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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1983)
Page 12/The Battalion/Monday, September 19, FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 DIRECTORY INFORMATION To comply with the requirements of the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974,” Texas A&M University must periodically announce publicly the policies and procedures implementing the act. Additional information is available from the Office of the Registrar. The different types of student records are maintained in various university offices and the chief administrator in each of these offices is responsible for them. Generally, with certain exceptions, the law provides that students and former students have the right to review their records, request explanations concerning them, obtain copies and challenge records which they feel are inaccurate, misleading or otherwise inappropriate. The challenge procedure includes a full and fair opportunity for the student to present relevant evidence at a hearing. The law also provides that students may waive their right of access to confidential letters of recommendation and may also grant permission to release certain personally identifiable information. The exception to this law, i.e., records not accessible to students, include educational personnel records in the sole possession of the author, records maintained for law enforcement purposes, employ ment records of non-students, records maintained by a physician, psychiatrist or psychologist and financial records of a student’s par ents. The law also provides that in addition to University employees having a “legitimate educational interest," certain other governmental and quasi-governmental agencies and parents certifying that a student is carried as a dependent for income tax purposes may have access to student records. The University can release “directory information” (such as name, address, telephone listing, major field of study, classification, date and place of birth, participation in activities and sports, height and weight of athletic team members and degrees and awards received, etc.); however, students may request that this information be withheld. To request that such “directory information" be withheld by the University from public disclosure through such means as certification of enrollment, the campus directory, address and telephone lists for university organizations, etc., a student must complete and sign the proper from in the Office of the Registrar. The student must realize that approximately one month is needed to remove this information from materials already in circulation. However, the campus directory is printed only once a year, and after printing, no informaion can be removed. The student is responsible for renewing this request each Septem ber, and the validity of the requests extends from the date of the request to the following September 1st. Individuals who have additional questions concerning the “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974” or who wish to withhold “Directory Information” must contact the Office of the Registrar, Texas A&M University by Friday, September 23, 1983. ATO1TI&H LIBERAL ARTS MAJORS Co-OP Positions Available at the Smithsonian Institution Conservator Trainee—Any Liberal Arts Major Librarian Student Trainee— Graduate student in Library Science Historian Student Trainee— Graduate student in American His tory Writer/Research Assistant— Graduate or exceptional Under graduate Student Research Assistant—Graduate or exceptional Undergraduate Student Museum Technician/Aid—Any Lib eral Arts Student Several positions are available for American History Majors. For de tails call 845-7814 or come by 420 Harrington Tower. I3t5 ATTENTION PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY MAJORS Probation internships will be open this spring or summer semester in Bryan. Call 845-7814 for more in formation. FOR RENT NEW 2-STORY TOWNPLEXES Woodway Village 2 Bedroom, V/2 bath, W/D connec tions, major appliances included, drapes furnished. $425. CONVENIENT TO TAMU— IN COLLEGE STATION JOE COURTNEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. 696-5487 1812 Welsh #110, College Station CALL FOR THIS AD AND OTHER HOUSING INFORMATION. ATTENTION JOURNALISM STUDENTS A CO-OP position will be available this spring or summer semester with a local paper in a town just South of Houston. If you have at least one semester on the Battalion or comparable newspap er experience, and want to be treated as one of the staff, not just a temporary worker at a paper, call 845-7814. tits ATTENTION ALL PRE-LAW STUDENTS Apply now for Legal CO-OP positions that are available this coming spring or summer semester. We have positions that will be open in Austin, Houston and Dallas. If you are interested in these, or other locations, call 845-7814 or come by 420 Harrington Tower. ATTENTION RUSSIAN LANGUAGE MAJORS A position is available this spring with the National Security Agency. You must have completed at least one year’s study of Russian to be eligible. Call 845-7814 for more information. nts NEW MINI WAREHOUSES Sizes available 5 x 5 to 10x30. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 696-5487 ATTENTION HISTORY MAJORS Several CO-OP positions are available at the Smithsonian Institution for grad uate or undergraduate students. Areas of concentration desired are History of Art, American History (especially folk- life), and the History of Science and Technology. For more information, call 845-7814 or come by room 420, Har rington Tower. ATTENTION ALL LIBERAL ARTS MAJORS CO-OP positions are available this coming spring and summer semesters in Marketing, Journal ism, and Technical Writing posi tions throughout Texas. Call 845- 7814 or come by room 420, Har rington Tower for further informa tion. 1115 ATTENTION ALL LIBERAL ARTS MAJORS CO-OP positions are available in College Station with a major de partment store. If you are interest ed in a career in retailing, call 845- 7814 for more information. ATTENTION ALL MAJORS Political internships open this spring or summer semester in Washington, D.C. Call 845-7814 or come by room 420 Harrington Tower for further information. 1115 UNIVERSITY ACRES— $260 and under Country Living—geared to stu dents. 1 and 2 bedroom Duplexes and Fourplexes. Open spaces. Pets welcomed. Owner -maintained grounds. JOE COURTNEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. 696-5487 1812 WELSH #110, COLLEGE STATION Southwest crossing $400 and Up DUPLEXES—NEW PRELEASING AVAILABLE 2 and 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, w/D connections, major appliances, drapes, fenced yards. Hickory Drive off Southwest Parkway, C.S. JOE COURTNEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. 696-5487 1812 Welsh #110, College Stationisotfn BARCELONA One and two bedroom apartments available for fall/spring. Call 693- 0261 or come by 700 Dominik in College Station. 183tfn PRACTICALLY NEW 2 bdrm 2 bath duplex, large living area w/separate di ning room, all kitchen appliances w/ w/d connections. $375/mo., $200 de posit, 2203 Crest St., C.S., 696-7714 or 693-0982 after 6 p.m. 696-4384 or 693-4783. 188tfn FREE RENT Dorm Room Crowded? Apartment Crowded? Tired of your roommates? Free apartment for the fall if you rent now for the spring, (limited number available) A&M students only. FOR DETAILS COME BY COURTYARD APARTMENTS 600 University Oaks College Station House For Rent, 1417 Carver St., Like to rent to two students for full year. Call Waco, 817-772-9234, 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. availability in November. 9t5 2 bdrm. 1.5 bath duplex. 10 minutes to campus. $350. Call B.B. Scasta, Inc. 775- 5870. 177tfn Battalion Classified 845-2611 FOR RENT HELP WANTED Four-plex near TAMU C.S., 1 bdrm. $260 a month, water paid, W/D connections, all electric, NO PETS! M-F. 779-1613 177tfn Responsible quick to learn, inter ested in a challenging job? Sever al positions open. Xerox or typing experience good. ON THE DOUBLE, 331 University. 10t3 Deluxe 4-plex with fenced yard. Spacious 2 bdrm. IV2 bath, lots of closet and cabinet space. All ap pliances including washer/dryer. Very nice neighborhood. 693- 8685. 183tfn Models needed for advertising agency. Men, women and children of all ages. Please send current photo and information to: P.O. Box 2755, Bryan, Texas 77805. 1115 ARBOR SQUARE i One and two bedroom furnished' apartments available for im mediate occupancy. Call 693- 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn WANTED DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24tfn SOUTHWEST VILLAGE One and two bedrooms avail able for immediate occupan cy. Call 693-0804 or come by the office at 1101 Southwest Parkway. 183tfn EASTER ONION needs you! Now hiring Singing Messengers, Belly Dancers and Male Dancers. Call for an audition, 260-9829. into Apartment maintenance and material ban- SPECIAL NOTICE dler. Plumbing experience necessary. 260- 9738 Barbara. 12tl() SWC roundup Longhorn victory overshadows rest of league s weekend performances DECEMBER ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO-ORDER YOUR GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS ROOM 217. MSC 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM MSC STUDENT FINANCE CENTER MONDAY — FRIDAY JUNE 15, 1983 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 stis The Aggie All-Niter is coming... Fri day, September 23 from 6:30 p.m. to 3 a.m. Carnival games, Tournaments, Sport Clubs Exhibitions, Give-Aways (Lots of Prizes), Country Western Dance, and much, much MORE! For further information contact IM-REC Sports, 159 East Kyle, 845-7826. 