Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1984)
' I le for n Pany stof 1 days, ant a tf with out. tailed tit, schedule fA. stmi to prois 5 and tli ction tie aided ties H wemn rior to tie after stween tie the airlit* emberovtt ty. Theurr ■eturnedii ntal saysi pilots wit ie strike« after their pcs- Hicks sail there wi lent to tit tor to th ptcy coun me you’it hance.” n as “Gij lary repo ve ap aurn; i of the i re discow ter evida ils and tffi the rests ied a the® nvestigati ;lta ensira Ftheenetj! dies hai in format* od. He narrow oic time ai oic, thee es came s surface e nee,"Hi the best Thursday, January 19, 1984/The Battalion/Page 5 Around town Confederate heroes day scheduled Texas Confederate Heroes Day, the first Texas Heritage Day for 1984, will be observed today with ceremonies in Austin at the Texas Confederate Museum located at 112 E. 11th St. at noon. An address on General Robert E. Lee will be delivered, and a wreath laid on the Confederate Monument on the Capitol grounds. Sales begin for pageant tickets Tickets are now available for the 5th Annual Miss Texas A&M Scholarship Pageant scheduled for 7 p.m., Feb.25. Tickets are $3.50 for students and $6 for non-students and can be purchased at the MSC Box Office. Late registration on for this week Late registration for College Station Community Educa tion continues through Friday, Jan. 20 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Registration is at the Community Education Office at 109 Timber, 14 block off Jersey. Parks and Recreation interviewing The College Station Parks and Recreation Department is now interviewing instructors for Spring Classes and Recrea tion Supervisors for Kids Summer Day Camp. Apply at City Hall, in the personnel office, on Texas Avenue. For more information call 764-3773. Graduation announcements avail able May and DVM Graduates must order their graduation announcements before Feb. 8. Announcements can be ordered in the MSC Student Finance Center, room 217, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Boy Scout banquet scheduled Arrowmoon District Boy Scouts will hold its annual appreciation Banquet on tonight at 7 p.m. in the Bryan High School Cafeteria. Keynote speaker will be Sen. Kent Caper- ton. The program, using the theme “Scouting Needs Pa rents,” will begin with a special opening ceremony by Arrow- moon’s 1983 Eagle Scouts, followed by the presentation of awards, pins, and honors to those men and women of the community who have given outstanding service to scouting. The community may attend. Tickets for the barbeque din ner may be purchased for $5 at the door, or bought from any area Boy Scout. To submit an item for this column, come by The Battalion office in 216 Reed McDonald. Police cracking down Vr- on 'escort services' th Antes 9d before GOP convention United Press International DALLAS — If a six-month ! 1^^ olice investigation of so-called I v scort services has any lasting iiccess, officers hope they won’t indents s ave to worry about highly orga- r saving 1 ^ j zec j f ronts f or prostitution popub® bring this summer’s Republi- opeisap m National Convention. nanyT® Vice squad Lt. E.W. Smith ips work (id 42 prostitution charges stian Cl ere filed as a result of an opera- actress SI on that made use of escort ser- woman t ices listings in the new Yellow M in Af ages that came out in October. udentAsS Smith said Tuesday the erfratet® usinesses were fronts for pros- ^OOOtoItt tution operations that charged edy vilbl ttween $50 and $85 for a one- becaine« our nude modeling session and ipto$500 for sexual favors. He ter said, f aid one agency was netting ab- rroupsl® 1 ut$250,000 a month, and h* 1 The investigation began last