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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1983)
© 1982 Adolph Coors Co.. Golden. Colorado 80401 ^age 4/The Battalion/Friday, November 4, 1983 Tenure incorrectly viewed as job security vVarpt ..SO THERE CHURCH TC ST A STEP * by Robin Black Battalion Staff Dr. Clinton A. Phillips, dean of faculties, is experiencing one of the busiest times the Universi ty administrative office will see all year: tenure and promotion time. Every fall, the various col leges and departments submit their recommendations for te nured faculty to the office of the vice president for academic affairs. From there, recommenda tions must be reviewed by the dean of faculties, the provost and vice president for academic affairs, college deans, the Uni versity president, and, finally, the Board of Regents. It’s quite a long, complex pro cess that takes an immense amount of time, Phillips said. Tenure is, historically, the protection of an educator’s right to speak out in his area of exper tise without fear of harrassment. Tenure allows the University to aquire quality faculty. A pro fessor must meet certain criteria and go through a probationary DECEMBER GRADUATES GEMCRAFT HOMES OFFERS CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Residential construction offers challenging and high-paying careers if you are not afraid of hard work and long hours. Gemcraft Homes is seeking outstanding college graduates to enter its management train ing program that teaches you the homebuilding industry from the ground up. If you are interested in learning about our winning team that has made Gemcrfaft the 3rd largest builder in Houston in five short years, come by and meet out Champions. On Sunday, November 13, we will host an open house at our Houston Corporate Headquarters from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. Managers from all levels will be present to answer your questions, explain our training program, and take your applications for employment. If you are committed to joining a team of Champions, make plans to attend. The Gemcraft Office is located at 9950 Westpark @ Gessner. If more information is needed, please call (713) 266-0505. We look forward to meeting you! IB Gemciaft Homes SETTING THE NEW STANDARD term designated by the Univer sity in order to be eligible for tenure. “Tenure has now come to be considered — incorrectly consi dered —a kind of job security,” he said. Tenure does not provide job security, however, because a te nured educator may be dismis sed on grounds ranging from professional incompetence to physical disability. Texas A&M has not had a problem with this, Phillips said. “We have had a very limited number of tenured faculty members resign rather than face losing tenure,” he said. However, the University has had to dismiss at least one te nured professor who tried to take action against the decision. “About 15 years ago, the Uni versity dismissed a faculty mem ber who filed an appeal with the Association of American Uni versity Professors,” Phillips said. “The organization granted the appeal, but the Board of Re gents refused to re-examine the professor’s record,” he said. “Because of that, the AAUP cen sured A&M, discouraging asso ciation with the University.” Phillips said the incident didn’t hurt the University in terms of growth and success. “The AAUP sent a represen tative to the University last year to tell us that they no longer con sider us censured,” he said. Although the University is no longer under the AAUP cen sure, its amount of tenured fa culty is well below that of compa rable universities. “Most major universities of equal quality with A&M have at least 60 percent of their faculty tenured,” Phillips said. Texas A&M has 943 tenured faculty members, representative of about 54 percent of the total faculty. The number of tenured fa culty varies among the different colleges.^ “For example, the business college has a low number of te nured professors betjs many new faculty membe been hired to accomod} growth,” Phillips said. However, Universin number of tenured fatu healthy situation becau untenured positions 4 University to bring!:' blood, he said. The low percentagt, nured faculty does noli: the concept of atadei dom, he said. “Concerning acadenn dom, tenure is a funny the sense that a classyirai' will protect its non-tenir well as its tenured faculty, lips said. .0 by R MOBILE AUTO 1.1 I All. WE COME TO YOUR CAR ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS AMERICAN & FOREIGN ALL WORK GUARANTEED 10% Discount with Student ID -112.5 OWNED AND OPERATED BY KENNETH ELMORE Ot detacided nda thenitoe nd ha h S heTT u '‘Va a, Sra 0 e f : th ^ Ur ^ ^ ecatp. . 