Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1983)
Battalion Classified ROOMMATE WANTED Page 10/The Battalion/Tuesday, December 13,1983 FOR RENT ROOMMATE SPECIAL!! $350 -No Utility Deposit-Two pools-Hot Tub- Clubroom-Tennis Courts-Basketball Courts-Exercise Room-Covered Park ing-Shuttle Bus 693-3014 Hrlwwootf Apartments; 1201 Harvey Road College Station, TX 69t4 Female roommate needed, furnished, A/C, W/D, 1 mile from campus, on bus route. $130 per month. Pets OK. 846-2024. 7014 "village on the creek condo Male roommate needed, available Spring semester 12/15/83. Partially fur nished one bedroom; overlooking pool; fireplace. Villa Maria shuttle bus route. $200 PER MONTH- UTILITIES INCLUDED 846-6760 65t9 Male roommate wanted to share nice fur nished house. $225/mo. 775-6723. 69t5 Female roommate needed. Have your own room, Sausalito Apts. Call Trisha, 764- 0955. 7113 Female roommate wanted. Own bedroom 2 story, furnished, $ 195/mo. 693-2420. 69t5 WANTED: Female roommate, $135.00/mo., call Gloria or Sylvia 696-3007, available immediately. 64tl0 WANTED Ride to Phoenix, Arizonia. Share expenses, Ethel, 775-2157. 71t2 MSC. Visiting male Chemistry Pro- rffr - fessorlfrom Denmark needs to rent sleeping room 4 Jan-4 Feb, B45-801 5, 696-1482, Joe. ! i 7113 SERVICES PEPPER TREE APARTMENTS Landmark Properties, Inc. •Shuttle bus •Free cable tv •Security guard •Partyroom •Swimming pool •Laundry facilities •1-2-3 bedrooms •6 different floor plans •Lots of closet space •Excellent maintenance crew •Convenient to shopping areas 693-5731 Hours: 9 to 6 Mon.-Fri. Sat. 10-4 2701 Longmire Drive College Station Typing. Close to campus Theses, dissertations, re ports, resumes, letters, 693-9689. 52t21 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. 10116 Le^usboar^^ou^^ogT^? urnish constant attention and care. Weekly and monthly rates. DURR’S DOBES BOARDING FENNEL. 696-0099 pups available. 69t5 BUSINESS ASSISTANCE SERVICES 696-9550 Resumes, Theses, Dissertations Letters, Reports, Etc. Personal, Quality Service. ema NEW MINI WAREHOUSES Sizes available 5 x 5 to 10x30. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 696-5487 34116 HOUSES,CONDOS TOWNHOMES & DUPLEXES for rent. Call John Gregg or , Rick atGreen & Browne Realty. 846-5701;846-5196 Female roommate needed to share 3 bedroom house in College Station. $235, furnished, all bills paid. 3 bedroom, 2 bath duplex on Dominik in C.S. Lots of stor age; fenced yard; 1250 sq. ft. 846-2014 after 4. 63110 Lancaster Place 303 Dexter need male and female stu dents for spring semester to take up leases for graduating seniors. $165.00 per month. Furnished, all bills paid, free laundry facilities. One-half block south of campus. Prefer non-smoking non-drink stu-. dents. C^al^ Mr|. Lancaster SOUTHWEST VILLAGE One and two bedrooms avail-- able for immediate occupan cy. Call 693-0804 or come by the office at 1101 Southwest Parkway. 1= ARBOR SQUARE One and two bedroom furnished, . apartments available for im mediate occupancy. Call 693 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest' Parkway. 29tfn TYPING. All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR, - Fast service. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services 100 W. Brookside l i 846-5794 ibaue TYPING. Research paper*, report*, ETC. Fattier-. vice, near campu*. 686-0914. -1*14 Typing 20 years experience means professional ser- vice. 693-8537 or 693-6483. 49t27 Typing, experienced, fast, accurate, all kinds, holi- days, weekends work. 822-0544. 65t9 WORD PROCESSING. Papers, reports, disserta tions, etc. Fast, accurate, reasonable. 846- 6200;: Typing and word processing. Reasonable rates Ex ecutive Services at main entrance to A&M. 696- 3785. i>5t6 Earn $500 or more each school year. Flexible hours. Monthly payment for placing posters on campus. Bonus based on results. Prizes awarded as well. mrSZSzOm-. 