Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1984)
Sports Tuesday, January 17, 1984AThe Battalion/Paqe 11 — —K •ik >*•: rdan tion, late's smic and npus ion- cam- coni- story Photo by Dean Saito Even with the tight defensive play of Darnell Williams (20) and Mike Clifford (25), this Texas Wesleyan player was able to dump the ball off to a teammate. A&M won the by a 75-67 score. game A&M bench cleared as Ags parade to win over hapless Wesleyan By DAVE SCOTT Sports writer Highlights were scarce Mon day night in the lackluster 75-67 victory for the Aggies at G. Rol- lie White Coliseum. Perhaps the most exciting moment was Ro ger Bock’s slam clunk. Entering to chants of “We want Bock”, the 6-10 sopho more came into the game with five minutes left and the Aggies up by 22. entto con- hfor oeral state: the f no- g° land Toce- fexas With the Rams at the free throw line, guard Darnell Wil liams took Bock’s place under the basket. Williams grabbed the missed free throw and Fired the down court to Bock on the fast break. After a little spin move, Bock drove the ball home. With the slam and the playing time, Bock made a contribution. And that was all he wanted. “I’ve been ready,” Bock said, “I told the coaches any time you see an opportunity. I’m ready.” Despite the fact that Bock has averaged only 2.2 points per game and has seen little playing time, his substitution brought the crowd to its feet. “Everybody pulls for Roger,” guard Kenny Brown ex plained,“Everybody likes him.” Brown was the leading scorer for the Aggies with 15 points on 5 of 12 shooting. He added five more in five attempts from the line. Brown saw 29 minutes of ac tion against Texas Wesleyan, a lew more than he has been get ting in recent games. He was glad to see the added time. “I was happy to be out there with the rest of the guys,” Brown said. Although the Aggies were un inspired for most of the game, head coach Shelby Metcalf said the contest was important for the team. “Alter the game with Hous ton, I knew we would have to win without emotion,” he said. Metcalf said the team had to get the game with Houston out of their system before they play SMU Wednesday night. “That was the reason for scheduling the game between Houston and SMU,” he said. ATO SPRING RUSH 84* iTUES. JAN. 17 1 BEER BASH I the ssion Itural A&M advo- :m 10 )rob e Id he huh /ouid pro- other d see atio" ward “We noli’ SAT. JAN. 11 i HAWAIIN PARTY WED, JAN. 15 OPEN BAR FRI. JAN. 17 SOUTH OF THE BORDER ESI Campus Texas Ave,^ S. College 2310 S. College Bryan, Tx ph. 779-9119 H find Wesleyan no Phi Slama Jama alle by BOB CASTER Senior Sports Writer The Aggies may not have looked like the same team that gave “Phi Slama Jama” fits but they got the job done Tuesday night beating Texas Wesleyan College 75-67 in G. Rollie White Coliseum. The 3,549 spectators saw an exibition of Aggie talent as Texas A&M coach Shelby Met calf brought all 11 players off of the benfich for some much needed playing time. But the Aggies seemed to be holding things together with Sil ly Putty against the Rams, man aging an eight-point final mar gin against a team that shot only 35 percent from the field. “I didn’t think we played with as much enthusiasm as we did against Houston Saturday, but I didn’t exp«r<S us to,” Metcalf said. “I sort of thought we might have this kind of game tonight but I think we got it out of our system in time for SMU.” In 40 minutes of play, Metcalf felt that his Aggies only “played 15 minutes of good basketball.” That 15 minutes of play came t he very end of the first half an <j the first part of die second * ia The Aggiesjumped ahead by as (Tiany as seven points at the sla ,t of the game before the R aJ tis narrowed the margin to a tie with 1:54 left to play in t j ie first half. But Todd Hollo- wa y, Kenny Brown and Mike Clifford added six points for the A K foes in the last 1:30 to give a 36-30 half-time lead. Because of the Aggies’ youth, the turnover problem may he enough to try Metcalfs patience as a coach. “In the Houston game we only had two turnovers in the first half,” lie pointed out. “It’s something that happens physic ally hut there’s usually some thing mental behind it. The Aggies kept things going j n t pe second half, climbing to a 22-point lead behind double- figure shooting by Brown, Doug L ee and Jimmie Gilbert who each hit for 15, 14 and 10 points, respectively. flolloway, the Aggies’ lead ing scorer after 14 games, saw li, n jted action in Tuesday’s gani e because of a sore knee. A cc £)rding to Metcalf, Holloway “took some pretty good licks” in the Houston game. But as Metcalf began pulling oul his regulars and sending in hj s substitutes, the Aggie lead k e g;in to dwindle and the num ber Aggie turnovers grew — to 2l to he exact. “They just have to keep play ing — it takes them a while to realize the seriousness of the situation. You just have to work with them.” Kenny Brown feels that tur novers are currently the team’s biggest problem. “We just need to take things a little slower sometimes,” he said. “We needed this kind of game tonight. It got wild at the end hut the guys in the game in the last five minutes had a lot of fun.” But the fun won’t last long for the Aggies and Brown is fully 1 '! aware of that. They face SMUT Sunday in Dallas for a match*; that should he every bit as gruell ing as the Houston game. C “We needed this win,” Brown ! said. “We really weren’t emo-' tionally up tonight like we were? against Houston hut we ll htT fired up against SMU.” Lee, who is just now J approaching full strength after T an early-season ankle injury, is£; in no way taking the Ponies*•' lightly. i: “I think now (after the Wes- “ leyan game) we’re more pre-JJ' pared for SMU and well he up®' for it,” he said. “We can’t let up«u one bit. They’re a good team— 'don’t think people realize how'vj good they are.” The Aggies take on SMU at! •k 7:30 Wednesday night in Moody' Coliseum. Super Bowl travelers get warning AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823 8051 United Press International WASHINGTON — The Civil Aeronautics Board Tues day urged air travelers bound for the Super Bdwl in Tampa, Fla., to make Sur6 they have tick ets before they purchase a tour package for the game. The federal agency said not all Super Bowl touts include a ticket to the Jan. 22 game be tween the Washington Redskins and Los Angeles Raiders. LOUPOT’S HAS USED BOOKS! “If an ad for a tour does not make it clear whether a game ticket is included, prospective P assengers should ask,” the aard said. "If the answer is yes, no SHOP EARLY & SAVE WITH USED BOOKS FROM LOUPOT’S consumers should get the infor- mation in writing.” Last year, many travelers pur chased tour packages to the Su lly to fin per Bowl only to find out game tickets were not included. It is virtually impossible to get tickets for the game unless one is willing to pay scalper prices. Under government regula tions, an agency marketing a Su per Bowl air tour that includes game tickets must have the tick ets in hand or a written contract for them before any andvertis- ing takes place. The hoard urged consumers to read the travel brochures carefully and, if possible, pay by credit card to have some protec tion under fair credit practice laws. Why pay more? ; !a?LOU POT'S H NORTHGATE BOOKSTORE Plenty of parking behind the store (At the corner across from the Post Office) RiohtTTIror You, All Star Audio welcomes you back to school with Big Savings on our complete line of home and car stereo and video equipment. All Star Audio gives \you Low Discount Prices every day! Come by today and Save! ^>ack Ao Sc a-4 SPEC/ SAVE OVER GQo/o! Indash Cassette Car Stereo With AM/FM/MPX Radio! Two year Warranty. [Car Stereo! 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