Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1984)
Battalion Classifieds Page ^A'he BattalionTThursday, January 19, 1984 FOR RENT PEPPER TREE APARTMENTS Landmark Properties, Inc. 'Shuttle bus •Free cable tv •Security guard •Partyroom •Swimming pool •Laundry facilities •1-2-3 bedrooms •6 different floor plans •Lots of closet space •Excellent maintenance crew •Convenient to shopping areas FREE Tutoring Service Aerobic classes Scuba Diving classes Martial Arts classes 693-5731 Hours: 9 to 6 Mon.-Fri. Sat. 10-4 2701 Longmire Drive College Station SOUTHWEST VILLAGE APARTMENTS Best Atmosphere In Town. Like Living In A Park. WE FEATURE Interior Green Space with Creek & Trees-Swimming Pool-Club Room- -Jacuzzi-Sauna-Tennis Court- s-Shuttle Bus Service- 4 Distinctive Styles of Apt. NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED Children & Pets Welcome 1101 Southwest Parkway College Station, Texas 77840 409-693-0804 74tl3 NEW MINI WARE HOUSES Sizes available 5x5 to 10x30 THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 696-5487 CASA DEL SOL TWO BLOCKS TO CAMPUS Pool, Jacuzzi, basketball goals, on premises security guard, 1st class malnte- nan on 401 Stasney, C.S. (409) 696-3455 74t6 Deluxe 2 bedroom 1 1 / 2 bath 4- plexes with washers and dryers. Some with fireplaces, fenced yards, cathedral ceil ings. Large walk-in closets, lots of cabinets. 693-8685, 775- 1600; 696-1660.74ti4 A 2 or 3 bedroom, 2 bath near TAMU, washer/dryer available from $350/mo. 696-7714 or 693-0982 after 6p.m. 696-4384. 75t3 A Bargain! 2 bedroom unfurnished apartment in modern, wooded 4- plex. 1.7 miles from campus. Near shuttle. Washer and dryer connec tions. Low rent! 693-7761. 7416 A big reducation, 3 bedroom, 2 bath i near TAMU, 693-5286. Two bedroom 1 1/2 bath apartment. 1/2 mile from TAMU. $395/mo. Call Country Place, 846-0515. 76t5, FOR SALE TIRED OF RENTING? WANT OUT OF THE DORM? Roommate driving you crazy? Need a housing alternative? If you can say yes to any of these questions, call Chuck Schmitt ’81 at 779-8222. 7612 For sale by sealed bid 7 systems consisting of IBM 5110 Computer, IBM 5114 Disk Drive, IBM 5103 Prin ter (must be bid as system). IBM 5106 Tape Drive, and Sykes Comm. Stor. Disk Drive. Inspect at Texas A&M University, Room 411, Soil & Crop Science Bldg., 1-23 thru 1-27-84. Bid forms available at same address. 78t2 Bed for sale. Foster Stearns single bed with mattress and box spring. Excellent condi tion-like new!! Metal frame $65.00. Call Paul at 260-6070 after 5p.m. 78t2 FOR SALE 1980 Turbo Trans AM. Limited Edition. Indianapo lis Pace Car. White and Charcoal Metallic. T-Top fully loaded 42,00 mi. 409-535-4821 or 535- 4162 77t5 1981 Yamaha Virago 750, new tires, good shape, call 846-0179. 77t2 Renault 1982 4-speed, AC, AM-FM stereo, like new, $5000.00, best offer, 696-5532. 77t7 NEW LOW COST FURNITURE FOR SALE Beds, Dinettes, couch and chair set. 779-8222.76t5 APARTMENT BEATER 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Pay ments under $180.00 month. Call for details. 779- 8222. 76t5 Ladies wedding set. snoo, Brand new. 1/2 k diamond 7614 19 inch 1981 color sharp T.V. $225 call 693- 6070. 76t5 SERVICES TYPING. IBM Correcting Selectric. Letter gothic, symbols, etc. Fast, accurate, reasonable. S.W. Val ley. 693-4313. 78t5 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop ON THE DOU BLE 331, University Drive. 846- 3755. 7Rt9 Although Intramural basketball has already started, the IM — REC Sports Office is currently accepting a limited number of late basketball entries. But don’t wait too long — drop by the IM — REC Sports Office, 159 East Kyle or call 845- 7826, Today! 75t5 ROOMMATE WANTED HELP! 1 or 2 females for 2 bed, 2 bath apt. Furnished, cable, great views. 764-0619, night, 260-9776, day. 78t2 Female roommate to share fur nished house with students in quiet residential neighborhood. One block south of campus $148.00 monthly all bills paid free laundry facilities, non-smoker, non drinker, 696-5286. 76t4 Female roommate, walking distance, $100.00/mo. total. Call Floren 846-7182. 77t5 WANTED: Roommate share in townhouse by 2818, $ 130/mo/. 1/3 of bills. Call Jim 693-3962. 77t5 Female/male roommate wanted to share duplex with washer/dryer. $170 + utilities. Two bedroom, one bath, call for info. 764-8886. 