13t5 DANVERS Now hiring part-time Friday & Saturday 9 p.m.-3 a.m., Saturday & Sunday, 6 a.m.-2 p.m. Come by in person after 2 p.m.l89tfn United Press International Among those standing around a small television set in the press box at Oklahoma’s Owen Field, watching with interest as the Texas Longhorns dismantled Au burn, was a fellow who did a little coaching at one time and now dou bles as athletic director and televi sion commentator. And to Arkansas athletic dire ctor Frank Broyles, the things he was seeing on the small screen came as little surprise. “Does that shock you, Frank,” someone asked him as the third- ranked Longhorns rolled to a 20-0 lead. “Oh, the score might surprise me a little,” Broyles said. “But that defense doesn’t. Texas’ de fense is everywhere. They’ve got the kind of defense that can shut you out.” The Longhorns did not shut out Auburn last Saturday, settling for a 20-7 win, but they did every thing else — including pumping themselves full of confidence and showing a large television audi ence that they were just as good as preseason hype said they might be. It was the first outing for Texas, and first outings are always filled with doubt — especially when a team has been beset by injuries and has to play on the road against a club which was picked by many to challenge for the national title. “It was our day folks,” said Texas coach Fred Akers. There were no arguments. “The first half was an embarras- ment,” countered Auburn coach Pat Dye. “We weren’t ready to play. I don’t know if we were scared or what.” Texas marched down the field on its second possession to set the tone of the date, got a big play from its special teams to set up a field goal and then produced another quick score on an 80-yard pass from Rick Mclvor to Kelvin Epps. Akers, who had kept everyone Rob Moerschell scored Texas’ first touchdown UT’s Rick Mclvor hopes to continue QB switch in doubt as to who would start at quarterback, alternated Mclvor and Rob Moerschell. Every string Akers pulled seemed to be the right one. “I hope we stick with that (changing of quarterbacks),” said Mclvor. “I feel like we ll do it until we come to some problems. And I don’t see any big problems. " A few hours after Texas regis tered its impressive victory, the remainder of the SWC teams in action went about producing a 5-2 intersectional record for the weekend. Few of the perform ances were impressive. Arkansas displayed some good defense of its own and a conserva tive offense in downing New Mex ico, 17-0; Baylor appeared listless in downing Texas-El Paso, 20-6; and Houston continued to have turnover problems and had its hands full before defeating I^amar, 42-35. On the negative side, the Rice Owls lost for the 15th consecutive time — falling to LSU, 24-10, after fighting the Tigers to a 3-3 half time deadlock. And TCU fumbled its way to a 20-3 setback against Kansas State. The strangest game in grouping had to be Houstonsii test with the Lamar Cardinali team given little chance competitive with the Cougars Houston rolled up 429yarl the ground, but fumbledsixta and lost four of them. Bui it the Cougars’ defense that m peeted to be a force this year in the last two games Houstoil surrendered 64 points. Next week’s activities ture two league games —tk to be played since Houslons over Rice on Sept. 1. Baylor, which is one o( unbeaten teams in the cor ence, will host the Texas Teck Raiders — who took last wee following their season loss at the Air Force. AndS! ranked 17th and fresh from week as well, will visit TCU Texas will flex its musdn) home for the first time next day against North Texas Texas A&M will host Okl; State. Houston travels to OrtJ and Arkansas takes on MississJ in Jackson. Won inis! Battalion St The Texas A&M ' yball team won twt atches this week mthem Illinois Uni iment in Carbonda On Friday, the f issouri in the initi scores of 13-15, 12 Their luck chang ly, when they defl am exa* General cleaning for dr's office. M/F 12p.m.-2p.m. Apply at 1775 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan. 187tfn SERVICES Bookkeeper for Dr.’s Office. Experienced or College required. Excellent pay and benefits. Apply at 1775 Briarcrest Dr. 182tfn DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE September 20 & 21 Registration September 20 5 p.m. at Ramada Inn FEE: $18.00 CASH For more Information call 693-8178/846-1904 13t2 Stoudt leads Pittsburgh past struggling Houston United Press Intel ANAHEIM, Cali ish hit a two-rur out in the ninth ir to rally the Texas Rai lory over the Cali ter they blew a 5-C Billy Sample sin Rcey, 0-1, and Pa uth homer of the ye Rimer of Victor Cru BUSINESS ASSISTANCE SERVICES Wordprocessing, Typing, Trans cription, Resumes, Dependable Professional Service, 696-9550. “We will beat the price of any wordprocessing service in town.” 3tfn ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, thesis, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop ON THE DOUBLE, 331 University Drive, 846-3755. iotfn Female Bartender, Hostess & Waitresses, SILVER DOLLAR, 846-4691 or 775- 7919. 