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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1983)
Wednesday, June 15, 1983/The Battalion/Page 5 Heart Association reports kids should eat less salt ' minute n lildingwas he said, ally, stayed en, they iking windi;, lumping, tojumpJtj P- I broke! ost broket 'inoke red* '^eroonbiis jacent to tk temporarilt i rest the b slowed toa ae hotel lltn md smoke ihoma Cityl aving at the gional meta ig lire eg; ire thief Ora Jerry Slit United Press International DALLAS — The American Heart Association recommends children begin a lifelong pattern of healthy eating by sharply re ducing their consumption of salt and cholesterol, especially from high fat-foods like meats and dairy products. The guidelines, released Monday in a document called “Diet In The Healthy Child,” note that most children do have good dietary habits, but these degenerate as they reach adult hood and make them more pro ne to heart attacks and vascular disease.. “The goal is to try to prevent the rise in cholesterol levels in children by developing an eat ing pattern in childhood which will make it possible to keep levels down later in life,” the booklet said. The guidelines also con tained a “strong recommenda tion that children limit their in take of salt by cutting down on highly salted processed foods and sodium-containing condi ments and not adding salt to foods.” On cholesterol, the statement recommended no more tham 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day, with a fat ratio of approximately 10:10:10 — that is, 10 percent saturated fats, ab out 10 percent monounsatured and less than 10 percent po ly unsatured. Although cholesterol con sumption levels vary by race and culture, recent federal studies reveal a rapid change as white boys grow into adults — from 391 milligrams at age 10 to 505 milligrams at age 19. Existing evidence indicates that atherosclerosis (a degenera tive disease of the arteries that can lead to hardened or blocked blood passages) begins in the childhood years, the Heart Association said. Artery disease is a major cause of heart attack. “Cholesterol is transported in the bloodstream in fat-rich molecules called lipoproteins. (It) appears to be harmful to the body,” the report said. A healthy diet should empha size fresh fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates and high quality protein such as dairy products and lean cuts of meat, fish and chicken. The Heart Association noted that many low-fat dairy products are available. The group said egg yolks “contain a concentrated amount of cholesterol and should be li mited .” Daily caloric intake should be based on growth rate, activity level and amount and content of fat on the child‘s body, the Heart Association said. Generally, however, a child’s daily intake of calories should be divided in this manner: 15 per cent from protein, 55 percent from complex carbohydrates such as beans, cereals and Any family’s diet should be nutritionally adequate in vita mins and minerals and consist of a variety of foods, the group said. In New York, the Amer ican Council on Science and Health, a consumer-education group, said it saw no harm in reducing the calorie and sodium content of the diets of some chil dren. But a statement added, “We have serious reservations about the recommendations of the American Heart Association task force.” It said the recommendations “are based on speculative and controversial results in the area of diet and prevention of heart disease. The recommendations may lead parents to eliminate highly nutritious foods (particu larly eggs, whole milk and meat products) from the diets of chil dren.” 2 killed, 7 injured in Juarez wrecks v inland Class not eat aw vhich the tli ng the east iver. lined a hike tv in ad inary res* or 2'/a how to save le Sandoval! It’s a dog’s life having to wait around on aeople