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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1983)
Battalion Classified Page 16AThe Battalion/Wednesday, November 23, 1983 FOR RENT move in before finals FREE RENT until classes begin in January ALL BILLS PAID 1-2-3 ’ v; Bedrooms APTS. 306 Redmond - 693-2614 35tfn Boy kept caged as punishment United Press International ST. LOUIS — A 13-year-old boy found shivering inside a 4- foot-high homemade wooden crate in the unheated basement of his parents’ home told au thorities he once had spent weeks inside the cage as punish ment. school hours for three months starting last January. The boy, two adopted brothers ages 3 and 9, and an adopted sister age 6, were placed in the custody of juvenile authorities. Police said the three other children did not appear to be abused. His adoptive parents were arrested Friday after officers, alerted to the situation by neigh bors, looked in a basement win dow and saw him. Detectives said the boy wore only jeans, a shirt and socks, even though the temperature in the basement was chilly enough to show breath. NEW MINI WAREHOUSES Sizes available 5 x 5 to 10x30. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 > 606-5487 341161 HELP WANTED HOUSTON CHRONICLE is cur rently hiring route carriers & solici tors for immediate spring semester openings. Pay ranges between $400-$600 per month plus gas allowance. For appt. please call Julian or Andy at 693-2323 or 693- 7815 after 2:00 p.m. i87ti5‘ CLOSE TO CAMPUS 2 or 3 bdrm., 2 bath, all appliances, with or without washer/dryer. From $350/mo. 696-7714 after 6p.m. 696-4384 or 693-0982. eom HOUSES,CONDOS 1 TOWNHOMES & duplexes for rent. Call John Gregg or Rick at Green & Browne Realty. 846-5701:846-5196 Close to TAMU, Manuel Drive, C.S. 1 bdrm, 1 bath,w/d con nections, water paid, NO PETS, $270/mo. 779-1613, M-F 35116' Real Estate appraiser trainee position available in Houston area for recent college gradu ates. Contact Lee C. Bums & Co., Inc. (713) 359-1110.57t9 CHANEJULO’S PIZZA Needs PIZZA MAKERS, PHONE PERSONNEL, AND DELIVER PEOPLE. We need full-time and part-time. Apply in person CHANELLO’S PIZZA, 301 Patricia Ave. or 2404 S. Texas Ave. 38tfn Delivery help wanted. Aver age $4-6/hour. Apply in per son between 5-10p.m. dai ly. 2400 S. Texas Avenue across from Kroger’s, C.S. 58t13 SOUTHWEST VILLAGE One and two bedrooms avail-> able for immediate occupan-' cy. Call 693-0804 or come by the office at 1101 Southwest Parkway. FURNISHED FOUR BED ROOM HOME FOR RENT. Spring semester, close to cam pus, decks, trees and fenced yard, office, garage workshop. 845-3139 (days), 693-3894 (eves). 59t7 WANTED DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu* ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24116 Apartment maintenance and material handler. Must have nlumbinKexperience, 260-9783. 59tl0 Immediate opening, part-time handyman for prop erty management company. Approximately 20 hours weekly, some Saturdays. Call Jacob Beal Realty, 823-5469. 53tl0 -U; SPECIAL NOTICE BARCELONA One and two bedroom apartments available for fall/spring. Call 693- 0261 or come by 700 Dontinik in College Station. y 5 ARBOR SQUARE f One and two bedroom furnished, v ', apartments available for im mediate occupancy. Call 693-1 t 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest, Parkway. 2916 2 bdrm., apt. 1/2 mi., from campus. $285/mo. 846- .3446. 60t6 Convenient location 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath, spacious apt. all appliances including w/d, water paid near shuttle-bus. 693-3213 -figg New duplex Bryan residential area, moderately nrioed 823-8793 after 4:45. 58t5 2 bdrm. 1.5 bath duplex. 10 minutes to campus. $350. Call B.B. Scasta, Inc. 775- 5870. 177tfn OFFICIAL NOTICE ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS IF YOU HAVE ORDERED A 1984 AGGIELAND AND WILL NOTBEATTEN- DIN A&M NEXT FALL AND WISH TO HAVE IT MAILED TO YOU, PLEASE STOP BY THE STUDENT PUB LICATIONS OFFICE, ROOM 230 REED MCDONALD BUILD ING AND PAY A $3.50 MAILING FEE ALONG WITH YOUR FOR WARDING ADDRESS SO YOUR AGGIE LAND CAN BE MAILED TO YOU NEXT FALL WHEN THEY ARRIVE . 55119 AGGIELAND REFUND POLICY Yearbook fees are refundable in full during the semester in which paymenbt is made. There after no refunds will be made or cancelled orders. Yearbooks must be picked up during the academic year in which they are published Students who will not be on campus when yearbooks are published, usually in Septem ber, must pay a mailing and handling fee Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they be mailed without the necessary fees having been paid. 33tfn DIRECTORY REFUND POLICY Directory fees are refundable in full during the semester in which pay ment is made. Thereafter no re funds will be made on cancelled orders. Directories must be picked up during the academic year in which they are published. FOR SALE We have one car too many! Will sell ’81 Omni, 4-door, $4200 or ’82 Dodge 400LS, 4-door, $6800. Ex ceptionally clean. Each has air, automatic, cruise, AM/FM stereo plus many extras. Nelson 845- 5057 or 845-5446 for appointment to test drive. 