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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1983)
Battalion Classified Page 12/The Battalion/Wednesday, October 5,1983 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Warped y-«r, by Scott McCutl; RETAIL MANAGEMENT TRAINEES We seek talented men and women who have established a successful track record in sales or sales management. We provide a comprehensive retail training program and potential for rapid advancement. PART TIME SALES Openings for honest, energetic individuals who are eager to earn extra money while gaining valuable business experience. Previous sales experience helpful. WE OFFER Compensation based on straight commission with minimum guarantee, dutstanding company benefits include stock pur chase program and deferred salary investments plans (with matching company contributions). FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Tracey Young 778-0057 RADIO SHACK An Equal OppKuwWy/.liaqwwO■ AaMan Emptoyar " 36 year pld male student would like to form an entertaining singing group for fun and profit. Would like to have a total of four or five or six individuals. Male and female to make up the group. Guitars, or other instruments fine. Please con tact Bill Hamilton at 693-2305 any time A.M. or P.M. I have had years at performing with a folk-type group in home town college. It is great fun and can even be very profitable also. 25ts FOR RENT DELIVERY * PART-TIME * PIANOS & ORGANS * IN YOUR PICK-UP For Appointment, 764-0006 KEYBOARD CENTER, INC. 21tfn SOUTHWEST CROSSING $400 and Up DUPLEXES—NEW PRELEASING AVAILABLE 2 and 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, w/D connections, major appliances, drapes, fenced yards. Hickory Drive off Southwest Parkway, C.S. JOE COURTNEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. 696-5487 1812 Welsh #110, College Station 18 o t (n CHANELLO S PIZZAis now hiring DRIVERS so we can deliver our pizzas within 20 minutes. Our drivers average $7.00 per hour. We will guarantee $4.00 per hour. Some company cars are available. Apply now at our new location at Kroger’s Shopping Center by Michael’s (for merly Cassino’s). 2404 S. Texas Ave., 696-0234. 16t10 WANTED MALE SINGER with lead quality who can play rhythm quitar in country/rock band. Call J.B. at 693-9221 af ter 5:30p.m. 2 4t4 NEW MINf WAREHOUSES Sizes available 5 x 5 to '10x30. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station ' (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 696-5487 - 75«^ HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently hiring route carriers & solicitors for immediate fall semester openings. Pay ranges between $400-$600 per month plus gas allowance. For appt. please call Julian or Andy at 693-2323 or 693-7815 after 2:00 p.m. Student Sales Rep Expanding Clo thing Manufacturers is seeking ambitious person to sale quality items in and around campus, Greek, dorms, clubs, etc. Your hours, good commission. Call me 846-1142. 23t5 WANTED DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24t1n DANVERS Now hiring part-time Friday & Saturday 9 p.m.-3 a.m., Saturday & Sunday, 6 a.m.-2 p.m. Come by in person after 2 p.m.l89t r Waitresses needed imediately at YESTERDAY’S, 4421 South Texas Ave. Apply 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. 19t9 Female Bartender, Hostess & Waitresses, SILVER DOLLAR, 846-4691 or 775- 7919. 188tfn NEW 2-ST0RY T0WNPLEXES Woodway Village 2 Bedroom, IVa bath, W/D connec tions, major appliances included, drapes furnished. $425. CONVENIENT TO TAMU— IN COLLEGE STATION JOE COURTNEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. 696-5487 1812 Welsh #110, College Station CALL FOR THIS AD AND OTHER HOUSING I80tfn INFORMATION. UNIVERSITY ACRES— $260 and under Country Living—geared to stu dents. 1 and 2 bedroom Duplexes and Fourplexes. Open spaces. Pets welcomed. Owner -maintained grounds. JOE COURTNEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. 696-5487 1812 WELSH #110, COLLEGE STATION 1 BOtfm Trailer space available on horse ranch. Free rent for help ing with horses. You can move your trailer there or there is a trailer that payments can be picked up. 846-9476. 2215 Four-plex near TAMU C.S.,1 bdrm. $270 a month,water paid,W/D connections, all electric, NO PETS! 2 bdrm. 2 bath $335/mo. M-F. | 779-1613 177tfn Cocktail Waitresses wanted. Silver Dollar, 846-4691 or 775-7919. 181tfn Part-time concession & cashier help wanted. Apply in person only between 7-9p.m. Thursday, October 6th at Schulman 6 Theatre, 2002 E. 29th, Bryan. Experienced part-time picture framer needed. Fle- xible hours available. 775-7294, 22t5 Students with Friday afternoons and/or Saturdays free for product demonstration in local area. BOS 846-5794. 20tfo PRACTICALLY NEW 2 bdrm 2 bath duplex, large living area w/separate di ning room, all kitchen appliances w/ w/d connections. $375/mo., $200 de posit, 2203 Crest St., C.S., 696-7714 or 693-0982 after 6 p.m. 696-4384 or 693-4783. 