all this time, and this dog is no txception. Expecting her owner Tues day, she checked out everyone leaving the Underground Railroad snack bar. United Press International JUAREZ, Mexico — Two acci dents killed three people and in jured seven others Sunday night, Juarez state judicial police said Monday. Police said Cesar Falcon Aranda, 10, Joaquin Bernal Rodarte, 11, and an unidenti fied woman in her 4ate 30s were killed instantly when a drunken driver lost control of his vehicle and ran into the taco stand where they were eating. In cri- °y> ihot 3, to eath United Press International ION ROE — Montgomery .inty authorities say an New [ley boy, 8, accidentally shot killed his brother, 3, last kend. partments sky was tali Medical Cti after an ew tit a and had ton andingontl* d. ties of the inguish fr«B^ hei ‘ 1 fs spokesman Ed De- s ajr°ii-st says the boys and their 'll -i niii filler, Paula Hernandez, were TirwnPliug the home of a friend. I 1 « £"i)eK,,, cs. says Vi,Ken! Reyes, 'illnl fdilp P la V in 8 with llis brHth er, alle<l , uan Hernandez, when Vincent ren ' , Somehow got a pistol. 1 S 10 H\fter the gun discharged and |ian was wounded in the head, 1 i-n |e^vas taken to a Houston hos- JJJpital where he died. DOUGLAS JEWELRY 15% STUDENT DISCOUNT WITH CURRENT ARM ID (REPAIRS NOT INCLUDED) Keepsake Registered Diamond Rings PULSAR, SEIKO, BULOVA St CROTON WATCHES AGGIE JEWELRY USE YOUR STUDENT DISCOUNT TO PURCHASE A DIAMOND FOR YOUR CLASS RING (AND LET US SET IT FOR YOU) 212 N. Main AND Culpepper Plaza Downtown Bryan College Station 822-3119 693-0677 MC VISA DINNERS CLUB AM EXPRESS LAYAWAYS INVITED tical condition from that acci dent was Ramiro Falcon, 35. Also injured were Imelda Fal con Aranda, 11, and Jose Atila Bernal Rodarte, 14. The driver, Pablo Salas Olvera, was charged with driv ing while intoxicated and negli gent homicide, police said. In the early morning hours Monday, a hit-and-run driver drove a car into the bedroom of a home, injuring Teresa Ara gon, 24, and her children, aged 8, 6, and 4. NOW OPEN The newest in Video Games & Music Pole Position—Chexx—Mappy Mad Planets—Millipede & More! The Best in Games & Music to compli ment your favorite food & beverage. Northgate — between Duddley’s & Cowhop grains, and 30 percent from fat. £ * ★ * 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c 4c 1 4c 4c 4c 4c presents SILVER CREEK 7 p.m. to 12 midnight • A&M students get in FREE (7 p.m.-8:30 p.m.) with current A&M I.D. card & valid drivers license 50<2 Miller Lite Ponies 7 p.m.-12 midnight 5 FRIDAY NIGHT Q Music by } HAWKEYE 1 MUG NIGHT We'll yL Bring your favorite beer mug (up to 20 oz.) ^ fill it each time for 25<t from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. ^ 315 College North 846-6714 X “CHAINED HEAT” (R) 1:15-3:30-5:45-8:00-10:00 “BREATHLESS” (R) 1:00-3:13-5:30-7:45-10:00 ress Inten ONI0- I School! e diabeticsJ e insulin vithin thf«| s rs P re . , American i 43rd Inte^ ssion in * i C. Mpjes*] volvesatij' bile salt"" | liable 113*1 d that the nssed tl' e ducedapi lininthe® ding l eve 1 [ vard pro'll ,f the Beik| ioston. ned that M of the te] known as needed® J on a wi< : “BEASTMASTER” (PG) t;’. 12:45-5:15-9:45 •“SWORD & SORCERER”x (R) 3:00-7:30 m im “BLUE THUNDER” (R) ■ fc3S^;55-H2g^5- “SAVANNA SMILES” (G) 1:15-3:15-5:15-7:15-9:15 "FLASHDANCE” (R) 1:45-3:45-5:45-7:45 9:50 LOOKING FOR i FOR YOUR STAY AT TEXAS CONDO A&M? SCHULMAN THEATRES $1 OFF 1st ADULT TICKET SHOW EACH DAY 2:35 4:50 7:15 9:45 WAR GAMES Dolby ,2:35 4:50 7:15 9:45 PSYCHO II Dolby 2:30 4:45 7:10 9:35 MAN WITH TWO BRAINS it doe iedj 0 continu' halation c* patient 5 years, nnllion ■ 11 s, a diseasf which not iduced. proper'! ier food 5 ; inha^ 10 " ably not w" ejection 5 minis»' atl injection 5 he said' 2:30 4:45 7:10 9:35 TRADING PLACES OCTOPUSSY (Dolby) 2:25 4:50 7:20 9:55 30 4. 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