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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1983)
‘^K^SISSMIMLl k ^ ; m ■' |: Page 6/The Battalion/Thursday, July 211983 Battalion Classifieds FOR RENT WANTED LOCALLY OWNED PROPERTIES “IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE C, COURTYARD X-APARTMENTS “COLLEGE STATIONS STANDARD OF QUALITY” 600 UNIVERSITY OAKS C.S. STALLINGS DR. AT HWY. 30 & UNIVERSITY OAKS 693-2772 846-1413 CASA BLANCA “CONVENIENT QUALITY CLOSE TO THE CAMPUS’ 4110 COLLEGE MAIN -BRYAN- SHUTTLE BUS — SECURITY PROGRAM — CABLE TV — LAUNDRY MEETING ROOM — POOLS — RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ■M NOW LEASING FOR FALL/SPRING $ AfyVRTMENTS 1601 Holtomcm ColUg* Station 693-6716 SUMMER LEASES Close to campus. 2 bdrm 1 Vz bath with washer and dryer. Large walk-in closets, spacious floor plan. Large sundeck in rear. $325, 693-8685. 138tfn, A BARGAIN FOR 3 STUDENTS — practically new 3 bedroom, 2 bath 4-plex. Washer/dryer plus all kitchen appliances included. Close to university. As low as $145 per student. 696-7714/693- WANTED: Person with Masters or Ph.D. in Horticulture or with closely related Agricultural degrees or experience to manage a new ex perimental agricultural research station in Todd Mission, Texas, located on Highway 1774 between Plantersville and Magnolia, 45 miles South of College Station and 40 miles north of Houston. Salary commensurate with education and experience 1 months paid vaca tion, fully paid medical benefits, vehicle fur nished. Contact Texas Renaissance Festival, Rt. 2, Box 650, Plantersville, Texas, 77363, or call 713-356-2178. 174t6 LOOK!! Frantically, Desperately in search of Property to lease for new mobile home. City or country. Must have wa ter, sewer, electric hook up. Call 693-0364/Beth. ARBOR SQUARE One and two bedroom furnishedi' apartments available for im-' mediate occupancy. Call 693-j 3701 or come by 1700 Southwest Parkway. 29tfn TUTOR WANTED For a nine year old boy Math, Reading, Science. Former or Edu cation student preferred. Call 696- 0759 after 8 p.m. 174t3 SUMMER RATES!! 4-plexes close to TAMU. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $250 a month. W/D connections. Wa ter paid. No pets. Monday-Friday, 8-5, 779-1613. 152tfn Permanent loving homes for dogs and cats. Call about our ADOPTION PROGRAM, at the BRAZOS ANIMAL SHELTER. 169111 Houses for rent near campus. Scasta Inc. at 775-5870. Houses for rent near Post Oak B.B. Scasta Inc. at 775-5870. all B.B. 163tfn all. Call 163 tfn SPECIAL NOTICE “SWERSeFTs" Seeking energetic people to fill re sponsible positions. Now hiring Cooks, Fountain Workers and Dishwashers. Flexible hours, comoetitive wages. Apply in per son at Culpepper Plaza, College Station. Between 2-6 p.m. 174tfn • HOT TUB • EXERCISE ROOM • POOL • FRONT DOOR PARKING $ East Gate Apartments 401 Lincoln Dr. East 696-7380 NEW TOWNPLEXES W00DWAY VILLAGE ONE MONTH FREE RENT 2 Bedroom, 1 Vz bath, W/D connections, major kitchen appliances, carpet* drapes, convenient to TAMU. ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION AUGUST GRADUATES of TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY ANNOUNCEMENT ORDERS MAY BE PICKED UP IN THE MSC BROWSING LIBRARY BEGINNING JULY 18, 1983 Hours MON.-FRI. SAT.-SUN. 9AM-9PM 11 AM-1 OPM EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENTS (FOR THOSE WHO WERE UNABLE TO PLACE AN ORDER) WILL GO ON SALE, FIRST COME—FIRST SERVE MONDAY, JULY 25 1983—8:00 A.M. MSC STUDENT FINANCE CENTER ROOM 217 17518 SPECIAL NOTICE 2nd SUMMER SESSION OPTIONAL BOARD PLAN Students, on campus, of campus, and graduate, may dine on a meal plan during the 2nd Summer Session at TAMU. Students selecting the 7-day plan may dine three meals each day, except Sunday evening: those selecting the 5-day plan may dine three meals each day, Monday through Friday. Meals will be served in Commons. Fees are payable to the Controller of Accounts, Fiscal Office, Coke Building. Notice dates: Commons will be open for cash business on Registration day, July 7. Meal plans will begin on the first day of class, July 8. Fees for each plan are as follows: 7 Day $195.00 July 8 through 5 Day $176.00 August 12 PLUS TAX Meal plan validation will begin at 7:30 a.m., July 8, in the hallway to the Commons Facility. Fee slips will be required. JOE COURTNEY, INC. 696-5487 Office at 512 West Loop OTHER DUPLEXES AND FOURPLEXES AVAILABLE. CALL FOR INFORMATION. 