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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1983)
Page 20/The Battalion/Thursday, September, 15 1983 SPECIAL OF THE DAY AIX YOU CAA EAT FARM RAISED CATFISH OR CHICKEN FRIED STEAK ONLY *5.95 Also, Plate Lunch Specials! Choice of meat, choice of fresh vegetable, dessert, coffee or tea. £3.95 Townshire Shopping Center 3025 Texas Ave. 775-7642 Judge indicts ex-oil boss r% 2 OFF I I I I I I FAST, FREE DELIVERY* $2.00 off any large pizza, or $1.00 off any medium pizza. Hurry—this special offer expires soon. One coupon per party per visit at participating Pizza Hut K restaurants. -Hut 501 UNIVERSITY DR. PH. 260-9060 GOOD THROUGH | United Press International MEXICO CITY — A federal judge indicted on fraud a former Petroleum Workers Union offi cial, who charged he was abducted in Texas by two hired gunmen and turned over to Mexican author ities. District Court Judge Jorge Reyes Tayabares ruled Tuesday that “sufficient evidence exists to formally indict” Hector Garcia Hernandez on charges he embez zled one billion pesos, worth $700,000 at the current exchange rate. Salvador Barragan Camacho, top boss of the oil workers union, accused Garcia Hernandez of embezzling the union funds when Hernandez was in charge of edu cation and welfare for the labor organization. Garcia Hernandez in turn ac cused Barragan Camacho, who also is a senator, of issuing the orders to misappropriate the funds and said he turned the money over to Barragan Camacho in cash. The case took on international implications last week when two gunmen, who claimed they were hired by Barragan Camacho, drag ged Garcia Hernandez from his McAllen condominium and drove him 10 miles across the border in his own car, McAllen detectives said. The kidnappers turned him over to police in Tampico, 200 miles northeast of Mexico City. (S' SEPT. 29, 1983 A judge ruled Monday that the two gunmen would be freed provi sionally after posting bail of $160 each, saying that they had cap tured Garcia Hernandez in the Mexican border town of Matamor- os and not in Texas. In another development con nected to the powerful Petroleum Workers Union, questions con tinued over the death of leader Oscar Pancardo Torres in a traffic accident near Poza Rica, Mexico last week. Pancardo Torres and a secretary died in the head-on crash with a tractor-trailer, while the driver died of a gunshot wound to his head. First reports said the shot was fired before the accident, a subse quent report said Pancardo Tor res’ bodyguards killed the driver after the accident, while police au thorities said Monday that the driver committed suicide right af ter the car crash over consterna tion about the death of Pancardo Torres. Congress began sessions Tues day to study a new presidential proposal to increase Mexico’s ac cess to international credit and to mint new coins to replace those outmoded by inflation. The government said the in creased contributions to the Inter national Monetary Fund and two international development banks would be a signal to the interna tional financai community that Mexico is coming out of its worst economic crisis in 50 years. coupor 1983 I n K Pizza Hut, Inc. *Northj»att» Area and TAMU Campus 1 20 cent cash redemption r 1 $ 2 OFF I I I I I I FAST, FREE DELIVERY* $' $2.00 off any large pizza, or $1.00 off any medium pizza. Hurry—this special offer expires soon. One coupon per party per visit at participating Pizza Hut* restaurants. -Hut 501 UNIVERSITY DR. " PH. 260-9060 I GOOD THROUGH | SEPT. 29, 1983 ne. Not valid in combination with any other offer. 1 20 cent cash redemption 19$3 Pizza Hut, Inc. *Northgate Area and TAMU Campus Rhodes Scholarship 1983 Are you a senior with a 3.50 + average? If so, you may be eligible for a Rhodes Scholar ship. You could spend the next 2 years at Oxford University honing your career skills, widening your educational base. Contact Professor J. F. Reading Room 211; Physics 845-5073 or 696-9190 Deadline: September 30, 1983 1 a T 7 7 f 1 Around tom Guatemalan independence honored In commemoration of the Guatemala and Central Aim independence day, the Guatemalan Student Associafa tonight will present a video tape, “Unforgettable Guatemala and a speech by Dr. Henry C. Schmidt, associate professoil history. Schmidt, who specializes in Latin American shidin will speak on “Ideologicau Currents in Guatemala during Ini pendence.’’ The presentation will begin at 7 p.m. in and is free and open to the public. • | Wit WILD program offers certification The Wilderness Institute for Leadership Development, outdoors leadership training program designed to help student safely enjoy wilderness areas and to minimize man’s impactu these areas, offers leadership certification through the Wilds ness Education Association. In the WILD program, pai completing a four-week expedituon as specified by the Nation Standard Program will be certified as an outdoor leader, Established in 1982 by the MSC Outdoor Recreation Cos mattee, the WILD program meets regularly during the year offering speakers, films, trips and classes to its members, open to anyone interested; no previous experience is n« Applications and more information are available in the StudsJ Programs Office, 216 MSC. Freshmen win Worthing scholarship: Three Texas A&M freshmen from Houston are recipientsi E.E. Worthing Scholarships, presented annually to outstard ing students from the Houston Independent School District Jamyce Punch, Rodney Moaning and Craig Maki awarded the four-year, $4000 scholarships based on need.sch lastic ability, and leadership qualities. The E. E. WorthingTns Fund, from which the money is drawn, was established in and in its 30 years has given more than $3 million to HISD students finance their college education To submit an item for this column, come by The Battalion in 216 Reed McDonald. Vol 78 No. 192 So\ United Press li TOKYO — Japant oviet vessel lifting a ion craft Thursday, i he Soviets might has vreckage of the do anes jet, a Japanese In a dispatch fr emmost island of News Service said Agency ships sightec national waters near Sakhalin where the 1 lieved to have craslu iboard Sept. 1. Ife p,,, i helptij United Press In JERUSALEM — dinister Menachem init Thursday, sendi y his letter of resig iresident and pavi dreign Minister Yi tecome premier. “The prime minis s himself but be Jorced to remain in h that I fulfill this task, ary Dan Meridor sa ;he letter to Presider The brief ceremc side Herzog’s offieia’ ited three times for Time For Your Choice Bonus From Clinique "CHOICE MORSELS" Yours at no charge whatever with any Clinique purchase of 7.50 or more. But Begin’s ill ht shadowed the end c since his announcer to resign. 'Begin s doctors : sicaily ill but is sinki of those close to hitr A choice selection here—some of Clinique's most remarkable products. You get the unique skin-sweepa a new way to have silky skin all over, a great shade of blusher, and Clinique's hall-of-fame mascara, handy morsel-sizes that are never buyable, only available when it's Clinique Bonus time. ■ ■ X Greaseless Body Lofion. New, lightweight, non-oily, leaves skin smooth and unsticky. 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