75t5 HELP WANTED Free cable-Bills pd! Private bath & entrance, re- frig., desk, pool, deposit. 779-9067, 822-4811 even- ings-weekends. 77t5 i 4-plex, $375 74t6 Available Now. 3bdrm. 2 bath 4-plex, w/washer and dryer. C.S. $390. 272-8422, 1-567-4974. 77t5 WANTED: CEDAR OR TREE ALLER GIC INDIVIDUALS FOR ANTIHISTAMINE STUDY Must meet the following re quirements: Male over 12 years of age History of allergy symptoms Willing to be skin tested for tree allergies Would like to earn $100 Call between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. 775-0425 75170 HELP WANTED Looking for Sophomore or Junior Business or C.S. ma jors. Part time computer opera tions work. Early mornings and weekends. Send resume to Frank Pierce, P.O. Box 6500, Bryan, Texas 77805. 78t3 PART TIME APPOINTMENT SECRETARIES DILLARD’S PORTRAIT STUDIO We are looking for cheerful, en thusiastic men and women who like to converse on the phone to work as “APPOINT MENT SECRETARIES.“you will be setting photography appointments for the new Dil lard’s Portrait Studio in the Bryan/College Station area, excellent hours for Mothers and College students who need a permanent part-time position with a good firm. We offer; * Convenient Location * Guaranteed Salary * Complete Training * Department Store Discount Call FRANK for Appointment Wed nesday-Frid ay 764-7817. 77x3 FARM PATCH FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLE MARKET Now hiring full or part time CHECKERS Apply in person between 1 — 4. 3519 S. College 779-7209 AIRLINES ARE HIRING! Flight Attendants Reservations! $14- $39,000. Worldwide! Call for Directory, Guide, Newsletter. (916) 944-4440 Ext. TEXASA- &MAIR. 74113 CRUISESHIPS ARE HIRING! $16-$30,000! Carribean, Hawaii, World. Call for Guide, Directory, Newsletter 1-(916) 944-4440 Ext. TEXASA&M- CRUISE. 7 ,„-. NORTHGATE PIZZA HUT needs Drivers and Cooks. Apply between 2 — 5. 75t5 WANTED: Creative, energetic individual to work consistently 2 — 4 hours per week, placing and filling posters on campus. Earn $500 or more each school year. 1-800-243-6679. 75t5 WAITERS AND WAITRESSES lunch shift and dinner shift. Apply in person between 2-4p.m. HILL S RESTAURANT E. 29th at Carter Creek. 76t4 Fry Cook $4.50 per hour, dinner shift. Apply in person between 2-4 p.m.. Hill’s Restaurant E. 29th Street at Carter Creek. 74t6 Experienced Apple or IBM-PC Programmers. Part- time, flexible hours. 693-2959. 77t3[ Hughes Aviation wants four part time employees willing to exchange work hours for flying hours. Interested? 779-6120. 74t5‘ Telephone sales. Temporary. Day or evening hours available, full or part time. Earn extra spending money. Call 693-5530. 75tl5 Apartment maintenance and material handler. Must have plumbing experience, 260-9738. 70tl0 Waitresses wanted. Silver Dollar, 846-4691 or 775- 7919. 75t20 CASHIERS $4.00 per hour lunch shift. Apply in person between 2-4 p.m. HILL’S RESTAURANT E. 29th at Carter Creek. 76t4 Cashier needed Of J&W Country Stores. Apply in person at any location. 74t6 Immediate openings: time evening telephone sales positions. Work from home or office. Excellent commission with guaranteed hourly wage for IN-Office training. Call Mark, 846-7592 or 846-8315 between 1-4 p.m. 74t10 PERSONALS SKI VAIL BEAVER CREEK Call TOLL FREE 1-800-222-4840 for discounts. Condos & equip. 77tl6 MISC. BELLYDANCING for any occasion $35.00. 693- 0077 evenings 77t6 Delivery work. No lifting. Temporary. Female or male. Must have own car. Call 693-5530. 75tl0 Delivery drivers needed for dinner shift 5-10p.m. Call for appt. at 764-8292. 77.-, ■ lia;; ■■:!; «*» PIZZA EXPRESS Now Hiring Delivery People $3.75 Per Hour — Base Pay 6% Commission on all deliveries TIPS Apply 2314 Texas Avenue 319 Patricia (after 5:00p.m.) Monday thru Sunday! 