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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1984)
Page 10/The Battalion/Thursday, January 19, 1984 j Study finds possible R.l. by Paul Dirmeye remedy for baldness ThERE'S d&A)ALrnUEm- l£M IN&rmAJCr YOU YOUR EOttLARSHtR MT5 YOOR FVCLMMG? United Press International SAN ANTONIO — A drug used to treat high blood press ure appears to stimulate hair growth when applied to the scalps of prematurely balding men, a researcher said Wednesday. Dr. Richard De Villez, assis tant professor of dermatology at the University of Texas Health Science Center, said the drug produced remarkable responses in balding men during a year long clinical study. The results confirmed simi lar studies conducted with mino- WELCOME BACK AGGIES JOIN CHUCK E. CHEESE FOR THE MOST FUN & THE BEST PIZZA IN TOWN. ELECTRONIC GAMES LARGE SCREEN TV BRING THIS AD FOR 10 FREE TOKENS xidil, a potent anti-hypertensive drug marketed by the Upjohn Pharmaceutical Co. The study showed that 12 men in the 56-man study showed “a noticable cosmetic en hancement of hair growth” after the drug was administered directly to the scalp twice a day for one year. De Villez said 16 other volun teers in the study showed “ada- quate improvement” in hair count, while 28 men showed no response and “grew only fuzz.” “We’re not sure how the drug promotes hair growth,” he said. “Perhaps it stimulates sleeping hair bulbs by providing them with an increased supply of blood and nutrients, or maybe it blocks hair bulb sensitivity to the balding effect of the male hor mone testosterone.” |Z n . RfrHT mi tors! i EcucK} For i down ii and bolts of on con Bond (continued from page 1) The consolidation of public affairs with the legal depart ment, Bond said, made it easier £ Si I 'i I ■M S C* VS^GiE CINEMA^ presents u o u o c I U 111\ Friday & Saturday 7:30 & 9:45 p.m. Rudder Theatre THIS MOVIE IS TOTALLY Friday & Saturday Midnight Rudder Theatre Chaplin’s Classic CITY LIGHTS Sunday 7:30 p.m. Rudder Theatre $1.50 with TAMU I.D. Advance tickets available at MSC Box Office Mon. 8:30 - 4:30. Also 45 minutes before showtime. Fri. 'Petite E^cadetnp of ( ^3 ) ance Teenager and Adult to mobilize people, such as the system lawyers, to work on the public affairs such as drafting legislation. But while taking on the job of public affairs, Bond said about 75 percent of his time still was spent working with some of the more important legal matters. Of the cases Bond has worked on, he cited the Gay Student Ser vices suit for University recogni tion and the Melanie Zentgraff • Ballet • Tap •Jazz • Polnte Jan Jones Owner Instructor Carolyn Rawls Instructor New classes starting 823-8626 3406 S. College Ave. Bryan THE BATT DOES IT DAILY Monday through Friday Multiple Choice □ Don’t leave your dinner to guesswork. 3 oz. (serving) Protein 12g Fat lOg 4 oz. (serving) Protein 15.1 g Fat 14g Domino’s Pizza is the best choica Just 2 slices are more nutritious, lower in fat and higher in protein than either a taco or cheeseburger Our drivers carry less than $20.00. Limited delivery area. Nutritional information from: Table 1. Nutritional Analyses of Fast Foods, United States Agriculture Research Service So give us a call and put us to the test. S1983 Domino's Pizza, Inc. 2 FREE PEPSI With Any Small Pizza. One Coupon Per Pizza. Fast, Free Delivery Expires Jan. 22, ’84 / At 109 Walton Dr. & Texas Ave In the Eastgate Shopping Center Invites you to Opening Night Friday, January 20 Dancing Two for one "All Night Long" I Hear Our Sounds! 693-5815 No Cover Charge J suit for women’s admission to the band as the most notorious he has handled. Neither has been resolved. However he cited a case the University recently lost as one of the most important to higher education. A lawsuit was filed against the University in 1981 petitioning for the release of the names of the nominees for the University presidency. The Uni versity was required to release i the names to the Bryan-College Station Eagle after the decision by the Texas Supreme Court. “I think that as a matter of law, that case stood as the most important issue for all higher education,” he said. “The appli cation of the open records law as determined will be a serious de triment to the real world recruit ment of the type of people needed for those jobs.” He said he did not see a role j for the public in the selection ! process when a cross section of people from students to admi nistrators has been chosen to make such decisions. The court’s decision was a crippling blow to the selection process, he said. As a result of the decision, Bond said there will be less for mal activity taking place during a selection process with fewer re cords being kept. Bond has worked in almost all areas of law with the legal office but said he particularly enjoyed availabl Broach the work which involved rt Learni estate, probate and e« which he said was a strongais |j ons . of his earlier private pradict. To g iign uf “We have the opportunity jooks, the legal office to makefortit dueled. University a lot of money"! iitcanv said. ;er smai Fror Tirhair laces ir Through good represens tion, being prompt and limcl upland Bond said his department kj [pjecour f ticked up thousands of dolfc or the Uni Jmversty. Bond said the legal ment became involved ini! leasing of oil and gas propera under the direction of the Boar and was able to negotiate vc beneficial terms. Bond, who earned hislawi gree at the University of Hcit ton’s Bates College of La* 1968, expects to continue tli type of work at the Bryat College Station firm of Ws Adams and Webb where he»i assume ^ full partnership. Before coining to work It the system, Bond practicedb in Navasota with the firmil Bond and Falco. Bond, whoin past president of the Griiw County Chamber of Commera; was honored as the Grimt County Chamber of Commetti Outstanding Citizen in 1974 Prison estimator possible bid rigger United Press International AUSTIN — A fired state prison construction estimator is listed as apartner in a company that won .>132,000 in state con tracts for building materials last year, it was reported Wednesday. Records list the former offi cial, Leon Danchak, 45, as a part ner in Texas Supply & Service Co., of Houston, a successful bidder on 21 state contracts in 1983, the Austin American- Statesman reported. All but five of the contracts for supplies were for the Texas Department of Corrections,ik newspaper said. Danchak was fired last Dti 12 for violating TDC rei lions. The American-Statesmii said Danchak is the targetofa investigation into bid rigginj “We have an ongoing, c# tinuing and percolating inveJ gation,” said Wallace Zen™ of the Harris County Dislrtj Attorney’s office. State purchasing officialssaii they did not learn until afe Danchak was fired that hew connected with Texas Supply! Service Co. at the time theM was taken in January 1983. Danchak was unavailable fo comment. credit- Thot doing j' his moi y<" a Pc Uni DA tee of* ribbon reforr mendt thenet tracur mited all the Th. nuc n amon which the Sel lie Ed i on edt propo: cular c afterni SQUARE DANCING with Dan Nordbye Caller lab member from Omaha, Nebraska One of the best callers in the USA- Monday, January 23 7:30 to 10:30 pm First Presbyterian Church-Bryan Fellowship Hall 1110 Carter Creek Pkwy. AGGIE ALLEMANDERS SQUARE DANCE CLASSES Start Wednesday, Jan. 25 at 6:30 226 MSC Come Join the Fun!! progr: passnij - ^ availab five da lishing concep trict fa used beyonc The submit tee in I cum me in the ] to Whi The the sch that cla a.m. d; 5:30 p. for lun mg, pr teyan C subcon the chi Day students get their news from the Batt.