66t5 BARCELONA On* and two bedroom apartments available for fall/apring. Can 693- 0261 or come by 700 Dominik in College Station. SHORT COURSES McKenzie-Baldwin Business College Business Administration Executive Secretarial Word Processing & Computers 822-6423 SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION GRADUATING Short term lease opportunity 2 bedroom 1 bath Country Place Apartments, 846-4896. 66t8 OFFICIAL NOTICE Close to TAMU, Manuel Drive, C.S. 1 bdrm, 1 bath,w/d con nections, water paid, NO PETS, $270/mo. 779-1613, M-F 35t16 A 2 or 3 bdrm. 2 bath with washer/dryer, $375/month or $495/month, 696-7714 AGGIELAND REFUND POLICY Yearbook fees are refundable in full during the semester in which paymenbt is made. There after no refunds will be made or cancelled orders. Yearbooks must be picked up during the academic year in which they are published. Students who will not be on campus when yearbooks are published, usually in Septem ber, must pay a mailing and handling fee. Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they be mailed without the necessary fees having been paid. or after 6p.m. 696-4384. 70t4 Vacation Rental Spend New Years at Seven Coves Lake Conroe, two bed room condo on lake sleeps 6, whirlpool bath, available 12/31 to 1/7, $75 per night. Call 696- 6969 after 5:30 p.m. 70t4 ATTENTION PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY MAJORS Full time position open at MH-MR Mary Lake Halfway House. Oppor tunity to help people make transi tion to independent setting. Call Li beral Arts Cooperative Education Office, 845-7814, or come by 420 JHamncjton Tower. 70t4 SENIORS F YOU HAVE ORDERED A 1984 AGGIELAND AND WILL NOT BE ATTEN- DIN A&M NEXT FALL AND WISH TO HAVE IT MAILED TO YOU, PLEASE STOP BY THE STUDENT PUB LICATIONS OFFICE, ROOM 230 REED MCDONALD BUILD ING AND PAY A $3.50 MAILING FEE ALONG WITH YOUR FOR WARDING ADDRESS SO YOUR AGGIE LAND CAN BE MAILED TO YOU NEXT FALL WHEN THEY ARRIVE 55119 New at Treehouse Phase II! Subleasing their largest one bedroom for spring. Walking distance to campus. Has new appliances, carpeting, 2 wlk-in closetb. $345/mo. 764- 7647. 7113 "TSffSfSTSRYREFurJB policy Directory fees are refundable in full during the semester in which pay ment is made. Thereafter no re funds will be made on cancelled orders. Directories must be picked up during the academic year in which they are published. LEASING 1200 square feet office space. Ample concrete park ing on major thoroughfare. $750/mo. Call George Webb Agency, 823-8051. 61Hr3 LOST LOST HEAVY GOLD BRACELET. A&M-Texas Game. Sentimental value. Cash reward. PLEASE call collect (713)461-4093. 66t7 PERSONALS Three bedroom two bath apartment washer dryer. 3/4 mile from campus quiet location. $495 plus electricity, 696-5656. 68tt> 2 bdrm. house $350.00. Pets okay. Good location. 693-5286. 22^ PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Aborts i pro cedures and referrals—Free pregnancy testing. Houston, Texas (713) 524-0548. 187t76 REWARD! Small gold necklace with diamond in gold cross. If found, please call Eric at 696- ii2L ZSM_ Doctor charged; WWII murders United Press International HAMBURG, West Germany — A former Nazi doctor was charged Monday with murder ing Jewish children and death camp inmates to eliminate wit nesses to medical experiments he performed on the prisoners. P IPL.ITT THEATRES BUY GIFT BOOKS NOW AND SAVE. CINEMA HI SKAGGS CENTER R46-6714 7:35 9:50 CHRISTINE’ (R) 7:30 9:30 >> “RISKY BUSINESS” (R) 3 7:4510:00 >; “SUDDEN IMPACT” <R) g CINEMA III POST OAK MALL 764-0616 7:00 10:00 DEBRA WINGER SHIRLEY MacLAJNF. (PCI * PARAMOUNT r. 7:30 9:30 y “RUMBLE FISH” (R) $ . 