188tfn United Press International HOUSTON — Quarterback Cliff Stoudt marched the Pitt sburgh Steelers 90 and 80 yards to touchdowns in the third quarter, capping the second one with his first scoring pass of the season, to rally the Steelers to a 40-28 win over the Houston Oilers Sunday. FOR SALE MEXICAN DRESSES CLEARANCE SALE $24.95 ALFREDO’S 509 University Drive, C.S., TX It was Houston’s 10th consecu tive loss. Placekicker Gary Ander son kicked four field goals in the first half as Stoudt, starting his third game in place of injured Ter ry Bradshaw, was ineffective mov ing the Steelers into the end zone in the face of a fierce Oilers’ goal line defense. 2 bdrm 2 bath end unit. Blinds, fans, fence, $48,500. Call B.B. Scasta, Inc. 775-5870. 177tfn TYPING. All kinds. Let us type your propos-j als, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services 100 W. Brookside I 846-5794 satfiy 1981 Suzuki GS450E, low miles, excellent condition, helmet, $850.00, evenings, 693- 8308. nt6 Atari 2600 plus six cartridges, $150.00. Call 775-4606 after 6. Ilt3 Fastest typing around. 20 yrs. experience means personalized service. 693-8537, 693- 6483. 13t30 $200 down, 13 miles north of Bryan, 5-10 pretty rolling acres. $500 down, 25 acres. Country Land Company (713) 468-8501 anytime. it30 But with a precision short pas sing game mixed with occasional bursts by Franco Harris, Stoudt used 13 plays and eight minutes on the opening drive of the second half in route to a 6-yard Harris scoring run, and used eight plays and four minutes on the next pos session that ended in Walter Abercrombie’s 30-yard touch down reception. Oilers speedy kick returner Carl Roaches ran 97 yards with the Steelers’ second kickoff of the game for a touchdown and a 7-3 lead, but from that point until the game was decided early in the 4th quarter, Houston’s opportunities were stopped by four Steelers’ in terceptions of passes thrown by Archie Manning. Anderson kicked field goals of 49, 35, 20 and 22 yards in the first half. He did not get a chance to try for a club record-setting fifth field goal. The Oilers scored late on one- yard scoring runs by Larry Mor- iarty and Earl Campbell and a 28- yard pass from Manning to wide receiver Herkie Walls. In the closing minutes, Aber crombie dashed 50 yards for a touchdown. Steeler safety Ron Johnson drifted in front of a Manning pass at the Pittsburgh goal line to stop a Houston drive in the second quar ter. Other interceptions by t nerbacks Donnie Shell andS | Washington led directly to And son field goals, and in the foil’ (juarter the Steelers’ defetl scored on its own. Linebacker Bryan Hint caught a Manning pass that! fleeted off the hands of Oik tightend Dave Casper, and He le ran 14 yards for a toucbdn that made the score 33-7 Stoudt passed for 204 oft Steelers’ 464 yards by comply 16 passes in 27 attempts. Harris gained 115 yards t rushes to move within 34 y the second leading rusher inS tional Football League histt [ Handball Singles O.J. simpson. hands full of fun a. The Steelers’defense heldf swi " gin i Campbell to 40 yards rushing ) ) ^ 13 carries. Manning passed for 272yak I faculty, staff and spe so come to 159 E , - - r . A1 ,« entry form Monday providing most of the 0* Play begjns Mond offense, but he was intercept four times, sacked sixtimesfoi yards in losses and forcedtofe [ hie once. WASHER. Need to sell. $50, 693-7487 13tl TYPING. Fast, accurate service. IBM selectric. Near campus. Reasonable rates. 696-0914. I2t5 Top schoolboy teams win ROOMMATE WANTED Typing, experienced, fast, accurate, all kinds 822-0544. isstfa WORD PROCESSING: Papers, reports, dissertations, etc. Fast, accurate, reason able, 846-6200. 10tl3 Male roommate needed. 2 bedroom 2.5 bath, Sutters Mill Condo, $175.00, sharing a room. 764-9348. Ilt5 PERSONALS TYPING from $1 per page, experienced, accurate, near campus. 846-3823. 10t5 Word processing and typing of reports, dissertations, resumes. EXECUTIVE SERVICES, 696-3785. Ut20 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Abortion pro cedures and referrals—Free pregnancy testing. Houston, Texas (713) 524-0548. 187t76 United Press International The third weekend was a charm for the state’s five No. 1 teams, but a rash of upsets bedeviled several others in the United Press Inter national Texas high school football rankings. 