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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1983)
Page 10/The Battalion/Wednesday, June 22,1983 Research says wait then exercise to lose weight Warped United Press International ITHACA, N.Y. — Exercising within a couple of hours after eating may burn off more calor ies than exercising on an empty stomach, says Dr. David Levitsky of Cornell University. But exercising immediately after eating is not a good idea because it interferes with the absorption of nutrients in the in testines. Wait about an hour, suggests the professor of nutri tional sciences and associate pro fessor of psychology. Levitsky’s remarks are based on a Cornell research project in dicating exercise not only is a very important factor in weight regulation but that its timing is very important. Levitsky and graduate stu dent Eva Obarzanek studied luxus consumption — the idea that people who overeat gain far less weight than could have been expected, given the large amount of calories consumed. Obarzanek said this indicates that exercising after overeating stimulates the rate at which calories are burned off. To study the phenomenon, she and the professor tested lean college students while eating normally, fasting, and over eating. On the day after each dietary regimen, the volunteers ate a normal meal and, 45 minutes la ter, began walking on a slightly inclined treadmill at 3 mph for 20 minutes. An increase in calorie burnoff did not occur right after eating or by exercise only. The professor said this im plies either dieting alone or ex ercising alone undermines the body’s natural capability to burning calories through exer cise. “Most people gain back the weight they lose from dieting very quickly,” he said, so the way people expend calories may be the key to weight reduction. The Cornell nutritionists found burning of calories in creased about 10 percent to 15 percent after eating normally or by fasting on day one and then eating normally and exercising on day two. But when the students who overate on the first day ate a nor mal meal the second day and then exercised, the thermogene sis rate increased almost 50 per cent. “This shows how the body rids itself of extra calories con sumed when you overeat,” Levitsky said. “And it also points out how important exercise is to any weight-loss diet. Without exer cise, these calories don’t have any way to burn up,” he said. The research also supports the idea that the heaviest meals should be eaten at breakfast and lunch. “People are more active dur ing the day, so if you want to burn off more calories, it’s better to eat earlier in the day,” the professor said. The exercise can be as little as a brisk 20 minute walk at the recommended time. Mexican firms opened up Investment rules changel United Press International MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s largest leftist party accused the government of “selling out” to the United States by modifying investment regulations to allow foreigners to become majority owners in Mexican firms. will help solve the country’s eco nomic crisis. Rubio del Cueto said that the new regulations should spur U.S. investment in Mexico to 25 percent over the amount in vested during 1982. “Modifications in our invest ment laws will oply serve to deepen our dependence on U.S. imperialism in commercial and financial relations,” said Jaime Trejo, spokesman for the com- list-dominated PSUM. mumst- PRESENT THIS COUPON BEFORE ORDERING AND RECEIVE Now you know TOSTADA with purchase of one at regular price. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PERSON PER VISIT. HAJ»A-llPJn. NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. VOID AFTER AUG.15, 1983. IHCO1&1BEI1I1 United Press International Dooley Wilson, the piano player in the classic movie Casablanca, was a singing drum mer and could not play a note. But the president of the Mex ico-United States Chamber of Commerce, Ernesto Rubio del Cueto, said in a published report Monday that increasing the flow of badly needed foreign capital The United Socialist Party (PSUM) added its voice to critic ism, mostly from the left, of the government’s announcement that foreign investors could leg ally exceed the current 49 per cent limit in new capital ven tures. Mexican and foreign busi nessmen alike have long criti cized the law as restricting the flow of capital into Mexico. The easing of foreign invest ment rules comes at a time when Unite hou; the Hoi feel the unit and make a they pla Tuesday 1 Phi 1 and scor Scott fin Houstor the Atlai hurled h foreign loans are virtually un available because Mexico lacks Public to pick Olympic, outfits GOOD ONLY AT ARCHIE’S TACO BELLS BUY, SUL, TRADE OB BENT THROUGH THE United Press International — Americans will have a chance to vote this summer at stores throughout the country on the outfits the U.S. team will wear at the opening parade of the 1984 Olympic games. With the approval of the U.S. Olympic Committee, citizens will cast ballots to select which of the three looks — Western, ac tive or classic — will best repre sent the United States when the team marches into the Los Angeles Coliseum during the official opening ceremonies. The parade of nations will kick off the Summer Games on July 8, 1984. THE BOSS IS OUT OF TOWN! Through June 23, 1983 Everything In The Store Will Be 20-30% Off GIBSON ACOUSTIC MARSHALLI CRATE ROLAND KORG BWSKM1MTMUIU) MUSICIANS’WORLD Woodstone