Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1983)
ro-yo <Z/ (i tinJliUeiOs V i»ujr&UQy, JUfy Z'i, 'ivoo CUSTOM SOUNDSH CrDPIOIMEG BRING YOU CASINO NADNESS! The Bryan ted to consi PICK YOUR DOUBLES ROLL ’EH AND SET If FREE! July list, llnd& 13rd t | ;* i • tok < -1 That’s right* no kidding* for by Er Coum AM/PM STEftEO RECEIVER WW! SX-1*> Continuous ao- oraao powor output is IS watts por channel, min., at • ohms from *« hortz to 10,000 hertz with no more than 0.3% total harmonic distor tion. NOW 119 95 reg. The PL-® Is one of the most popular turntables we sell. Partly because It’s semi-automatic belt driven; but mostly be cause It’s a Pioneer! ISO 00 NOW I9 9S -ii iiiii’vjs); ■ j"' 1 1 [ CT-dR Auto-Reserve Cassette Deck*ffea- tures like the robbon sendust* 1 motor di rect drive design* so lenoid logic control* B & C Dolby make it the best buy for your money. !XD-IS,ODO Hz (metal tape). link Drivers >lic beverage Rhe propos unsporting, c ('open contai rage. It also days we’re bringing you priceq*^; * Ss alleys c equipment except »i. ^.in the or on Pioneer that are the lowest ever au» ei av ' Kirk Browi thorized by Pioneer. And* tahMeropfde, mat the mee your chance to win it FREE! PicC'ouhe o : any doubles, roll one time* if y« R«he counci proposal \ end a. hit it you get it free — one rol,„ otheract ^changing per item. |||g |x.'4 0 Ke that req Gcated at Kt. A stud) wed that c lies are not r.lh< "J' sx-c Scmnuccc fr v«' pi. r i,., .. •itaVcusrtz srnUwslitritiR ■“naiice. wi«t» tt»u,n pmHimnar the I e f eet so m mlw. M«^wi.frwii u[d COmpl’ hertz *. lO.OCC herd<Mt ,,,,, ‘•■tejcouncil wi a*.nlc dis<.rti.n. K er meeting. reg. 3 3S** NOW kOUL regl l ,J «ht, the cou reg. 3SO wo NOW t*9 M YOU BUY ’I YOU ROLL ’El I, YOU CALL ’EH YOU 6ET ’EH FREE r a street mt purch tholes and s tx-r C.ntinucus average power output is dO watts per channel min. at • ohms from 10-10,000 Hz with Hie count 3 direct drive motor transport w/quartz direct drive capstan, auto reverse, ribbon sendust heads, 3 heads for monitoring capability, Dolby B & C circuitry (switchablo) frequency re sponse: 10-10,000 Hz (metal tape) & much more. I 1 ta-'H - ill 0.000% total harmanlc distertian; OC pewar amplifier; eight AM and aicht FM preset stations, station seen, Oicital display of fracuancy, volume, and time; Klaetrenla (touch) function, tunlna. and vslume controls; Mevlns ceil aar- tridse capability. ■J) 1> 0> [request ulier Fiek ■ : a i * I reg. 550*° NOW de constr Htional j hiding of t prt. Alsc jeonstrue |f 5 el storage reg. OJS 00 now 399 os KP-1SOO Mew from Pioneer... in dash cassette deck with AH/FH stereo, lochina fast forward, Ftf muting, volume, tone A. balance controls and power antenna activator. , , 0 sx-a IOO watts eentlnueut avert(< pi I er per ehannel minimum si I fhn from 10-10.000 Hz with n, mn than 0.005% tatal harmonic ilstir ti.n; totally aaaiputer c.nirtlM new awitahlna circuitry; 0< pwir amplifier and dlsltal display Pin cuency, vslume, tone, and dm. II reg. I 39* NOW \95 reg. 800 90 NOW by B i go 9 * -1. Ay. AUTO SOUNDS BRAND NEW! WITH reg. *4-9 9 * NOW 109 KP-A400 IN-DASH CASSETTE AH/FH STEREO o SUPERTUMER® III o 5-Station Pre-set o Automatic Replay After Rewind o Husic Search PL-'t Auto-return di rect drive turntable with statically bal anced lew mass Polymar Graphite straight pipe tone arm. reg NOW : ft: 7 PL-5 Fully automat ic direct drive turntable with 0.014% wow & flutter. reg. I80| NOW 119 NOW pr* TS-191 I 5 •/*" Single Cone Speak ers a Special tkin de sign* shallow depth ■ 4.2 oz. Strontium magnet a Haximum in put 20 watts a Haunts in hard-to-fit places ■ Water-resistant cone ■ reg. 80* TS-108 4" Two-Way Speak ers a 0.5 oz. stron tium magnet a Hax imum input 20 watts a Horn twee ter ■ Coaxially mounted tweeter a •/« priced at OO TS-0005 O" x 9" HAXXIAL 3- Way Speakers a 80 watts max Husic Power ■ 15.5 oz. higk energy stron tium magnet■ NOW pr. reg. lOS 99 Cone pr. TS-1 OO 4" Single Speakers a 7 oz. magnet a Haximum input 20 watts ■ High compliance ■ TS-1055K O •/*" HAXXIAL Door- Heunt 3-Way Speaker a OO watts max Husic Power ■ Water resistant GE cone ■ 0.5 oz. high energy* strongium magnet a NOW pr. reg. I SO* WITH PRICES THIS LOW, YOU CAN’T LOSE! CUSTOM THE STORE WORTH LOOKIHO FOR 3806 A Old €.11080 Rd. NEXT TO TRIANCLE BOWL S. COLLEGE TEXAS A4M UNIVERSm customX Q SOUNDS \ OPEN >- L \ MON.-SAT. | TRIANGLE • \ 10-6 u BOWL V > C °t-LEGe WELLBORN ROAD J assified al.... 'pinions late .. . Ostly c th a hi 'ar 1 o r Mo e dnesc