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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1983)
Thursday, September, 15 1983/The Battalion/Page 9 House passes alien rider AGGIELAND AWARDS faimed by the Jroup. le Police departmeii only the popi oity limits, thehai >* Kroup utilizes tie within the Jacloon Metropolitan St* The FBI report h population ] nt when theSMSAis he population junpi he population wife i its was used to deter- lurder rate, itactui “d from 20.3 to 25i K) residents. Look at this!! staff photo by John Mukely iop OX® i, and ies. and see in one* nd Dis- Bill Scmidkc, a sophomore management major from Dallas shows off his 1980 Chevy Monza in the Texas A&M Car Club show Wednesday. The club passed out free Coke and Dr. Pepper at the Memorial Student Center fountain during the show. .m. United Press International FORT WORTH — An interna- nally known Soviet pianist, who ^appeared Sept. 3 while on a Buropean tour, plans to defect to |lie United States, said a Fort /orth family which plans to spon- him. | “He (Alexander Toradze) said he basically had no choice because il was impossible for him to con- |nue to work or conduct his pro- (ssional and artistic life” under jliviet controls, said Mary Byrne, lose family befriended Toradze luring his U.S. visits. PShe said Toradze, 31, who won the silver medal in the 1977 Van libumcompetion in Fort Worth, 'as traveling from Italy to Spain iith the Soviet broadcasting sys tem orchestra when he dis appeared. The Soviet Embassy in Madrid has refused comment on Toradze’s disappearance, but Mrs. Byrne said Toradze had requested a per manent refugee visa to the United States, and her family had agreed to host him during the settlement period. During his visits to the United States, “We became close friends and he became almost a part of our family,” she said. “He is very peo ple oriented, and at the same time, when he works, he works with tremendous seriousness.” In 1978 and 1979, Toradze toured the United States with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra and was widely acclaimed as a bril liant young Soviet star, she said. pnuaiinuuj ■ TUESDAY DISC NITC H|i FRIDAY STUDENT DISC I D CINEMA HI* 8 00- 10:00 "NIGHTMARES” (R) '•NATIONAL 7,b - 3X LAMPOON VACATION" (R) 7 30-9 40 “HERCULES” (PG) CINEMA III Post Oak Mail J500Jiarv«^l«Bd > 764jB616|__ 7:30-9 30 “STAYING ALIUE”(PG) ‘STRANGE BREW” (PG) ft •7:45-9.45 S; RISKY BUSINESS” (R) >> 21 BUCKS BUYS A LOT OF BUBGERS, BEER, illage Of our village uctible com ommittee >pt- | J Yes! Your dorm costs may include local calls from your phone - but if you want to make long distance calls, it’ll cost you an extra $21 for hook-up!, GTE. That’s what they charge. STAR TEL can get you long distance for less lowest rates - without a hook-up charge! up to 50% less than GTE’s Start STAR TEL today - start saving tonight! CALL 779-2830 NOW 1313 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan, Texas United Press International WASHINGTON — The House Tuesday approved an amendment that would authorize up to $500 in federal funds to educate each illegal alien schoolchild enrolled in public schools. House Majority Leader Jim Wright and Rep. Kika de la Garza, both D-Texas, offered the amend ment to a bill to reauthorize sever al programs to aid the physically and mentally handicapped. The amendment, which passed on a voice vote, came as the House restored $1.6 billion in 1981 social program and education cuts by voting to extend and add funds for the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. They said the funding would help lessen the impact of a recent Supreme Court ruling mandating free education for children of illeg al aliens, especially in states such as New York, Florida, California and Ohio that have “considerable numbers” of illegal alien school- children. Opponents said the issue should be dealt with under cur rent legislation or under immigra tion reform legislation pending before Congress. “This is a temporary anesthetic that misdirects our attention from a time bomb,” said Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill. The measure supported by Gov. Mark White and congress men from several states provided only one-fifth of the financial bur den of educating the children of illegal aliens, supporters said. “Many of the school districts that have been impacted are the poorest of the poor and this is one way to assist them,” de la Garza said. ENGRAVING Trophies • Plaques • Ribbons • Badges Plastic Signs & nameplates 1846-2376 SKAGGS CENTER^ ^ First Presbyterian Church 1100 Carter Creek Parkway, Bryan 823-8073 Dr. Robert Leslie, Pastor Rev. John McGarey, Associate Pastor SUNDAY: Worship at 8:30AM & 11:OOAM Church School at 9:30AM College Class at 9:30AM I Bus from TAMU Krueger/Dunn 9:10AM Northgate 9:15AMI Youth Meeting at 5:00PM Nursery: All Events r§ SCHULMAN THEATRES MON-FMLY NITE SCH.8 TUE-FMLY NITE MGII Soviet defector to be tioused in Fort Worth SCHULMAN6 775-2463 775-2468 2002 E. 29th 7:159:45 MR. MOM " 7:20 9:50 EASY MONEY 7:30 9:55 TRADING PLACES " ’'7:25 9:40 PORKY’S It 7:25 9:40 WAR GAMES 7:10 9:35 FLASH DANCE MANOR EAST III 822-8300 MANOR EAST MALL 7:20 9:55 RETURN OF THEJEDI Jordache and MSC Town Hall present AIR SUPPLY in concert September 23 8:00 p.m. G. Rollie White Coliseum Tickets: 8 9.50, *9.00, *8.00 eneral public, beginning September 5. On sale to the 7-25 9 45 THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER 7:25 9:40 METALSTORM SKYWAY TWIN 822-3300 2000 E. 29th EAST WAVELENGTH BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS WEST SWEET TEMPTATIONl SUPER FLIRTS BOSS BIRD TAKES AVOW. swear that you, ah say you, will be dee-lighted with Tinsley’s Chicken ’n Rolls. You have mah word on it. BOSS BIRD Plump, flavorful chicken cooked up light ’n crispy in the natural goodness of pure vegetable oil. Fresh rolls baked from scratch (we were the first). Lots of real country honey—not those piddly little packets of artificial stuff. Hones t-to-gosh brewed tea, iced to a refreshing chill. Plus extras like cole slaw, potato salad, big french fries, and jalapeno peppers. That’s the terrific kind of meal you’ll find at Tinsley’s Chicken ’n Rolls. Ask any body if it isn’t so. Ask Boss Bird. J 2 Pieces of Chicken and 2 Rolls 95$ Delicious light 'n crispy chicken and fresh-baked rolls. Offer good at all participating Tinsley'sChicken'n Rolls. Coupon expires: 9/22/83 ” 1905 Texas Ave., 693-1669 705 N. Texas Ave., 822-2819 512 Villa Maria Rd., 822-5277 10 Pieces of Chicken and 10 Rolls $4.69 Delicious light 'n crispy chicken ! and fresh-baked rolls. Offer good at all participating Tinsley'sChicken 'n Rolls. Coupon expires: 9/22/83 1905 Texas Ave., 693-1669 705 N. Texas Ave., 822-2819 512 Villa Maria Rd., 822-5277, B Chicken ’n rolls * B Chicken ’n rolls