124tf n JOE COURTNEY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Homes — Duplexes —| Apartments Available Now! 696-5487 1812 Welch Blvd. #110. UNIVERSITY ACRES COUNTRY LIVING AT REASONABLE PRICES 1 and 2 bedrooms on Cain road off Wellborn Road. Call Jane at 696-5487 (Joe Courtney, Inc.) 76tfn NEW MINI WAREHOUSES Sizes available 5 x 5 to 10x30. THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Long mire College Station ’ (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 1 764-8238 or 696-5487 Managed by Jog Courtney, Inc. 75tfr> Attractive, unfurnished 2 bdrm. apt. in modern fourplex. 1.7 miles from campus. Near shuttle. Washer/dryer connections, dish washer, disposal. Lots of trees. A bargain at $275! 693-7761. 174t3 BRAZOS m GOLF DRIVING RANGE Mon.-Frl. 12-9 p.m. Sat. 10-9 p.iri. Sun. 1 p.m.-8 p.m. 696-1220 East Bypass and Hwy. 30. Service Road Going South - y« miles. CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The DiamondsRoom Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 ittn SUBWAY The Nation’s #1 Sandwich Shop pe seeking energetic to fill respon sible positions. Flexible hours, competitive wages. Apply in per son at 1701 Southwest Parkway #204, between 1-4 p.m. M-F. 176tfn lost DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN i OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by. machine. $200-$750/montb J 846-2911 846-0396 - “ _ .24Hn, CASA DEL SOL One and two bedroom apartment available for immediate occupan cy. Call 696-3455 or come by 401 Stasney in College Station. 28tfn 4 Any person who has lost a dog or cat, please come by the BRAZOS ANIMAL SHEL TER, 2207 Pinfeather, Bryan, 775-5755. Commission sales person wanted for local security company. Alarm sales experience preferred; how ever, sales experience is a must. Excellent opportunity for a neat, organized, self starter. Call 779- 3027 or come by 710 Pepper Tree, Bryan, Texas. i74ts FOR SALE HELP WANTED Waitresses needed immediately at YESTERDAY’S. 4421 South Texas Av enue. Apply 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m., 846- 2625. 173t4 2 bedroom 1 bath on shuttle bus, family or 2 roommates. Low move-in. Call Steve, 693-8850. I74t5 Babysitter eeded Saturday evenings, 775- 4957. 172t4 Liberty Mobile Home 14x56, 1983, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, energy package, 3 miles to TAMU, equity negotiable, Call after 6, 775-1679, 846-7970. FOR SALE FURNITURE WAREHOUSE 4 Drwr Chests 44.95 5 Drwr Chests 54.95 Dresser/Mirror 94.95 5 Pc. Dining Set 69.95 Sofa Sleeper 235.00 Sofa & Chair Setst69.95 Recliners 89.95 3 Pc. Coffee/end TAble Twin Mat Sets Full Mat Sets Bed Frames TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLET 712 Villa Maria 822-5929 69.95 79.95 88.00 15.00 BY OWNER Perfect for family seeking exceptional home V2 mi. S. of campus * schools, parks, shopping within 1 mi. * 3 large bdrms, 2 full baths * great kitchen/dining—52 cabinets! * 2 living areas * oo dles of storage * quiet street, beautiful landscaping, estab. garden * call for appt. to see al extras—too many to list * $79,500* 696-1301 mte '81 Skyline 14x70 2 bdrm 2 bath hooked up on new lot with porch skirting and parking slabe, excel lent for student must see to ap preciate, 779-7543. 17413 Diamonds Va ct. thru 10 ct. II to 1F. All shapes; all colors. Diamonds for Aggie rings. GIA certified diamonds and in vestment portfolios. Rare and unusual colored gems. Gold jewelry by weight; complete custom jewelry service. Far below market prices. Call David Jen nings, '84, 846-6297. 16505 Saltwater aquarium fish, 693-9689. 173t7 Sorority-Fraternity house. Terms availa ble, 409-822-1719. 173tl3 1982 Honda XL500R, almost new excellent condition, $1800, 696-5518, 775-2490, David. I74t6 ’61 Rock L.P.’s. A thru Z. 693-1013 after 5 p.m. 176t4 Restored batteries, $21.95, 500 Carson 822-1719. 165t30 10-speed bikes, $115.00; $85.00, 846- 6958. 