0( . , . rf na hK r ° CSru "f htrar eTT b * her r <*"• ,,d «- >trebi/ ,f n SI I VI I! BULLET TRIUMPHS AT BITKIMiHAM PALACE. WINS FIRST "COMMAND PERFORMANCE”TURTLE RACE. < >1 dctai ided nda. vti ebil Kher unn esoht fn eeulp- Ot detacided nda. ytrebil thenitm ml har iiuf-thttmir thenitix nd bar m>f-th)f ,, iir e\v. (leviecnoc Iisher rm> njra. Sraey neves bsher run ojra. Sraey ne\es 'Inn. ernesrunf htrar et mo dna. ernesruuf i f. 11 hi re Tim llahs elpsTyit. inf. clime In t ncm I)i e\\ ah lla niav. Nil elif imitai escht tnht« Kh. ynitser -lat eninhit . ytrebil .. q|VC\N6TEAN' ecalp- thK'mr dm. de kfU-; Ot detarided nda. ytrebil ew, devieennr nnitan m ne- thenitnc nd har unf-thttnur bsher run njra. Sraey neves dna, ernesrunf htrar et nm rf, Hhire Tun llahs elps eht rnf. el|)ne eht yb-elpenp et fn tnemnrev.iy taht. Dna mndeerf fn tit rib ne. dna. ernesrunf htrar et nm rf. Hhire Tim llahs elps eht rnf. elpne eht yb-vlpeut) el . 11 Ilir.trn|jj rn taht T’lfeSSbSi — — Silver Bullet Shatters Land Qtl Sore Triumph m Swm. Across Ot detncHle.l mla_ •Otoe ml. b" 1 ' nl1 ,nbt f« ■alp <jn», e L '’' ‘ xx '/ s thenitoc «<« •:;“ s ;"; v neves / ^ tisber ,u ^ f ht ,. uv et nm dna. ermsruot ^ ^ uht ^^’IL.^^^-ell.enp et O' ahston Uil f. lusaemllu |r ylttir. ^* 0 niti eta „d d h ed ' 1<,a ' '-her ru,:';' ernesrunf hU^' neVes rf . Hhire Tm. 'in et m,, r "f. elpne eht ' a . hs , el »- eht —..m' 1 '""'■ s 'aimirtrm . seht taht evtnser y'vf' 1 ' Int fn eealtv m „deerf fo bird, ne fsd. die. f tab Uuuf a sd. dle.ftah l.dne yonl na. A" h hudne pmal nae » nmn' 1 ’ . , ;l (tevieeime ns no.tan “''“V’ 0 Vfo nmtrnp e et V't n ' lS ° l , , vn-i 1“ taht rehU* ^lutsvt. Jlhorvr am '.v^ wvtc tfr»‘rA mu |, u .. 1 ArW ‘ „ — Ip- '-he^Tn^'s^'^h^ - dna, ernesrimf } neves nf. Hhire Tn f |Kh rar , et m “ rof. elpne eh eht M&m' thenitoc nd har usher \m* es- rp eht. \\;v no, tan m ne- ’ f-1 hjzuur* ?' f - < ‘ lpoe ••hL COWS VWHV» SSSiHGl I pot ided nda. ytrebil Ot detaeia^ -- an m ne . r d eTrnn Ot detacided nda. Kher oito ef ytrebil -thgeur — - oca Sraey nevea bsher run r et mo dna. —^ ^hs elps eht rf. Hhire ' b-eU>eop et rnf. e 'P° C {aht f-'^^^deerf htr.b ne> • , hlir uof-thgnur thenitoc n l ^ Sraey ne'* s bsher run '>* ){ Mr ar et run dna, ermoT (> Ull hs elps eht rf. Hh're v b-elpeop et rnf, elp< ,v , vo>z taht •f.,tnemnr "f f() htnb ne. , .. ,Alan taut *t»it\t_oA. Ytoves thetiitis' If htrar et nm ** er ^'" a "«of btrar et tno fotnemnrevog ta^ ^ MrlV> ne 'IbUrhs redm. o.tan taht ’"“.''Grednii "itan taM ^ N i htr’ib ne. ab»a h ,,..,.1 evahst«n r « t Dna m'.deerf ^ t> . tan taht Groups hold jump for leukemia jello Tali Bens, nancial aid >e Jordan, s int, have cr udent adv 'fort to inci . the depar Benson s labiish a s icause he lough cor •een the de :nts. “I want to by Mary E. Macan Battalion Reporter Fancy the thought of sliding into strawberry gelatin. Wiggly, squishy, jiggly gelatin. Saturday people will be sliding to raise money for the Leukemia Society. Miller High Life, KTAW and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity are sponsoring the Great Gelatin Jump, Robert Kline, project chairman, says. Kline said the gelatin jump will operate on a sponsorship basis. Anyone who raises money through sponsors can partici pate, he said. Sponsorship forms are availiable at U-Tote’M con venience stores. The jump will be at Post Oak Mall in College Station, he said. Registration will begin at 1 1 a.m., and the jumping will start at noon. “Anyone interested in jump ing in gelatin can come on out," he said. “It’s for a good cause." Prizes will be awarded to the persons who raise the most money. The first 100 jumpers to collect $25 will receive T-shirts, y problem: klmr >.ii(l I Iicii'alsoarc-pai mient, fin the Dip iminn coijt m * t 11 1 an )( i< n i I hr top i ollamr .-the dep< \ e.n ,u;r will receive Aftei Bens compmr; swr/n, andi.: ssetl 'n e 1<J| collector in the over 18a oul a mon will Ik- awarded a $3(X | 11 forming gill i ci nfu .ite, he said. ltlet ‘ men jo Klmc said (here willbti He said h< petition lietween sorori& inc [* n 8 conl I ratei iiiti«-s with tlie wim? 0 nave reo ceiving a party . (mrtesv# an< ia * al< ‘ High l ife. 1 he gelatin will > V /j LJ trash cans at Pasta s Piml V 1 M j High Life will chill ilia . jump, he said. On the day of the jump,! 5 gallons oft will be 475 gallons of geG’) et trough. I he participj _ slide uuo the mvugU v ' l> ()rIn “We don't Dime ho*? 1 * * wl \ 0 1 people will show upf( asUl s 1 e ,^ tump, or how much mom “S 11 u 1 make," Kline said. A f J # ISC MI jump was held in Housi cently, he said, and S16,800 was raised. : lht ‘ Colle S “We just want peoplcio( s ^ ratlon > 1 fun and collect moneyfor 11 11 inia at .hr same time."?™! Rude said. a- Following pnts will 1 anips whe &M studen ill answer q irsonal exj e school ai 5 DATS O.Vl.Y Aol ^ ^ The folio Tues Nov. 1st - Sat Nov 30% Off All Diamonds theft; and • A brov cmi the Mi > • A cord 35% Off Wedding Bands 5 ™ ^ Don’t miss these bargains 415 University Dr. W. 846 exas A&M credit cat tfloctn Serving Luncheon Buffet \ Sandwich and Soup Bar Mezzanine Floor Sunday through Friday 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. j Midn Delicious Food Beautiful View - M\ Open to the Public “Quality First” I 7:3C AI