHumbo of the Army Reserve [scmjust taken off in a U.S. Army evo|i»Alpha on their way to Ft. ^ Humana Hospital Hood. After taking up the land ing gear, there was no response on the instrument panel. After consulting the opera tions manual, they put the land ing gear back down. When they did, the unsafe landing gear light came on, indicating the gear either was still up or not locked in place. Palumbo, a facilities super visor/flight instructor on duty at Easterwood, said they made a low pass in front of the tower and airport officials told him that the landing to be down and gear appeared locked. As a precautionary several fire trucks and Inside the plane, which is similar to a Cessna 310, it is im possible to tell if the gear is down or not. All the pilot has are the instruments. measure, an ambu lance were called to the runway to stand by. Earlier in the week, a civilian airplane reported similar prob lems. FINE JEWELRY ) ence,H istent 1 iceedi thert Mllld! to change location By LYNN RAE POVEC Reporter he College Station Planning and Zoning Commission unani- sly passed a recommendation to allow for the proposed Inana Hospital relocation from its present site in Bryan to a new dame® in south College Station Thursday night, theit Humana Hospital also turned in an application to the state for and pproval, but a hearing date has not yet been set, according to A1 cienW 0 ’ director of planning for College Station. The state must ■de whether or not a hospital may be built in College Station, but •Jrity itself must decide where the hospital will be built. In other action, the Commission granted Area Progress Corpor- c ^ r Sn, the developer and owner of the tract of land upon which the t ‘ ie Maital may be built, a conditional use permit. This permit allows iverntfai|y any structure to be built "just about anywhere,” according maytfHo. TThe Commission then approved an additional-parking plan for jduflwedo’s Tacos A1 Carbon, located at Northgate, after adding a [vediiRvision to include four-foot islands surrounding the single para- . elsparking space in the plan. The plan passed 5-1. live A parking lot plan for the Omni Center, formerly Columbia was resubmitted to the Commission. The plan was denied at Twister Beads & Add-a-Beads CLUB 1/2 Price With $10 membership fee you can buy all the twister beads and add-a-beads you want at HALF PRICE until May 30, 1984. Come to us for all your jewelry and watch repair. tants ndsitf 415 University Drive 846-5816 yNov. 17, 1983 meeting because “at the time it was proposed, .jre was a difficulty in discerning the plant types on the plan,” crm f mrding to Mayo. He also said trial the Commission suggested the plan be resubmitted when it had been revised. Five com- 11$ iioners voted to approve the resubmitted plan, and one ab le Stif ted. astly, the Commission discussed a previously presented land zoning plan for an area in south College Station, but it post ed a decision until maps of the area could be further reviewed. LET fOIJRSIEEF GO The atmosphere is different perfect for your favorite cocktail. And what food! The menu is pure temptation with a variety of selections • Popular prices, too. Discover Julie’s Place soon JIM Townhall presents Aj*T\ T i: M IT Thursday Feb.23 8:00 pm G. Rollie White Coliseum Tickets 88.50, 88.00, 87.00 MSC Box Office 845-1234 Option Pass Jan. 16-20 General Sales Jan. 23 MSC TOWN HAT/t: W ■W 607 Texas Avenue (across from Texas A&M) 696-1427 MOVIES TO GO $noo RENT A VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER AND ONE MOVIE.... 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