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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1983)
Page 6/The Battalion/Thursday, December 1,1983 FBI experts say killer is neighborhood kook United )>ress International FORT WaYNE, Ind. — The killing of Jane Osborne, her hus band and their son was commit ted by a neighborhood oddball who gets out mostly at night, FBI psychology experts speculate. The FBI behavioral experts based at Quantico, Va., gave Fort Wayne police a personality profile of the possible killer of Dan Osborne, 35, editorial page editor of the Fort Wayne News- Sentinel; his wife, Jane, 34; and their son, Ben, 11. The three AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES Call: George Webb Farmers insurance Group 3400 S. College 823 8051 were beaten to death in their home and discovered Sept. 19. The analysis, released Wednesday, presumably was based on police information sent to the FBI. The report places the deaths on Sept. 16 or 17. Fort Wayne Police Chief David Riemen said Wednesday police have no suspect matching the FBI profile. The experts described the slayer as an “inadequate, intro verted individual who lives or works within comfortable walk- - ing distance of the crime scene.” It said: “He is of average to slightly below average intelli gence, and has not progressed educationally beyond high school. He is a white male, 21-27 years old, average in stature; his i appearance is sloppy, since he^.V^ 011 ^ >ro a ■ ’ does not take pride in his man ner of dress or appearance.” The report said police might look for somebody who has com mitted “nuisance” offenses such as disorderly conduct, window peeping, thefts of shoes or undergarmcnts or minor offenses against animals and children. The analysis carries the dis claimers that it is no substitute for a thorough investigation and “should not be considered all- inclusive.” The report also said: “The in formation provided is based on reviewing, analyzing and resear ching criminal cases similar to the case submitted by the re questing agency.” It said the analysis was based but noted no two criminal acts or criminal Follow Us To Your New Villa Villa Oaks West 1107 Verde ph. 779-H36 OPEN HOUSE Mon-Fri 9:00-5:00 Sat & Sun 1:00-5:00 personalities are exactly alike and, therefore, the offender may not always fit the profile in every category ” Evaluating the crime scene, the report said: “This offense is an extremely disorganized and sloppy crime. The crime scene also reflects a great amount of rage, anger and hostility on the part of the offender, directed primarily at Jane Osborne.” That comment conflicted with a police analysis that indi cated she became the victim of a loud and prolonged attack when she surprised an intruder who already had killed her husband and son. “The offender appears to have had no single specific mo tive,” the report said. It added that the killing wasn’t “a plan ned, well thought-out and pre cisely executed” one. Hang your mistletoe at the Off Campus Aggies Christmas Party 8 pm - 1 am Dec. 2 Peppertree Apt. Party RM. Kegs! Free! juniors -seniors vet, med : E ilM. 'jm.. .. ■ Horizontal hold Donna Davis, J Cindy Epps, 20, exercises on the highchair on the Universal Gym in the G. Rollie White weight room. Epps, an exercise technology major from Houston, says she works out in the coliseum weight room at least three times a week. Mayor pleads for cities with United Press International NEW ORLEANS — The Un ited States, a “haven for the homeless and oppressed,” should provide financial aid to cities that receive refugees who are welcomed by the federal government, Mayor Ernest Mo- rial said. “We feel we have done our part in finding out how these new residents need to be inte grated in our community, but the federal government has not done its part,” Morial said. Morial claimed the federal government’s abandonment of resettled refugees is forcing cities to divert scarce resources _ from education, police, medical . services, job training and place ment, and recreation. Cities and schools need direct federal grants and a compre hensive immigration policy for refugees, he said during a panel discussion Tuesday at the 60th annual National League of Cities convention. for help refugees Unii BOS yelopec with b accural chance tors a treat tl r e s e a Wedne “W strong the dis said Di chief o versity 1 ce Cein Bre say the for a co the firsi ter thai The New f Medicii of prof breast is a fen bv the < Brea comnu middle mated vered e Stales t of the ( In a McGuii Univei tumor: proges easily proges tough t The proves “The answer is not to seal our borders," Morial said. “Since our country’s inception, the Un ited States has advanced itself as a haven for the homeless and oppressed. Moreover, the con ditions in the undeveloped world that encourage indi viduals to migrate are real, fra gile and bleak.” Councilwoman Maria Ber- riozabel of San Antonio said the immigration issue did not sur face overnight. “Between 80,000 and 100,000 Mexicans remained in Texas af ter the Mexican War and they did not cross the border — the border crossed them,” she said Rick Swartz, presiden:? National Immigration,’ and Citizenship Forum and county officials sh< licipate in national deta immigration. r !o “Right now, 50percent population growth is am dietlult able to immigration,"! said. “And in 40 to 58 any Berriozabel, noting the num ber of illegal aliens in the United States has been estimated at 500,000 to 12 million, said the immigration issue is an emotion- i ^ .amm—.. al one, often influenced by the them with all the available! | Polio economy. mation.” lopped what he more than 50 percent population will be non-t®Ue Ste Slim “You have to get a hand wyer, the facts and makesuretk Uni CO VI an acc P; Employer held liabh for drinking driver g of t pie makingdecisionsareirc lie eleci tiaveler face, gppeare Larr; n Benji ton, pie; felon Watts. United Press International AUSTIN — The Texas Sup reme Court Wednesday allowed the husbands of two women kil led by a drunk driver to proceed with a lawsuit against the man’s employer, who failed to stop the intoxicated worker from trying to drive home. Larry and Clifford Clark tiled suit against Otis Engineer ing Corp. of Dallas after their wives were killed in an auto mobile accident. The accident was caused by Otis employee Robert Matheson, who drank the equivalent of as many as 2:> cocktails during an evening work shift before being ordered home. Court depositions showed Matheson’s supervisor ordered the drunk worker to go home break. The accident, w Matheson also died,offl three miles from theOlit| about 30 minutes later. A lower court granted' t ion in favor ol Otis thati ped the suit because was not “in the courseofi- ployment” when theata occurred. An appeal court reve® lari Wil leaded aigni af ter he returned from' a dinner _ ruling and ordered a ind . _ . _ . action the Supreme PROBLEM PREGNANCY Are you considering Abortion? Confidential Free Pregnancy Testing & Referrals Call (713) 524-0548 Houston, Texas .Vi p re i esclay. held Wednesday A medical examiner^ f Matheson had a blood® ^level of 0.27 percent'® 'accident happened' equivalent of 20 to 25c* 1 consumed over twohouf' “Matheson’s extremes intoxication was well W fJ * his supervisor and felloe ers,” the Supreme Court 8 its ruling. “The testiriff cated the supervise, Matheson was in n oC0 | drive home safel^diaUjj A OFF FAST, FREE DELIVERY* *2 o . HatlVOOS. Kyte located at -l / ymc.- Yearbook taWng P^ behind C U 'P® P ^®' 2 Worn 8.30 or $2.00 off any large pizza, or $1.00 off any medium pizza. Hurry—this special offer expires soon. One coupon per party per visit at participating Pizza Hut* restaurants. 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