Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1983)
ruyt; iH/mt; danaiion/ivionaay, uciooer 6, ivoo AA ■McDon^d's MCDONALD’S (li. DRIVE-THRU WINDOW INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHTS BREAKFAST EVERY MORNING S\A H, At University Drive Now on S. Texas Ave. At Manor East Mall United Press Ii It remains to IM GAMEPLAN FIELD GOAL KICKIN BOWLING SINGLES: You’re sure to strike a frame full of fun with Bowling Singles! Entries open today and yopu may sign up for the qualifying round at the time you register. A $2.30 fee for the first two games of bowling will be collected at en try time. There are four levels of competition—Classes A, B, C, D. Join the action and sign up in 159 East Kyle today! Preseason Flag Football Tournament Winners FIELD GOAL KICKING CON TEST: Watch out Tony Frank lin, here comes the Intramural Field Goal Kicking Contest! Sign ups begin today in the IM- REC Sports Office. The con test will be held Wednesday, October 12 at 7:00 pm in Kyle Field. There is no entry fee, so whether your style is barefoot and fancy free or laced up and with a tee, sign up today in 159 East Kyle! OCTOBER SPECIAL EVENTS The Intramural-Recreational Sports Office has cooked up something special for Aggie sports enthusiasts in the month of October. What is short on time committment and long on sports action? You guessed it—Special Events!! Special Events are designed espe cially for Ags who have tight schedules and can only participate in a one-time activity that promises lots of sports action. The following Special Events are offered in October: Field Coal Kicking Contest; Punt, Pass, and Kick; and Putt-Putt Golf. ar the tracks m Texas Longhor mt at least they "hem. So are the ] and Arkansas although their ight eventually ifferent than tl But the Texas nd Houston Coi be going nowhei The first full outhwest Conf< roduced some rsand one mile esult, but of pi ,nce was the pla [horns — who b rom a lacklusi gainst North T< e the Rice Owh With a hug hand celebratin FLICKERBALL: It’s that time of year again! Flickerball en tries open today with Classes A, B, C, and Recreation. The cost is $10.00 per team and play begins Wednesday, Octo ber 19. The team managers meeting will be held Thursday, October 13 at 7:00 pm in 164 East Kyle and schedules may be picked up then. Remember! Dorms recieve points for Clas ses A,B, and C. BOGIES II L to R: Chris Brown, Walt Beasley, Rick Hall, Chuck Martin, Joe Schultz, Doug Williams, Lester Beaird, Chris Beasley lolks a little glim nan Edwin Simi ince of this weel lown with Oklaf The First Annual Preason Flag Football Tournament, sponsored by the Sports Officials Association, was won by Bogies II. Ninety-two men’s teams entered the weekend tournament which was held September 16 through September 18. Bogies II won the tournament by defeating six teams—Bombers Squad, Gopher Patrol, Thumpers, Scorpions, Dirty Laundry, and the 76’ers—for the championship. Players for Bogies II included (from left to right): Chris Brown, Walt Beasley, Rick Hall, Chuck Martin, Joe Schultz, Doug Williams, Lester Beaird, and Chris Beasley. Congratulations! The Field Goal Kicking Contest will be held on Wednesday, October 12 at 7:00 pm and Kyle Field is the place to be! Entries open today and [nTversary'ofd will be accepted until 7:00 pm at the event site § flexas, the Lor and ten competition is free. Each contestant will attenpt a field goal at increasing intervalsof 5 yards. Women begin at the 5 yard line and men start at the 10 yard line. The top four contestants will advance to the finals. Intramu ral-Recreational Sports will provide official footballs. Participants must furnish their own tees. Awards will be given in both men’s and women’s divisions for longest field goal and highest total yardage. High Bob PRESEASON VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT: Round up your buddies for some spiken’ good times with Intramurals! Sign up today for this single elimination Volleyball Tourna ment. The event will be held October 14 through October 16 with a $5.00 entry fee per team. A team picture will be awarded to the winners of each division. Schedules may be obtained at the team captains meeting October 13 at 5:45 pm in Rud der Tower. VOLLEYBALL: Get set for Bolleyball competition! Entries open today and the cost is $15.00 per team. There are four classes of competition and dorms recieve points for Clas ses A, B, and C. Grab some friends and sign up today in 159 East Kyle. Team captains will meet Thursday, October 13 at 5:15 pm ub 701 Rudder Tower. United Press Ini A'?/ Come try your hand at the Punt, Pass, and Kick Contest Wednesday, October 19,5:00 pm, at the Penberthy Intramural Complex. En- |Hamiin lost a si tries will be taken starting Monday, October 101" s i" g g fest g for ie s until 6:pm at the event site. Men’s and Bst Texas and Wt women’s divisions are offered. Participants will 1 be allowed one attempt at each activity, then Las high school the three activity scores will be totalled. The | n D f ens f prove ; top5 scorers will comete a second time tode- q‘ s 5 n | e °’ t r h a e n ; termine the winners. It’s free and Intramurals in over No. 6 mr will provide official footballs. Find your own tee and join us for a little punt, pass, and kick fun! Gig’em, Aggie style, at the Preseason Flag Football Tournament! AGGIE ALL-NITER WINNERS RACQUETBALL TOURNAMENT: Fernando Fonseca Lester Beard Brett Kendall PICKLEBALL SINGLES: Don’t get in a pickle, sign up for Pickleball Singles today! Tomorrow, October 4, is you last chance to enter. Play be gins Monday, October 10. Check outside of the Intramu ral Office for schedules after 2:00 pm on Thursday, October 6. The equipment will be fur nished by the Intramural Office and there’s no entry fee—two good reasons to hurry over to 159 East Kyle and get in volved! HANDBALL TOURNAMENT: Clint Talbot TABLE TENNIS TOURNEY: Nghia Nguyen BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT: AUCTION WINNERS: Kuan Tau Bruce Martin Ro Nicholas David Neo CONGRATULATIONS WINNERS!!! McDonald’s Intra mural Highlights is spon sored each Monday in the Battalion by your local McDonald’s Restaurants at University Drive, Manor East Mall and on Texas Avenue. Stories are written by Leslie Martin and mem bers of the Intramural- Recreational Sports Staff. Photos are by Tom McDon nell and Mark Riesz. Here’s your opportunity to “putt” some fun into your life. The Intramural Putt-Putt Golf Tourna ment will be held Wednesday, November 2 at 6:00 pm. Head over to Pooh’s Park Amuse ment Center, across from the water tower, at 1907 Texas Avenue South in College Station, The 36 hole contest will offer singles and dou bles competition in the men’s and women’s divisions, in addition to co-rec doubles. Entries open October 24, all fo your equipment will be privided, and for a $2.00 green fee you can have ball! issic, district 4-A wn. The district, irongest in the ee of the top 11 ited Press Interi poll, with pe ntender Odes ked fourth. Against Midlan Learn how to play Pickleball! A&]\ at In by "Showtime” GOLF SINGLES: There’a still time to putt on over to 159 East Kyle and enter Golf Singles. The deadline for entries is tomorrow, October 4, at 7:00 pm. You may sign up for a tee time at registration. Tee times will be available at 8 am, 11 am, and 2 pm beginning Thurs- day, October 6 through Wednesday, October 12. DOOR PRIZE WINNERS he Texas A&M irked improveme M Invitationa Imen’s team faree lent — the Wes A&M men’s co; fver the moon” v\ rth-seeded playe iting teammate IV , and 6-2. Jlhe men weren' pcket. Last week, i t University of Te four teams in tl But Greg Hill am ibles title at UT, time by Tarek E ithwest Louisian, -sman and Two Aggie All-niter Fun Run participants compete for the final few inches to the finish line.