1111'ii.i r i* »iii i ii ii «y HELP WANTED MANAGEMENT TRAINEE All Star Audio, a leader in the home entertain ment industry, Is seeking qualified individuals for a management training program. All Star Audio offers a structured training, leading to Mgmt. If you possess a minimum 2 years col lege or equivalent Retail Mgmt. and desire a career contact: Ron Clark 11-4. Please apply in person, 3601 E. 29th. eoe M/F 7113 HOUSTON CHRONICLE is cur rently hiring route carriers & solici tors for immediate spring semester openings. Pay ranges between $400-$600 per month plus gas allowance. For appt. please call Julian or Andy at 693-2323 or 693- 7815 after 2:00 p.m i87tis wANTEb DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fm ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24116 ZifiASjfeLLO’s pizza Needs PIZZA MAKERS, PHONE PERSONNEL, AND DELIVER PEOPLE. We need full-time and part-time. Apply in person CHANELLO’S PIZZA, 301 Patricia Ave. or 2404 S. Texas WANTED—Meat Taste Panelists. Part-time employees are needed at TAMU to be trained as meat taste panelists. No experience necessary. A planning meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m., December 13th in Room 300 Kleberg Center. For more information, Contact Mrs. Gilmore at 845-3993. esi Part-Time Help Wanted Grapevine personality. 696-3411. E.O.E. ^ AGGIES! Work for you RENT! Ranch work, cattle, fencing, etc. Apartment maintenance, painting, yard work, make ready. 693-2772.68t6 Apartment maintenance and material handler. Must have plumbing experience, 260-9738. 70tl0 WORK FOR YOU RENT! Assistant Manager to help with apartment leasing & office work. Afternoons and weekends. Courtyard Apart ments, 693-2772. 6816 WANTED STUDENT COUPLE! Senior or graduate students to manage small apartment complex. Apartment plus salary; no pets. Call between 8:30-3:00 M-F, 696-7709. 68t6 CENARE needs WAITPERSONS for the holi days and spring semester. Ask for Gary, 404 University Drive, 696-7311. 71t3 WORK STUDY STUDENTS WANTED. Dean’s Office-Architecture, 845-1221. 68t5 Ford LTD 1978 Powerful, comfortable & safe. Only 47,000 careful miles. Smart Navy/White. Exceptional condition. Air & Radio. Available Dec. 22 at Low Price $1995, 764- 7984. 6816 Color TV 19” Superb Japanese “sharp 11 . Priced new August $329. Leaving Country December 22. Must sell at $195, 764- 7984. 68t6 Wilson Staff three and four iron golf clubs. RE WARD. Dave, 693-3911. 71t3 1981 Camaro. Excellent condition, Loaded, Mags and More. Asking $5450, 775-4940. 68t6 MCAT notes, tapes and test booklets, (GAPS Course), $250.00, 846-3972. 68t5 Honda Passport ’83 model, blue, must sell, 693- 9583, Novama, $400. 68t5 He killed the children be cause they had witnessed the ex periments, the prosecute- ' ' The mass killings took place April 20, 1945, the prosecutor’s office said. The experiments were not detailed in the murder The prosecutor in the city of Hamburg charged that Dr. Arnold Strippel, 72, had the children and inmates hanged in a Hamburg school in the final days of World War II. charge filed by the prosecutor. The prosecutor said Strippel murdered 22 inmates of the Neuengamme concentration camp because he had ex perimented on them and feared they would testify about his practices. It was not known when Strip- pel would go to trial. Strippel was charged after a three-year investigation carried on in France, Poland, Israel and Czechoslovakia that included the examination of British milit ary government court records of 1945, the prosecutor said. Stern, a West German maga zine, accused authorities of dragging out the investigation of the alleged war criminal. A statement issued by the publication said the facts about Strippel were known 35 years o but n ago but no action was taken until Stern published an article on him in 1979. SCHULMAN THEATRES Mon-Fmly Nite-Sch 6 Tue-Fmly Nlte-MEIII SCHULMAN 6 2002 F. 29th 775-2463 775-2468 THE BIG CHILL 7:10 9:30 MR. MOM 