56t5 <1 2 bdrm 2 bath end unit. Blinds, fans, fence, $48,500. Call B.B. Scasta, Inc. 775-5870. 177tfn Hanglider. Great shape Sensor-210. Best offer. Call 696-8837. 57t4 1974 Datsun 260Z, clean, sharp, AM/FM, A/C, header, $3200neK- 764-1947. 60t2 PERSONALS AN BA Ski pants-size 34-matching para-man s medium-matching sweater-Lange ski boots size 10- Make me an offer-call 260-9756-9 to 5 ask for Bob. 58t3 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Abortion pro cedures and referrals—Free pregnancy testing. Houston, Texas (713) 524-0548. 187t76 ROOMMATE WANTED LOST Add-a-bead necklace with gold and pearl beads. REWARD! Kathy, 779-2025 or 845-4921. 57t5 Help Aggies lost 84 class ring, Tuesday, November 15. Inscription inside. REWARD. Please call 693- 1488. 59t5- Female to share condo, fire place, washer/dryer, micro- wave, pool, jacuzzi. Close to campus, $200 per month. All utilities paid, 696-6176 after 5:00p.m. 58t2 HELP WANTED Help 1696 Part-Time Wanted Grapevine personality. -3411. E-O P Male roommate Spring semester, new two bedroom townhome on shuttle bus route. Call Mike 696- 8332. 57t5 Police delayed charging the parents pending further review, though Si. Louis County police Major Thomas P. Moonier said, “Ii is the worst case of this type I have seen in years.” The cage was about 3 feet wide, 5 feet long and 4 feet high. Detective Michael Williams, one of two officers who found the boy, said the cage “reminded me of a concentration camp.” The boy, named Alonso, told juvenile officers he had been in the crate for a week and ex pected to spend six weeks there. He said he had been disciplined in a similar way during non- Alonso was allowed no books, no television, no radio, no social contacts and no baths, police .said. The cage was unlocked, but the boy was told his food — deli vered on a tray — would be with held if he ventured outside for any reason other than to go to the bathroom. s SCHULlMAN THEATRES Mon-fmly nlt«-Sch 6 TiM-fmly nit •-ME IH l SCHULMAN 6 2002 E 29th 775-2463 775-2468 PART-TIME help wanted. Apply at Piper’s Gulf. Comer of Texas and University. 56t5 7:25 9:45 THE BIG CHILL, 7:10 9:30 MR. MOM 7:20 9:40 THE GREY FOX 7:30 9:50 AM ITYVILLE-3D 7:15 9:35 A CHRISTMAS STORY 7:359:55 TRADING PLACES: MANOR EAST III Manor East Mall 823-8300 7:15 9:40 RUNNING BRAVE 7:25 9:45 ALLTHE RIGHT MOVES 7:15 9:50 NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN SERVICES TYPING. All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR,, Fast service. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services 100 W. Brookside l 846-5794 i53tit> ATTENTION GRADUATES Preserve your diplomas, precious documents & photos. Transform them into beautiful, last ing laminated wood plaques superior quality. TO ORDER CALL ARTEMIS PLAQUES 775-6705 46t24 ’72 Skyline Mobile home 2 bedrom 1 bath, car peted, 12x50. $6400. Must sell. 775-1760. 56t5 Batteries restored guaranteed 500 Carson, 822- 1719. - ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop- ON THE DOUBLE; 331 Universitv Drive 846-3755. ioti6 Typing. Close to campus. Theses, dissertations, re ports, resumes, letters, 693-9689. 52t21 Quality, professional typing. Reasonable rates. 20 years experience. Marilyn, 693-7515. - 52tl0 Typing 20 years experience means professional ser- vice. 693-8537 or 693-6483. 49t27 1 or 2 roommates wanted, walking to campus, lots of space, good price, 846-9163. 57t8 Typing on word processing equipment. Experi-* enced. We understand form and style. Automated S7 693-1670. 15t58 ~ Female roommate needed own bedroom and bath $250 roontfr 172 utilities. Margaret 846-9489:50^0 AGGIE TYPING CLUB-$1.00 per page, no limita tion. 764-0591-1:00 to 5:00 PM. 40tfl0 SERVICES Typing, experienced, fast, accurate, all lands, holi- days & weekend work, 822-0544. 52112 GAYLINE (new number) 775-1797. 56t4 Investigators said the crate was covered on top with a can vas, but had wooden slats on the side allowing the boy to look out. Police said the boy appeared afraid and came out of the cage and talked only after the officers brought him a pizza. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch said authorities believed the boy, who had been adopted from Colombia, has a long history of psychiatric problems. Inmate released for holiday United Press International SAN JOSE, Calif. — Ailing gangland kingpin Joseph Bonanno Sr., a onetime gunrun ner for A1 Capone who rose to the leadership of the American Mafia, Tuesday began a 12-day Thanksgiving reprieve from only the second prison term he has ever served. The apparent compassion of a federal judge, who late Mon day released the 78-year-olcl Bonanno for the holiday, sparked an angry retort Tues day from the woman who prose cuted the mobster known in his prime as “Joe Bananas.” Bonanno “ought to be in jail,” said Nancy Simpson, a lawyer Bonanno issued reprieve tor the Justice Department's organized crime and racketeer ing strike force. Bonanno, boss of one of New York’s five crime families in die 1960s, was described by his lawyer as facing “his “last Christ mas, his last New Year’s” behind bars. He has a history of heart trouble and other medical prob lems. U.S. District Judge William Ingram Monday sentenced a nattily-attired Bonanno to one year and one day in prison for a 1980 obstruction of justice con viction — minus 57 days he server! earlier at a prison in Springfield, Mo. The sentence, which was re duced from the maximum five- year term that Ingram had im posed earlier, also included a SI0.000 fine. But later in the day, without consulting the Justice Depart ment, Ingram issued a terse, two-paragraph order releasing Bonanno on his own recogni zance until Dec. 3, when he must surrender at the federal prison at Terminal Island south of Los Angeles. “Every prisoner would love to be home for Thanksgiving,” Simpson said. “Bonanno shouldn’t be ^gelling special treatment.” Prior to doing time in Spring- field, Bonanno had only been convicted once on cm < barges — in 1945 whenbt| fined $450 for violating a control law A spokesman fortheji Depa i t ment said Tue Bonanno had a previously! doled medical appoimmei St. Mary’s hospital in Tuo Ariz., where lie had been in retirement in a luxuryhf "Rather tl uni have Bod sit in a San Francisco jail i then, the judge decidedn lease him for the medicales nation,” the Justice Depaiti spokesman said. Ingram declined conuj Tuesday on his action. FBI probes Greyhound clashes United Press International PHOENIX, Ariz. — FBI agents have arrested three peo ple and are investigating a dozen others in connection with strike- related incidents against Greyhound Lines, the company said Tuesday on the 20th day of the nationwide walkout. As the peak Thanksgiving approached, strike-related inci dents waned after scattered clashes Monday in which at leas! six people were arrested. Around the country, union locals voted on a company prop osal that would cut employee wages 7.8 percent as well as re ducing benefits. Results of the balloting are not expected to be holiday travel period _announced until Nov. 29. PROBLEM PREGNANCY \ Are you considering Abortion? Confidential Free Pregnancy Testing & Referrals Call (713) 524-0548 Houston, Texas Greyhound officials said the FBI arrests were in connection with a Nov. 16 incident when striking workers from Detroit cut in front of a bus on a Michi gan highway, causing an acci- dent. Fhe arrests were made on grounds the workers were allegedly trying to interfere with interstate commerce by disrupt ing operation of the bus, Greyhound said. “In addition, the FBI has 12 other individuals under investi gation for interstate commerce violations in several other states,” said Greyhound Lines President Frederick Dunikoski. Dunikoski said the crimes car ried possible prison sentences of 10 years or more. St. Louis experienced its first strike violence, a fracas which erupted Monday night. Police said the incident began as bag gage handler Jerome Marti# work at die downtown lerai He was confronted by striking workers who ban] his car and shouted “scab. Martin, 35, got out of hi and was confronted by Donald F. McCulley, s;tid. A fight broke out I sect>ud driver,)ohnnieRo® 40, joined in, they said The three men were anti but no charges were ! suffered a slight eyeinjtinl Th. Texas , In Chicago, a slrilB^eamuj Greyhound mechanic wasB^sday ni pilaiized Tuesday afterbeittH 1 ' 1 ’ North by a bus while picketingaiffiy- carrier's garage. Hewaslisifl The Ag lair condition. B n Rston w points Typing. Symbols. Rubber stamps. Name/address. stiekers -Reasonable rates, 823-7723.— 29t6 WORD PROCESSING. Papers, reports, disserta tions, etc. Fast, accurate, reasonable. 846- 6200. 48t25- [Texas A PP also IUn g as a Plants wh Order your Thanksgiving 1 Pies Now!! ■“rtls and I 'Tipp rt) uven a Bailee Southwest to Pumpkin Pie Pie $2.39 $3.99 Order at: the Underground Deli in the Basement of Sbisa