Center Harvey Road 693-8808 FENDER LEGEND BOSS TAMA REMO KIMBALL You Won’t Find Prices Like This Anywhere Else; So Hurry In And Save! “Past experience tells us a feeling of national pride radi ates across the United States when our athletes assemble en masse at opening ceremonies. We feel by inviting the public to select the parade outfits we will help strengthen the country’s feeling of Olympic involve ment,” said Robert D. Haas, ex ecutive vice president of Levi Strauss & Company. Levi is the official outfitter for the U.S. Olympic team. “By letting the ‘voice of the people’ determine the final selection, the outfit will truly re flect the spirit of the United States,” Haas said. “It’s the first time ever the public has been given a chance to get involved,” said Betty Louis, director of Olympic mer chandising for Levi. Louis said voters can cast their ballot at participating retail stores carrying Levi. The ballot ing period is from July I through Sept. 30, 1983. She said the three red, white and blue outfits were developed for the Olympics after the com pany polled former Olympians on what they were most com fortable wearing. “We also looked at fiber con tent, fabric care, and clean, sim ple designs,” she said. “The athletes have a lot of pride in representing America, but they don’t always want to go every where wrapped up like a flag. “We also found we had special problems in dealing with the outfitting of world-class athletes. Trying to outfit the 80- pound gymnist and the 300- pound weight lifter in the same thing meant doing some re search,” she said. Louis said the team members have conditioned their bodies and developed muscles the gen eral public has not. “General sizes you find in the store just won’t work. We will be making clothes from sizes triple extra small to triple extra-large.” “We had to sew a 40-inch in seam in a pair of pants one time, and make a pair of mens’ size 15 shoes.” She said each athlete will have a wardrobe of at least 35 items. This will include a medals suit to be worn when presented with the bronze, silver or gold awards, a set of casual wear items including jeans, and a for mal outfit for television inter views or other occasions. A team of more than 200 workers will set up shop in Los Angeles to do fittings and alterations for the athletes in a 24-hour period. sufficient dollars to ketf principle payments on iti $84 billion foreign dek The Mexican govt meanwhile pledged tod! almost 1.5 million acre to 20,000 landless peas year and indicated soik terrain could be codI from large landownm Agrarian Reform ! Luis Martinez Villicana lsecond c million acresofejidos- year. H owned farms thatarew individual farmersinsi also will be certifitdHhe Br runner i I “ Thi: ftott sa working guys nu me. Thr helped. I "it is oui aga league, 1 to heat gers in i give us sion rac ■ Astro Knight assessrm I “Our playing (past thr said. “I not too teams ii jitow, I f the top league." Garm “There the team br the tradition of tradinj outfits with other athletes because the hats, sheepskin jackeisv all-jeans made suchai of the ‘Western Wod she said. “This nextyti oters are expectingavi dience of 2.5 billion, Angeles Coliseum hdi) more people, so wt something the athletes and feel good in. It's! public now to decide. Louis said those wlto| the fashion referendum be eligible for a randomi for two grand prizes! $25,000 each. The gran home r also include a behind lkt Atlanta trip to the 1984Sutn«'| pics, and clothes. fDIEM'Ou' KNOW?! You can walk to the SOUPER SALAD | within a few minutes for the greatest! soups in Texas. You may pick and* choose your own salad from the twen-1 ty-six foot salad bar with great condi-1 a MSC Cafeteria Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. Each Daily Special Only $2.39 Plus Tax. “Open Daily” Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. — 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M Houston, police de; sued in shooting United Press International HOUSTON — A Baytown man shot by an off-duty police man as he rode in a car on the merits and dressings. WALK AND SAVE To the Sbisa Basement OPEN Monday through Friday 10:45 a.m.-1:45 p.m. QUALITY FIRST' I I //i I 115 (6U«g* Nodi' S4S-67U 12:00 2:35 5:0B 7:48 10:15 “SUPERMAN” III (R) On Two 8cr*«n* BkUETHUNOE; X- TR) 1:15 3:15 5:15 7:15 9:1i ‘FLASHDANCE” (R) ' 1:45 3:45 5:45 7:45 9:50 bosto Bigeles Stable tc city’s West Loop in draft-pic filed a $9,400 dam« against the officer, other Houston and former■hj (( ( Inning Kevin Roy DavidWF'' former Houston pofcl Robert Bernard '] prime defendant in ik f | Davidson charges'! fired a gun intothecai-f Davidson was riding 4 officer and people in DtJ car exchanged hand gel the freeway. ValentineT private car. MONDAY EVENING TUESDAY EVENING WEDNESDAY SPECIAL SPECIAL EVENING SPECIAL Saliscury Steak with Mexican Fiesta Dinner Chicken Fried Steak w cream Gravy Mushroom Gravy Two Cheese and Onion Enchiladas Whipped Potatoes and Choice of one other Whipped Potatoes w chili Vegetable Your Choice of Mexican Rice Roll or Corn Bread and Butter One Vegetable Patio Style Pinto Beans Coffee or Tea Roll or. Corn Bread and Butter Tostadas Coffee or Tea Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL r j „ N o j Oc.ia' Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing — Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FOR YOUR PROTtCTHON OUR PERSONNEL HAVE HEALTH CARDS. 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