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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1984)
PREPARE FOR: It's time to start! Classes to begin Jan. 21 & 29 U.S. to resist pressure concerning Soviet return to nuclear arms talks United Press International Educational Center TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 707 Texas Ave. 301 C Call 696-3196 for details In Dallas: 11617 N. Central Expressway LONDON — Secretary of Slate George Shultz told Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Sunday that the Reagan admi nistration would resist pressure to make concessions to get the Soviet Union to return to nuc lear arms talks. A senior administration offi cial traveling with Shultz, who is to meet with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko mm jk* Jwfal wir JEf jPfc : JB0 Jjjl (yP J Spring Semester Savings at EOS^ Regular $78.50 Professional Series Individual Pens MG EM * AGGIES Regular $18.75 >«310B Study I.amp $16.98 Charvoa “OMMI” Drafting Tables $144.80 $188.98 $184.98 84’’ X 36” - 36” X 48’ FREE Charvoz lamp or vinyl board covering with purchase of table. Savings from Discount Office Furniture. ( sre. :t Door) £ Drafting Stool Wltb Casters 11778 $103.10 File Cabinet $86.00 ttllSL • W/ltfOCX EETOfHEEBfKO Sc OFFICE StTFFDT Mitt- T«xa* Jtv*. Redmond Terreee SDepolng Center. CdheiteiStiti: dag Center, College Station, 608-96*8 Wednesday, said the United Slates wants to resume a broad dialogue with the Kremlin. But the official said the reces sed talks in Geneva on medium range missiles is only one of the problems in the American- Soviet relationship. He indicated Reagan wants to begin to ease tensions with Mos cow by talking about a number of troublesome issues and not necessarily the toughest one — nuclear arms. The official indicated there would be no giveaways by Washington to Moscow to re sume the talks that ended in De cember on medium-range and strategic nuclear missile forces. “The United Stales is unlikely make concessions, beyond NATO late last year began deploying the first of 572 U.S. cruise and Pershing-2 missiles to be stationed in Europe over a five-year period to counter more than 300 Soviet triple- warhead SS-20 missiles trained on Western Europe. The Soviets also set a date for the 'efusedi resumption, suspended negotiations J Washington on strategic arsenals or on renewing reduce conventional Europe • orces i a An official said the re cessed talks in Geneva on medium range missiles is only one of the problems in the American-Soviet re lationship. Soviet President YuriAndi pov has called for NATOtod* troy its newly deployed missi, in order for the Geneva tail resume — a demand Washii* ton has rejected. The missile was believed have dominated the m^entift Shultz, who arrived earlierSm day, had with Mrs. Thatcheri her No. 10 Downing Street-i cn where we are (in the American position), to get those talks started,” the senior official told reporters. In response, the Soviets Nov. 23 walked out of the Geneva talks on reducing NATO and Soviet medium-range missiles in Europe. session that stretched 15a- L ean( mites longer than scheduled ef —- Mrs. Thatcher, as wellasdi 'h leaders of West Ger other HUMANA HOSPITAL Bryan/College Station Has the following positions available: POOL NURSES — All areas 20% pay above base STAFF LICENSED PHYSICAL THERAPIST — Full Time and Part Time RN — Med Floor; Full Time Evening CONTACT PERSONNEL 775-4200 Equal Opportunity Employer ectior hers itar-T The urged Wash,:. Udov ton to be flexible in seekingd ( ■, resumption of die missile laid nicsal and easing tensions will , se d. Moscow. rmany l members of the Wesi«i alliance, have Un ME! in thi outli" iboul :ysurr ractor iewspi Sec and d Uni Shultz goes today to Stud’ holm, an East-West securitycor ference designed to reduce •hreal of war in Europe. His meeting with Gromyli Wednesday will be their fitsl since a stormy sessionalanoiW East-West security conferenct! held in Madrid in September™ man ter the Soviet downing of a bpferin rean Air Lines jet. Shultz gave Mrs. Thatchenj letter from Reagan andanidrj ance copy of a speech the pres dent was to deliver Mondays garding a renewed effort tol* gin a more constructive relaiioiv ship with the Kremlin. Shultz also met with the Bn ish Foreign Secretary, Sir Geol frey Howe, and discussed) number of issues, including Bn tain’s opposition to the U-S irr, vasion of Grenada, a memberd the British commonwealth. They also discussed Howti talks with President HafezAsalis“last of Syria. lorseb 1 lowe met Assad in DaiMijrack 01 cus Thursday and apparentlil Thai received (he same message ail will Shultz last July — that thtiuesda 1 si aeli-Lebanese troop will* Ad drawal agreement must beabar-week th cloned before Syria willconsider|Soiind withdrawing its troops froulmmu Lebanon. Bends Wancin wanted i-ogan h |l Denv Doesn't that beautiful mind of yours deserve a beautiful body? While you’re busy shaping your mind... Mane aCc |is ex-v m, Bo nd, W ressed rang* >gan. But ! lends, eerMc In burie p Fc ige F stpo 'ednes' Igcoul don’t forget to shape your body!! Exercise all semester long for only $ 69 00 ! (Monthly rates also available) BODY DYNA/Vl/CS college station's Most Exciting Exercise Studio Classes 7 days a week Morning, afternoon & evening classes Exercise as often as you like, whenever you like 4 levels of classes: beginner, advanced beginner intermediate & advanced ueymner. 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