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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1983)
Page 8/The Battalion/Wednesday, November 23, 1983 What’s up WEDNESDAY OFFICE OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES:Applications are bemg accepted for the Student Speakers Seminar offered tins spring. Apply before Thursday in 208 Pavilion or call 845-1133 ifinteresti'd RHA CASINO;Casino ’84 needs a logo! To enter the contest, bring ideas to the Residence Hall Association office by today. PARENTS’ WEEKEND COMMITTEE Applications are avail able for nominations for Parents of the Year on the second floor Memorial Student Center and the Animal Pavilion. Applications are due by Jan. 27 in 216 Pavilion. CAMERA COMMITTEE:Pick up vour hill photo print in 216 MSC. STUDENT Y FISH CAMP Applications for chairman, subchair man and recreation coordinator will 1k> available Nov 28 through Dee. 8 on the second floor of the Pavilion. RIG EVE NT: Meet at 7 p.m. in 501 Rudder to plan the Rig Event. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION :The Newman Club in vites anyone not going home for Thanksgiving to join them for Mass at 7:30 p.m. at St. Mary's Student Center. Unemployment fell in October United Press International AUSTIN — A general improve ment in the Texas economy and seasonal hiring to cope with the Christmas rush pushed October jobless rates down in nearly every metropolitan area of the state, state labor analysts reported Tuesday. According to figures released by the Texas Employment Com mission, Bryan-College Station once again reported the state’s lowest jobless rate, 3.2 percent. Austin was close behind with a 3.6 percent rate. Laredo, with an October job less rate of 21.8 percent, con tinues to lead the state in unem ployment. However, the rate there dropped nearly five percen- — tage points from September’s level of 26.4 percent. Statewide, the 6.9 percent job less rate recorded for October was the lowest in 17 months. “Almost everywhere we saw a substantial drop, said Diane Dobie of the Texas Employment Commission. “Every area had a decrease and 22 of them had a drop of a full point or more. ” Christmas hiring was responsi ble for part of the improvement, she said, but more important was an overall upturn in the state’s economy. “Statewide we are seeing an in crease in most of the major indust rial groups, including the oil and gas industry,” she said. “We are encouraged by this and I think most of the areas of the state are holding their own and showing a little hit of growth. ” October jobless rates for other areas of the state included: Amarillo 4.6 percent; Beaumont-Port Arthur-Orange 12 percent; Brownsville-Harlingen- San Benito 14.3 percent; Corpus Christi 10.2 percent; Dallas-Fort Worth 4.5 percent; El Paso 10.5 percent; Galveston-Texas City 10.4 percent; Houston 8.1 per cent; Kileen-Temple 5 percent; Laredo 21.8 percent; Longview- Marshall 10 percent; Lubbock 5.6 percent; M c A11 e n - P h a r r - Edinburg 19.7 percent; Midland 5.5 percent; Odessa 7.7 percent; San Angelo 4.6 percent; San Anto nio 5.5 percent; S her in an- Denison 6.4 percent; Tyler 5.5 percent; Victoria 8.1 percent; Waco 4.9 percent; Wichita Falls 5.6 percent. Syria blamed in Beirut attack United Press International WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger said Tuesday Iranians carried out the attack against the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut “with the spon sorship, knowledge and authority of the Syrian government. ” It marked the clearest state ment by any member of the admi nistration in placing responsibility for the Oet. 23 truck bombing that killed 239 U.S. servicemen, 218 of them Marines. It was the first assessment implicating Syria in the terrorist attack. In a wide-ranging 35-minute Pentagon news conference, Wein berger also said Soviet-American “relations are not good,” acknow ledged the war between U.S.- backed troops and leftist insur gents in El Salvador “is not going particularly well” and declined to rule out the introduction of U.S. troops in Nicaragua. The secretary declined to go further than his flat statement assessing blame for the attack in Beirut, saying only that President Reagan has made “no promise of retaliation” for the terrorist strike. But Reagan did say Oet. 23 that “every effort will he made to find the criminals responsible for this act of terrorism so this despicable act will not go unpunished.” “We have a pretty good idea of the general group from which they came and, as I said the first day, they are basically Iranians with sponsorship and knowledge and authority of the Syrian govern ment, and that’s basically — that has not changed,” Weinberger said of the terrorist attack. Weinberger had not mentioned Syria Oct. 23, although he was asked in a television interview if Reagan was “blaming the Syrians or even the Soviets.” “There is a lot of circumstantial evidence and a certain amount of it points toward Iran,” the defense secretary replied at the time. At the news conference Tues day, he was asked for evidence to support his accusation against Syria. “Well,” Weinberger replied, “it’s a continuation of the kind of examination and reports that we’ve been receiving ever since that first terrible Sunday morning. None of it has led us to change our mind and it is an accumulation of a number of reports in which we have considerable confidence.” He refused to comment whether the possibility of Syrian involvement in the attack could be construed to be an act of war by Damascus. Robber forgets to take truck driver’s $21,000 United Press International MARSHALL — A hitchhiker who stole cash and a pickup truck from a driver but agreed to leave the man’s suitcases behind also left behind a little more than $21,000 in cash. Joe Thomas, 52, of Butler, Mo., picked up the unidentified hitch hiker near Lufkin on U.S. 59, police said Tuesday. As they approached Marshall, the hitch hiker pulled out a knife, cut Tho mas on the arm and held the blade to his throat. The hitchhiker ordered Tho mas to pull over and give him all his money, said Harrison County sheriffs investigator Hall Reavis. Thomas gave the man $220 in cash, but asked if the hitchhiker could leave behind his suitcases. “He said. Take my truck, but at least leave me the clothes, ” Reavis quoted Thomas as saying. The hitchhiker tossed out sev- | eral suitcases and Thomas brief case before speeding off in the truck. The briefcase contained $21,000. Thomas told officials he was an optometrist and was carrying the money during negotiations to establish his practice in Houston. Thomas resumed his trip to Butler after being treated at a hos pital for the slash on his arm. AnAm Catalog Showrooms We sell what others sell. We just charge less. 3 Magnifications INm STRJKS CORR Your Choice 1. Key wound travel alarm. 1 lb. G630-1025 Reg. $5.60 2. 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