Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1983)
Friday, November 4, 1983/The Battalion/Page 9 1.1,1,1,1,1111.1 MW i had base's <orth- ■ Uni- iouth- : Uni- ford, soma a and i State What’s up iidict- sed of Okla- itucky, , Indi- is and cPuettf 1 FRIDAY A. Ji^*. A jL ' jL JL Li CAMERA COMMITTEEjThe Fall Photo Compeution i,i!i be Saturday. Prints may lx- entered in the Memorial Student |emer hallway from lOa.rn. to 2 pan, todav. live contest is open tt< all non-pmfessionais in the Bryan-College Station area. MDIA ASSOCIATION : Fickets ate available today from club Oftucvs itM the Duvall function on Saturday. Call 200-1896 or for ticket information, i >FF CAMPUS CENTER;We have started the spring files for roommate referrals and housing listings. If you are looking for ..Coll campus roommates or housing, start looking now! EW i; ^MEGA PHI ALPHA;We will have a bake sale today atitl l ulay t vet ween the Academic Building and Sterling C. Evans Ififubrary from <> aim. and 3 pan. Pnx-.eeds go to bonfire. JjjEATER ARTS: l ickels are now on sale at the MSC Box ^Pffke for '‘Summer and Smoke” to he presented Nov. 10-12 Bind Nov, 17-19. IVERSITY LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER; Grad WAte st udents and singles over 22 will meet at (3 p.m. at the center, |Rl5 N. College Main, to go out for supper. ,Bjc AGGIE CINEMACSophie’s Choice” will shown today and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in Ruddet Auditorium. The midnight bovie on Saturday is “Shamptxi” in Rudder Theater. Tickets ire Si.50 with a Texas A&rM i.D. card. JfeERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION;We will |T|iave a general meeting at 7 p.m. in 701 Rudder Tower. ^pDMINTON CLUB; We will not have free play tonight. Club Bvliicers are attending a tournament in Houston, langur MERIDIAN HOMETOWN CLURiMeet at 6 p.m. in 291 B\ston Hall to go on the road trip to Giddings and Austin. rcroi stu ?BYSlCS DEPARTMENT; I here will lx: a free movie at 4 p.m. eaM ^Bn 145 Physics. \ SPORTS CAR CLUBtMeet in the Zachry Engineering Center )U , , | sharking lot at 8 p.m. for a post-Halloween scavenger hunt. A "“‘‘"■party will follow ■n to ilt^ indwotin v satislp' i Mwj§ studfr. T$XAS A&M RUGBY TEAMiThe A and B teams will play o r kooi^8 ? \ustin Huns starting at 2 p.m. on the Main Drill Field. reate if ;"iJ : /C"• :•:’:'’||||’| ?• BETA PLjoin us for harhecm- and beer at the Fall Smoker T fin Hensel Park. It will begin at l p.m. and is free to all members. SATURDAY ok irs ■ilNESTY INTERNATIONAL:We will have a garage sale fund raiser in the Waimart parking lot of Manor East Mall r'sui ting at 9 a,m. SPORTS CAR CLUB;Meet in the Sears parking lot at Post Oak ^TMall at 0:39 p,m- for a road trip to Houston. . f v SUNDAY ioiul SWlVERSJTY LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER; The fel- who i/C-' l ow; >hip supjxtr is at 6 p.m at the center at 315 N. College Main, neat HfCLING TEAM;There will be an open race at 3 p.m. at Post iu:io"| Oak Mall. Everyone is encoulagevl to bring y helmet. * AGGIE CINEMAOFiucarraldo” will show at 7:30 p.m. in tdder Theater. Tickets are $3 with a Texas A&M I.D. card, aid * studni irieve ik ; ducaW pen se*t* High dioxin level found in streets United Press International NEWARK, New Jersey — Re sidents of Newark’s Ironbound area said Thursday that dioxin contamination increased around a defunct Agent Orange plant after the state began vacuuming neighborhood streets. The Ironbound Health Rights Advisory Commission said it reached that conclusion upon analyzing a report re leased by the state Department of Environmental Protection. A lawsuit was filed this summer for access to state records. The commission charged at a news conference that the actions taken by the state to protect resi dents have been inadequate and the cleanup efforts have failed. The study by a private con tractor, NUS Corp., showed 15 of 19 sectors sampled before the cleanup contained dioxin, while 17 of 19 sectors sampled after ward showed contamination, said Robert Cartwright, com mission chairman. Cartwright said the spread of dioxin could be explained by last month’s discovery of a new diox in hot spot at the Brady Iron and Metal Corp., where levels up to 3,300 parts per billion were de tected. One ppb is considered dangerous. The scrap metal company is believed to have salvaged reac tor vessels from the former Di amond Alaki Co., a one-time producer of the Vietnam War defoliant Agent Orange. Traffic in and out of the Brady site, as well as wind and rain, could account for the recontamination of the area, he said. Since large-scale dioxin con tamination was first discovered at the Diamond site in June, the firm’s successor, Diamond Shamrock of Dallas, has paid for fencing and tarpaulins to secure the site. Michael Gordon, an attorney for the group, charged the state is not moving fast enough or aggressively enough to force Di amond Shamrock to assume re sponsibility for a major cleanup of the neighborhood. He also said the state has failed to con duct health tests of the residents. , , ,VThey’tre trying to portray .themselves as .the knights in white suits, taking baby steps when they should be running a marathon,” he said. Gordon said Diamond Sham rock has the financial and tech nological capability to solve the problem. If the state does not act soon, he said, the Ironbound re sidents will return to court to force some action. n the if. tleeparl I •ews «tj iile otw irealnit'l ile oflij pen mil prop® near k lie cor »time.’ THE BATT 1 DOES IT DAILY Monday through Friday i ISA IS HOLDING A GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING ON: DATE: November 4, 1983 (Friday) TIME: 7:00PM PLACE: RUDDER 701 Members of the International Clubs are encouraged to attend SE JTY It’s Here! 24-HOUR PULSE AUTOMATIC TELLER On the A&M Campus. '■J?: Cash when you need it. PULSE, the 24-hour teller. Located under the stairway between Rudder Tower and the MSC, on the campus of Texas A&M. If you don’t already have an account with us, open one today and have immediate access to your money. YjflUVWitti/ ■nationalhank/ Bryan-College Station’s ’Good Business’ Bank 711 University Drive, College Station, Texas 77841 846-8751 MEMBER FDIC LIGHTNING STRIKES AGAIN! riTii MFCS, LIST DURING MUSIC EXPRESS STORE WIDE SALE All Albums All Cassettes 'O'. TODAY ONLY! FEATURING THESE GREATS ALIVE SHE CRIED m PETER SCHILLING ERROR IN THE SYSTEM TALKING HEADS I Speaking In longues I Includes Major Tom The Noah Plan rp (Let’s Play) U.S.A. ^ CASSETTE m P3 abanzaJ -Free Shiner Bock Beer- OPE.V TUX MIDNIGHT FRIDAY —BUDGET AND IMPORTS NOT INCLUDED — MUSIC 725-B UNIVERSITY DRIVE OI’fN 10-1() "Behind Skagiis tv McDonalds” S16-1711