696-7785 846-7785 Counter help positions also available. Local cold air hurts crops United Press International Another blast of cold air winged its way through Texas at midweek, bringing snow and freezing rain to northern sec tions and once again making life miserable for farmers and ran chers concerned with livestock care and feeding. The frigid weather, although less severe than the late Decem ber cold wave, kept the pressure on livestock feeding, said the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Texas A&M University System. Supplemental feeding has been heavy since the December deep freeze wiped out all graz ing on small grains and winter pastures. The heavy feeding is strain ing hay supplies and pushing up feed bills, noted the Extension Service. Hay prices are skyrock eting in some areas as supplies decline. Some ranchers in west ern areas are burning spines off prickly pear to allow livestock to forage on them. lems are popping up areas, the Extension said. Some small grains, pai ly wheat, have slowly si recover from freeze suffered in late Deceuli However, many fields o[ were killed. Livestock conditions over the state have declined in jecent weeks due to the lack of grazing and the adverse weather. Many animals have lost weight despite heavy feeding, and health prob- Harvesting of some Kit vegetables is active in theVi Garden and Rio Grande^ Sugar cane harvesting as harvesting of citrus forjiii -p exas continues in the Valley. EDB (continued from page 1) The National Cancer Insti tute and the EPA performed laboratory tests using rats and mice to determine EDB’s carci nogenic properties in 1974. “It is a national problem,” Bernstein said, “but a 150- B g&HunBair THEATRES Mon-Fmly Nlts-ScH t • Tus-Fmly Nlts-MEIII SCHULMAN 6 2002 L 29th 775-2463 /75-246S 7:209:45 SACRED GROUND 7:359:55 UNCOMMONVALOR 7:25 9:45 MAN WHO LOVED WOMEN 8:45 SCARFACE 7:15 9:40 THE BIG CHILL 7:30 9:50 D.C. CAB MANOR EAST III Manor Fast Mall 823-8300 Stanley H. Kaplan The Smart MOVE! pe six to 12 tons of raw graituj to equal the doses (of EDfil) gave those rats.” Bemsteini the EPA limitations the acceptable amountsofl! despite in air as an example of lliti risk of cancer. “EDB is used in leadedp line,” he said,“and the! floor, t allows 20 parts per mils much greater concentrate the air. And the worken shown no increase in cancel still not good stuff tol seven b around “I’d be concerned ifonej son in the world got cancel added. EPA tests haveshownth tfay,” tl much as 80 percent of thep wasn’t cide is burned off whenilM whit ducts containing EDB cooked. Whether EDB bea >eat AS a different compound whet ated or becomes moreot! dangerous is not known, Tani Adams, director oi pesticide research anded Wustan PREPARATION FOR: DAL team 8 but th much h hind t produc and Lis The their S\ Tatum with 28 the lea added I On doubt. Koncak Kor with 20 Ever tied, he fter th “Th y gooc Texa ay Met- riore re He earn. 7:25 9:45 TWO OF A KIND 7:20 9:40 RISKY BUSINES3 7:15 9:35 ANGEL MCAT-LSAT-DAT GET AN EARLY START! K/IPLflN EDUCATIONAL CENTER 707 Texas Ave. 301-c In Dallas: 11617 N. Central Expressway Call 696-3196 for class schedules and information ^ alpha o*. Spring Rush 1984 All parties begin at 9:00 p.m. at the KA house For information call: Jeff Martinez Will Simmen 846-5659 696-7328 tion project, disagrees- Bernstein. “Do you knowi right,” the risk that one outofi that A thousand pieople could g«i Housto cer from this?,’’she a “Some people would calltl epidemic.” Adams said I no known level ofaccep posure and that Bernsielf Unite “misinformed.” “He just doesn’t unders# ATL. modern toxicology," she 1 Hawks’ “In reference to Bernstein ers poli ample of massive grain NBA sta sumption, she said, “That mer lea of extrapolation is meaniropwed on The important thing aboXague. EDB tests is that consist* But 1 cancer tumors appeared at $vhogav low doses.” Marquel Dr. Wendell Home, anlfceechh plant pathologist, explainecwiers’ st EDB is one of the most his firs 1 effective fumigants fotfiason. against nematodes thatB “I ha< peanuts and cotton. Hesaidlffhe Dc the more acutely toxic ct nte‘Doc nematicides are nowi chapels- T hese nematicides have a and sue mediate toxic effect if idswith abs and are also more expec than the fumigant types players. I “He ( .feHow an The Battalioi just shor Only pla; know he When couldn’i pow he | phe fn "'anted i so bad,” later in (Malone i The ! ‘he 31 S year’s c made ; around Number 0 in Aggielam Endowed Lecture Series announces interviews for general committee membership Application now available at the Secretary’s Island (Room 216 MSG - SPO). Committee interviews to be held January 30 and 31. MSC Monte Carlo excellent condition. Call Louise Swink 779-8408 or 779-1355. 77t7