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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1983)
Page 6/The Battalion/Monday, September 19, 1983 k Confession heard, defense begins case United Press International MOUNT PLEASANT — Lawyers representing accused murderer Calvin Loyd Padgett will try this week to overcome a confession by the defendant read in court as part of prosecutors’ closing arguments. Padgett, 28, is being tried for capital murder in the May 10, Pitcher of Beer All Day Any Day Alfredo’s 1982 slaying of Howard McClaf- lin, a eook at a Pizza Hut re staurant. The defense was to begin presenting its case Monday. McClaflin was killed along with fellow employees Shirley O’Bier Thompson and assistant manager George Dwain Landrum during a robbery. Padgett’s confession, which de fense attorneys tried to prevent from being introduced as evi dence to the jury on Friday, said he killed the three employees be cause he “couldn’t stand to see those people suffer.” State District Judge William R. Porter allowed the confession to he read in court after rejecting de fense attorneys’ claims that Padgett gave his statement in voluntarily. Padgett testified in the hearing that he cooperated with police be cause he feared he and his family might he harmed if he did not. However, Texas Ranger Brant ley Foster, who investigated the slayings, denied making any threats toward Padgett’s family. "I went to rob a pizza place, but I didn’t mean to hurt anybody, but I coiildn t stand to see those peo ple suffer,” Padgett’s statement said. ALFREDOS introduces THE LOCO BURGER You’d have to be Loco to pass up a deal like this. hot, juicy burger^- 7 made any way you want it. ,uo«\ L/ o ‘ ,, 50 A $ 1 Pitcher of Beer Miller, Miller Lite Lowenbrau Open All Day & Late Thur., Fri. & Sat. ON UNIVERSITY AT NORTHGATE 846-3824 Special session to be planned United Press International SACRAMENTO — Califor nia lawmakers, battling with the governor over the budget, met in a special session Sunday to discuss the problem of the state’s overcrowded prisons and the possibility of charging tui tion for the first time at com munity colleges. Lawmakers had hoped to already be home for the year, but they could not salvage a cru cial compromise plan that fiz zled last week when Assembly Democrats refused to accept Republican Gov. George Deukmejian s plan to impose fees at community colleges. They did not meet Saturday because of the Yom Kippur Jew ish holiday. Deukmejian had warned the legislators that he would sum mon them into special session Sund ay. The idt imatum was met with scorn. the regular session, Assembly Democrats were expected to agree to a compromise package of $108 million in state funds and $50-per-semester fees for the state’s financially strapped community colleges, possibly making the fees only tem porary. Deukmejian cut $234 million in community college funds from the state budget last July. The proposed fees would he the first since the system, which presently has 1.4 million stu dents, was created in 1910. The governor was also seek ing a program to speed con struction of new prison cells to alleviate overcrowding in the aging maximum security facili ties of Folsom and San Quentin. Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, D-San Francisco, said the governor’s order was a “waste of paper because Democratic legislative leaders had already decided to stay in session. The governor, however, still held out his threat, saying if work was not completed “satis- factorily, ” he would order a spe cial session to start Monday. For Sundav’s extension of Added pressure for quick re sults faced lawmakers because of their vacation plans. State Senate President Pro Tern David Roberti, D-Los Angeles, was among a handful of senators and Assembly members sche duled to leave for Europe. The legislature's three and one-half month recess had been scheduled to begin Thursday at midnight. Roberti threatened to resign his Senate leadership job and Assembh lawmakers traded sharp personal barbs on the floor when they instead had to meet Frida\ night. M READ Faster Than A Speeding Bullet EVELYN WOODJ \GRADUATE Leap Mountains Of Reading Material In A Single Bound! Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics can t teach you how to fly but we can teach you how to READ MORE, READ FASTER, and READ WITH GREATER UNDERSTANDING. We mean that LITERALLY Over ONE MILLION PEOPLE have used Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics and have dramatically TRIPLED THEIR READING SPEED I They've just as dramatically improved their CONCENTRATION, COMPREHENSION and RETENTION I Would you like to read Time or Newsweek in less than 30 minutes? Read a novel in less than an hour? Read a daily newspaper in a matter of minutes? Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics can give you this and MORE I As A Student: Cut your study time by two-thirds I In crease your recall, grade point average and your leisure time. In Business: Competition is fierce, whether in looking for a job or in keeping one. Because of the accelerating pace of our society, the individual has an almost insurmountable task to remain abreast in a specific business or profession. Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics will make you more productive on the job and make that pay increase and promotion possible. Plan to attend a free Speed Reading Lesson and find out for yourself that it is possible to read 3, 4, yes, even 5 times faster, with better comprehension! Make that move TODAY from an ordinary reader to an Evelyn Wood Super Reader I Plan On Attending A FREE 1-HOUR LESSON! Increase your reading speed as much as 100% on the spot! TODAY 4:30 or 7:30 p.m. The Community Center 1300 Jersey (Across from A&M Campus) EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS What’s Up MONDAY f s scM CLASS OF ’86:Wc will have food, photos, games, and musica the class picnic. Sept. 25 from 4 to 6 p. m. in the Grove'Tickets, on sale for $3 in the MSG. Also, an informative meeting is doled for 7 p.m. in 404 Rudder. MSC AGGIE CINEMA:There will he a general meetingtoniglil; 7 p.m. in 504 Rudder. New members are encouraged to a AGGIE ALLEMANDERS:The square dance class isiroin p.m. and the chib meeting will follow, from 9 to 10:30p.m. Mali the Pavillion. IM-REG SPORTS:Sign ups begin today at 8 a.m. in 159 K. Kyle the long driving contest and handball singles. ONE WHEELERSiNew members are welcome to the miTtiw every Monday at 5:30 p.m. in the Grove. (We will teachyuiia ride!) ' GLASS OF 85:T-shirts and bumper stickers are on sale in the Mi until Friday. BETA GAMMA SIGMA: 11 ie meeting is tonight at 6:30pan, inllftkg . Blocker (A&A). Refreshments will he provided. COLLEGE STATION JUDO CLUB:Registration forjmlodt ses, which begin Oct. 3 in the Lincoln Center Judo room, will available Monday and Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Salrii from 12 to 2 p.m. in the Lincoln Center Judo room. ContactSiia Dashner at 696-1033 for more information. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTERsAbibl study of the Psalms will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Univmili Lutheran Student Center. PHI THETA KAPPA ALUMNLWe will discuss initiation at meeting tonight in 607 Rudder at 7 p.m. JPRRRP^ Vliss MSC FREE U:\Ve will discuss committees and prepare forrecisti lion at 8 p.m. Meet in 216 MSC. CAMERA COM MITT EE: B ring your five best slides to ihqilrtB^^^ J of the month competition at 7 p.m. in 301 Rudder. For* information, contact Andrew McKav at 696-3813. DELTA Y MEETING:Jo Hudson is to speak on assertiveness the new officers will elected at the meeting tonight at6:30ir Rudder. All freshmen mav attend! STUDENT AGGIE CLUB:Sign-ups and payments for the tnpb wes’hybecomi This groe whooped quad in upcoming United Press I ATLANTIC Cl A'illiains, who the Texas Tech game have been extended to Friday. Also, ll frames for the certificates are in. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS:( -ome to the meeting and discuss tin for the year and enjoy ice cream at 8:30 p.m. in 231 MSC [roman to win th itle, stirred the u lunday by saying zed abortion. The 20-vear-ol Drunk driver ‘asleejj’ United Press International LONDON — Police woke Ro ger Gravelling to tell him his busi ness burglar alarm had been trip ped and on his was to his store, they charged him ss'itb drunken tlris ing. T was asleep. Gravelling, 44. said Wednesday in a Cambridge court, where he was cleared. 1 woke up, got a message to go and just got into the ear as a re flex, Gravelling said. It was the 'middle of the night, pitch(li Someone shouts emeigcnn, you react to that cmeigency." Gravelling told the court bad bad a glass of lager, agli wine and two large Scotches ing the evening before goinf bed. 1 he magistrates gave Cm ing an absolute discharge lire ol the special circumstanee case. CONOCO, INC. PETROLEUM PRODUCTS NORTH AMERICA MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ersity junior, \s if the nation’s acial barriers S sinning the cos t mt of bed Sund; if sleep and p ato a hectic sche dll travel 20,(XK .next year. After an earl ission on the b irunette, who ; ■lack woman to' fork title, sat d ith reporters ar (lear she does m >eauty queen.’ “fve never 1 leenandldon’ because that’s a: tree with," sa daughter of two ihblic school mi Williams wasl King herself aj: lageant winm PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, NORTH AMERICA WILL BE ON CAMPUS TO MAKE A PRE-RECRUITING PRE SENTATION. WE WILL DISCUSS OP PORTUNITIES ON OUR MANAGE MENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, ALL BUSINESS STUDENTS GRADUATING IN DECEMBER OR MAY ARE INVITED TO ATTEND: DATE: September 20, 1983 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: #404—RUDDER TOWER 4^ BUFFET OPEN SATURDAY 11:00 A.M. TILL GAMETIME. Serving Luncheon Buffet Sandwich and Soup Bar Mezzanine Floor Sunday through Friday 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. ^ Delicious Food Beautiful View Open to the Public ^ “Quality First”