188tfn Commercial TEAM CLEANING positions available days, nights and weekends. Above minimum pay. Paid travel and vacation. Flexible hours. Must have car, phone and references. HOME CARE SER VICES, 846-7759. L 15tfn FOR RENT Vacancy for female University stu dent. 303 Dexter, 1 /2 block south of campus. Non-smoker, non drinker, high Christian principles to share house with 3 girls. Call 696- 5286 after 5:00p.m. FREE RENT! Dorm Room Crowded? Apartment Crowded? Tired of your roommates? Free apartments for the fall if you rent now for the spring. (Limited number available) A&M students only. FOR DETAILS COME BY COURTYARD APARTMENTS 600 University Oaks College Station 693-2772 25t19 FIRST MONTH FREE WITH 12 MO. LEASE UNIVERSITY PARK Several left. 2 bedroom,1 1/2 bath, fireplace, patio, on shuttle bus route. Call GLENDELLE PROPERTY MANAGMENT 696-8888 or after 6:00 call Bette 696-5634. BARCELONA One and two bedroom apartments available for fall/spring. Call 693- 0261 or come by 700 Dominik in College Station. 183tfn .YHOOP! Condos for rent. B.B. Scasta, Inc. 775-5870. 188120 SOUTHWEST VILLAGE One and two bedrooms avail able for immediate occupan cy. Call 693-0804 or come by the office at 1101 Southwest Parkway. 183tfn TOWNHOMES DUPLEXES for rent. Call John, Greg or Rick at 846-5701;846-5196. ARBOR SQUARE One and two bedroom furnished^ apartments available for im- mediate occupancy. Call 693-j 3701 or come by.1700 Southwest Parkway. j ’2 bdrm. 1.5 bath duplex. 10 minutes to campus. $350. Call B.B. Scasta, Inc. 775- 5870. i77tfo FOUND FOUND: HP 41CV calculator, owner’s initials J.J. Contact Steve Rutz, 260-5267. 24t5 LOST REWARD Red and white puppy. No tail. One blue eye. Green and leather collar. Hensel Park Skaggs area, 845- 7559 after 5. 25t5 SPECIAL NOTICE Dorm Scopes! Our high-quality telescopes have the large aperture re quired for long distance views with incredible detail. Com pact, stores easily in your dorm room! Free Literature: ASTRO-TECH, P.O. Box 2001, Ardmore, OK 73402. Abortions now less risky than birth, specialists say PRESBYTERIANS Aggie Supper $1.00 every Wednesday at A&M Church. 301 Church Street, 6p.m. Students and APARTMENT Man- agers, ATTENTION! Still have some openings. Earn top $$’s as your own boss without changing your already heavy schedule. FANTASTIC opportunity!! Need minimum 6 students per student dwelling, (apt., dorms, etc.) Call to day between 1-6p.m. for appoint ment. 846-8068 (If no answer, call 846-2562). 2 5t5 WANTED GOLFERS, BADMINTON and PICKLEBALL PLAY- ERSSCome to the IM-REC Sports Office, 159 East Kyle to sign up for your sport(s) today! Entries close Tuesday, Octo ber 4 at 7pm. For more infor mation call 845-7826 23t4 United Press International Boston — More and more women are undergoing abor tions, and the risk of death and serious complications from abortions is plummeting, thanks to improved techniques, resear chers say. Specialists at the Centers of Disease Control in Atlanta con clude from recent statistics that the risk of death from abortion is now seven times lower than the risk of death as a result of childbirth. “Methods and practices have improved so much,” said Dr. David Grimes of the CDC in a report in the New England Jour nal of Medicine. “It’s a combination of things. As more procedures are per formed, doctors are more prac ticed. We have safer methods now. And women are having abortions earlier in their pre gnancy. And generally the ear lier the abortion, the safer.” An estimated 1.2 million women have abortions each year in the nation — a third of them are teenagers. A recent new study reported that teenage girls, contrary to the opinion of many, actually have a lower death rate from abortion than older women. Re searchers say that the lower teen death rate presumably is be cause being younger, they can better handle any complications that arise. And CDC statistics showed that for women of all ages, the risk of death has fallen signifi cantly in the past decade. In 1972, 4.1 deaths were re ported per 100,000 legal abor tions. In 1978 it was down to below 2 reported deaths per 100,000 abortions. And for teenage girls the rate is 1.3 deaths per 100,000 abortions. Rates of serious complica tion, including the need for emergency surgery, also drop ped throughout the 1970s. “The new technology is ing to safer abortions,” Gi said. “We are led to believe that abortion is substantially safer,” Grimes said. “In the last decade there have been some 9 million abortions and doctors are get ting better at treating them with the more practice and also im proved technology.” Doctors say that 90 percent of abortions in the first three months are now performed via the suction-curettage method. In addition, doctorsarei new methods to open thecf including a Japanese seai stalk that stretches the with less danger than rods. Under that method, the cer vix or mouth of the womb is opened and a vacuum-type de vice sucks out the fetus. In ear lier times, doctors used forceps- type devices to remove the fetus. The report said abortion inducing labor throughdnij salt-solutions generally are used widely in later pregnaa Such labor-induced aboi have higher complication c “A very important thii remember too,” Grimes saic that women now generallt having abortions earlier ia pregnancy. And there are complications when it’s earlier.” sir Golf ball, tee tower erected; promotion starts CASH FOR OLD GOLD f Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold . jewelry, coins, etc. • The Diamond Room f Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 ROOMMATE WANTED Male or female nonsmoker to share large mobile home in quiet Bryan park. Own room. $175 + 1/2. Mark, 822-7648 after 8 or leave number at 779- 1510. 