174t3 SERVICES TYPING. All kinds. Let us type your propos-; als, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services 100 W. Brookside 846-5794 I53tfq K’S TYPING SERVICE. Reports, Thesis, etc. 775-7710, 272-8200 (after 5). 173t5 TYPING—Theses Professional papers, dis sertations, reports or resumes. Call 693- 9689. ... 170tl0 Word Processing—Typing. Summer Dis count Rate. Cathy or Andi—696-9550. 170tfn TYPING, 823-7723. PRORLEM PREGNANCY? Free preg nancy testing and also referrals. Houston, Texas (713)524-0548. 152t38 Typing on word professing equipment. Experienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. 166121 WORD PROCESSING: Papers, reports, dissertations, etc. Fast, accurate, reason able, 846-6200. 171tl3 Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 r arp >ed Water officials ScljWb^'LOVt F WITH El Paso not frug; United Press International EL PASO — A Texas Depart ment of Water Resources offi cial said El Paso water officials are setting an example for the rest of the state in water conser vation, but the city is still not doing enough. The remarks came at the end of a hearing Tuesday to develop suggestions for the state water planning guide to be adopted by the Texas Water Development Board. The El Paso hearing is one of several being held throughout the state to get input for the guide, called, “Water for Texas, Planning for the Future.” “El Paso will have to become more frugal” with the water re sources available, said Dr. Her bert Grubb, director of planning for the State Water Resources Department, adding that the city-instituted water conserva tion programs are helpful. El Paso, he said, has limited sources of water available, un- ;thfi ict Farmers may fact* Fines for smuggle like eastern parts o(Tt| most conserve. A University ofla Paso scientist suggest«| store water in non Mexico reservoirs Elephant Butte Resent] has a high evaporaiii Elephant Butte is loan 120 miles north ofElF Richard Marston Geological Sciences De;.: also suggested thatl allowed credit forputti into the Rio Grandefrci storm water runoff. Elft gets credit for addirr.. , . , „ c TIE, United Press I the river from treate WASHINGTC effluent. tnts of dioxir The amount of wataBL Beach) f goes into the nvete ^ fair , cor amount of allotment^ ,, ^ ental federal agreem ^i^s stemm cials said. El Paso dra#! .. i2i from the river duringt* 8 L 6 e , mer months, purifies*^ pumos it into the a; t The ^ and supp y. Kit helped wii on buyout of Ti ihere’s no way loney can reim ffor loss of eistner told a and supply. United Press International DEL RIO — A north Texas couple, who federaf officials say smuggled illegal aliens to work on their egg farm, face up to $36,000 in fines if a plea bargain filed this week is approved. A hearing was scheduled next Monday for Ernest “Son ny” Mahard and his wife, Helen, owners of the Mahard Egg Corp. in Prosper. Assistant U.S. Attorney Dan Maeso of San Antonio said Tuesday the couple had signed an agreement to enter guilty pleas on all 10 counts filed against the corporation in ex change for having charges filed against them dropped. A Del Rio grand jury handed down the 10-count indictment in June, charging the Mahards with transporting and conspir ing to transport illegal aliens to their farm, located about 40 miles north of Dallas. William Chambers of the Im migration and Naturalization Service office in Dallas said the Mahards allegedly paid from $200 to $350 per worker to have Mexican workers shipped to Prosper. “Six “Trying nizing de to we have arrested HSjonizing death i aliens on their premises cult,” she said, bers said. 6-page statem He said he did noth enence has bee many illegal workers teller coaster i funneled through wha. eople.” led the Mahard "pipelimj Leistner, a c “All I can say is thierly lived in I brought in large numi'buisiana man e aliens and have paidfcoman all testi transportation," he said roblems of vicl Chambers said the Ml The mayor co aid other people to bnB exican workers north j] M deducted wages. the cost froiri ^rol “This is a normal put bondage-type situatiot Uni(ed Press said. “Last August thel DALLAS — Florida picked up analie ychological p said he had worked onat : rsof seven hoi farm north of Dallas. T ired by inter kept him there