itigust, but in the new Yellow WANTED'- BSU Pages police noticed the number of escort services had tripled to 48, apparently to take advantage of the August 1984 Republican nominating convention. Some of the ads cost up to $1,580 a month. “We wanted to try and hit them hard before the conven tion so we wouldn’t have to wor ry so much about them then," said vice squad Capt. George Parker. Southwestern Beil Telephone Co. cooperated in the operation by disconnecting service to 40 escort agencies and refusing to reinstate it or reissue the tele phone numbers to anyone else. Bell spokesman Jim Lydon said officials were reviewing the situation and may reconnect ser vice to any agencies whose oper ators were not charged with prostitution. MQWDY PARTY/ Come, join fun... Thuri., Jon. T OO r.ei. < i s' i af The. ^iuden-h Center (ZOI Main N) Andtux Catalog Showrooms We sell what others sell. We just charge less. age : neci ate iiHjJji 1 tgs - sduc; Sale ends Jan. 22,1984. No rainchecks. Reg. $119.97 Helios exercise bicycle. Caliper tension. Adjustable handlebar, seat. 39 lbs. S910-E2000. Minimum 18 per store Reg. $59.97 Samsonite fylUiiW Samsonite 2-pc. beige nylon/saddle vinyl shoulder tote, garment bag set. 7 lbs. L675-330213. Minimum 36 per store Limited quantities. No rainchecks. O'SULLIVAN 4090 Re g- $" .97 O’Sullivan microwave cart. 21" L x 28 1/2" W x 31 1/2" H. 50 lbs. (Cannot be shipped par cel post or UPS. Must be shipped by truck.) R729-NC319. Minimum 18 per store 50-Pc. Stainless flatware 50-Pc. stainless flatware. 4 lbs. G858-4315. Minimum 24 per store 11 Reg. $24.97 ^Polished Brass Bargains -T47 m Reg. $1^ Reg. $14.96 Set of 7 graduated candlesticks. 3 lbs. G186-D4377. Minimum 96 per store ^8 3 A" Dia. chamberstick TT 2 lbs. HMH O Y G858-149. ! Reg. $11.97 Reg. $7.97 ’ et of 4 napkin rings. 1 lb. G858-44308 Minimum 12 per store Minimum 12 per store Minimum 10 per store . _ _ Reg. $22.97 Duck bookends. 5 lbs. G186-444165. Gold Chains, Charms regularly priced from $9.97 to $299.97 tdO 4.39 1 4Q 99 now to ■ does not include ingots, coins or stone set. No rainchecks. No special orders. Groom’s 14K yellow gold, 3 1 /2mm. J800-7030. J800- 7031 white gold. Minimum 25 per store Bride’s 2mm 14K yellow gold. J800-7018. J800-7019 white gold. Reg. $29.90 Sale $14.95 Minimum 10 per store Eight diamonds. J716-182. S 6 Reg. $59.90 Reg. $79.94 Minimum 5 per store Rea. $59.74 Minimum 8 per store Genuine amethyst J995-1143. Cultured pearl ring. J714-1015. 24®° Req. $49.84 Minimum 5 per store 24 97 Reg. $49.97 Two diamond teen ring. J618-7284 vellow aold. Minimum 6 per store J618-7283 white gold. Minimum 8 per store Engraveable brass business card case. J793-3366A. A 97 Reg. $3.97 I Minimum 48 per store Black 5-function LCD watch, matching pen. J577-456688. 497 Goldtone pen, LCD 5-function pendant watch. J505-2611 51. Reg. $14.97 Minimum 25 per store 097 W Minimum Reg. $8.97 25 per store Reg. $9.97 Clairol Air Express CLAIROL 1200 W compact dryer. 1 lb. A072-ET1. Minimum 48 per store Sale prices good thru Jan. 22,1984. Subject to prior sale. No rainchecks. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Jewelry enlarged to show detail. Reg. $5.97 Tortise cosmetic or ganizer. 11" x 8 3/4"D. 1 lb. G370-0198. Minimum 96 per store No Hassle Return Pplicy O’Sullivan videogame _ center holds most 19" TV’s. Roll-out module storage with cartridge drawer. 50 lbs. R729-VG110A. Minimum 23 per store Any merchandise you purchase at Ardan may be returned within 30 days of the date of pur chase. All we ask is that you present proof of purchase and. whenever possible, bring the item m its original box or carton 1673 Briarcrest 779-7024 We sell what others sell. We just charge less.