7:20 9:40 THE GREY FOX 8:45 SCARFACE HTTSS A CHRISTMAS STORY 7:35 9:55 TRADING PLACES MANOR EAST III Manor Tasi Mall 823-3300 * 7:30 9:50 AMITYVILLE-3D 7:25 9:45 ALL THE RIGHT MOVES 7:15 9:50 NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN Around town City to hold senior citizens’ dance College Station Parks and Recreation Department will hold a Senior Citizen Christmas Square Dance Wednesday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. The dance will be held at the Commun ity Center at 1300 Jersey, and is open to all senior dtizens in the Bryan-College Station area. For more information, call Margaret Curry, senior citizen supervisor at Lincoln Center, at 764-3733. IRS looking for tax volunteers The Internal Revenue Serivce is looking for volunteers to be trained to help prepare simple tax returns. During the i, the fact-filing season, these volunteers will help low income peo ple fill out their tax returns for free. Last year Bryan-College Station volunteers assisted 748 people in preparation of their income tax returns. Theenor rate in spot checking of returns prepared was zero. Groups that participated last year include the Retired Senior Volun teer Program, Bryan Public Library, Lincoln Center, and Beta Alpha Psi of Texas A&M. No tax or accounting experience is necessary. Individual volunteers and charitable or civic groups interested in volun teering for the program can contact Nancy Ross at 260-9293, or call the IRS toll-free at 1-800-492-1040. Student government holds book sale Student Government’s annual Student Book Exchange will begin finals week. Students can bring their used tex tbooks to the Pavilion, and for a 10 cent charge for each book, put them on sale and set their own price. Books will be sold Jan. 11-13 andjan. 16-20. Students can collect the money for their sold books Jan. 23-27. LAW1 phis Su Texas T three ot md fog Monday engine County. “Coa and ther eral Avi McCleoc McC names o The 1 isture ive be< Lawren annual c on the p berofhi: pilot. JimT nessee E: said the tying th. :30 p.n burg ne; “It wa In iu( to Last chance for Aggieland photos Aggieland yearbook is giving juniors, seniors, veterinary and medical school students, and graduate students one more week to have individual pictures for the 1984 Aggie land taken at the Pavilion on campus. Dec. 13-16 will be the last chance for students to have pictures made. To submit an item for this column, come by The Battalion office in 216 Reed McDonald. United DALLA: ys perf< ashingti :y wouk t it is c ndry p fin forgt Landry xed du me moi mg to fi though iy so me is prize for game bfe/a ininy oioom larges we United Press International "tl ' 1 ' WASHINGTON-Ato ims , w Rep. Charles Stenholm/ ^j We . V< Texas, began searchingfe ],, r \ sai( baby pig Monday to pay off! !( j, . [ ^ ss , losing bet on the outcomeofc *, .' Dallas Cowboys-Washini’i ac ? ! s ^ Redskins’ contest. at meant The ch quick th the fa ebetter f ch Serving Luncheon Buffet Sandwich and Soup Bar Mezzanine Floor Sunday through Friday 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Delicious Food Beautiful View Open to the Public “Quality First” “Do you know howhardt to find a baby pig in this dp said Jamie Clayton, pressaidfi the third-term congress® “The agriculture assistant® have been given the taskoffa ing a live one.” Once the pig is found £ Stenholm is back in Wa he’ll have to hand the an® over to Walter Fauntroy, thei legate who represents the 1 trict of Columbia in Conpe* If worse comes toworse- it can get any worse for Di fans after Sunday’s 3M0los the Redskins in Dallas Stenholm may bringapi[ from his ranch in Stamford “He’s trying to figureouiili can get it aboard the plane! kitty carrier,” said Ms. IN THE ‘We we ry^BQOKsE^l Sell Books & Get Bonus Money!! ONLY AT THE Aggie Bookstore Northqate 846-4511