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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1983)
Thursday, September, 15 1983/The Battalion/Page 11 by PauLDmneyer remaillS UnhappY Nmy norma l: Jr J despite pact’s approval 'y Sterilization now more xtpular than the pill United Press International NEW YORK — Sterilization is ,.1 , iw the most popular method of s like passports UMi , i r * v 1 . . *rtn control tor American cou- , pushing the pill to second lace for the first time, a new re nt says. “What U.S. Women Think and About Contraception,” pub- id in “Family Planning Pers- 'ctives” Tuesday, is based on a irvey of married and unmarried imen aged 18 to 44. Some 33.4 million women use me method to limit pregnancy, 3 million others use no |ethod, the survey found. The report published in the iumal of the Alan Guttmacher stitute, said sterilization is used ity cards can be fc; i recommends s the immigrant'sinral ie immigrant bee defray the costofi on department, iharing with states ■re the immigrantL ok recommends m!| on primarily skill-la he system throng! rd preference oe heavily weii skilled immij have relatives in H ites. gnancy. Sterilization is the most com mon choice among couples who have completed their families, the report said, noting that the 11.6 million sterilizations among such couples included 4.9 million vasectomies. Concern over side effects of the pill and simplification of steriliza tion operations helped make ster ilization the most popular method. Authors of the report are Dr. Jacqueline Darroch Forrest, dire ctor of research, and Stanley K. Henshaw, senior research associ ate, at the institute, an affiliate of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Questionnaires were mailed to 6,500 married women and 3,500 unmarried. Seventy-two percent of the married and 50 percent of the unmarried responded. United Press International DETROIT — Chrysler workers approved a new contract granting them immediate pay and benefit increases by a wide margin but United Auto Workers leaders say the rank and file is still unhappy with conditions at the No. 3 auto maker. Workers at 52 Chrysler installa tions Tuesday, by a 70 percent vote, ratified a new two-year con tract giving them an immediate $1 an hour raise and eventual parity with the other Big Three auto makers. However, the margin among assembly workers was only about 68 percent, far below predictions made early in the day that the pact would receive support by a 4-1 margin. Also voting on the contract were parts workers, office and clerical workers and engineers, all of whom approved it by greater margins. UAW Vice President Marc Stepp said the narrower margin of approval among production work ers should send a signal to Chrys ler management to “take note of the conditions in the plants. ” “It tells me that the workers want the money we have negoti ated for them, but it also tells me that they’re unhappy and again, money isn’t everything to the workers,” said Stepp. Chrysler Vice President Tho mas M iner said in a statement the automaker was “pleased that the agreement has been ratified. Now we can get back to the business of building quality cars. ” A total of33,036 workers voted. About 56,000 out of the 85,000 active and laid-off workers at Chrysler were eligible to vote, Stepp said. Balloting began at dawn and concluded at 6 p.m. EDT. In a break from tradition, the balloting at 52 Chrysler installations was held in one day to avoid letting early results influence later bal loting. Under the current pact, which expires in January, Chrysler work ers make about $2 an hour less than their counterparts at GM and Ford. The wage disparity came from three sets of concessions granted since 1979 to help Chrys ler avoid bankruptcy. The new contract, which ex pires in October 1985, gives Chrysler workers an immediate $1 an hour pay increase, with addi tional increases of $1.42 by the end of the pact. The increases mean the average hourly wage at Chrysler will in crease from the current $9.85 an hour to $12.27 by the end of the contract. The typical worker will receive increases of $8,625 over two years. ^est keepingthekll'H.6 million people, the pill by on classificationbwmillion. The condom, third in nth other criteria ■parity, is depended on by 4.5 peak English, pre eriencee and « llivan says. nt lion; IUD, 2.3 million; iphragm, 1.9 million; vaginal lermickles, 1.5 million; with- wal, 900,000; periodic absti- mce or the rhythm method Pope II endorses for Roman atholics, 600,000; other ethods, 200,000. The survey also showed: •Older, married women prefer erilization; younger, unmarried les, the pill. •Poor women rely on steriliza- m to a greater extent than more lent ones of the same age and arital status; black women are ore likely than white to use the Hand less likely to use steriliza- rehensive review of the system, pened Tuesday’s Is ing Korb would“l he Pentagon is ook, at military jd |^ ]0Ut | ia if 0 f unmarried and re-third of married women said would consider abortion if unintended pre- j what they usual around.’ aid Pentagon stat- ha(j an percent of the tirees are under 6Si : retired in their 1 .M S ApGlE CINEMA^ presents Burt Reynolds & Goldie Hawn “Best Friends” ONLY $1.00! Sponsored by L6wenbrau FRIDAY 7:30 & 9:45 p.m. RUDDER THEATRE jc Admiral Landol mg the militaryoffia urveys showed tbe ystem is the No, 1 people to remain it J be the “backbo# ic forces.” st Oak Mall jction-Sept. 20 T 16 hers, and THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND STUDENT CENTER Welcome you to Worship Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Friday 6:30 A.M. 00,9:15,11:00 A.M. and Invite You to Claeses aboui Hie Episcopal Church loi those preparing for confirmation y simpiy interested in the Church Classes begin Sunday, Sept. 25 8:00 P.M. ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 906 Jersey St. (South side of Campus) Ph. 696-1726 SATURDAY MIDNIGHT RUDDER THEATRE TRUFFAUT’S iteAfiO etetos SUNDAY 7:30 p.m. RUDDER THEATRE $1.50 with TAMU I.D. Advance ticket* available et MSC Box Office Mon.-Frl. 8:30- 4:30. Also 45 minutes before showtime. OVER 1000 TITLES-ALBUMS & CASSETTES THURS. IKI. SAT. 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