23t5 When Is Your Rental No Secret^ At All? WHEN OVER 30,000 PEOPLE READ IT IN THE BATTALION Get into circulation! Let our classified section display your rental services . . . it’s a fast, efficient way to do business! — 845-2611 United Press International RUNAWAY BAY — Because of the new water tower, golfing and guessing have become the primary diversions in Runaway Bay. Residents are celebrating the completion this week of a water tower and Mayor Ray Ratlif has launched a contest to publicize the town’s step forward. Because the water tower is on the town’s 18-hole golf co and is shaped and painted! golf tee and ball, Ratlif dei an appropriate contest. “I went to the engineers partment of Southern Mei ist University and they fij, out how many standard balls 1.75 inches in diameii will take to fill the giant ml tank,” said Ratlif, whoalsoi a business in the Dallassubii Addison. “I will give you a hint-ii the millions,” he said, “An; who can guess the right an or come close to it will win) weekend for two at an Add hotel, all expenses paid,” “We designed the tower 111 is because the residents plaj of golf,” said Ratlif. “Itisoii! 4 green of our golf com Roommate needed to share apartment. 2BR.-2bath. Washer and dryer. Kitchen and living room fiir- nished. $250 per month and share utilities. (409)764- 7934. 23t5 FOR SALE PERSONALS PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Abortion pro cedures and referrals—Free pregnancy testing. Houston, Texas (713) 524-0548. 187t76 Canon AE-1 with Vivitar 283 Flash and accessories $150.00 Panasonic recorder with accessories $30.00, 775-4696 Welcome to SERVICES BUSINESS ASSISTANCE SERVICES 696-9550 Resumes, Reports, Letters, Theses, Dissertations, Etc. We will beat the price of any word processing service in town. 18tl5 Shiny clean. 12x65 in Oak Forest. 3 bedroom 2 bath large porch and deck. Paved roads. Many ammenj- ties nice nice nice. Please call. Answering Service 696-0886. 21t c Oronqe Uuliuq HamburgersRanch Fries 1^ ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates^ Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. lOtfn Bargain 12x64 mobile home. Needs some repair $4,000.00. Call 822-7886. 21t5 Enclosed pull trailer/4x4x8/single axle. New tires. 1/2 ton/lights/license/hitch. Answersing service, 696-0886, $300. 21t5 Honda CM400E, extremely reliable motorcycle $925, 260-6306, David. 23t5 Gibson Les Paul guitar with case, excellent condi tion, call 775-0531. 24t5 — TYPING: i All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations, reports, essays! on our WORD PROCESSOR., Fast service. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services [ 100 W. Brookside , l 846-5794 Saltwater Aquarium fish and invertebrates from Car- rihean. and Pacific. 693-9689. 14TW. ' 25” Trek bicycle loaded. $500, talk price, 846-4473. 2412 POST OAK MALL Now Introducing: Strawberry Yogurt Julius. It’s a natural. fi ’82 Pontiac Firebird SE, one owner,Intellivision w/ Intellivoice, aquarium, weight bench, 357 Magnum, 775-7786 17110 >'1 I ’79 Ford Mustang air/power, 3dr, $1500, 846-9231 after 5 p.m. 18tl0 Word Processing — All papers, student discount, pickup and delivery -- 589-2697 (after 5). 14t20 2 bdrm 2 bath end unit. Blinds, fans, fence, $48,500. Call B.B. Scasta, Inc. 775-5870. 177tfn TYPING-Research papers, technical writing, re- ports, etc. Fast, accurate. 696-0914. 24t3 Fastest typing around. 20 yrs. experience means personalized service. 693-8537, 693- 6483. 13t30 '$200 down, 13 miles north of Bryan, 5-10 pretty rolling acres. $500 down, 25 acres. Country Land Company (713) 468-8501 anytime. it30 '^■W\U|I- i m)))*' Typing on word processing equipment. Experi enced. We understand form and style. Automated ClericaL Services, 693-1070. 15t58~ SERVICES i Buy one Strawberry Yo-i jgurt Julius and getj {another one of equal| ■ value free!! I Good only with coupon expires 10/12/83 Post Oak Mali only Near A&M, 2 bedroom unfurnished house. Newly redocorated, 696-4955. 24t3. Word processing and typing of reports, dissertations, resumes. EXECUTIVE TYPING-Theses, dissertations, reporti, resumes, letters, 693-9689. Close to Campus. 24tl0 SERVICES, 696-3785. TYPING — Theses, dissertations, reporsts, re- ■sumes, letters, 693-9689. Close to campus. H+KF