13, in its third straight win over a Class 2A school, and No. 2 Bre- mond outclassing Calvert, 28-0. HELP WANTED LOST Duplex one bedroom $225.00, two bed room, $250.00 after 5 p.m., 696-2985. 10t5 i r FOR RENT WHOOP! Condos for rent. Inc. 775-5870. d.d. scasta, 188t20 Dorm or student apartment resi dents. ATTENTION! Earn top $’s as your own boss without chang ing your already heavy schedule. FANTASTIC opportunity!! Need minimum 6 students per dwelling (apts., dorms, etc.) call today be tween 1-6 p.m. for appointment. 846-8068 (If no answer call 846- 2562).■ I2t5 HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently hiring route carriers & solicitors for immediate fall semester openings. Pay ranges between $400-$600 per month plus gas allowance. For appt please call Julian or Andy at 693-2323 or 693-7815 after 2:00 p.m. Accepting applications for experi enced waitpersons at Pacific Coast Highway Restaurant, 3231 East 29th, Bryan. Apply Tuesday and Thursday, 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. isetfn LOST: Gold, Swiss made watch: White round face, with solid band. 260-6071, RE WARD. 10t5 LOST: Male Leopard puppy by Aerobics Track. Gray with white splotches, with one glass eye, 764-8574. 13tl San Antonio Judson, top- ranked in Class 5A, had no trouble defeating San Antonio E. Central, 36-0, to solidify its hold on No. 1, and in Class 4A, Willowridge con tinued to roll toward a second straight state championship with a 34-0 win over Brazosport. Two matchups paired ranked teams. Defending state champ Beaumont West Brook, ranked No. 4, edged Galveston Ball, ranked No. 7, 14-10, in a Class 5A struggle. McKinney, 28-27, and No. 90 sicana was tied by Jacksoniii 21-21. In Class 2A, No. 6 Riverct fell to Mount Vernon, 26-13, No. 7 Hull-Daisetta losi Shepherd, 33-23. In the other battle between ranked teams, Groveton, ranked No. 2 in Class 2A, had a surpris ingly easy time against Diboll, No. 5 in Class 3A, winning 34-8. WANTED CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center In Class 3A, Littlefield clob bered Slaton 48-6. Panhandle, top-ranked in Class 2A, cruised by Canadian, 30-7. The losses by Rivercresl Hull-Daisetta will open the* for new teams among theCfc top 10, and a prime contenj should be Hamlin, which steamrolled three straight op! nents. The Pied Pipers Fri* crushed Albany, 49-0. In iff two games, Hamlin beat S# ford, 20-0, and Merkel, 57-0 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 urn And in Class A, the dogfight atop the rankings continued, with No. 1 Wink beating Jal, N.M., 25- Diboll was the only ranked team in Class 3A to lose, but in Class 4A, three teams saw un beaten, untied records soiled. Lubbock Estacado, ranked No. 5, fell to Midland, 14-13, sixth- ranked Rockwall was dropped by Through three contests, Pied Pipers are averaging points per game and the 0 other more amazing statistic the team might be running h Eddie Bolden’s output - yards in three games. with 3 skill levels league. Handball S’ Long Driving Ci Here’s your chance you can hit that littl test will be held W tember 28, 5:00 P\ range and entries \ that time. It’s free : more information in Office beginning M her 19. Now you know irm'utfcky Now accepting applications PADRE CAFE, Culpepper Plaza. Apply in per son. 1115 Cocktail Waitresses wanted. Silver Dollar, 846-4691 or 775-7919. 181tfn ’ < ad United Press International The life expectancy in the Un ited States is 70 years for men and 78 vears for women. Recurring Headaches? By Dr. Stewart Stephenson Suffering from throbbing pain, stiffness in the neck, nausea, dizziness, eye and ear problems (spots in front of eyes, occasional ringing in ears), nervousness, insomnia or chronic tiredness The above problems could lead to more serious complications or even a nervous breakdown if not corrected promptly. These symptoms indicate a great possibility that there are spinal fixations with nerve generation. Dr. Stephenson seeks the exact location of these spinal fixations and corrects them through scientific healing. The treatments correct the cause, not cover up the effect The Stephenson Chiropractic Oflice asks "Why be sick when you can he well again." To Mod out It your problem Is one that can be helped by Chiropractic, pick up the tele phone now and call lor an appointment with Dr. Stewart 0 Stophanson. phone 779-1555 now Stewart D. Stephenson, D.C., P.C. CHIROPRACTIC ARTS CENTER 1775 Briarcrest Dr. & E. 29th St. Bryan, Texas 779-1551 Long Drivim Aggie-All-N iter—T1 all night but the . tournament entries ball, volleyball, ra handball entries clos tember 20. The Age kick off Friday, Sepl schedule of all the ; obtained in 159 Eas