because hi we told they them money for transpc elow-average and they wouldn’t let hii ossibly bedwet “We were satisfied® ,1 Since January of this year. Bill: Don’t considei appointees’ party United Press International WASHINGTON — Two Democratic senators, one citing Missouri dioxin concerns, Tues day introduced a bill to block administrations from consider ing political affiliation in appointing scientists to nonpar tisan advisory boards. Sen. Thomas Eagleton of Missouri and Dale Bumpers of Arkansas introduced the mea sure that also would prohibit political appointees from inquir ing about the political affilia tions of candidates to nonparti san scientific advisory groups. Eagleton said newspaper accounts indicate the adminis tration has politicized “ostens ibly non-partisan appoint ments” in the Environmental Protection Agency, Federal was talking about the MaL| _ Chambers said. ffi | | Maeso said his office Tipi V j I , requested the Occupi®; Safety and Health AdicP * tion investigate the MahlBT*1 Q C connection with thelivinifl tions of these people (If f ‘ United Pres! SAVANNA! g more pris iswer to th roblem, an iberties Unio irticipants ai egislative coni Steve Ney, c „ A • ,Mthe ACLU’: Drug Administration ^ inte ture Department andWjj ^ isan ment or Interior. “ ° ent ot interior. rjim populat Newspaper reports it ^ ^ clear that this administraoi sa j { j n( required — to an extent'^ nnA tL^i, iquirea — to an exiem j^oQ pl) cedented by any previoui r nd ^ a nistration — a litmus tesi^Q qqq ar< ty loyalty as a prerequis] lt ’ com appointment of scientte | gis j ative Co] sa *S}‘ . . j “More bui Eagleton especially oK«» he s , EPA’s naming of « s(ms are n biochemist Dr. Matthe" y one son on a “hit list” of H l| e » unacceptable scientists a r re con scribing him as “poison-^J use G Nader on toxics.” Jnmunity se The bill would amC asin y t he Federal Advisory Lopg' Act “to prevent this kind! tortion of the selection pK 1 : he said. Mother fears missing son a murder victim Typing! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE, 331 University, 846- 3755. 174tfn Fastest most reliable typing in town-20 years experience. Reasonable tool 693-6483 or 693-8537. 174t6 Custom Typing and word processing, re sumes, fast, reasonable, 779-7868. 157)20 Typing, experienced, fast, accurate, all kinds 822-0544. 153tfn United Press International EL PASO — A Fort Bliss Marine captain and his wife who went backpacking in Idaho are dead, the victims of a bizarre wil derness group which murders people, the soldier’s mother said. Gilda Howard said Tuesday Capt. Robert Bravence, 28, and Cheryl, 26, failed to return from their trip to the Nez Perce Na tional Forest by way of her Scott sdale, Ariz., homejune 28 or 29. Bravence has been missing from the base since he failed to report to work July 2. “We have to be realistic,” she said. “We know they’re dead. We know what goes on out there. There are groups of peo ple out there that are murdering people on the trails.” Bravence works in the Marine Corps Administrative Detachment at Fort Bliss, where he teaches soldiers how to fire the HAWK (Homing All-the- Way Killer) anti-aircraft missile. Bravence’s commanding officer, Col. William Speights, said Bravence has a lot of re sponsibility and “was doing a su perb job.” Rravence, a native of Sher man, was a substitute tea' one of the El Paso sch( year. She was to begin u the second grade full tiitj fall. The couple has nocln Officials say evident* cates kidnapping and On June 21, an arearesl the Bravences’ Volk? 1 camper at the Kamiahtf near Orangeville. Ther* no people in it, but thet® Siberian husky was in it Three days later thesat sident went by the camp? found the dog tied toattf no vehicle. On June 22, Bravence ter Charge credit card in Oregon. Police sakf used illegally, but gavef tails. On July 5, the VWwas abandoned in a skid row? of Los Angeles. It contai-’ few camping articles, butt sonal items, Los Angeles cials reported. The vehi not show bloodstains, daU 1 other signs of foul play. The FBI, NationalForesj vice and law enforcment cies throughout the West? vestigating the case, Hem' said. TUES.: FARM F AL JWED. a, r- CHICKE 11-2 M— 5-10 11-10 s